14 research outputs found

    Dobbs in the EU

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    EU leaders and institutions have reacted strongly to the US Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs, which overturned Roe v. Wade and held that the right to abortion was not consitutionally protected. Shortly after the decision was made public, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning Dobbs, and calling for the right to abortion to be included in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Including a right to abortion in the Charter may take years, and may never happen, as amendments to the Charter will require the ratification by each Member State. The impulse behind the resolution is, however, entirely justified. Despite the fact that Member States have overall liberalized their legal regimes regulating abortion, many legal and informal obstacles still remain on the ground. Rather than seeing Dobbs as an ‘American phenomenon’, as a specific, historically-situated product of the ongoing US ‘culture wars,’ it should serve as a reminder that the right to abortion remains fragile in the European Union, too

    Electrostatic extrusion as a dispersion technique for encapsulation of cells and bioactive compounds

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    Significant development of cells and bioactive compound encapsulation technologies is taking place due to an exceptional possibility of their application in various scientific disciplines, including biomedicine, pharmacy, cosmetology, food and agricultural sciences, beverage production, industrial waste treatment. Despite the broad application of microencapsulation, the literature reviews on dispersion techniques for microcapsule/microbead production, their advantages, restrictions and drawbacks are scarce. The purpose of this paper is to assess the possibilities of electrostatic extrusion for encapsulation of biological material, including living cells in hydrogel microbeads. The paper presents an overview of the mechanisms of droplet formation and controlling experimental parameters for producing microbeads by means of electrostatic extrusion. Electrostatic droplet formation utilizes a special type of physical process taking advantage of electrostatic effects occurring in flowing conductive liquids after introduction of an electric field. When an electrostatic field is applied to the metal needle and an electric charge is induced in the liquid flowing out of the needle, the size of droplet detaching from the needle tip decreases as a function of applied electrostatic field. It has been shown that few parameters affect microbead size: applied voltage, electrode geometry, needle size, polarity arrangement and polymer concentration. The electrostatic droplet formation is one of the most precise methods, which enables one to produce spherical and uniform particles ranging from 100 up to 1000 mu m. Most of the authors report that the encapsulated compounds (drugs, enzymes and living cells) remain unaltered after electrostatic extrusion. This technique seems to be particularly promising in biotechnology, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, where a low-temperature process, preserving heat-sensitive material is a prerequisite. Future efforts in developing of electrostatic extrusion should be directed towards adequately scaling-up for commercial purpose

    Matične ćelije alpske ruže, skvalen maslinovog ulja i prirodni alkil-poliglukozidni emulgator - da li su odgovarajući sastojci kremova za vlaženje - in vivo efikasnost na zdravoj i koži iritiranoj natrijum lauril sulfatom?

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    Background/Aim. Since skin moisturization may be achieved by both actives and chosen carrier, plant stem cells, squalene and natural alkyl polyglucoside emulsifier may be potential components of contemporary cosmetic products. The aim of the study was in vivo evaluation of the skin irritation potential and the efficacy of Alpine Rose stem cells incorporated into liposomes and olive oil squalene as ingredients of moisturizing creams, with respect to the novel emulsifier used for creams' stabilization. Methods. With the employment of noninvasive skin biophysical measurements, skin hydration (EC), transepidermal water loss (TEWL), erythema index (EI) and viscoelasticity were measured on 76 healthy volunteers. In the first phase, skin irritation after a 24-hour occlusion and the long-term efficacy of creams (a 21-day study) on healthy skin were evaluated. Phase II of the study focused on the cream efficacy assessment after a 6-day treatment of sodium lauryl sulfate-irritated skin. Results. After a 24-hour occlusion, there were no significant changes in the EI for any tested sample. In the second phase of the study, the EI was not significantly altered for the cream containing squalene, while the application of all active samples resulted in a significant reduction of TEWL. In both phases of the study an EC increase was recorded, especially for the squalene-containing cream. Conclusion. Due to the lack of skin irritation and skin barrier impairment along with the marked hydration effect, it could be said that the investigated actives incorporated into alkyl polyglucoside emulsifier-stabilized creams may be safely applied as ingredients for "tailor-made" cosmetic moisturizers intended for normal and dry skin care, whereas olive oil squalene could be used for the treatment of irritated or sensitive skin as well.Uvod/Cilj. S obzirom na to da vlaženje kože može biti postignuto izborom kako aktivnih supstanci, tako i odgovarajućeg nosača, biljne matične ćelije, skvalen i prirodni alkil poliglukozidni emulgator mogu biti potencijalni sastojci savremenih kozmetičkih proizvoda. Cilj ovog rada bio je in vivo procena iritiranog potencijala i efikasnosti matičnih ćelija alpske ruže dodatih u liposome i skvalena maslinovog ulja, kao sastojaka vlažećih krema, imajući u vidu nov emulgator koji je korišćen za njihovu stabilizaciju. Metode. Upotrebom neinvazivnih metoda zasnovanih na biofizičkim merenjima na koži, kod 76 zdravih dobrovoljaca mereni su: hidratacija kože (EC), transepidermalni gubitak vlage (TEWL), eritema indeks (EI) i viskoelastičnost kože. U prvoj fazi studije vršena je procena iritacije kože nakon 24-h okluzije, kao i procena efikasnosti krema nakon primene na zdravoj koži dobrovoljaca u trajanju od 21 dana. Druga faza studije bila je bazirana na proceni efikasnosti krema nakon 6-dnevnog tretmana kože prethodno iritirane natrijum-lauril-sulfatom. Rezultati. Nakon 24-h okluzije nije bilo značajne promene vrednosti EI ni kod jednog ispitivanog krema. U drugoj fazi studije, krem sa skvalenom nije značajno uticao na promenu vrednosti EI, dok je primena svih aktivnih krema dovela do značajnog sniženja vrednosti TEWL. U obe faze studije zabeležen je porast EC, naročito nakon primene krema koji sadrži skvalen. Zaključak. Uzevši u obzir odsustvo nadraženosti kože i narušavanja kožne barijere, kao i porast hidratacije površinskog sloja kože, može se reći da se ispitivane aktivne supstance ubačene u kreme stabilizovane alkil-poliglukozidnim emulgatorom mogu bezbedno koristiti kao komponente tzv. "skrojenih" kozmetičkih ovlaživača namenjenih za negu zdrave i suve kože, dok se skvalen maslinovog ulja može koristiti i za negu iritirane i osetljive kože

    Le déni de reconnaissance : un essai sur le droit transnational, les identités et les exclusions

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    Cette étude examine à la lumière des notions de reconnaissance et du déni de reconnaissance qui sont toutes les deux issues de la philosophie politique, l’articulation entre le droit international privé (« le DIP ») et la discipline des droits de l’Homme dans le contexte transnational. La problématique centrale étudiée ici est la suivante : de quelle manière est-ce que les luttes politiques pour la reconnaissance des identités marginalisées, modifient-elles les raisonnements et les techniques de résolution des conflits transnationaux employées par les juges nationaux ? En philosophie politique, la reconnaissance suppose le respect de l’altérité et de la différence de l’Autre. Contrairement à la reconnaissance, le déni de reconnaissance renvoie aux processus culturels et économiques qui engendrent et renforcent l’humiliation et le mépris quotidiens pour ceux dont les identités diffèrent de la norme sociale. L’argument général défendu dans ce travail est le suivant : les processus de décision dans l’espace transnational, c’est-à-dire les modes de raisonnements juridiques, reproduisent les stigmatisations des identités individuelles et collectives. Le DIP et les droits de l’Homme légitiment et participent ainsi à des processus politiques d’exclusion des communautés qui ont été culturellement marginalisées au cour de l’histoire et continuent de l’être. Le droit légitime ainsi le déni de reconnaissance qui constitue déjà l’espace politique.The broad questions this work is addressing are the following: How are the contemporary struggles for recognition by marginalized identity groups affecting legal practices used by domestic judges in order to resolve questions related to the competent forum, applicable law and legal recognition of foreign judgments? In order to answer these and other related questions, the present study analyzes the interplay between PIL legal practices and human rights norms, in the light of the political notion of recognition and misrecognition that I borrow from political philosophy. The broad argument that I make is the following: the processes of adjudicative decision-making in the transnational context that are traditionally regulated by private international law are conducive to instances of political misrecognition. Misrecognition casts light on instances in which legal transnational practices enforce the political failure to accept the stigmatized individual and to interact with him or her on an equal footing. This argument will be examined using three specific legal questions: the legal recognition of the Muslim talaq divorces in French courts; the recognition of legal transnational effects of same-sex unions and adoption by same-sex couples, and the recognition of indigenous peoples’ land claims

    Measuring the Effects of Forest SPA Programme in Urban Parks Using Active Imagination

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    Nature has been shown to be beneficial to our overall health and well-being. We are all connected to nature and it is important to maintain this vital connection for our health and well-being. Spending time outside in nature or urban parks has been shown to positively affect a person’s emotions and improve their sense of well-being. Access to nature balances circadian rhythms, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and increases absorption of Vitamin D. Increasingly, evidence demonstrates that contactwith the living world around us is an important part of healing and recovery. The natural world’s role in human wellbeing is an essential, yet often forgotten, aspect of healthcare. Of particular importance are the benefits one can derive through interaction with natural environments. Reincorporating the natural world is practiced to move healthcare toward being more “green”. Spiritual well-being is enhanced through the experience of greater interconnections, and it occurs when interacting with the natural world. One study examined the physiological and psychological responses to real forest landscapes as well as the therapeutic uses of forests relative tourban environments. Lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol have been reported in adults subsequent to performing the same mental activities in a garden setting vs. an indoor classroom. A separate study involving over 11,000 adults from Denmark showed that living more than 1 km away from green space (forests, parks, beaches, lakes) were 42 percent more likely to report high stress and had the worst scores on evaluations of general health, vitality, mental health and bodily pain The landscape itself offers retreat from daily routine. The aim of our research was to measure the effects of Forest SPA programs on attendants’ well-being. Research has been organized in cooperation between Health college Belgrade and Medical SPA Association of Serbia. There were fourteen participants taking part in the research.Prior to Forest SPA program all participants, 14 students on specialization in Medical Wellness were invited to half-an-hour active imagination (mandala drawing) workshop. Drawing Mandala is a meditation in motion,dreaming with open eyes, and during the process of active imagination the unconscious self is active and not passive like in dreams. Using the data and research methodology from Henderson’s Empirical Study of the Healing Nature of Artistic Expression we designed our investigation. After 90 minutes of Forest SPA program in selected Urban park, participants were invited to draw mandala to describe how they feel at that moment. Several participants (8 of them) attended a 90-minute City SPA program with Tibetan bowls vibration massage. At the end of the SPA program they were invited to draw mandala. Analyzing symbols and colors, number of symbols and their relationship in presented mandalas we can realize the effects of the Forest SPA programs in urban parks on achieving better emotional balance and enhancing individualization process in participants. Our pilot research of Active imagination (by drawing mandalas) revealed that it can be used as a part of Forest SPA program as ART therapy and at the same time as an instrument for individual approach to the client of Forest SPA program as a medical SPA concept


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    Nature has been shown to be beneficial to our overall health and well-being. We are all connected to nature and it is important to maintain this vital connection for our health and well-being. Spending time outside in nature or urban parks has been shown to positively affect a person’s emotions and improve their sense of well-being. Access to nature balances circadian rhythms, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and increases absorption of Vitamin D. Increasingly, evidence demonstrates that contactwith the living world around us is an important part of healing and recovery. The natural world’s role in human wellbeing is an essential, yet often forgotten, aspect of healthcare. Of particular importance are the benefits one can derive through interaction with natural environments. Reincorporating the natural world is practiced to move healthcare toward being more “green”. Spiritual well-being is enhanced through the experience of greater interconnections, and it occurs when interacting with the natural world. One study examined the physiological and psychological responses to real forest landscapes as well as the therapeutic uses of forests relative tourban environments. Lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol have been reported in adults subsequent to performing the same mental activities in a garden setting vs. an indoor classroom. A separate study involving over 11,000 adults from Denmark showed that living more than 1 km away from green space (forests, parks, beaches, lakes) were 42 percent more likely to report high stress and had the worst scores on evaluations of general health, vitality, mental health and bodily pain The landscape itself offers retreat from daily routine. The aim of our research was to measure the effects of Forest SPA programs on attendants’ well-being. Research has been organized in cooperation between Health college Belgrade and Medical SPA Association of Serbia. There were fourteen participants taking part in the research.Prior to Forest SPA program all participants, 14 students on specialization in Medical Wellness were invited to half-an-hour active imagination (mandala drawing) workshop. Drawing Mandala is a meditation in motion,dreaming with open eyes, and during the process of active imagination the unconscious self is active and not passive like in dreams. Using the data and research methodology from Henderson’s Empirical Study of the Healing Nature of Artistic Expression we designed our investigation. After 90 minutes of Forest SPA program in selected Urban park, participants were invited to draw mandala to describe how they feel at that moment. Several participants (8 of them) attended a 90-minute City SPA program with Tibetan bowls vibration massage. At the end of the SPA program they were invited to draw mandala. Analyzing symbols and colors, number of symbols and their relationship in presented mandalas we can realize the effects of the Forest SPA programs in urban parks on achieving better emotional balance and enhancing individualization process in participants. Our pilot research of Active imagination (by drawing mandalas) revealed that it can be used as a part of Forest SPA program as ART therapy and at the same time as an instrument for individual approach to the client of Forest SPA program as a medical SPA concept

    Encapsulation of natural antioxidant resveratrol in liposomes

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    Liposomes have been shown to be suitable systems for encapsulation and preserving the health-beneficial properties of a wide range of biological active ingredients such as resveratrol (RSV). The aim of this study was to encapsulate RSV in liposomes, with a goal to achieve the extended release and improved stability of RSV. Multilameral liposomes were prepared by means of two different methods: thin film method (TF) and proliposome method (PRO). In both methods, the ratio between added RSV and phospolipon 90G (P90G) was 1:20 w/w. Extrusion and sonication were applied in order to obtain unilameral liposomes. Both methods were efficient in capturing RSV within the microparticles, thus encapsulation efficiency had high values (92,9% in case of TF and 97,4% in case of PRO). The size reduction of liposomes resulted with particles of the average diameter ranged between 120 and 270 nm. Antioxidative activity was retained at a high level (approximately 95%). Franz diffusion cell was used for release studies and diffusion of RSV was monitored for 6h. According to the results, liposomes appeared to be suitable vehicles for encapsulation of resveratrol where PRO is particularly useful for encapsulation of antioxidants

    Resveratrol loaded liposomes produced by different techniques

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    Several different methods for production of liposomes incorporating resveratrol were investigated and compared from the aspect of size distribution, surface charge, entrapment efficiency, phase behavior and stability. Thin film method and proliposome method provided high entrapment efficiency (92.9% and 97.4%, respectively). Extrusion and sonication techniques were applied to obtain particles of the average diameter between 120 and 270 nm. The sonicated liposomes incorporated resveratrol (44-56%) fewer than extruded vesicles (92-96%). Antioxidative activity of resveratrol was retained upon encapsulation. Differential scanning calorimetry was performed in order to study the interaction of liposomal membranes with resveratrol, and their physical state. The release studies performed in Franz diffusion cell showed that liposomes impart slow diffusion of resveratrol, where diffusion resistance derived from liposomal membrane ranged from 5.90 . 10(5) to 9.55 . 10(5) s/m depending on the size of particles. Cytotoxicity of the formulations was evaluated via morphological changes of keratinocytes treated by liposomes. Industrial Relevance: Resveratrol displays many health-beneficial properties and possesses a remarkably strong antioxidant activity. Although often consumed in food, the positive effects of resveratrol are restricted because it is prone to oxidation, poorly absorbed when orally administrated, and cytotoxic in higher total dosages (though relatively high local concentrations are required for an effect). Encapsulation is one way to improve bioavailability and stability of resveratrol; herein the main challenge is to find a suitable solution, as resveratrol is weakly water soluble. This has motivated us to design new formulations based on liposomes for delivering of resveratrol. In the food sector, liposomes have been investigated for delivering proteins, enzymes, antioxidants, flavors and vitamins. The mean advantage of liposomes over other encapsulation technologies (spray-drying, extrusion, and fluidized beds) is the stability that liposomes impart to water-soluble compounds in aqueous surroundings. Liposomes are able to stabilize the encapsulated materials against a range of environmental and chemical changes. Another important characteristic of liposomes is that, unlike many other existing encapsulants, they can be utilized in the entrapment, delivery, and release of poorly water soluble compounds, such as resveratrol, and they are also convenient for water-soluble, lipid-soluble, and amphiphilic compounds. As liposomes could be produced from naturally occurring components, regulatory issues that may prevent the application in food systems are potentially diminished, and new formulations could be quickly implemented. Despite benefits described here, up to date little use of liposomes in food systems has been made, as current manufacturing processes are mainly time consuming, often consisting of several steps with high costs of raw materials. Another problem is that devices available commercially which are utilized for production of liposomes are able to process only small quantities. Therefore, our research is devoted to the development of the process for liposome production which is easy to scale up, and at the same time, is effective as the common way based on thin film hydration process. The process elaborated in our study utilizes a commercial lipid mixture. The method used called proliposome method is based on replacement of ethanol solvent by aqueous media. For liposome downsizing, sonication (which can be easily modified to increase sample volume capability) is tested versus membrane extrusion (equipment for small-large batches is readily available). The goal of this article is to provide evidence for food manufacturers and food scientists to make broader use of resveratrol-loaded liposomes that can add value and improve the quality of existing food products

    Thermal, morphological and mechanical properties of ethyl vanillin immobilized in polyvinyl alcohol by electrospinning process

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    In this study, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) nanofibers with ethyl vanillin as active compound were prepared using electrospinning technique. The final products of electrospinning process were in the form of films consist of nanofibers. PVNethyl vanillin nanofibers, having fibers diameters in the range 100-1700 nm, were successfully electrospun from ethanol/water mixture of PVA and ethyl vanillin. The effects of immobilization process on ethyl vanillin thermal properties were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results of DSC showed significant influence of immobilization process on thermal properties of ethyl vanillin. It was noticed that melting point of immobilized ethyl vanillin was lower (~55°C) compared to free flavor (~77°C). Our results showed that films based on PVNethyl vanillin nanofibers are mechanically stable