75 research outputs found

    Effect of Mother Tongue on Performance in Concept Erosion among Primary School Students in Faskari Educational Zone, Katsina-State

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    This study x-rays the effect of Mother tongue on performance in concept erosion among primary school students in Faskari Educational Zone, Katsina-State. The study adopted quasi experimental research design (pre-test, treatment, post-test). The population of the study consists of all primary five students in Faskari local government education authority. Intact classes in two primary schools were randomly selected as samples. The objective of the study aimed to examine the mean performance score of students exposed to concept erosion using Mother tongue medium of instruction and those taught using English languages in Faskari Educational Zone, Katsina state. The research question and hypothesis are in line with the objective of the study. Mother Tongue Performance Test (MTPT) containing thirty multiple choice items was used as the research instrument. The instrument yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.83. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research question while, t-test was used in testing the hypothesis. The finding of the study revealed that, students taught concept erosion using Mother tongue medium of instruction performed academically better than those taught using English language. Based on the finding, the study recommended that, Mother tongue should be made the language of instruction at the primary school level and eventually at all levels of education in Katsina state

    Urbanization and climate change: the role of road transport in carbon dioxide emission in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria

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    No AbstractKeywords: CO2 abatement, automobile density, climate change, global warming, greenhouse gase

    Correlations Between Stress, Coping Strategies and Academic Performance of Undergraduate Students of Federal University Birnin-Kebbi, Kebbi State, Nigeria

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    The paper investigated the relationships among stress, coping strategies and academic performance of undergraduate students of Federal University Birnin-kebbi, Kebbi State. A correlational type of survey design was used for the study. Three faculties were randomly selected from the university. A Random sampling technique was used in selecting 337 students, both male and female for the study. The two research instruments were adopted from Okorie (2016): The Students Stress Questionnaire (SSQ) and Students Coping Strategy Questionnaire (SCSQ), Students Academic Performance Scores (SAPS) was constructed by the researchers. All the questionnaires have 25 items, each scored on a four-point Likert Scale ranging from (Strongly Agreed, Agreed, Disagreed, and Strongly Disagreed). Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) was used to test hypothesis 1, and hypothesis 2 was analyzed using the t-test analysis. The finding of the study revealed that negative relationship exists between stress and academic performance of students with (r= -0.850, p=0.000) and significant difference existed between male and female students in their coping strategies with (t=0.5823, p=0.000). It is therefore concluded that stress constitute serious problems that distract the students from maximum academic output and effective social life. It was recommended among others that university environment should be made conducive by improving on hostel accommodation, conducive classrooms for lectures and amenities such as light and water

    Qualitative And Quantitative Phytochemical Screening Ofcola Nuts (Cola Nitida And Cola Acuminata)

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    A study was carried out to evaluate the phytochemical constituent ofaqueous and methanol nut extracts of Colanitida and Colaacuminata. The phytochemical screening which involves both the qualitative and quantitative analysis revealed the presence of secondary metabolites; alkaloid, tannins, glycoside, steroids and saponins glycoside with higher contain in methanol and aqueous extracts. The saponins content is higher in the aqueous extract  and not detected in the methanol extract of the two species. Flavonoids expressed strong presence in methanol extract of C.nitida and not detected in the aqueous extract as well as the aqueous and methanol extracts of C. acuminata. For cardiac glycoside and volatile oil, they show moderate and trace presence in the methanol and aqueous extracts respectively. Anteraquinones are not detected in all the extracts of the two species. The quantitative result shows that, there were significant differences (p<0.05) in glycoside, tannins, saponins and alkaloid content of C. acuminata compared to C.nitida, withC. acuminata having the highest percentage of alkaloid (1.00%) while C. nitidahad (0.80%) alkaloid content,C. acuminatahad (0.80%) saponins, with C. nitida having (0.40%), more over the tanninscontent of C. acuminatawas higher (0.89%) compared to C. nitidawith (0.77%) while the glycoside content of C. acuminatawas (0.53%) and that of C. nitida was (0.43%). The results as indicated above disclose the scientific basis for the traditional uses of cola nut. Finally, the study  recommend the isolation of these metabolites using highly purify methods in other  to obtain their maximum therapeutic potentials. Keywords:Colanitida, Cola acuminate,Qualitative and Quantitative PhytochemicalScreening

    Relationship between Serum Heat-Stable Alkaline Phosphatase Activity and Blood Pressure in Patients with Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia

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    Background: The objective of this study was to explore the relationship, if any, between theserum heat-stable alkaline phosphatase (HS-ALP) activity and the blood pressure (BP) of patients with pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. Method: The activity of HS-ALP was measured using the 4 - nitrophenyl phosphate (4 - NPP) method after incubation at a high temperature of 65\ub0C for exactly 30 minutes in one hundred normal pregnant women and in another one hundred with pre-eclampsia/eclampsia. The normal pregnant women were used as controls. The blood pressure (BP), systolic as well as diastolic was measured in each of the studied patient using desktop mercury sphygmomanometer. Results: In the patients with pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, it was found that the higher the systolic and diastolic BP, the higher is the activity of the HS-ALP. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the HS-ALP activity in patients with pre-eclampsia/eclampsia is positively related to the severity of the hypertension and therefore this could help in detecting early complication.Fond : L'objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d'explorer le rapport, s'il y en a, entre l'activit\ue9 thermostable de la phosphatase alkaline de s\ue9rum (TS-PAL) et la tension art\ue9rielle (TA) des malades avec la pr\ue9-\ue9clampsie et l'\ue9clampsie. M\ue9thode : L'activit\ue9 de TS-PAL a \ue9t\ue9 mesur\ue9e en utilisant La m\ue9thode de 4-phosphate nitroph\ue9nylique (4-PPN) apr\ue8s l'incubation \ue0 temp\ue9rature \ue9lev\ue9e de 65 0C pendant exactement 30 minutes dans cent femmes enceintes normales et dans encore cent avec l' pre-\ue9clampsie/\ue9clampsie. Les femmes normalement enceintes ont \ue9t\ue9 employ\ue9es comme commandes. La tension art\ue9rielle (TA), systolique aussi bien que diastolique a \ue9t\ue9 mesur\ue9e dans chaque malade \ue9tudi\ue9 en employant le sphygmomanom\ue8tre mecure de bureau intelligent. R\ue9sultats: Dans les malades avec la pre-\ue9clampsie et \ue9clampsie, on a constat\ue9 que plus la TA systolique et diastolique est haute, plus est haute l'activit\ue9 du TS-PAL . Conclusion: On peut conclure que l'activit\ue9 de TS-PAL dans les patients avec la pre-\ue9clampsie/\ue9clampsie est franchement li\ue9 \ue0 la s\ue9v\ue9rit\ue9 de l'hypertension et donc ceci pourrait aider pour d\ue9tecter la toute promi\ue9re complication


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    Three trials were conducted on the College of Agriculture experimental field which was highly anduniformly infested by Striga at Mokwa (latitude 09o 18'N and longitude 05o 04'E) in the SouthernGuinea Savanna agro- ecological zone of Nigeria during 2004, 2005 and 2006 wet seasons. The studywas conducted to evaluate fifteen maize genotypes consisting of eleven improved, open- pollinatedStriga tolerant varieties, a susceptible 8338-1 and tolerant hybrids 9022-13, an improved recommendedopen pollinated variety and a local selection (Mokwa Dzurugi) for their reaction to Striga hermonthica.The treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block design and replicated fourtimes. Among the varieties tested, TZL Comp.1Syn Y-1F2, Cam, 1 STR – 1 and hybrid 9022-13 consistentlyresulted in significantly lower Striga emergence and crop syndrome reaction to Striga parasitismcompared to all the other varieties including STR genotypes in 2004 and 2005 and of very lowvalues of the parameters in 2006. The varieties also gave higher grain yield comparable to most oftolerant varieties evaluated. Under Striga infestation, maize grain yields of var. TZL Comp. 1 Syn Y-1F2 were 2.94, 3.04 and 2.93 times than those of the recommended TZB- STR (1015kg/ha, 989kg/haand 993kg/ha) in 2004, 2005 and 2006, respectively. The corresponding values for the other promisingvariety, Cam- 1STR-1 were 2.93, 3.05 and 2.89 times higher than TZB STR in 2004, 2005 and 2006respectively. The local selection, Mokwa Dzurugi also exhibited good performance with respect toStriga and maize parameters and could therefore be used in the breeding programme for Striga resistance

    Price Transmission, Volatility and Discovery of Gram in Some Selected Markets in Rajathan State, India

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    Market integration in many agricultural commodities had been extensively studied for the insight it provides into the functioning of such markets, thus giving valuable information about the dynamics of market adjustment, and whether there exist market imperfection, which may justify government intervention. This study empirically investigated price transmission, volatility and discovery of gram across four wholesale gram markets, viz. Jaipur, Kishangarh, Chomu and Malpura in Rajasthan state of India using Johansen's multivariate cointegration approach, VECM, Granger causality tests, GARCH, EGARCH and ARIMA. Monthly wholesale gram price data spanning from January 2011 to December 2015 sourced from AGMARKNET were used. Multivariate cointegration showed that all the selected gram markets were cointegarted in the long-run, meaning long-run price association among these markets. The degree of market integration observed is consistent with the view that Rajasthan state gram markets are quite competitive; thus, provide little justification for extensive and costly government intervention designed to enhance market efficiency through improve competitiveness. Therefore, in order to sustain the present system of market integration, there is need to evolve mechanism that will generate market information and market intelligence which would serve as a platform for guiding farmers in marketing their produce

    Comparative study of the level of bacterial/helminths contamination of vegetables produced from polluted and unpolluted irrigation site of Kano

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    A comparative study was contaminations of five major crops (Lactuca veriso, Darcus carota, Solanum lycopersicum, Phylanthus amarus, Alium cepa) produced from polluted (industrial/residential effluents) Sharada and unpolluted (tube well water)Yarimawa using the method described by FAO, (1979). The result shows that the five crops, produced with polluted water viz, Lactuca veriso, Darcus carota, Solanum lycopersicum Phylanthus amarus, Alium cepa, had mean aerobic plate count of 2.0 x 102 cfu/g, 8.40 x 102 cfu/g , 1.13 x 103 cfu/g , 5.8 x 104 cfu/g cfu/g, 5.7 x 101 cfu/g, respectively, and all the five crops had mean coliform count of 180 MPN/g, while that of unpolluted water had mean aerobic plate count of of 1.22 x 102 cfu/g 5.1 x 102 cfu/g , 1.4 x 102 cfu/g, 1.43 x 102 cfu/g, 1.32 x 101 cfu/g respectively, and had mean coliform count of 30, 21,21, 21 and 21MPN/g respectively. The organisms isolated in all the crops produced with polluted water were E. coli, Salmonella sp, Shigella sp, S. aureus, Ascaris egg, Strongloides and Ancylostoma while E. coli, Shigella sp, S. aureus, wer the organisms isolated in the crops produced with unpolluted water, only Lactuca verosa and Solanum lycopersicum, shows the presence of helmiths in the crops produced with the unpolluted water.Key words: Kano, Bacteria, Helminth, effluent, Yarimawa, Sharad

    Distribution and abundance of freshwater snails in Warwade Dam, Dutse, Northern Nigeria

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    Preliminary investigation in August, 2017 reported the presence of Lymnaea natalensis, Bellamya unicolor, Melanoides tuberculata and Bulinus globosus in order of increasing abundance and distribution in Warwade dam, Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria. A follow up study was carried out from April to October, 2019 to reveal further details on the abundance and distribution of freshwater snails in relation to some physiochemical factors of the dam. Four sampling sites; human activity, vegetation cover, lentic and lotic were selected for the study along the bank of the dam. Freshwater snails were collected using long handled scoop net with mesh 0.2mm complemented by hand picking methods in the four sampling sites. Water samples from the sampling sites were analyzed in the laboratory using standard procedures. A total of 2,027 of freshwater snails belonging to ten species were identified. Bulinus globosus 12(0.6%) and Lymnaea natalensis 12(0.6%) had the lowest abundance and distribution while Melanoides tuberculata 1553(76.6%) had the highest. Snail abundance was highest in site characterized by human activities (670) followed by vegetation (482), lotic (442) and lentic (433) waters. Most of the physico-chemical factors measured appeared to favour the growth and survival of fresh water snails. pH (p = 0.01), water current (p = <0.01) and magnesium ion concentration (p = < 0.01) varied significantly across the four sites. Only calcium ion concentration was significantly associated with snail abundance (p = 0.04). Snail abundance showed weak positive relationship with water temperature, color, turbidity and concentration of magnesium ion. The dam habours about ten species of freshwater snails in different abundance and distribution with M. tuberculata being the most abundant throughout the period of investigation. The dominance of M. tuberculata over other species particularly those of medical and veterinary importance could have positive implication for their control in the dam
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