514 research outputs found

    Joaquim Alier i Gómez (1907-1968), Metge i psiquiatre català

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    Esboç biogràfic de Joaquim Alier (1907-1968), psiquiatra català i tinent metge del exèrcit republicà. Passà a l’exili (Veneçuela, Indonèsia i Nova York). Es reincorporà a l’Institut Psicotècnic de Catalunya (1954) i acabà de director a l’ ”Institut Pere Mata” de Reus.Esbozo biográfico de Joaquin Alier (1907-1968), psiquiatra catalàn y teniente médico del ejército republicano. Pasó al exilio (Venezuela, Indonesia y Nueva York). Se reincorporó al Instituto Psicotécnico de Cataluña (1954) y terminó de directordel “Institut Pere Mata” de Reus

    Joaquim Hugas i Wenceslao Marín, oftalmòlegs catalans (i la ginecòloga Montserrat Bobé)

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    Dades biogràfiques sobre Joaquim Hugas, el primer veritable metge oculista de Girona i pare de la primera dona òptica de la ciutat. També es dóna notícia de l’oftalmòleg Wenceslao Marín, que es va casar amb la manresana Montserrat Bobé, una de les poques dones que van estudiar Medicina a Barcelona a cavall de finals del segle XIX i principis del XX.Se aportan datos biográficos sobre que fue el primer médico oculista que ejerció en Gerona, y padre de la primera mujer óptica en la ciudad. También se da noticia del oftalmólogo Wenceslao Marín, que ejerció en Barcelona,  casado con Montserrat Bobé, de Manresa, una de las primeras mujeres que se licenció en Barcelona, cursando estudios en los años de cambio de siglo XIX al XX

    Sobre el Dr. Lluís Noguer i Molins (1886-1972)

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    Dades biogràfiques sobre el Dr. Lluís Noguer Molins (1886-1972). Relaciódetallada dels seus llibres i de la seva trajectòria universitària a Espanya. Notícia sobre la seva activitat docent a l’Universitat “Los Andes” de Mérida, VeneçuelaDatos biográficos sobre el Dr. Luis Noguer Molins (1886-1972). Relación detallada de sus libros y de su trayectoria detallada en España. Noticia sobre su actividad docente en la Universidad “Los Andes” de Mérida (Venezuela)

    Myocardial Function Maturation in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants and Development of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

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    Background: Myocardial function in very-low-birth-weight infants (VLBWIs) develops during early postnatal life, but different patterns of temporal evolution that might be related to the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) are not completely understood. Methods: A prospective cohort study including VLBWIs admitted to our NICU from January 2015 to 2017 was conducted. Plasma N-terminal pro B type natriuretic peptide (NTproBNP) levels were measured, and echocardiograms were performed at 24 and 72 h of life and weekly thereafter until 36 weeks of postmenstrual age (PMA). We measured the tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) by M-mode; the lateral tricuspid E', A', and S' waves; and the myocardial performance index (MPI) by tissue doppler imaging (TDI). The subjects were divided into non-BPD and BPD groups. Results: We included 101 VLBWIs. The TAPSE and E', A', and S' waves increased while MPI-TDI decreased over time. Birth gestational age (GA) and postnatal PMA impacted these parameters, which evolved differently in those who developed BPD compared to those in the non-BPD group. The NTproBNP levels at 14 days of life and different echocardiographic parameters were associated with the development of BPD in different multivariate models. Conclusion: TAPSE and TDI values depend on GA and PMA and follow a different temporal evolution that is related to the later development of BPD. Combined biochemical and echocardiographic biomarkers can help identify which VLBWIs are at higher risk of developing BDP

    Les cataractes de Joan II d'Aragó (protofísics, cirurgians i oculistes del rei)

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    S’estudia fonamentalment la ceguesa del rei Joan II d’Aragó, les atencions mèdiques rebudes, la invocació a Santa Engràcia demanant la curació, el  preoperatori i les operacions de les reials cataractes, que foren realitzades a  Saragossa, durant la Guerra Civil Catalana, pel mestre jueu de Lleida Crescas Abnarrabí, amb consideracions finals sobre els seus resultats. Ultra això es dóna notícia del cirurgià del Rei i del seu germà també metge, dels físics i cirurgians que el tractaren, i dels oculistes consultats, així com de l’última malaltia de Joan II.Se estudia fundamentalmente la ceguera del Rey Juan II de Aragón, las atenciones médicas recibidas, la invocación a Santa Engracia pidiendo la curación, el preoperatorio y las operaciones de las reales cataratas, que fueron realizadas en Zaragoza, durante la Guerra Civil Catalana, por el maestro judío de Lérida Crescas Abnarrabí, con consideraciones finales sobre el resultado de tales intervenciones oculares. Asimismo se da información sobre el cirujano del Rey y de su hermano también médico, de los físicos y cirujanos que lo trataron, y de los oculistas consultados, así como de la  última enfermedad de Juan II

    Ultrasonographic Estimation of Total Brain Volume: 3D Reliability and 2D Estimation. Enabling Routine Estimation During NICU Admission in the Preterm Infant

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to explore if manually segmented total brain volume (TBV) from 3D ultrasonography (US) is comparable to TBV estimated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We then wanted to test 2D based TBV estimation obtained through three linear axes which would enable monitoring brain growth in the preterm infant during admission. Methods: We included very low birth weight preterm infants admitted to our neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) with normal neuroimaging findings. We measured biparietal diameter, anteroposterior axis, vertical axis from US and MRI and TBV from both MRI and 3D US. We calculated intra- and interobserver agreement within and between techniques using the intraclass correlation coefficient and Bland-Altman methodology. We then developed a multilevel prediction model of TBV based on linear measurements from both US and MRI, compared them and explored how they changed with increasing age. The multilevel prediction model for TBV from linear measures was tested for internal and external validity and we developed a reference table for ease of prediction of TBV. Results: We used measurements obtained from 426 US and 93 MRI scans from 118 patients. We found good intra- and interobserver agreement for all the measurements. US measurements were reliable when compared to MRI, including TBV which achieved excellent agreement with that of MRI [ICC of 0.98 (95% CI 0.96-0.99)]. TBV estimated through 2D measurements of biparietal diameter, anteroposterior axis, and vertical axis was comparable among both techniques. We estimated the population 95% confidence interval for the mean values of biparietal diameter, anteroposterior axis, vertical axis, and total brain volume by post-menstrual age. A TBV prediction table based on the three axes is proposed to enable easy implementation of TBV estimation in routine 2D US during admission in the NICU. Conclusions: US measurements of biparietal diameter, vertical axis, and anteroposterior axis are reliable. TBV segmented through 3D US is comparable to MRI estimated TBV. 2D US accurate estimation of TBV is possible through biparietal diameter, vertical, and anteroposterior axes.This work was supported by the 2017 (PI0052/2017) and 2019 (ITI-0019-2019) ITI-Cadiz integrated territorial initiative for biomedical research European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014-2020. Andalusian Ministry of Health and Families, Spain