1,680 research outputs found

    Foreign direct investment: a tool or a target for industrial policy in Eastern Countries?

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    Is there any linkage between industrial policy and the inflow of Foreign Direct Investment in Eastern European countries? This is the core question which is analysed and discussed in this paper. The transition process of Central and Eastern Europe to a market economy has raised a lot of challenging questions both to Applied Economics and to Management Science. Enterprise adjustment remains one of the most interesting and complex as it is closely related to a wide range of economic, policy and management issues. Foreign Direct Investment, privatisation and industrial policy and their sort of linkage, remain some of the most interesting factors in the transition process. It seems that no sharp distinction can be presented between FDI as a target and FDI as a tool for industrial policy, but national differences remain significant as well as enterprises adjustment capacity

    Ernesto do Canto entre os naturalistas açorianos do século XIX

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    Desde meados do século XVIII, os Açores foram procurados por naturalistas estrangeiros que se dedicavam, principalmente, ao estudo da fauna, da flora e da geologia. Mais, esse interesse pelo arquipélago aumentou desde que, em 1859, Charles Darwin publicou a obra On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, tendo mesmo originado um número considerável de obras publicadas. Esse interesse relacionava-se com o facto destas ilhas, nascidas do mar, poderem suportar formas faunísticas e florísticas de transição entre as regiões Paleártica e Neártica. Não obstante o interesse da comunidade científica internacional pelas ilhas açorianas, apenas alguns poucos açorianos se manifestaram pelo estudo das ciências da natureza, pois só na segunda metade do século XIX, em Ponta Delgada, aconteceu ter convivido um pequeno grupo de naturalistas, em torno do gabinete de ciências naturais do liceu da cidade, depois museu, e de alguns jardins particulares. Nesta nota são feitas referências a esses naturalistas e ao seu envolvimento com o museu e os jardins, justificativas da sua qualidade de estudiosos da história natural, salientado naquilo que se refere a Ernesto do Canto. [...

    Structural characterization of the Aspergillus niger citrate transporter CexA uncovers the role of key residues S75, R192 and Q196

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    Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.csbj.2023.04.025.The Aspergillus niger CexA transporter belongs to the DHA1 (Drug-H+ antiporter) family. CexA homologs are exclusively found in eukaryotic genomes, and CexA is the sole citrate exporter to have been functionally characterized in this family so far. In the present work, we expressed CexA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, demonstrating its ability to bind isocitric acid, and import citrate at pH 5.5 with low affinity. Citrate uptake was independent of the proton motive force and compatible with a facilitated diffusion mechanism. To unravel the structural features of this transporter, we then targeted 21 CexA residues for site-directed mutagenesis. Residues were identified by a combination of amino acid residue conservation among the DHA1 family, 3D structure prediction, and substrate molecular docking analysis. S. cerevisiae cells expressing this library of CexA mutant alleles were evaluated for their capacity to grow on carboxylic acid-containing media and transport of radiolabeled citrate. We also determined protein subcellular localization by GFP tagging, with seven amino acid substitutions affecting CexA protein expression at the plasma membrane. The substitutions P200A, Y307A, S315A, and R461A displayed loss-of-function phenotypes. The majority of the substitutions affected citrate binding and translocation. The S75 residue had no impact on citrate export but affected its import, as the substitution for alanine increased the affinity of the transporter for citrate. Conversely, expression of CexA mutant alleles in the Yarrowia lipolytica cex1Δ strain revealed the involvement of R192 and Q196 residues in citrate export. Globally, we uncovered a set of relevant amino acid residues involved in CexA expression, export capacity and import affinity.This work was supported by the Strategic Programme UID/BIA/04050/2020 and the project LA/P/0069/2020 granted to the Associate Laboratory ARNET, both funded by Portuguese funds through the FCT-IP. J.A. acknowledges the FCT and the Doctoral Program in Applied and Environmental Microbiology for the PD/BD/150584/2020 PhD grant and a COST Action CA18113 Short-Term Scientific Mission grant (EuroMicropH). M.S.S. acknowledges the Norte2020 for the UMINHO/BD/25/2016 PhD grant with the re ference NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000060. I.S-S. was supported by the program contract FCTUMINHO/Norma transitória from the Legal Regime of Scientific Employment (RJEC)

    Unveiling the molecular determinants responsible for NAD(P)(H) cofactor specificity using enzyme structural information

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    EJIBCE 2016 - IV Encontro de Jovens Investigadores de Biologia Computacional EstruturalIn this post-genomic era, gene homology annotations have become the foundation of systems biology. However, errors spread easily when functional annotation is not performed carefully due to overly unconstrained homology metrics [1,2]. As metabolic model reconstructions become a relevant tool for performing fundamental studies and bioprocess design, the impact of accurate enzymatic function assignments becomes evident [3]. The uncertainty of the usage of NADP(H) or NAD(H) as co-factors [4], even in well performed annotations, has a major impact in metabolic engineering applications, severely affecting Genome-scale metabolic model reconstruction due to the potential insertion of misleading reactions. In this work, we unveiled the molecular determinants for cofactor speci- ficity, using enzyme structural information. In order to do so, we created a representative dataset of all enzymes present in the PDB with NAD(P)(H) as cofactors and measured the occurrence of every aminoacid residue at a distance of 3.5 Angstrom[5] of all cofactor atoms. This allowed us to create a matrix with the total number of aminoacid residues at interacting distances from all cofactor atoms, for all structures. After analyzing the matrix, we identified the residues that had a signifi- cantly higher number of contacts with the cofactors, and in which atoms this occurred. With the intent of applying these findings in the unveiling of cofactor specificity for enzymes that are not structurally characterized experimentally we successfully replicated these findings using machine learning algorithms. In future work we will apply the results and machine learning models obtained in order to assign cofactor specificity to enzymes with uncertain cofactor specificity. These results may represent an important development in systems biology by allowing the reduction of annotation errors and the implementation of erroneous or redundant reactions in GEM models, improving the overall performance of metabolic simulations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The indirect effect of contextual factors on the emotional distress of infertile couples

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    Few studies were dedicated to study the role of contextual factors, such as the socioeconomic status and urban rural residence in emotional distress of infertile couples. This study aimed to explore the impact of contextual factors on emotional distress, either directly or by affecting the importance of parenthood in one’s life which in turn affects emotional distress. In this cross-sectional study, 70 couples recruited during hormonal stimulation phase prior to IVF completed clinical and sociodemographic forms and self-report questionnaires assessing representations about the importance of parenthood and emotional distress. Path analysis using structural equation modelling was used to examine direct and indirect effects among variables. Results indicated that social economic status and Urban-Rural residence had an impact in emotional distress by affecting the representations about the importance of parenthood in one’s life. Gender differences were found regarding model paths, suggesting that the social context may contribute more to women’s emotional distress than to their partners’ distress. When delineating psychological interventions, health care providers should consider that cultural values about children and parenthood contribute to shape the infertility experienc

    Effects of long-term exposure to colloidal gold nanorods on freshwater microalgae

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    Gold nanorods have shown to pose adverse effects to biota. Whether these effects may be potentiated through prolonged exposure has been rarely studied. Therefore, this work aimed at evaluating the effects of long-term exposure to sublethal levels of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) coated gold nanorods (Au-NR) on two freshwater microalgae: Chlorella vulgaris and Raphidocelis subcapitata. These algae were exposed to several concentrations of Au-NR for 72 h and, afterwards, to the corresponding EC5,72h, for growth, during 16 days. The sensitivity of the two algae to Au-NR was assessed at days 0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 (D0, D4, D8, D12 and D16, respectively) after a 72-h exposure to several concentrations of Au-NR. At the end of the assays, effects on yield and population growth rate were evaluated. Raphidocelis subcapitata was slightly more sensitive to Au-NR than C. vulgaris: EC50,72h,D0 for yield were 48.1 (35.3-60.9) and 70.5 (52.4-88.6) μg/L Au-NR, respectively while for population growth rate were above the highest tested concentrations (53 and 90 μg/L, respectively). For R. subcapitata the long-term exposure to Au-NR increased its sensitivity to this type of nanostructures. For C. vulgaris, a decrease on the effects caused by Au-NR occurred over time, with no significant effects being observed for yield or population growth rate at D12 and D16. The capping agent CTAB caused reductions in yield above 30% (D0) for both algae at the concentration matching the one at the highest Au-NR tested concentration. When exposed to CTAB, the highest inhibition values were 69% (D4) and 21.3% (D8) for R. subcapitata, and 64% (D12) and 21% (D16) to C. vulgaris, for yield and population growth rate, respectively. These results suggested long-term exposures should be included in ecological risk assessments since short-term standard toxicity may either under- or overestimate the risk posed by Au-NR.publishe

    Freiburgh Personality Inventory-Revised (FPI-R): Validation study with a Portuguese sample of university students

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    Neste estudo instrumental é apresentado o primeiro estudo de validação da versão portuguesa do Inventário de Personalidade de Freiburg-Revisto (FPI-R) junto de uma amostra de 1099 estudantes universitários. O FPI-R é composto por 138 itens de resposta dicotómica («verdadeiro» vs. «falso»), distribuídos por 12 escalas, 10 escalas standard (satisfação com a vida, orientação social, orientação para o desempenho, inibição, irritabilidade, agressividade, solicitação, queixas somáticas, preocupações com a saúde e sinceridade) e 2 escalas suplementares (extroversão e emocionalidade). Este inventário procura abarcar constructos relativamente amplos, que contêm sub-constructos delimitados, encontrando-se organizados em escalas unipolares (e.g. poucas queixas somáticas – muitas queixas somáticas) e bipolares (e.g. insatisfação com a vida – satisfação com a vida). Os principais resultados revelam que embora o instrumento apresente uma estrutura factorial semelhante ao original, foram encontradas fragilidades em termos de fidelidade das sub-escalas. Discutem-se os resultados obtidos, as limitações encontradas e são propostas possíveis soluções a desenvolver em estudos futuros

    Google Earth Engine Open-Source Code for Land Surface Temperature Estimation from the Landsat Series

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    Land Surface Temperature (LST) is increasingly important for various studies assessing land surface conditions, e.g., studies of urban climate, evapotranspiration, and vegetation stress. The Landsat series of satellites have the potential to provide LST estimates at a high spatial resolution, which is particularly appropriate for local or small-scale studies. Numerous studies have proposed LST retrieval algorithms for the Landsat series, and some datasets are available online. However, those datasets generally require the users to be able to handle large volumes of data. Google Earth Engine (GEE) is an online platform created to allow remote sensing users to easily perform big data analyses without increasing the demand for local computing resources. However, high spatial resolution LST datasets are currently not available in GEE. Here we provide a code repository that allows computing LSTs from Landsat 4, 5, 7, and 8 within GEE. The code may be used freely by users for computing Landsat LST as part of any analysis within GEE

    1,3-Propanediol production in a two-step process fermentation from renewable feedstock

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    In this work, the production of 1,3-propanediol from glucose and molasses was studied in a two-step process using two recombinant microorganisms. The first step of the process is the conversion of glucose or other sugar into glycerol by the metabolic engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain HC42 adapted to high (>200 g l−1) glucose concentrations. The second step, carried out in the same bioreactor, was performed by the engineered strain Clostridium acetobutylicum DG1 (pSPD5) that converts glycerol to 1,3-propanediol. This two-step strategy led to a flexible process, resulting in a 1,3-propanediol production and yield that depended on the initial sugar concentration. Below 56.2 g l−1 of sugar concentration, cultivation on molasses or glucose showed no significant differences. However, at higher molasses concentrations, glycerol initially produced by yeast could not be totally converted into 1,3-propanediol by C. acetobutylicum and a lower 1,3-propanediol overall yield was observed. In our hand, the best results were obtained with an initial glucose concentration of 103 g l−1, leading to a final 1,3-propanediol concentration of 25.5 g l−1, a productivity of 0.16 g l−1 h−1 and 1,3-propanediol yields of 0.56 g g−1 glycerol and 0.24 g g−1 sugar, which is the highest value reported for a two-step process. For an initial sugar concentration (from molasses) of 56.2 g l−1, 27.4 g l−1 of glycerol were produced, leading to 14.6 g l−1 of 1.3-propanediol and similar values of productivity, 0.15 g l−1 h−1, and overall yield, 0.26 g g−1 sugar.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Ga(III) chelates of amphiphilic DOTA-based ligands : synthetic route and in vitro and in vivo studies

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    In this work we report a synthetic strategy of amphiphilic DOTA-based chelators bearing a variable size α-alkyl chain at one of the pendant acetate arms (from six to fourteen carbon atoms), compatible with their covalent coupling to amine-bearing biomolecules. The amphiphilic behavior of the micelles-forming Ga(III) chelates (critical micelle concentration), their stability in blood serum and their lipophilicity (logP) were investigated. Biodistribution studies with the 67Ga-labeled chelates were performed in Wistar rats showing a predominant liver uptake with almost no traces of the radiochelates in the body after 24 hours.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT