235 research outputs found

    La evolución de la adhesión a dentina

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    [email protected] realiza una revisión a la historia de la adhesión comenzando en las culturas precolombinas ("era pre-adhesiva"), para continuar en la "era adhesiva" con las aportaciones de Buonocuore y la aparición del Bis-GMA, pasando por la incorporación al mercado dental de los fosfatos, los oxalatos, el sistema Gluma. Se analiza también la descripción la capa híbrida por Nakabayashi, después aparecen los primers acuosos y la hibridación de tejidos duras hasta llegar a los sistemas adhesivos autograbadores.An overview of dentin bonding history is done by the author since early south American cultures (pre-adhesive age) to continued in the adhesive age with Buonoccore's findings and the rise of Bis-GMA and the first dentin adhesives based on phosphate, oxalate and Gluma system. Nakabayashi's hybrid layer is described and the evolution of aqueous primers and hard tissues hybridation until arrival of newest self-etching [email protected]

    Aesthetic dentistry : chromatic appreciation in the clinic and the laboratory

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    Aesthetic requirement in dentistry is getting more and more important every day. One of its basic principles is the correct selection of colour for the restorations. Colour is a quality which is modulated by a series of factors, environmental and individual, that the clinic must know. Colour measurement by the human eye can induce to an appreciation mistake if it doesn?t follow a correct protocol of light conditions and observation technique, checked by the authors, simplifying it with a practical focusing. Colour measurement instruments have appeared recently, trying to correct the problems of conventional technique

    Evaluación morfológica y morfométrica de las imágenes tomográficas retinianas como factor pronóstico del resultado visual en pacientes con neovascularización coroidea miópica

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    OBJETIVOS: Investigar el valor pronóstico de las características observadas en las imágenes tomográficas de la retina en pacientes con neovascularización coroidea miópica en tratamiento con ranibizumab intravítreo. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional y analítico sobre 25 ojos de 25 pacientes. Se estudiaron las imágenes de tomografía de coherencia óptica de estos pacientes valorando la presencia de un recubrimiento hiperreflectivo (tipo 1) sobre la membrana neovascular, frente a los que no lo presentan (tipo 2/3) como factor pronóstico. También se valoraron el estado de la membrana limitante externa y los elipsoides, el área de atrofia coriorretiniana, el grosor y volumen coroideo en diferentes localizaciones y el grosor retiniano. RESULTADOS: El tratamiento induce una mejora significativa de la agudeza visual a lo largo del seguimiento en la muestra general. La mejoría puede considerarse similar en ambos grupos de tipo de neovascularización coroidea miópica. Los pacientes con neovsacularización de tipo 2/3 exhiben siempre una mayor afectación de la agudeza, diferenciándose especialmente al mes de tratamiento y a los 12 meses de seguimiento. Es notable que estos pacientes experimentan una pérdida de agudeza a partir de los 6 meses, mientras el grupo de neovascularización coroidea de tipo 1 exhibe una recuperación siempre progresiva. El número de inyecciones no determina diferencias significativas en la evolución de la agudeza visual. Si bien se constata una tendencia a un mayor número de inyecciones en el grupo de neovascularización de tipo 2/3. CONCLUSIONES: De acuerdo con la clasificación sugerida, aquellos pacientes con recubrimiento hiperreflectivo (tipo 1) frente a los que no lo poseen (tipo 2/3) tendrían un relativo mejor pronóstico en términos de agudeza visual y necesidad de tratamiento con inyecciones intravítreas de ranibizumab. La medición de grosor coroideo bajo la membrana neovascular tiene valor pronóstico respecto a los resultados de agudeza visual. Son necesarios estudios más amplios que confirmen estos resultados.PURPOSE: To investigate the prognostic value of characteristics observed in retinal tomography images in patients with myopic choroidal neovascularization treated with intravitreal ranibizumab. METHODS: Retrospective, observational and analytical study on 25 eyes of 25 patients. Optical coherence tomography images of these patients were studied by evaluating the presence of a hyperreflective envelopment (type 1) on the neovascular membrane, compared to those that do not present it (type 2/3), as a prognostic factor. The state of the external limiting membrane and the ellipsoid zone layer, the area of chorioretinal atrophy, the choroidal thickness and volume in different locations and the retinal thickness were also evaluated. RESULTS: The treatment induces a significant improvement of visual acuity throughout the follow-up in the general sample. The improvement may be considered similar in both myopic choroidal neovascularization type groups. Patients with type 2/3 neovascularization always show a greater visual acuity affection, being most different one month after first treatment and at 12 months of follow-up. It is notable that these patients experience a loss of visual acuity after 6 months, while the type 1 choroidal neovascularization group exhibits an ever progressive recovery. The number of injections does not determine significant differences in the evolution of visual acuity. Although there is a tendency for a greater number of injections in the group of type 2/3 neovascularization. Regarding the other characteristics evaluated, there were no significant differences in the evolution of visual acuity or the need for treatment, except forthe measurement of choroidal thickness underneath the neovascular membrane, where greater thickness showed better visual acuity. CONCLUSIONS: According to the suggested classification, patients with hyperreflective envelopment (type 1) versus those who do not have it (type 2/3) would have a relative better prognosis in terms of visual acuity and need for treatment with intravitreal injections of ranibizumab . Measurement of choroidal thickness under the neovascular membrane has a prognostic value in terms of visual acuity results. Larger studies are needed to confirm these results

    Relationship between resolution and accuracy of four intraoral scanners in complete-arch impressions

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    The scanner does not measure the dental surface continually. Instead, it generates a point cloud, and these points are then joined to form the scanned object. This approximation will depend on the number of points generated (resolution), which can lead to low accuracy (trueness and precision) when fewer points are obtained. The purpose of this study is to determine the resolution of four intraoral digital imaging systems and to demonstrate the relationship between accuracy and resolution of the intraoral scanner in impressions of a complete dental arch. A master cast of the complete maxillary arch was prepared with different dental preparations. Using four digital impression systems, the cast was scanned inside of a black methacrylate box, obtaining a total of 40 digital impressions from each scanner. The resolution was obtained by dividing the number of points of each digital impression by the total surface area of the cast. Accuracy was evaluated using a three-dimensional measurement software, using the ?best alignment? method of the casts with a highly faithful reference model obtained from an industrial scanner. Pearson correlation was used for statistical analysis of the data. Of the intraoral scanners, Omnicam is the system with the best resolution, with 79.82 points per mm2, followed by True Definition with 54.68 points per mm2, Trios with 41.21 points per mm2, and iTero with 34.20 points per mm2. However, the study found no relationship between resolution and accuracy of the study digital impression systems (P >0.05), except for Omnicam and its precision. The resolution of the digital impression systems has no relationship with the accuracy they achieve in the impression of a complete dental arch. The study found that the Omnicam scanner is the system that obtains the best resolution, and that as the resolution increases, its precision increases

    IIa Trobada Internacional de Psicomotricitat

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    Els dies 28, 29 i 30 del propassat mes de novembre es va realitzar, al Palau de Congresos de Santiago de Compostela, la II Trobada Internacional de Psicomotricitat Galicia’ 97 i IV Coloqui Nacional de Psicomotricitat, organitzada per l’Institut Gallec de Psicomotricidad e Relaxación. A les sessions es van inscriure uns 300 participants i el tema de la Trobada fou Psicomotricidad, Emoción y Desarrollo. Al voltant d’aquest eix es van aplegar diferents professionals, tant de l’àmbit clínic com de l’educatiu

    14è Congrés d'Educació Infantil

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    A Còrdova, el 6, 7, i 8 de desembre del 1997 es va celebrar el 14è Congrés d’Educació Infantil, sota el títol Los procesos de Aprendizaje Temprano. Les jornades van costar de ponències generals, amb caràcter obert i plenari, on es donaven a conèixer estudis i experiències a càrrec de prestigiosos especialistes en la matèria; panel d’experts, on es presentaven les últimes experiències i avanços en els respectius àmbits d’influència, amb un col·loqui final entre els experts i els congressistes; concrecions pràctiques, debats específics en grups de treball sobre els continguts del congrés i intercanvi d’experiències. I un quart bloc referit a comunicacions

    Multidisciplinary approach to treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with HIV, tuberculosis, or underlying autoimmune diseases

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    Autoimmune diseases; Checkpoint inhibition therapy; Human immunodeficiency virusEnfermedades autoinmunes; Terapia de inhibición de puntos de control; Virus de inmunodeficiencia humanaMalalties autoimmunes; Teràpia d'inhibició del punt de control; Virus de la immunodeficiència humanaWe reviewed the available information on the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) in populations with special conditions, namely, patients with HIV, tuberculosis, or underlying autoimmune disease. Available data show that treatment with ICIs is safe in patients with HIV; it is advisable, however, that these patients receive adequate antiretroviral therapy and have an undetectable viral load before ICIs are initiated. Tuberculosis reactivation has been reported with the use of ICIs, possibly due to immune dysregulation. Tuberculosis has also been associated with the use of immunosuppressors to treat immune-related adverse events (irAEs). Active tuberculosis must be ruled out in patients with symptoms or signs, and selected patients may benefit from screening for latent tuberculosis infection, although more data are required. Limited data exist regarding the safety of ICIs in patients with cancer and autoimmune disease. Data from observational studies suggest that up to 29% of patients with a preexisting autoimmune disease treated with an ICI present with an autoimmune disease flare, and 30% present with a de novo irAE of any type. The frequency of flares appears to differ according to the type of ICI received, with higher rates associated with PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors. The most common autoimmune diseases for which patients reported flares with ICI therapy are rheumatoid arthritis, other inflammatory arthritis, and psoriasis. Most studies have reported flares or de novo irAEs associated with ICIs that were mild to moderate, with low rates of discontinuation and no deaths due to flares. Therefore, the use of ICIs in these patients is possible, but careful monitoring is required.ML-O's work is supported by the National Cancer Institute (#CA237619)

    Comparative characterization of a novel cad-cam polymer-infiltrated-ceramic-network.

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    Background: The field of dental ceramics for CAD-CAM is enriched with a new innovative material composition having a porous three-dimensional structure of feldspathic ceramic infiltrated with acrylic resins.The aim of this study is to determine the mechanical properties of Polymer-Infiltrated-Ceramic-Network (PICN) and compare its performance with other ceramics and a nano-ceramic resin available for CAD-CAM systems. Material and Methods: In this study a total of five different materials for CAD-CAM were investigated. A polymer- infiltrated ceramic (Vita Enamic), a nano-ceramic resin (Lava Ultimate), a feldspathic ceramic (Mark II), a lithium disilicate ceramic (IPS-e max CAD) and finally a Leucite based ceramic (Empress - CAD). From CAD-CAM blocks, 120 bars (30 for each material cited above) were cut to measure the flexural strength with a three-point- bending test. Strain at failure, fracture stress and Weibull modulus was calculated. Vickers hardness of each material was also measured. Results: IPS-EMAX presents mechanical properties significantly better from the other materials studied. Its strain at failure, flexural strength and hardness exhibited significantly higher values in comparison with the others. VITA ENAMIC and LAVA ULTIMATE stand out as the next most resistant materials. Conclusions: The flexural strength, elastic modulus similar to a tooth as well as having less hardness than ceramics make PICN materials an option to consider as a restorative materia

    Psicomotricitat: Interacció entre Educació Especial i Educació Infantil

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    L’experiència que us presentem és un projecte comú elaborat pels especialistes del CEE “Estela”, el CEIP de Pràctiques de Tarragona i Facultat de Ciències de l’Educació i Psicologia de la URV, en el marc de la Pràctica Psicomotriu de Bernard Aucouturier, ja que creiem que és un marc idoni, facilitador de l’experiència d’integració entre els nens i nenes dels dos centres educatius

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of combination antifungal therapy with voriconazole and anidulafungin versus voriconazole monotherapy for primary treatment of invasive aspergillosis in Spain

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    Anidulafungina; Cost-efectivitat; Aspergil·losi invasivaAnidulafungina; Coste-efectividad; Aspergilosis invasivaAnidulafungin, Cost-effectiveness; Invasive aspergillosisObjective: According to a recent randomized, double-blind clinical trial comparing the combination of voriconazole and anidulafungin (VOR+ANI) with VOR monotherapy for invasive aspergillosis (IA) in patients with hematologic disease or with hematopoietic stem cell transplant, mortality was lower after 6 weeks with VOR+ANI than with VOR monotherapy in a post hoc analysis of patients with galactomannan-based IA. The objective of this study was to compare the cost-effectiveness of VOR+ANI with VOR, from the perspective of hospitals in the Spanish National Health System. Methods: An economic model with deterministic and probabilistic analyses was used to determine costs per life-year gained (LYG) for VOR+ANI versus VOR in patients with galactomannan-based IA. Mortality, adverse event rates, and life expectancy were obtained from clinical trial data. The costs (in 2015 euros [€]) of the drugs and the adverse event-related costs were obtained from Spanish sources. A Tornado plot and a Monte Carlo simulation (1,000 iterations) were used to assess uncertainty of all model variables. Results: According to the deterministic analysis, for each patient treated with VOR+ANI compared with VOR monotherapy, there would be a total of 0.348 LYG (2.529 vs 2.181 years, respectively) at an incremental cost of €5,493 (€17,902 vs €12,409, respectively). Consequently, the additional cost per LYG with VOR+ANI compared with VOR would be €15,785. Deterministic sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of these findings. In the probabilistic analysis, the cost per LYG with VOR+ANI was €15,774 (95% confidence interval: €15,763–16,692). The probability of VOR+ANI being cost-effective compared with VOR was estimated at 82.5% and 91.9%, based on local cost-effectiveness thresholds of €30,000 and €45,000, respectively. Conclusion: According to the present economic study, combination therapy with VOR+ANI is cost-effective as primary therapy of IA in galactomannan-positive patients in Spain who have hematologic disease or hematopoietic stem cell transplant, compared with VOR monotherapy