199 research outputs found

    Design and Development of an FPGA-based Medical EIS System

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    Electrical impedance spectroscopy is a powerful technique which can be used to characterize properties of many materials, including biological tissues. In medical applications, it is typically used as a complementary tool for diagnostic, helping improve the ability of current techniques to distinguish pathological tissue from normal tissue. Commercially available equipment to perform impedance measurements is usually expensive and impractical, lacking the necessary flexibility and compactness to use it as a fast prototype tool for research. The high cost and the difficulty in transporting it make it unsuitable for early-stage investigation in real-world clinical settings. Consequently, researchers at the Electronic and Biomedical Instrumentation Group at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya have been working on low-cost alternatives, which try to solve the aforementioned issues. The system described in this work aims to be such an alternative, being based on a low-cost electronic board capable of performing fast signal generation and data acquisition. In particular, its main focus is on fast measurements using multisine signals, with the one employed in this work consisting of 26 frequency components from 1 kHz to 1 MHz. The system has been designed with flexibility in mind, allowing the user to have complete control over the generation and acquisition chains thanks to its highly modular architecture, making it particularly well-suited for research purposes. The objective of this document is to give a thorough overview of the design and implementation of this system, focusing on the main architectural ideas but also covering many of the finer details. Some measurements, performed at a rate of approximately 950 spectrums per second, are briefly discussed at the end, and they serve both as validation of the implemented design and as an outline for future research directions

    Análisis Comparativo en términos de retardo y rendimiento de un Sistema de Transmisión en vivo de Video entre redes IPv4, IPv6 y Doble Pila

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    Este documento presenta un análisis comparativo entre tres tipos de redes: IPv4, IPv6 y Doble Pila desde el punto de vista de un servidor de video en vivo, con el objetivo de ayudar en la elección apropiada de una arquitectura de red basándonos en criterios técnicos. Para esto se usaron tres tipos de programas los cuales fueron instalados en escenarios bajo las mismas condiciones, es decir, se implementaron en servidores con iguales características usando tres tasas de transmisión, para la tres diferentes tipos de redes, donde fueron sometidas a diferentes pruebas de retardo y rendimiento, para estudiar su comportamiento se usó dos tipos de codificaciones en los sistemas operativos Linux y Windows.This document presents a comparative analysis between of three types of networks: IPv4, IPv6 Dual Stack from the point of view of a video streaming server, in order to assist in choosing appropriate network architecture based on technical criteria. For this, I used three types of programs which were installed in stages under the same conditions, they were used and implemented on servers with the same characteristics using three transmission rates, for three different types of networks, where they were subjected to different tests delay and performance, to study their behavior two types of encodings used in the Linux and Windows operating system

    Propuesta de mejoramiento de los aprendizajes de los estudiantes mediante el desarrollo de las habilidades del pensamiento científico en la enseñanza de ciencias naturales en los niveles de NB2 para los docentes del colegio San Agustín de Melipilla

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    Tesis (Magíster en Desarrollo Curricular y Proyectos Educativos)El presente documento busca exponer una investigación ligada a la importancia de la utilización de métodos indagatorios y el desarrollo de las habilidades del pensamientos científico en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales para niños de NB2, e identificar cómo estas habilidades deben ser implementadas e integradas en la planificación de clases para que estrategias relacionadas puedan mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a los estudiantes. La investigación busca solucionar la problemática detectada, importante para la calidad educativa “La ausencia estrategias de indagación en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en clases Ciencias Naturales , tiene como consecuencia el no desarrollo de las habilidades del pensamiento científico imprescindible para el aprendizaje de los contenidos mínimos obligatorios por parte de los estudiantes de nb2 (3° y 4°) en el Colegio San Agustín de Melipilla”, lo que conlleva a la pregunta de índole general ¿Qué dificultades en los métodos de enseñanza presentan los profesores de nb2 en el colegio San Agustín de Melipilla en Ciencias Naturales para que sus alumnos desarrollen la habilidad dl pensamiento científico? y otras preguntas específicas las cuales se plantean como ¿Qué estrategias de enseñanza les permite a los profesores de Ciencias Naturales de nb2 mejorar las habilidades del pensamiento científico en los estudiantes el colegio San Agustín de Melipilla?¿Cómo la metodología indicativa permite a los profesores mejorar las habilidades del pensamiento científico en los estudiantes de Ciencias Naturales de nb2 del Colegio San Agustín de Melipilla? ¿Qué características debiera tener una propuesta de mejoramiento que permita a los profesores potenciar las habilidades del pensamiento científico en estudiantes de nb2 en clases de Ciencias Naturales en el colegio San Agustín de Melipilla? Todo este proyecto de mejoramiento busca ser un aporte a la investigación educativa y generar nuevas maneras de optimizar el proceso enseñanza- aprendizaje debido a la gran diversidad de estudiantes de las aulas del siglo XXI

    Insights into students' conceptual understanding of operating systems: a four-year case study in online education

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    For decades, instructors and researchers have been trying to improve or enhance the learning process of students. In this process, it is important to know whether students have misconceptions in their conceptual understanding. The study of these elements is becoming a relevant research area in science and engineering education. This article provides insights into why students have misconceptions in an online course on operating systems. Specifically, this study presents a four-year qualitative case study of 78 online students in order to identify misconceptions and the causes that generate them. Our results indicate that students experienced misconceptions with the concept of interrupt. In fact, this study reveals that the natural-language meaning of the term interrupt is a hindrance to understanding this concept. In addition, a methodology for discovering misconceptions and their causes is developed

    Nuevas ecuaciones de cubicación para pino silvestre en "aguas vertientes" (El Espinar, Segovia).

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    El monte "Aguas Vertientes" (El Espinar) es el nº 138 del C.U.P. de Segovia. Se trata de una masa natural de pino silvestre, con abundante melojo en sus cotas inferiores. Su primer Proyecto de Ordenación fue redactado en 1904, estando actualmente redactada y en fase de aprobación la novena revisión. La madera de pino obtenida es elaborada en un aserradero cercano, perteneciente a la misma entidad propietaria. Durante los últimos años los responsables de dicho aserradero vienen manifestando que la cubicación en pie realizada por la administración forestal presenta errores de magnitud suficiente como para ser necesaria su corrección. Este trabajo fin de carrera ha consistido en comprobar la fiabilidad de los valores modulares empleados hasta ahora, y elaborar nuevas ecuaciones de cubicación. Para ello se ha manejado una muestra de 234 pinos repartidos en malla cuadrada y cubicados en pie mediante el método de Pressler-Bitterlich. Como resultado, se propone una ecuación de doble entrada (función de diámetro normal y altura) para todo el monte; y una ecuación de una entrada (función de diámetro normal) para cotas superiores e inferiores a 1.500 m. Los nuevos modelos son validados mediante una muestra independiente

    Consumer’s profile and quality evaluation of poultry traded in Brasília - DF

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar demograficamente os consumidores de carne de frango do Distrito Federal e avaliar a percepção dos mesmos sobre atributos de qualidade da carne comercializada em supermercados da região. Para realização da pesquisa 385 questionários foram aplicados em consumidores de carne de frango no momento da compra em supermercados e hipermercados da cidade de Brasília. O questionário era composto por perguntas relacionadas à caracterização e identificação do perfil do consumidor, bem como por perguntas voltadas à identificação dos atributos considerados mais importantes pelos consumidores no momento da compra da carne de frango. Foi observado que 53% dos compradores são mulheres, possuem no mínimo curso superior completo e recebem mais de 5000 reais mensais, 70% têm filhos e tem entre 26 e 55 anos de idade. Os cinco atributos considerados mais importantes em ordem de prioridade são: aspectos sanitários, características sensoriais, a preservação do produto no supermercado, o risco de fraude e o manejo de resíduos no sistema produtivo. O preço foi apenas o 6º colocado. Questões como rastreabilidade/certificação, marca, origem, bem-estar animal foram considerados menos importantes pelos consumidores. A renda teve efeito significativo na maneira como esse consumidor observa questões relacionadas ao aspecto sanitário e rótulos. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis research aimed to identify the profile of poultry consumers of Distrito Federal and to evaluate the perception these consumers have of meat quality. To obtain the data, 385 consumers were interviewed in super and hipermarkets in the city of Brasília. The questionnaire was composed by questions aiming to characterize the consumers and also by questions aiming to identify the most important quality attributes, considering the consumers’ view point. It was observed that 53% of the consumers were highly educated women, with a salary higher than 5000 reais per month, 70% had children, and were between 26 and 55 years of age. The five most important quality attributes were: sanitary aspects, sensorial characteristics, product conservation in the market, fraud, residues disposal. Price was only mentioned in sixth place. Traceability/certification, brand, origin, animal well-fare were considered less important by these consumers. Income has a positive and significant effect on how these consumers perceive questions related to sanitary aspects and label information

    Análisis del nivel de operatividad y eficiencia de las aplicaciones web diseñadas por los egresados de la carrera ingeniería en sistemas computacionales como Proyecto de grado en la Facultad Académica Ciencias de la Ingeniería.

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    La Universidad Estatal de Milagro es el primer centro de Educación Superior de Milagro con Acreditación Categoría B en la cual la Facultad de Ciencias de Ingeniería (ingeniería en sistemas) los Estudiantes graduados no cuentan con un alojamiento para su tesis, la propuesta de nuestro proyecto es de implementar un servidor web con el propósito de que las tesis de los graduados queden almacenadas en el servidor. Para darle un mejor uso a futuro para investigaciones de los estudiantes

    Digital light processing-3D printing of thermoset materials with high biodegradability from amino acid-derived acrylamide monomers

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    Six acrylamide resins, derived from l-phenylalanine and l-leucine, are designed for application in digital light processing (DLP) printers to obtain biodegradable thermoset polymers. The acrylamide copolymers are prepared under light irradiation at 405 nm and thermal post-curing processes. Low molecular weight poly(ethylene glycol)diacrylate (PEGDA) and N,N-dimethylacrylamide (DMAM), both liquid resins, are used as co-monomers and diluents for the amino acid-derived acrylamide solubilization. The presence of two phenylalanine units and two ester groups in the acrylamide monomer accuses a fast degradation rate in hydrolytic medium in 90 days. The residual products leached in the aqueous media prove to be non-cytotoxic, when 3D-printed samples are cultured with osteoblast cells (MG63), which represents an advantage for the safe disposal of printer waste materials. The scaled-up pieces derived from l-phenylalanine and diethylene glycol, as amino acid-derived acrylamide (named compound C), PEGDA and DMAM, present high dimensional stability after DLP printing of complex structures used as testing samples. Layers of 50 µm of thickness are well cohesive having isotropic behavior, as demonstrated with tensile-strain measurements performed in X–Y–Z (plane) directions. The compound C, which contains phenylalanine amino acid, reveals a promising potential to replace non-biodegradable acrylate polymers used in prototyping systems.Postprint (author's final draft

    Recursos Didácticos Comunicativos Y Audiovisuales Para La Enseñanza-Aprendizaje Del Idioma Inglés A Través De Aulas Virtuales

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    The purpose of the current research was the implementation of didactic audiovisual and communicative resources through a virtual classroom for the teaching-learning of English language, aimed to the first level students Languages School at Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo due to the lack of didactic material helping in the development of activities and tasks into the classroom. This fact impedes teachers and students reaching a higher level in the English Language teaching-learning process, this situation made necessary the implementation of resources adaptive to the pedagogical context and planned through a content manager or virtual classroom. The current research is quasi experimental, bibliographic, documental and descriptive which was applied to a sample where it was necessary to consider an initial knowledge diagnose before applying the communicative and audiovisual resources, then it was necessary to carry out an evaluation at the end of it. It was also necessary to use a set of activities based on communicative and audiovisual resources framed within the micro curriculum guidelines with schedules and contents that were evaluated through questionnaires and a checklist. The instruments for collecting information allowed obtaining data in both pre-test and post-test. These qualifications were compared through a statistical test that allowed concluding that the use of the mentioned resources improved the English language teaching, at the same time it was possible to recommend its use within the curriculum for the First Level of the Languages Major

    Entornos Virtuales 3D Con Juegos De Rol Y Diálogos Para Desarrollar La Comunicación Oral Del Idioma Inglés

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    The present research aims at the application of a conversational English course in 3D virtual environments, to develop oral communication of the language in the students of the sixth level "G" at the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Chimborazo, from March to August of 2014, inasmuch as, little interest in and outside the classroom was detected, which inhibited the learning process. Therefore, the use of listening and speaking skills was proposed, using communicative techniques such as role play and discussion. The development of the research was based on a quasi-experimental and qualitative design, applied type, causal, in situ and bibliographic. The method used was the hypothetical - deductive one that allowed to verify that the oral communication of the English language was developed. It was essential to develop the activities contained in the conversational course, which allowed the collection of information through evaluations with an observation sheet and qualifications scale applied to an experimental group, represented by the sample in two scenarios: before and after applying communicative strategies; the same ones that were tabulated, analyzed, interpreted and compared, these determined that the techniques, role play and dialogue, allowed to develop the oral language skill of the students through the English course