301 research outputs found

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    Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus population trends in relation to wind farms

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    Capsule: The data presented here demonstrate a considerable spatial overlap between wind farms and the breeding distribution of Hen Harriers in Ireland, but evidence for a negative impact of wind farms on their population is weak. Aims: To assess the extent of the overlap between wind farms and breeding Hen Harriers and to investigate their potential impact on Hen Harrier population trends. Methods: Data on Hen Harrier breeding distribution in 10 km × 10 km survey squares from national surveys were used in conjunction with information on the location of wind farms to examine whether, and to what extent, changes in Hen Harrier distribution and abundance between 2000 and 2010 were related to wind energy development. Results: Of the 69 survey squares holding Hen Harriers during the 2010 breeding season, 28% also overlapped with one or more wind farms. Data from 36 of the squares with breeding Hen Harriers during the 2000 survey revealed a marginally non-significant negative relationship between wind farm presence and change in the number of breeding pairs between 2000 and 2010. Conclusions: A considerable overlap exists between Hen Harrier breeding distribution and the location of wind farms in Ireland, particularly in areas between 200 and 400 m above sea level. The presence of wind farms is negatively related to Hen Harrier population trends in squares surveyed in 2000 and 2010, but this relationship is not statistically significant, and may not be causal. This is the first study to assess the influence of wind energy development on Hen Harriers at such a large geographic and population scale

    Racial-group differences in IQ in the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study: A reply to Levin and

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    The etiology of racial differences in intelligence and achievement is one of the most heated areas of social science research. In this article, we respond to criticisms by Levin and Lynn of our 1992 follow-up study of IQ and achievement in a sample of transracial adoptees and their families, in particular to their assertion that our results provide strong support for a genetic etiology underlying racial differences in measured intelligence. In that follow-up, as well as in publications from the original study In this article, we address a number of issues raised in Levin's and Lynn's critiques, including the magnitude of adoptee racial-group differences in IQ and achievement, the inclusion of white and Asian/Indian adoptee groups in such analyses, the confounding of important early environmental influences with race differences, the confusion of withingroup and between-group influences on IQ, the regional U.S. differences in AfricanAmerican norms for IQ and achievement, the effects of renormed IQ tests on adoptee group differences, and the nature of the available evidence regarding a genetic hypothesis for racial differences in intelligence. We argue that, contrary to Levin's and Lynn's assertions, results from the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study provide little or no conclusive evidence for genetic influences underlying racial differences in intelligence and achievement. Racial-group differences in intelligence and achievement are often observed but seldom explained to anyone's satisfaction. A variety of etiological speculations have been offered to explain such differences. These have included environmental factors, such as the pervasive effects of poverty The authors wish to acknowledge the helpful comments of an anonymous reviewer. Correspondence and requests for reprints should be sent t

    Evidencia en video de fratricidio y canibalismo, movimiento de polluelos e interacciones con depredadores en nidos de Circus cyaneus

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    During a nest-camera study of Hen Harriers (Circus cyaneus), we recorded siblicide, cannibalism, movement of nestlings by adult birds, and interactions with predators. We deployed cameras at 13 nests across three study areas in Ireland between 2008 and 2010. At a nest with two well-developed nestlings (approximately 25–30 d old), the older nestling killed its sibling and fed on it. This was the first documented case of siblicide in this species, to our knowledge. Recordings also revealed three other events of cannibalism in which one of the nestlings in a brood died from unknown causes and was then eaten by its siblings (n = 1), by the adult male (n = 1), or was used by the adult female to feed the remaining nestlings (n = 1). At two nests, recordings showed the adult female picking up and moving nestlings that were outside the nest cup. In addition, cameras recorded two instances of full brood predation by red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and an attack on a nest by a female Eurasian Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) that had no apparent consequences for the nestlings or the female Hen Harrier. The behaviors reported here, which are difficult to observe directly, may have important consequences for our understanding of productivity and population dynamics of Hen Harriers.Durante un estudio sobre patrones de actividad de individuos reproductores de Circus cyaneus realizado con cámaras para monitoreo de nidos, registramos comportamientos de fratricidio, canibalismo, movimientos de polluelos e interacciones con depredadores. Colocamos cámaras en 13 nidos distribuidos en tres áreas de estudio en Irlanda entre 2008 y 2010. En un nido con dos polluelos en un estado de desarrollo avanzado (c. 25-30 días), el polluelo de mayor edad mató al otro y se alimentó de él. Este es el primer caso documentado de fratricidio en esta especie. Obtuvimos imágenes de otros tres casos de canibalismo en que uno o más polluelos fallecieron por causas desconocidas y sus cadáveres fueron usados como alimento por los otros polluelos (n = 1), por el macho adulto (n = 1) o por la hembra adulta para alimentar a los otros polluelos (n = 1). En dos nidos, las imágenes muestran a la hembra adulta repetidamente recogiendo polluelos que se alejan del nido para intentar llevarlos al nido. Por último, las cámaras captaron dos eventos de depredación de polluelos por parte de Vulpes vulpes y un enfrentamiento entre la hembra adulta de C. cyaneus y una hembra de Falco tinnunculus sin consecuencias para los polluelos o la hembra adulta. Estos comportamientos, difíciles de detectar mediante metodologías de monitoreo tradicionales, pueden tener consecuencias para el éxito reproductivo y la dinámica poblacional de esta especie

    Non-pharmacological treatment-related changes of molecular biomarkers in major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a serious mood disorder and leading cause of disability. Despite treatment advances, approximately 30% of individuals with MDD do not achieve adequate clinical response. Better understanding the biological mechanism(s) underlying clinical response to specific psychopharmacological interventions may help fine tune treatments in order to further modulate their underlying mechanisms of action. However, little is known regarding the effect of non-pharmacological treatments (NPTs) on candidate molecular biomarker levels in MDD. This review aims to identify molecular biomarkers that may elucidate NPT response for MDD. Methods We performed a systematic review and a multilevel linear mixed-effects meta-analyses, and a meta-regression. Searches were performed in PubMed, Scopus, and PsycINFO in October 2020 and July 2021. Results From 1387 retrieved articles, 17 and six studies were included in the systematic review and meta-analyses, respectively. Although there was little consensus associating molecular biomarker levels with symptomology and/or treatment response, brain metabolites accessed via molecular biomarker-focused neuroimaging techniques may provide promising information on whether an individual with MDD would respond positively to NPTs. Furthermore, non-invasive brain stimulation interventions significantly increased the expression of neurotrophic factors (NTFs) compared to sham/placebo, regardless of add-on pharmacological treatment. Conclusions NTFs are candidate biomarkers to fine-tune NIBS for MDD treatment.publishe
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