1,101 research outputs found

    Penyuluhan Penyajian karya dan Persiapan Pameran Fotografi Forum Komunikasi Fotografi Mahasiswa Yogyakarta (FORKOM Jogja)

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    Di Yogyakarta terdapat sejumlah UKM Fotografi yang rutin menyelenggarakan pameran foto dalam periode tertentu, biasanya tahunan. Kegiatan ini menambah dinamika dunia fotografi serta turut memajukan fotografi Indonesia. Karya foto perlu ditunjang dengan cara penyajian yang baik agar pesan yang hendak disampaikan dalam karya dapat terseberangkan. Selain itu, penyajian yang baik akan meningkatkan nilai karya berikut apresiasi dari penonton pameran. Sayangnya, penyajian karya yang dilakukan oleh UKM-UKM Fotografi yang tergabung dalam FORKOM Jogja ini masih kurang diperhatikan. Untuk itu, diperlukan penyuluhan dalam hal penyajian karya dan persiapan pameran. Metode  yang  digunakan  adalah  pemberian  teori  di  dalam  ruangan  kelas  oleh  dosen-­dosen fotografi Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. Adapun praktik yang dilakukan berupa eksperimen penyajian karya fotografi oleh seniman fotografi Mes56 Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan penyuluhan yang telah dilakukan terhadap sebagian kecil komunitas fotografi di Yogyakarta, disimpulkan bahwa materi penyajian pameran sangat diperlukan oleh masyarakat fotografi. Penyajian karya fotografi sangat mempengaruhi hasil karya serta dapat pula didayagunakan untuk menyatu dengan karya. In Yogyakarta, there are several photography cliques that periodically hold photo exhibitions, usually annualy. This event adds to the dynamic of Indonesia photography world and also to improve the development of photography in Indonesia. Photos need to be supported with proper presentation to ensure the intended message can be conveyed through. Aside of that, a good presentation will raise the photo value and appreciation from the visitors. Unfortunately, photo presentations that has been done by cliques within FORKOM Jogja still needs improvement. Hence it is needed to create a workshop about photo presentation and exhibit preparation. The methods used is theoretical lesson done in classroom by the lecturers of Indonesian Institute of Arts (ISI Yogyakarta) from Photography major. One of the practice being shown is the photo presentation from the photographer Mes56 Yogyakarta. Based on the conducted workshop that has been done to a small number of photography communities in Yogyakarta, it can be deduced that material about exhibit presentation is highly needed by the photography communities. The way of how a photo is presented heavily influences the photo’s value and is exploitable to connect more with the photo

    Kedudukan TAP MPR dan Implikasinya terhadap Hierarki Peraturan Perundang Undangan di Indonesia

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    Terjadinya tarik ulur penempatan Ketetapan MPR dalam hirarkhi peraturan Perundang-undangan ternyata telah memunculkan barbagai tanggapan pro dan kontra, disatu sisi keberadaan Undang-udang Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 tentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-undangan, mengakibatkan TAP MPR secara otomatis (ex-officio) akan menjadi rujukan dalam pembentukan dan penerapan ketentuan peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berada di bawahnya. Dalam hal ini UU/Perpu, PP. Perpres, dan Perda. namun di sisi lain akibat dimasukkannya kembali TAP MPR dalam hierarki peraturan Perundang-undangan, maka muncul persoalan dalam hal pengujian norma diantara peraturan Perundang-undangan lainnya. Bagaimana jika TAP MPR bertentangan dengan UUD Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945? Dan bagaimana pula jika terdapat UU yang bertentangan dengan TAP MPR? Jika merunut kepada sistem kekuasaan kehakiman Indonesia dewasa ini, uji materi dibebankan kepada Mahkamah Konstitusi. Akan tetapi kewenangan Mahkamah Konsitusi sebatas uji materi UU terhadap UUD. Tidak ada ketentuan khusus yang mengatur tata cara pengujian TAP MPR terhadap UUD atapun UU terhadap TAP MPR. Mahkamah Konstitusi tidak boleh serta merta melakukan pengujian terhadap TAP MPR, kecuali Mahkamah Konstitusi melakukan upaya hukum progresif seperti yang dilakukan selama ini

    Achieving Good Grade and Good Heart: A Strategy of Developing Soft Skills in English Language Teaching English Language Teaching

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    Soft skills have a significant role in the development of the students’ overall personality, thereby potentially enhance their career prospect. In the context of foreign language teaching, soft skills can be exposed integrally through the process of teaching and learning English. This is based on the paradigm that English language teaching ideally does not merely focus on how to achieve a good grade in the language skills, but also guide them to internalize the virtues for their soft skills development (good heart)...

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Kontekstual Terhadap Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa SMA

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    : Contextual Teaching and Learning and Biology Learning Achievement among Senior High School Students. This quasi experimental study was designed to explain the effects of inquiry learning of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), learning community of CTL, and entry behavior on Biology learning achievement of senior high school students of Bengkulu. The subjects were randomly selected from year-10 classes of eight schools and assigned to eight experimental classes. The study shows that: (1) the inquiry learning of CTL has no effect on the students\u27 cognitive learning achievement; (2) the learning community, particularly the extended one, of CTL contributes to the students\u27 cognitive learning achievement; and (3) the students\u27 entry behavior did not affect their cognitive learning achievement when the students learned through inquiry process of CTL


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    Abstrak: Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah melakukan pendampingan percakapan bahasa Inggris bagi pramusaji kedai di kawasan pantai Impos. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 26 orang pramusaji di kawasan pantai Impos yang masih kurang memadai dalam berbahasa Inggris komunikatif. Metode dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan memberikan pelatihan menggunakan bahasa Inggris praktis, yaitu berlatih keterampilan keterampilan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam berinteraksi jual beli dengan tamu asing. Hasil evaluasi dari pengujian kemampuan berbicara menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan bahasa inggris yang diindikasikan dari hasil rata-rata pretest adalah 38, sedangkan post-test sebesar 50,2. Peningkatan ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pelatihan bahasa inggris bagi para pramusaji di pantai Impos berhasil.Abstract: The purpose of this community service is to assist the group of waiters at the Impos beach with basic speaking training. The implementation of this activity was attended by 26 waiters in the Impos beach area who were still inadequate in communicative English.They had low English-speaking proficiency in daily conversation. The training activities involved pre-test, treatment, and post-test. It trained them how to sell their products to foreign tourists. The results of the training showed improvement of their speaking skills that are indicated by a significant different between their scores in pre-test and post-test. Their average score in the pretest is 38, while the post-test is 50.2. This community service helped the waiters and vendors improved their English daily conversation skills

    Pembelajaran Biologi Kontekstual Berkarakter Imtaq melalui Strategi Parent's Day untuk Meningkatkan Sikap , Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa di SMA Negri 10 Kota Bengkulu

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    This research has aims to find out activities, Imtaq attitude, and Student Learning Result in Biology Lesson by applying Biology contextual imtaq characterized learning by Parents day strategy. The type of this research is Class Action Research (CAR), done by 2 cycles. It was done in SMA Negeri 10 Kota Bengkulu. Instrument used is Observation Paper, questionnaire of Imtaq attitude and test paper. Result of this research at Cycle 1 is the average of student's activity 28.5 while at cycle 2 improve to 37.5. The average of student activities at cycle 1 is 28.8 and at cycle 2 are 36. Students Lesson result at both cycles also improve. At Cycle 1, the average score is 56.69 and the Completeness of Classical Study is 25 %, 76.70, while at cycle 2 is 76.70 and 87.50 % respectively. Students attitude to Imtaq is on high category, this can be seen at the average Students Imtaq attitude is 66.57 in cycles 1 and 67.17 in cycle 2 both in high category. This is showed from the score gotten improvement imtaq attitude; however it is not too high. Based on this research, can be concluded that Biology Contextual imtaq characterized learning improves activities, Imtaq behaviours and study Resul

    Implementing Inquiry-Based Learning Strategy to Improve the Secondary Students’ Descriptive Writing Ability

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    This study aims at improving the students’ writing ability in English through Inquiry-Based Learning strategy. This study employed collaborative classroom action research design in which the researchers and the collaborative teacher work together in designing the lesson plan, implementing the action, observing the action, and making reflection. The subjects of this study were the second year students of MTs. Ar Raisyiah Sekarbela of the academic year 2019/2020. This study was conducted in two cycles by following the procedure of the action research i.e. planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The procedures of implementing inquiry-based learning strategy in the teaching and learning writing of this study are: (1) engaging students to express their ideas in discussion activities, (2) guiding the students to investigate or observe the objects, (3) asking them to make notes of what they have investigated, (4) engaging them to make outline, (5) providing and discussing a model of text, (6) drafting rough draft based the outline, (7) revising the drafts focusing on the content and organization, (8) conducting peer editing in order to edit the grammatical aspects, (9) sharing the writing by reading it aloud in front of the class, and (10) reflecting the process of writing. The findings of the study showed that the strategy could improve the students’ ability in writing descriptive paragraphs. The improvement can be seen on the mean score of the students writing from the preliminary test, test of cycle 1 and test of cycle 2. In the preliminary, the students' mean score on the writing test was only 4.5. Meanwhile, in the test of cycle 1 was 5.9 and the test of cycle 2 became 7.1

    Kajian Visual Foto Iklan GoMart “Have Fun” melalui Pendekatan Semiotika

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    Sebagai media penyampaian pesan yang dianggap cukup efektif, foto iklan banyak dipilih sebagai perantara pesan sebuah ide konsep yang tertuang kedalam bentuk visual. Foto yang ditujukan untuk keperluan sebuah iklan (advertising) nilainya terletak pada visual yang kuat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menganalisis makna visual yang terkandung dalam iklan GoMart “Have Fun” dengan mengacu pada teori semiotika. Dalam konteks ini, gaya iklan yang digunakan sebagai media iklan yakni melalui visual foto yang dikemas secara persuasif dan imajinatif. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis secara deskriptif, penelitian dilakukan dengan cara mengobservasi penggunaan tanda dan simbol yang muncul serta korelasinya dengan pesan yang ingin disampaikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya iklan yang digunakan GoMart menghadirkan visual foto yang persuasif dan imajinatif. Visual Study of GoMart "Have Fun" Advertising Photos Using a Semiotic ApproachAs a medium of delivering messages that are considered quite effective, advertising photos are widely chosen as intermediaries for the message of a concept idea contained in visual form. Photos intended for the purposes of advertising (advertising) value lies in strong visuals. This study aims to understand and analyze the visual meaning contained in GoMart's "Have Fun" advertisement by referring to semiotic theory. In this context, the advertising style used as an advertising medium is through visual photos that are packaged persuasively and imaginatively. Using a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis methods, research is carried out by observing the use of signs and symbols that appear and their correlation with the message to be conveyed. The research results show that the advertising style used by GoMart presents persuasive and imaginative photo visuals


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    The development carried out in the Pasie Laweh village requires accurate data in the context of preparing future nagari activity programs. The compilation of religious data is associated with community empowerment in the form of compiling data on the potential of the nagari in the religious field which is carried out based on the results of the collaboration between the Islamic Creative House Community Development (ICD) Islamic Community Development Study Program (PMI) Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Da'wah IAIN Batusangkar with Nagari Pasie Laweh, Sungai Tarab District, Tanah Datar Regency. In the field of custom and culture, potential data in the economic sector, potential data in the Social Sector, Among the potentials mapped on the mapping of potential in the religious field, the method used in this research is based on the survey research method. Survey research is research that takes a sample from a population by using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The data collection technique is carried out in the following way;observations, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation, the results obtained are the commitment of the nagari government in using data in preparing the nagari budget in the form of the nagari revenue and expenditure budget (APBNag).Keywords: data collection, potential, empowermen
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