29 research outputs found

    Kloning gen virulen Streptococcus agalactiae sebagai bahan dasar vaksin rekombinan

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    ABSTRACT Streptococcus agalactiae has emerged as an important pathogen that affects Nile tilapia in Indonesia aquaculture. Vaccination is one of the most effective tools for enhancing host defense and protecting fish from pathogens. DNA vaccine is a third generation of vaccines based on the gene encoding a vaccine antigen rather than the antigen itself. Mga is DNA-binding protein that activates expression of several important virulence gene, including those encoding M protein (emm), C5a peptidase (SCPA) and mga. The goals of this study were to isolate and molecular characterize the mga gene of local isolate of S. agalactiae to support the development of DNA vaccine. Local bacterial strain was isolated from Nile tilapia  farming in West Java, Indonesia. Bacterial identification was accomplished by PCR, using 16S rRNA primers, which revealed the 1,500 bp PCR product. Mga gene isolation was accomplished by PCR using mga gene S. agalactiae SAF and SAR- specific primers, which revealed the 1,494 bp PCR product. Mga gene was cloned into pGEM T-easy and sequenced using M13 primers. SalI and NotI restriction enzymes were used to digest the pGEM T-easy vector containing mga gene. Mga gene was cloned into pMBA containing beta actin promoter of Japanese medaka. The 16S rRNA sequence analyses confirmed that the local bacteria was 97% similarity with S. agalactiae strain 15-92MPnew. The nucleotide sequence analyses confirmed that the clones were contained 98% similarity with M protein mga  S. agalactiae. The mga gene  controlled by MBA promoter has constructed successfully as a candidate of DNA vaccine to against S. agalactiae infection in Nile tilapia. Keywords: DNA Vaccine, Streptococcus agalactiae, mga gene, Oreochromis niloticus, recombinant DNA  ABSTRAK Streptococcus agalactiae merupakan patogen penting yang mempengaruhi budidaya ikan nila di Indonesia. Vaksinasi merupakan salah satu metode yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan pertahanan dan melindungi ikan dari patogen. Vaksin DNA adalah vaksin generasi ketiga yang mengandung gen penyandi antigen vaksin. Mga adalah protein DNA-binding yang mengaktifkan ekspresi beberapa gen virulensi, termasuk M protein (emm), C5a peptidase (SCPA) dan mga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengisolasi dan karakterisasi secara molekuler gen mga dari isolat lokal S. agalactiae untuk mendukung pengembangan vaksin DNA. Identifikasi bakteri dilakukan dengan PCR, menggunakan primer 16S rRNA dengan produk PCR 1.500 bp. Isolasi gen mga dilakukan dengan metode PCR menggunakan primer SAF dan SAR dengan ukuran target 1.494 bp. Gen mga dikloning ke vektor pGEMT–easy dan disekuensing menggunakan primer M13.  Enzim Sal I dan Not I digunakan untuk memotong gen mga dari vektor pGEMT- easy, selanjutnya gen mga dikloning ke vektor pMBA yang mengandung promoter beta-aktin ikan medaka Jepang. Berdasarkan analisis menggunakan gen 16S rRNA diperoleh bahwa sampel memiliki kesamaan 97% sebagai S. agalactiae. Analisis sekuen nukleotida menunjukkan bahwa klon mengandung gen mga dengan 98% kesamaan dengan M protein mga S. agalactiae. Konstruksi mga gene yang dikendalikan oleh promoter MBA telah berhasil dibuat dan ini merupakan kandidat vaksin DNA untuk mengendalikan infeksi S. agalactiae pada ikan nila. Kata kunci: Vaksin DNA, Streptococcus agalactiae, gen mga, Oreochromis niloticus, DNA rekombinan


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    Despite as high price consumption fish, humpback grouper grow out take very long time so its culture considered not efficient. Therefore to accelerate its growth rate and make grow out culture more efficient, recombinant Epinepheluslanceolatus growth hormone (rElGH) was applied by oral route. Daily application of rough rElGH at a dose of 5 mg/100 g commercial diet for 42 days resulted significance increase in growth rate compared to control groups. No specific histological damage on kidney, liver and spleen which was attributable to rElGH administration. These results strongly suggested that growth stimulation following oral administration was due to a specific action of rElGH and recombinant GH as mentioned above save for fish consumption. Keywords: growth, histology, humpback grouper, recombinant growth hormone


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    This study was aimed to produce recombinant growth hormone (rGH) from giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus), giant gouramy (Osphronemus gouramy) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and compare their bioactivity potential by means of inducing the growth hormone of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as the model. DNA fragment encoding mature GH protein of giant grouper (El-mGH), giant gouramy (Og-mGH) and common carp (Cc-mGH) was amplified by PCR method. The purified PCR products were ligated to pCold-1 to generate pCold/El-mGH, pCold/OgmGH, and pCold/Cc-mGH protein expression vector, respectively. Each of the expression vectors was transformed into the Escherichia coli BL21. E. coli BL21 was cultured using 2xYT medium and protein production was induced by cold shock at 15±1oC for overnight. The inclusion bodies of E. coli transformants containing protein expression vector were isolated by sonication method, and rGH production was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Juvenile of Nile tilapia of average body weight of 12.41±3.28 g was intramuscularly injected once a week for 4 weeks with 1 μg inclusion body containing rGH per gram fish body weight. The result showed that rGH in molecular weight of about 25 kDa was obtained. Fish injected with rGH of El-mGH, Cc-mGH and Og-mGH grew 20.94%, 18.09%, and 16.99% faster, respectively, compared with the control. This result indicated that the three rGH produced in E. coli possessed biological activity when tested on Nile tilapia and further research is needed to find its effect on the growth of other aquaculture fish species

    Diversifikasi Pendapatan, Risiko Kredit, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Risk Aversion Dan Net Interest Margin

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    This research aims to analyze the influence of income diversification, credit risk, loan to deposit ratio, and risk aversion to Net Interest Margin (NIM) of conventional bank listed in IDX during the periods 2014 - 2016. Income diversification is measured by NII ratio, credit risk is measured by NPL ratio, loan to deposit ratio is measured by LDR, and risk aversion is measured by CAR. This research also using bank size and BOPO as control variable. The data studied were obtained through non-participant observation method by directly quoting financial and banking data. The data sources used in this study came from Bloomberg and OJK. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Based on the criteria determined, it will get 36 conventional banks. Data analysis in this study used multiple linear regression analysis, which had previously passed the classical assumption test. Result of this research show that income diversification, credit risk, loan to deposit ratio, and risk aversion have positive and significance effect to net interest margin


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    Humpback grouper is one of the most cultured fishes in Asia, including Indonesia. Themain problemfaced by humpback culture is its slow growth rate.One of themethods that willbe more effective and efficient to solve the problem is using transgenic technique. This studywas conducted to determine the effectiveness of transfection,microinjection and electroporationtechniques on gene transfer in humpback grouper. transfection was performed byincubating sperm to the foreign DNA (pktBP-ktGH gene construct)-transfectant complexsolution, while was by injecting those complex solution into testis of mature males.Microinjection was conducted in 2-4 cell stage embryos using 25 ĂŽÂĽg/ml of foreign DNAsolution, and duration of injection was 1, 2 and 3 seconds. Electroporation by 50 V, 30 ms ofpulse length, 5 of pulse number and 0.1 of pulse interval was performed to sperm using threeDNA concentration of 5, 10 and 20 ĂŽÂĽg/ml. The incorporation of foreign DNA in sperm andembryos were analyzed using PCR method. Based on PCR analysis, an optimum DNAconcentration for electroporation was 10 ĂŽÂĽg/ml. Limited number of embryos could bemicroinjected during 20-30 min to reach 2-4 cell stage. Microinjection for 1 second showedhigher survival rate of embryos, although none or very low number of larvae was hatched.Transfast was an effective DNA delivery reagent for humpback grouper sperm. Foreign DNAcould be detected in sperm from two out of ten transfected fish at least 36 hours posttransfection (hpt). By transfection, foreign DNA was detected in sperm at 48 hpt 25 Cincubation temperature. Our study revealed that transfection, microinjection as well aselectroporation could be used as transgenesis methods in humpback grouper. By means ofsimplicity and efficacy, however, electroporationwas an appropriate gene transfermethod.oIn vitroin vivoin vivoin vitr

    Production and bioactivity test of recombinant protein common carp growth hormone

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    This study aimed to produce recombinant growth hormone (rGH) protein of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and evaluate its bioactivity. DNA fragment encoding mature GH protein of common carp (mCcGH) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method and PCR products were then ligated into pCold I to generate pCold I-mCcGH protein expression vector. Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) harboring pCold I-mCcGH was cultured in the 2xYT medium at 15 °C for 24 hours and protein production was induced by isopropyl-beta-thio galactopyranoside (IPTG). The inclusion bodies containing rGH protein from E. coli transformants were isolated by sonication method and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The result showed that rGH with molecular weight of about 25 kDa was obtained. Common carp juveniles with average body weight of 5.2±0.4 g were intramuscularly injected once a week for 4 weeks with rGH protein solution from 1 μg bacterial cells per gram fish body weight. The result showed that juveniles fish injected with rGH grew 106.56% higher than control. This result indicated that rGH produced in E. coli BL21 possessed biological activity and it may be useful to improve growth of aquaculture species.Key words: growth hormone, recombinant protein, common carp ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan protein rekombinan hormon pertumbuhan (growth hormone, GH) dari ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio) dan menguji bioaktivitasnya. Fragmen DNA penyandi protein matang (mature) GH ikan mas (mCcGH) diamplifikasi dengan menggunakan metode PCR dan hasilnya kemudian diligasi ke dalam pCold-I untuk menghasilkan konstruksi vektor ekspresi pCold-I-mCcGH. Plasmid pCold-I-mCcGH ditransformasi ke bakteri Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3), dikultur dalam media 2xYT cair pada suhu 15°C selama 24 jam dan produksi protein diinduksi dengan menggunakan isopropyl-beta-thio galactopyranoside (IPTG). Badan inklusi yang mengandung protein rekombinan GH (rGH) dari bakteri E. coli transforman diisolasi menggunakan metode sonikasi dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan SDS-PAGE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rGH dengan bobot molekul sekitar 25 kDa berhasil diproduksi. Benih ikan mas dengan bobot rata-rata 5,15±0,4 g diinjeksi secara intramuskular satu kali per minggu selama 4 minggu dengan larutan rGH hasil ekstraksi dari 1 µg pelet bakteri/g bobot ikan. Benih yang disuntik dengan rGH tumbuh sekitar 100% lebih cepat bila dibandingkan dengan kontrol yang tidak diinjeksi rGH. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa rGH yang diproduksi dalam bakteri E. coli memiliki bioaktivitas dan dapat bermanfaat untuk memacu pertumbuhan spesies ikan-ikan budidaya.Kata kunci: hormon pertumbuhan, protein rekombinan, ikan ma

    Evaluation of different promoters driving the GFP reporter gene in seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii

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    Promoter regulates expression level of foreign gene in transgenic organism. This study was performed to select a suitable promoter as the fi rst step towards production of valuable trait-enhanced seaweed by transgenic technology. Green fl uorescent protein (GFP) gene was used as a reporter to determine the activity of promoter in seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii. GFP gene constructs driven by cytomegalovirus (pCMV-GFP), caulifl ower mosaic virus (pCaMV-GFP), medaka β-actin (pmBA-GFP) and Japanese fl ounder keratin (pJfKer-GFP) promoters were introduced by electroporation method. Electroporation was performed using a gene pulser (BIORAD) with voltage of 300 V, pulse length of 0.5 ms, pulse numbers of 4, and pulse interval of 0.1 s. Promoter activity was determined by analyzing GFP gene expression level using a fl uorescent microscope. The results showed that CMV regulated highest number of fi lament callus (34.10%±1.49) expressing GFP at medium to strong fl uorescence levels. CaMV promoter had relatively similar activity with CMV, but lower number of fi lament callus expressing GFP (10.48%±0.25). mBA promoter drove GFP expression at medium level and similar number of fi lament callus (8.85%±2.31) expressing GFP with CaMV, while JfKer promoter had lowest activity by means in number of fi lament callus expressing GFP (4.79%±0.26) and GFP expression level. PCR analysis for transgenic confi rmation showed a DNA band of PCR product from pCMV-GFP and pCaMV-GFP expressing fi lament callus in the same size (about 0.6 kb) with positive control of plasmid. Thus, CMV and CaMV promoters was an appropriate promoter and foreign gene could be transferred to fi lament callus by electroporation method. Combining this achievement with developing a culture method of fi lament callus to be thallus, stable transgenic breeding in K. alvarezii can be feasible

    Pemberian Hormon Pertumbuhan Rekombinan Secara “Putus Dan Sambung” Pada Tiga Kelompok Ukuran Benih Ikan Kerapu Bebek, Cromileptes Altivelis (Valenciennes 1828) [“Stop and Go” Treatment of Recombinant Growth Hormone to Different Sizes of Humpback Grouper Juveniles, Cromileptes Altivelis (Valenciennes 1828)]

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    Penelitian bertujuan membandingkan respons pertumbuhan tiga kelompok ukuran benih ikan kerapu bebek dari kelompok induk dan periode pemijahan yang sama terhadap hormon pertumbuhan rekombinan ikan kerapu kertang Epine-phelus lanceolatus (rElGH); melalui eksperimen “putus dan sambung” yaitu dengan, tanpa, dan perlakuan kembali rElGH masing-masing selama 42 hari. Setiap kelompok ukuran dibagi menjadi dua kelompok perlakuan, kelompok pertama diberi perlakuan rElGH dengan dosis 50 mg rElGH-HP55 kg-1 pakan (pC) sedangkan kelompok kedua sebagai kontrol. Pertambahan bobot badan kelompok pC dibandingkan dengan kontrol pada benih berukuran kecil, sedang dan besar berturut-turut pada eksperimen tahap pertama 85,89%, 39,66% dan 16,34%; tahap kedua -34,57%, -14,76%, dan -5,27%, dan tahap ketiga 56,16%, 50,24% dan 59,14%. Perbedaan laju pertumbuhan spesifik benih berukuran kecil, se-dang dan besar perlakuan pC terhadap kontrol pada eksperimen tahap pertama 41,6%, 19,06% dan 7,52%; tahap kedua -44,81%, -27,23% dan -14,66%; dan tahap ketiga 55,9%, 40,62% dan 48,42%. Faktor kondisi pC dan kontrol pada se-mua kelompok ukuran tidak berbeda nyata. Kandungan dan retensi protein, dan kandungan glikogen hati gabungan sampel dari semua kelompok ukuran ikan perlakuan pC pada eksperimen tahap kedua menurun dibandingkan eksperi-men tahap pertama, masing-masing sebesar 11,49%, 35,14% dan 84,73%. Dapat disimpulkan pemberian rElGH mema-cu pertumbuhan semua kelompok ukuran benih ikan, namun benih berukuran kecil mempunyai respons pertumbuhan lebih tinggi daripada kelompok benih berukuran sedang dan besar. Penghentian pemberian rElGH menyebabkan ber-hentinya faktor pemacu pertumbuhan, sehingga performa pertumbuhan, kandungan dan retensi protein, dan kandungan glikogen hati menurun

    Evaluation of different promoters driving the GFP reporter gene in seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii

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    Promoter regulates expression level of foreign gene in transgenic organism. This study was performed to select asuitable promoter as the fi rst step towards production of valuable trait-enhanced seaweed by transgenic technology. Greenfl uorescent protein (GFP) gene was used as a reporter to determine the activity of promoter in seaweed Kappaphycusalvarezii. GFP gene constructs driven by cytomegalovirus (pCMV-GFP), caulifl ower mosaic virus (pCaMV-GFP),medaka β-actin (pmBA-GFP) and Japanese fl ounder keratin (pJfKer-GFP) promoters were introduced by electroporationmethod. Electroporation was performed using a gene pulser (BIORAD) with voltage of 300 V, pulse length of 0.5 ms,pulse numbers of 4, and pulse interval of 0.1 s. Promoter activity was determined by analyzing GFP gene expressionlevel using a fl uorescent microscope. The results showed that CMV regulated highest number of fi lament callus(34.10%±1.49) expressing GFP at medium to strong fl uorescence levels. CaMV promoter had relatively similar activitywith CMV, but lower number of fi lament callus expressing GFP (10.48%±0.25). mBA promoter drove GFP expressionat medium level and similar number of fi lament callus (8.85%±2.31) expressing GFP with CaMV, while JfKer promoterhad lowest activity by means in number of fi lament callus expressing GFP (4.79%±0.26) and GFP expression level. PCRanalysis for transgenic confi rmation showed a DNA band of PCR product from pCMV-GFP and pCaMV-GFP expressingfi lament callus in the same size (about 0.6 kb) with positive control of plasmid. Thus, CMV and CaMV promoters wasan appropriate promoter and foreign gene could be transferred to fi lament callus by electroporation method. Combiningthis achievement with developing a culture method of fi lament callus to be thallus, stable transgenic breeding in K.alvarezii can be feasible