400 research outputs found


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    Fisika merupakan suatu cabang ilmu yang mempelajari tentang fenomena-fenomena yang terjadi di alam. Sebagai sebuah ilmu, fisika memiliki konsep-konsep yang harus dipelajari yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun, fisika masih dipandang sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran yang dianggap sulit untuk dimengerti. Hal ini dikarenakan, siswa masih beranggapan untuk harus selalu menghafal rumus. Padahal, pembelajaran yang baik adalah pembelajaran yang berasal dari pengalaman siswa itu sendiri. Pembelajaran Five-Stage Conceptual Teaching Models berbantu Hands-on Activity memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk dapat mengemukakan pengetahuan awalnya dan kemudian merekonstruksi pengetahuan tersebut oleh dirinya sendiri, kemudian siswa diberikan permasalahan baru yang berkaitan dengan konsep yang telah dipelajarinya. Pembelajaran Five-Stage Conceptual Teaching Models berbantu Hands-on Activity telah diterapkan pada materi suhu dan kalor untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar dan konsistensi ilmiah siswa. Dalam penelitian ini, materi suhu dan kalor diuraikan ke dalam 5 sub konsep, yaitu: suhu dan pengukuran suhu, pengaruh kalor terhadap ukuran benda, pengaruh kalor terhadap suhu benda, pengaruh kalor terhadap wujud benda, dan perpindahan kalor. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu one group pre test-post test design dengan sampel salah satu kelas X di salah satu SMA Negeri kota Bandung yang terdiri dari 34 siswa. Bentuk tes yang digunakan untuk mengukur peningkatan prestasi belajar dan konsistensi ilmiah siswa adalah menggunakan Three-Tier Test berbasis multirepresentasi dimana setiap sub konsep menggunakan 3 representasi yang berbeda, yaitu: verbal, gambar, dan matematis. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh nilai gain () prestasi belajar sebesar 0,64 yang berada dalam kategori sedang dan nilai gain () konsistensi ilmiah sebesar 0,63 yang berada dalam kategori sedang. ; Physics is a branch of science that studies the phenomena that occur in nature. As a science, physics has concepts to be learned with regard to daily life. However, physics is still regarded as one of the subjects that are considered difficult to understand. This is because students are still assumed to always have to remembered the formulas. In fact, a good learning is the learning that comes from the experience of the students themselves. Learning models of Five-Stage Conceptual Teaching Models assisted Hands-on Activity provides an opportunity for students to be able to express knowledge initially and later reconstruct the knowledge by themselves, then the students were given new problems associated with these concept. Learning models of Five-Stage Conceptual Teaching Models assisted Hands-on Activity has been applied to the material temperature and heat to improve learning achievement and scientific consistency of the students. In this study, the material temperature and heat decomposed into five sub concept, namely: temperature and temperature measurements, the effect of the heat on the size of objects, the effect of the heat on the temperature of objects, the effect of the heat on the states of matter and heat transfer. The method used is one group pre test-post test design with a sample of one class X in one senior high school in Bandung which consist of 34 students. Form a test used to measure the increase learning achievement and scientific consistency is using Three-Tier Test based multirepresentation where each sub concept using three forms of different representation, namely: verbal, picture, and mathematical. Result from this study that the value of learning achievement gain () is 0,64 which are in the middle category, and gain () of scientific consistensy is 0,63 which are in the middle category


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris terkait perbedaan pengaruh struktur dewan terhadap penurunan asimetri informasi di sekitar pengumuman laba pada perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) sebelum dan selama krisis finansial global. Untuk tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan 117 perusahaan yang terdaftar di BEI yang dipilih dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Dalam pengujian data, variabel independen yang digunakan adalah board independence, size of board directors, size of audit committee, dan existence of committee. Penelitian ini menggunakan model regresi linier berganda dan uji paired sample t-test dengan menggunakan bantuan software komputer untuk statistik SPSS versi 16.0. Pengujian data dilakukan meliputi uji asumsi klasik terdiri dari normalitas data, autokorelasi, multikolinier, dan heteroskedastisitas sebagai syarat uji regresi berganda. Hasil pengujian asumsi klasik menunjukkan bahwa data telah bebas dari asumsi klasik. Dalam pengujian regresi berganda, hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa board independence dan existence of committee berpengaruh terhadap penurunan asimetri informasi sebelum krisis finansial global. Berbeda dengan periode selama krisis finansial global, variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap penurunan asimetri informasi adalah board independence. Selain itu, hasil pengujian paired sample t-test menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara penurunan asimetri informasi pada masa sebelum krisis dan selama krisis finansial global yang disebabkan oleh semakin melemahnya peran struktur dewan terhadap penurunan asimetri informasi pada periode selama krisis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan berbagai keterbatasan yang dimungkinkan berpengaruh terhadap hasil penelitian, yaitu variabel independen hanya board independence, size of board directors, size of audit committee, dan existence of committee dan satu variabel kontrol firm size. Nilai Adjusted R 2 untuk periode sebelum krisis sebesar 42,5% dan selama krisis finansial global hanya 17,7%. Selain itu, penelitian ini hanya menggunakan periode penelitian satu tahun untuk periode sebelum dan selama krisis finansial global. Kata kunci: board independence, size of board directors, size of audit committee, existence of committee, firm size, penurunan asimetri informasi

    ACRL Instruction Section Website: Primo Bonus Site of the Month

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    Interview by Amanda Clossen about the site, Analyze Your Research Strategy Tutorial Project description: Part of a suite of five tutorials developed to provide online research support for freshman just learning academic research skills, as well as sophomore and junior transfer students who might need remedial instruction about the research process and academic library services. This 25-minute tutorial helps students identify a paper topic that is not too narrow or too broad, select evidence that will answer their research question, and brainstorm keywords to find pertinent resources

    Nail Lichen Planus: Successful Treatment with Etanercept

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    BACKGROUND: Etanercept is a fully human tumor necrosis factor a receptor fusion protein that binds tumor necrosis factor a with greater affinity than natural receptors. Biologics are widely used in the treatment of psoriasis and psoriasis arthritis and may represent a new therapeutic option for some patients with psoriatic nail disease. CASE REPORT: We report a case of lichen planus limited to the toe nails successfully treated with etanercept monotherapy. CONCLUSION: The significant improvement of our case suggests that etanercept is an effective treatment modality for lichen planus limited particularly to the nails. Further controlled studies are needed to establish the effectiveness and therapeutic regimes

    Crisis in Ukraine: Humanitarian and Human Rights Imperatives

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    The Refugees International Investigation:From March 2 through March 9, 2022, a Refugees International (RI) team traveled to Poland in the wake of the renewed Russian invasion of Ukraine. The team traveled some 600 miles in eastern Poland, visiting border crossings and reception areas in cities hosting people who had fled Ukraine. They met with refugees; members of Polish civil society; and United Nations, U.S. government, and Polish officials.The Ukraine Crisis:As a result of the Russian invasion, Ukraine is in a human rights and humanitarian crisis. About 6.48 million people are estimated to be displaced within the borders of Ukraine, and more than 3.3 million people have fled Ukraine, becoming refugees. The vast majority of refugees are women and children, who are at particular risk of trafficking, sexual exploitation, and gender-based violence. More than 2 million of the refugees are in Poland.The Global Response:The speed and breadth of the international response to the crisis has been unprecedented and generous, with the European Union, the United States, and other donor governments contributing generously to aid efforts. The EU is providing legal status and protections to people who have sought or are seeking refuge from the war in EU countries. A very welcome development, it stands in sharp contrast to European responses to refugee flight from outside the continent—but should be the norm.Refugees in Poland (And Elsewhere in the Region):In Poland and other receiving countries, the UN, EU, and other donors must support governments and civil society to meet refugees' reception and integration needs in the immediate and longer term. These include safe accommodation, medical and mental healthcare, and access to education and employment. An effective response will be grounded in local civil society organizations, investing in their capacity to scale existing services. Swiftly developing government initiatives to responsibly collect and share information about aid efforts within and across borders is necessary to strengthen protections and avoid trafficking, exploitation, and other rights abuses in the region.Unfortunately, non-Ukrainians—in particular Black and brown individuals—who have fled Ukraine have faced greater obstacles in reception and integration, with problems emerging on both sides of borders. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the EU, and other leaders have publicly urged that everyone fleeing Ukraine be allowed into the EU, regardless of race or nationality.The Humanitarian Crisis within Ukraine's Borders:Even as States take on the responsibility of welcoming refugees fleeing Ukraine—a challenge Europe can manage—they must give urgent attention to what is emerging as a far more formidable challenge: the humanitarian emergency within Ukraine. Conflict, and especially the Russian bombardment of civilian institutions and inability of civilians to flee in safety, has created an overwhelming internal crisis, exacerbating an already dire situation. Moreover, several factors suggest that the situation will become even more desperate. In particular, as the Russian military's offensive has become frustrated, it is laying siege to population centers and creating enormous suffering.War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Ukraine:Refugees International is persuaded that the Russian military and the Russian government are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine. They must end such abuses and must be held accountable for a broad range of widespread, indiscriminate, and what clearly appear to be cruel, deliberate, and unprovoked attacks against civilians in Ukraine and against civilian institutions

    Fortschritte in der Biozuckerrübenproduktion

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    Nach dem schwierigen Start 2001 ist es im Jahr 2002 dem biologischen Zuckerrübenanbau wesentlich besser ergangen. Dies bestätigen die im Rahmen eines FiBL-Projektes erhobenen Informationen auf 21 Biobetrieben. In diesem Jahr werden Versuche im Bereich Anbautechnik und Unkrautregulierung angelegt, mit dem Ziel, den Handarbeitsaufwand weiter zu senken

    Proposta de uma ferramenta de verificação dos procedimentos de interação em sistemas de realidade virtual

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta verificadora da usabilidade das interações em Ambientes Virtuais (AVs) considerando seus principais procedimentos: navegação, seleção e manipulação. A técnica de avaliação utiliza uma lista de verificação (checklist), que é escolhida por suas características adequadas às delimitações do projeto de pesquisa. Esta escolha está apoiada também pelas demandas encontradas através dos resultados de aplicação de um questionário junto à comunidade de realidade virtual no Brasil durante o trabalho de pesquisa desta tese. O resultado aponta uma deficiência no uso de procedimentos formais de avaliação com relação à usabilidade dos procedimentos de interação por aqueles que desenvolvem Sistemas de Realidade Virtual (SRV). A ferramenta proposta (Verificador das Interações de Ambiente Virtual - VIAVirtual) possui como usuários-alvo desenvolvedores de SVRs. Ela se apresenta dividida em três etapas. A primeira se refere à identificação do perfil; na segunda são realizadas as verificações através de uma lista de verificação personalizada, baseada no perfil; e a terceira etapa oferece um relatório de projeto de interação com o usuário, em que são apontados os procedimentos adotados e as inconsistências observadas. Sua validação é feita por meio de uma comparação entre resultados obtidos através de avaliação heurística e os resultados apresentados pela ferramenta. Essa verificação (validação) constatou consistência na proposta estrutural da ferramenta, demonstrando uma contribuição viável para a área de avaliação de SRVs. Esta proposta representa uma nova metodologia de avaliação para interações em SRV, representada por uma técnica de chiecklist adaptativo


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    Kemajuan teknologi yang semakin pesat dewasa ini telah menciptakan media baru dalam berkomunikasi. Hadirnya teknologi internet memudahkan seseorang untuk berkomunikasi dua arah tanpa adanya batasan ruang dan waktu. Tingginya penggunaan internet di Indonesia yang diikuti dengan tingginya penggunaan media sosial menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa pemanfaatan media sosial harus dilakukan secara optimal dalam bidang promosi kesehatan. Media sosial dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai suatu sarana pemasaran sosial sehingga komunikasi kesehatan yang tercipta di saluran tersebut pada akhirnya akan membawa perubahan perilaku pada individu atau masyarakatnya. Pemilihan media sosial yang sesuai karakteristik khalayak sasaran serta pengelolaan media sosial yang tepat tentunya akan berdampak baik terhadap perubahan perilaku khalayak sasaran