10 research outputs found

    Mapping the Encapsidation Determinants of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

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    Encapsidation of retroviral RNA involves specific interactions between viral proteins and cis-acting genomic RNA sequences. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA encapsidation determinants appear to be more complex and dispersed than those of murine retroviruses. Feline lentiviral (feline immunodeficiency virus [FIV]) encapsidation has not been studied. To gain comparative insight into lentiviral encapsidation and to optimize FIV-based vectors, we used RNase protection assays of cellular and virion RNAs to determine packaging efficiencies of FIV deletion mutants, and we studied replicative phenotypes of mutant viruses. Unlike the case for other mammalian retroviruses, the sequences between the major splice donor (MSD) and the start codon of gag contribute negligibly to FIV encapsidation. Moreover, molecular clones having deletions in this region were replication competent. In contrast, sequences upstream of the MSD were important for encapsidation, and deletion of the U5 element markedly reduced genomic RNA packaging. The contribution of gag sequences to packaging was systematically investigated with subgenomic FIV vectors containing variable portions of the gag open reading frame, with all virion proteins supplied in trans. When no gag sequence was present, packaging was abolished and marker gene transduction was absent. Inclusion of the first 144 nucleotides (nt) of gag increased vector encapsidation to detectable levels, while inclusion of the first 311 nt increased it to nearly wild-type levels and resulted in high-titer FIV vectors. However, the identified proximal gag sequence is necessary but not sufficient, since viral mRNAs that contain all coding regions, with or without as much as 119 nt of adjacent upstream 5′ leader, were excluded from encapsidation. The results identify a mechanism whereby FIV can encapsidate its genomic mRNA in preference to subgenomic mRNAs

    Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Gag Is a Nuclear Shuttling Protein

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    Live-Cell Coimaging of the Genomic RNAs and Gag Proteins of Two Lentiviruses▿ †

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag and genomic RNA determinants required for encapsidation are well established, but where and when encapsidation occurs in the cell is unknown. We constructed MS2 phage coat protein labeling systems to track spatial dynamics of primate and nonprimate lentiviral genomic RNAs (HIV-1 and feline immunodeficiency virus [FIV]) vis-à-vis their Gag proteins in live cells. Genomic RNAs of both lentiviral genera were observed to traffic into the cytoplasm, and this was Rev dependent. In transit, FIV Gag and genomic RNA accumulated independently of each other at the nuclear envelope, and focal colocalizations of genomic RNA with an intact packaging signal (ψ) and Gag were observed to extend outward from the cytoplasmic face. In contrast, although HIV-1 genomic RNA was detected at the nuclear envelope, HIV-1 Gag was not. For both lentiviruses, genomic RNAs were seen at the plasma membrane if and only if Gag was present and ψ was intact. In addition, HIV-1 and FIV genomes accumulated with Gag in late endosomal foci, again, only ψ dependently. Thus, lentiviral genomic RNAs require specific Gag binding to accumulate at the plasma membrane, packaged genomes cointernalize with Gag into the endosomal pathway, and plasma membrane RNA incorporation by Gag does not trigger committed lentiviral particle egress from the cell. Based on the FIV results, we hypothesize that the Gag-genome association may initiate at the nuclear envelope

    In Vivo Imaging of Oncolytic Measles Virus Propagation with Single-Cell Resolution

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    Recombinant measles viruses (MVs) have oncolytic activity against a variety of human cancers. However, their kinetics of spread within tumors has been unexplored. We established an intravital imaging system using the dorsal skin fold chamber, which allows for serial, non-invasive imaging of tumor cells and replication of a fusogenic and a hypofusogenic MV. Hypofusogenic virus-infected cells were detected at the earliest 3 days post-infection (dpi), with peak infection around 6 dpi. In contrast, the fusogenic virus replicated faster: infected cells were detectable 1 dpi and cells were killed quickly. Infection foci were significantly larger with the fusogenic virus. Both viruses formed syncytia. The spatial relationships between cells have a major influence on the outcome of therapy with oncolytic viruses. Keywords: virotherapy, oncolytic, intravital imaging, virus dynamics, measles, population dynamic

    E-cadherin is essential for in vivo epidermal barrier function by regulating tight junctions

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    Cadherin adhesion molecules are key determinants of morphogenesis and tissue architecture. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanisms responsible for the morphogenetic contributions of cadherins remain poorly understood in vivo. Besides supporting cell–cell adhesion, cadherins can affect a wide range of cellular functions that include activation of cell signalling pathways, regulation of the cytoskeleton and control of cell polarity. To determine the role of E-cadherin in stratified epithelium of the epidermis, we have conditionally inactivated its gene in mice. Here we show that loss of E-cadherin in the epidermis in vivo results in perinatal death of mice due to the inability to retain a functional epidermal water barrier. Absence of E-cadherin leads to improper localization of key tight junctional proteins, resulting in permeable tight junctions and thus altered epidermal resistance. In addition, both Rac and activated atypical PKC, crucial for tight junction formation, are mislocalized. Surprisingly, our results indicate that E-cadherin is specifically required for tight junction, but not desmosome, formation and this appears to involve signalling rather than cell contact formation

    In vitro and in silico multidimensional modeling of oncolytic tumor virotherapy dynamics.

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    Tumor therapy with replication competent viruses is an exciting approach to cancer eradication where viruses are engineered to specifically infect, replicate, spread and kill tumor cells. The outcome of tumor virotherapy is complex due to the variable interactions between the cancer cell and virus populations as well as the immune response. Oncolytic viruses are highly efficient in killing tumor cells in vitro, especially in a 2D monolayer of tumor cells, their efficiency is significantly lower in a 3D environment, both in vitro and in vivo. This indicates that the spatial dimension may have a major influence on the dynamics of virus spread. We study the dynamic behavior of a spatially explicit computational model of tumor and virus interactions using a combination of in vitro 2D and 3D experimental studies to inform the models. We determine the number of nearest neighbor tumor cells in 2D (median = 6) and 3D tumor spheroids (median = 16) and how this influences virus spread and the outcome of therapy. The parameter range leading to tumor eradication is small and even harder to achieve in 3D. The lower efficiency in 3D exists despite the presence of many more adjacent cells in the 3D environment that results in a shorter time to reach equilibrium. The mean field mathematical models generally used to describe tumor virotherapy appear to provide an overoptimistic view of the outcomes of therapy. Three dimensional space provides a significant barrier to efficient and complete virus spread within tumors and needs to be explicitly taken into account for virus optimization to achieve the desired outcome of therapy