534 research outputs found

    Inhibitory Processes for Critical Situations – The Role of n−2 Task Repetition Costs in Human Multitasking Situations

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    The human cognitive system is equipped with various processes for dealing with everyday challenges. One of such processes is the inhibition of currently irrelevant goals or mental task-sets, which can be seen as a response to the critical event of information overflow in the cognitive system and challenging the cognitive system’s ability to keep track of ongoing demands. In two experiments, we investigate the flexibility of the inhibitory process by inserting rare non-critical events (25% of all trials), operationalized as univalent stimuli (i.e., unambiguous stimuli that call for only one specific task in a multitasking context), and by introducing the possibility to prepare for an upcoming task (Experiment 2). We found that the inhibitory process is not influenced by a cue informing subjects about the upcoming occurrence of a univalent stimulus. However, the introduction of univalent stimuli allowed preparatory processes to modify the impact of the inhibitory process. Therefore, our results suggest that inhibitory processes are engaged in a rather global manner, not taking into account variations in stimulus valence, which we took as operationalization of critical, conflict-inducing events in the ongoing stream of information processing. However, rare uncritical events, such as univalent stimuli that do not cause conflict and interference in the processing stream, appear to alter the way the cognitive system can take advantage of preparatory processes

    Learning a covert sequence of effector movements: limits to its acquisition

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    Sequence learning in serial reaction time (SRT) tasks is an established, lab-based experimental paradigm to study acquisition and transfer of skills based on the detection of predictable regularities in stimulus and motor response sequences. Participants learn a sequence of targets and responses to these targets by associating the responses with subsequently presented targets. In the traditional paradigm, however, actions and response targets are directly related. In contrast, the present study asked whether participants would demonstrate acquisition of a sequence of effector movements of the left vs. right hand (e.g., hand sequence learning), whilst the actual targets and associated finger responses are unpredictable. Twenty-seven young adults performed a SRT task to visually presented characters with the index or middle fingers of both hands. While the specific fingers to respond with were randomly selected for each target presentation, both hands followed a covert sequence. We asked whether participants would learn the underlying hand sequence as demonstrated by shortened response latencies and increased accuracy compared to a fully randomized hand sequence. The results show sequence-specific learning effects. However, categorization of hand responses depending on the previous response suggested that learning occurred predominantly for subsequent finger responses of the same hand, which added to general hand-based priming. Nevertheless, a marginally significant effect was observed even for predictable shifts between hands when homologous fingers were involved. Our results thus suggest that humans are able to benefit from predictable within-hand finger shifts but less so for predicted shifts between hands

    What absent switch costs and mixing costs during bilingual language comprehension can tell us about language control.

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    Epub 2019 Mar 28.In the current study, we set out to investigate language control, which is the process that minimizes cross-language interference, during bilingual language comprehension. According to current theories of bilingual language comprehension, language-switch costs, which are a marker for reactive language control, should be observed. However, a closer look at the literature shows that this is not always the case. Furthermore, little to no evidence for language-mixing costs, which are a marker for proactive language control, has been observed in the bilingual language comprehension literature. This is in line with current theories of bilingual language comprehension, as they do not explicitly account for proactive language control. In the current study, we further investigated these two markers of language control and found no evidence for comprehension-based language-switch costs in six experiments, even though other types of switch costs were observed with the exact same setup (i.e., task-switch costs, stimulus modality-switch costs, and production-based language-switch costs). Furthermore, only one out of three experiments showed comprehension-based language-mixing costs, providing the first tentative evidence for proactive language control during bilingual language comprehension. The implications of the absence and occurrence of these costs are discussed in terms of processing speed and parallel language activation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved)This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 706128. This research was also supported by grants ANR-11-LABX-0036 (BLRI), ANR-16-CONV-0002 (ILCB), and ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02 from the French National Research Council (ANR)

    Электрооборудование и электропривод судового вентилятора по системе ПЧ-АД

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    Объектом исследования является электропривод судового вентилятора. Цель работы: провести расчет и исследование электропривода судового вентилятора по системе ПЧ - АД и выбрать необходимое оборудование. Экономическое обоснование принятых решений. В процессе исследования произведен выбор метода расчета на основе исходных данных, поэтапный расчет силового оборудования, его выбор и проверка при различныхObject of research is the electric drive of the ship fan. Work purpose: to conduct calculation and research of the electric drive of the ship fan on system the frequency converter - the induction motor and to choose the necessary equipment. An economic justification of the made decisions. In the course of research the choice of a method of calculation on the basis of basic data, stage-by-stage calculation of the power equipment, his choice and check is made a

    The artist at the turn of the century as a "burgher who's gone astray": Munich's Modernist Movement in search of its identity in the early stories of Thomas Mann

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    Die von Krisen gekennzeichnete Umbruchphase gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts brachte gesellschaftliche wie auch kulturelle Umwälzungen mit sich. Die Hinterfragung der Grundbausteine, die die bürgerliche Gesellschaft zusammenstellten, hatte zufolge, dass das Bürgertum sich selbst auf den Grund ging und somit sein eigenes Wesen zu beleuchten versuchte. Diese Hinterfragung, die auch als Identitätskrise des Bürgertums zu bezeichnen ist, spiegelt sich in den Literaturwerken, die insbesondere zwischen 1870-1914 entstanden sind, wieder. Thomas Manns Frühwerk beinhaltet die Identitätskrise des Bürgertums und richtet das Hauptaugenmerk auf den Künstler. Seine Novelle Gladius Dei (1902) thematisiert das Zusammentreffen eines Bürgers und einem ausgefallenen Kunstwerk und reflektiert die tragische Situation des Künstlers. Der Künstler, der selbst ein Bestandteil des Bürgertums ist, versucht sich während des tiefgreifenden Umbruchs von den gesellschaftlichen Bindungen weitestgehend zu lösen. Dabei ist der Künstler ebenfalls Angehöriger des Bürgertums, das er für verwerflich hält. Dieser Aufsatz befasst sich mit der Novelle Gladius Dei mit der Absicht, von der widersprüchlichen Lage des Künstlers im Werk ausgehend die Lage der Münchner Moderne im oben beschriebenen Zusammenhang näher zu betrachten. Das Ziel dieses Artikels ist es aufzuzeigen, dass Gladius Dei eine verdeckte Kritik an der Kunstszene in und um München übt. Zu diesem Zweck wird in diesem Artikel die Darstellung des Künstlers und der sogenannten Münchner Moderne in Gladius Dei diskutiert, wobei der Fokus auf der Beziehung zwischen dem Künstler und der Gesellschaft, an die sich das Kunstwerk richtet, liegen wird.The turn of the 20th century was affected by the process of modernization: new areas of production emerged which coincided with deepening financial crises. This especially affected the nature of the bourgeois life at the time, and caused unique social and cultural transformation. This profound changing process resulted in the questioning of the basic elements that had made up the bourgeois society. In effect, the period ended with the “burgher” trying to illuminate his own nature and to redefine himself. This situation has also been referred to as “the identity crisis of the individual citizen”, which can be seen as a major topic in the literary works published from 1870 to 1914. The early stories of Thomas Mann examine the issues arising from these identity crises, particularly regarding the new bourgeois man. In this context, importantly, Mann mostly concentrated on the lives and problems of artists. His novella Gladius Dei(1902) includes these important themes, such as confrontations of burghers, extraordinary artworks, and by that, it also reveals a tragic situation of an artist. The artist, who is part of bourgeois life himself, is trying to transcend his everyday life through art, and in so doing, aims to get rid of the banalities of social life. However, at the time, the artist as a member of the bourgeois society was also inevitably involved in the process of decadence, which society was going through. Against this background, this article analyzes Gladius Deiwith the intention of showing the situation in Munich’s modernist movement in the fin-de-siècle. In the context described above – starting from the contradictory position of the artist – the major aim of this study is to show that Gladius Deican be seen as an implicit criticism of the modernist circles of Munich.Publisher versio

    Природа легитимности власти в дискурсе переходного типа социальности

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    Рассмотрена природа легитимности власти в дискурсе переходного типа социальности, раскрыта специфика социальных институтов и ценностей переходного времени, рассмотрена проблема сохранения стабильности общества

    Расчеты с подотчетными лицами

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа содержит 75 с, 1 рис., 7 табл.,47 источников,10 прил.Graduation thesis contains 75, 1 Fig., 7 tables.,47 sources of,10 AD