63 research outputs found

    The Concept of Continuous Wellbeing of Older Adults in Contemporary Demographic Shift

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    The article is devoted to enhancing the wellbeing of older adults in Russia and abroad. The current trend of rapid growth in the number of the elderly worldwide is considered. The social and economic impacts of modern demographic shift changes are analysed: the structures of market demand, savings patterns, labour supply, budgeted resource requirements, flow of financial resources and obligations. It is proposed to revise the existing economic model of modern society based on a new concept of continuous wellbeing of older adults. A new platform of wellbeing of older adults through their active involvement in the economic life of society is suggested. The option of creating a new concept of wellbeing on the basis of the revival of mentoring is considered. In the framework of a study examines the changes in the market of consumer goods and services; labour market; a system of accumulation and savings; transformation of financial resources

    Environmental Well-Being and Quality of Life of a Modern Person

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    The paper is devoted to enhance quality of life and well-being of a modern person. The ambiguity of the concepts such as "quality of life", "standard of living" and "well-being" is taken into consideration. The most important problem of modern humanity – “saving health” is highlighted. Environmental aspects are identified as the most important factors of life. The analysis of the situation of the world’s countries and Russia in the rating of Environmental Performance Index and well-being is conducted. The possibility of improving the environmental well-being through the development of environmental culture of the human is investigated. Five basic functions of environmental awareness ensuring the development of environmental culture have been isolated and analyzed. The formation’s process of an environmental culture in people's minds is developed. A model of ecological well-being in modern society is represented


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    Purpose: The relevance of the studied problem is caused by the need for deep studying of the history of Russian economic science at the end of XIX – the beginning of the 20th century. It is possible to reach a result only through research of certain representatives’ heritage. A.I. Chuprov's activity was aimed at studying a number of questions of economic and social development of Russia. The important place was given to issues of country community reforming. A.I. Chuprov belonged to a number of consecutive opponents of the agrarian reform undertaken by P.A. Stolypin. The concept of country community development presented in the works of A.I. Chuprov is explained in the paper. Methodology: The leading methods of the research are the system analysis that has allowed submitting A.I. Chuprov’s communal concept and also the dialectic method opening his logic of interrelation of economic views and public beliefs. Result: The main results of the article allow presenting A.I. Chuprov's views of agrarian reform at the beginning of the 20th century and a way of modernization of social and economic situation in a village. Materials of the article can be used during the formation of lecture courses for students studying a wide range of socio-humanistic educational programs. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Country Community of Russia in A.I. Chupro's Works are presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Conditions for the effective use of milking machines

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    On dairy farms with a small number of livestock, it is not always profitable to use expensive high-performance machines and equipment. Here, it is more rational to use easy-to-maintain means of small mechanization, which significantly facilitate the work of the farmer, requiring low operating costs. milk production, in turn, is closely related to the method of keeping livestock. This method is a non-binding box method, in which, as domestic and foreign experience shows, labor costs are reduced several times. A significant increase in labor productivity in dairy cattle breeding provides, first of all, the development and implementation of advanced technologies in practice. Machine milking facilitates the work of operators and increases productivity, allows you to get clean, high-quality milk at a low cost. During milking cows, the service personnel must constantly monitor the process, do not miss its completion, turn off and remove the milking machine in time. Overexposure of it on the udder nipples after the end of milk excretion causes pain in the cow, a decrease in milk output, increases the duration of milking, leads to injury to the nipples, initiates mastitis disease. Technologies of industrial milk production the equipment used does not fully meet the zootechnical requirements for productivity, energy and metal consumption, reliability. Serial equipment is structurally difficult, the complexity of maintenance of automation tools for machine milking processes is great. The study of the technological process of machine milking shows that labor productivity at all milking plants depends primarily on the duration of manual operations and the time of milking cows. The article describes the automation of the milking process

    Elastocaloric effect in aged single crystals of Ni54Fe19Ga27 ferromagnetic shape memory alloy

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    In the present study, the effect of 0-phase dispersed particles on both the L21(B2)-10M/14ML10 martensitic transformations and the elastocaloric effect in aged Ni54Fe19Ga27 single crystals oriented along the [001]-direction was investigated. It was experimentally shown that aging strongly affects the elastocaloric properties of these crystals. The precipitation of semi-coherent 0-phase particles up to 500 nm in size in the crystals aged at 773 K for 1 h leads to a 1.4 times increase in the operating temperature range of the elastocaloric effect up to DTSE = 270 K as compared with the initial as-grown crystals (DTSE = 197 K). The adiabatic cooling values DTad are similar for the as-grown crystals DTad = 10.9 (0.5) K and crystals aged at 773 K DTad = 11.1 (0.5) K. The crystals containing temperature range of DTSE = 255 K with slightly smaller adiabatic cooling DTad below 9.7 (0.5) K. The aged [001]-oriented Ni54Fe19Ga27 single crystals demonstrate high cyclic stability: the number of cycles does not influence the adiabatic cooling values and parameters of loading/unloading curves regardless of the particle size. The ways to improve the elastocaloric cooling parameters and stability of the elastocaloric effect by means of dispersed particles in the NiFeGa ferromagnetic shape memory alloy were discussed.В ст. ошибочно: Nikita S. Suriko

    The adaptive potential of North American subtype H7N2 avian influenza viruses to mammals

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    Introduction. H7 subtype avian influenza viruses causing severe epizootics among birds are phylogenetically different in the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Numerous human infections caused by these viruses in the Eastern hemisphere indicate that H7 viruses can overcome the interspecies barrier and pose a potential threat of a new pandemic.The H7N2 viruses with deletion of amino acids 221–228 (H3 numbering) in hemagglutinin (HA) had been circulating among poultry in the Western Hemisphere during 1996–2006, and had once again been detected in 2016 in an animal shelter, where they caused cat diseases. The objective of this study is to elucidate the mechanism of adaptation to mammals of North American H7N2 influenza viruses with deletion in HA. Materials and methods. The A/chicken/New Jersey/294598-12/2004 (H7N2) virus was adapted to mice by the lung passages. Complete genomes of original and mouse-adapted viruses were analyzed. The receptor specificity and thermostability of viruses, HA activation pH and virulence for mice were determined. Results. The non-pathogenic H7N2 avian influenza virus became pathogenic after 10 passages in mice. Amino acid substitutions occurred in five viral proteins: one in PB2 (E627K), NA (K127N), NEP (E14Q), four in HA and six in NS1. Mutations in HA slightly changed receptor specificity but increased the pH of HA activation by 0.4 units. The NS1 protein undergone the greatest changes in the positions (N73T, S114G, K118R, G171A, F214L and G224R), where amino acid polymorphisms were observed in the original virus, but only minor amino acid variants have been preserved in the mouse adapted variant. Conclusion. The results show that H7N2 viruses have the potential to adapt to mammals. The increase in virulence is most likely due to the adaptive E627K mutation in PB2 and possibly in HA

    Моделирование функциональных кист яичников путем введения фолликулостимулирующего гормона

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    Aim. To study the morphofunctional state of ovaries after the introduction of recombinant FSH. Materials and methods. Two groups of mature female Wistar rats were used in the study. The experimental group consisted of 35 rats with a model of follicular ovarian cysts, while 25 rats were in the control group.Rats were taken out of the experiment on days 3, 7, 15, 30 and 60. Paraffin slides of ovaries were stained with hematoxylin and eosin by Van Gieson. Histological and morphometric investigations were performed.Results. On day 7 of FSH administration, the maximum increase in the size of the ovaries was observed due to the formation of single-cell follicular cysts. Rats in the experimental group showed a marked decrease in the number of growing follicles on day 7 and 15. The increase in atretic bodies and follicles in comparison with the control group was observed on day 7 and lasted until the end of the experiment. Additionally, on day 7 of the experiment, hyperemia and vasoconstriction were noted. The number of yellow bodies decreased during the experiment, and an increase in collagen formation occurred starting from day 15 of the experiment.Conclusion. The introduction of follicle-stimulating hormone for 7 days leads to disruption of folliculogenesis, strengthening of atresia in the ovaries, and the formation of functional cysts.Цель исследования. Изучить морфологические изменения яичников при введении рекомбинантного фолликулостимулирующего гормона.Материал и методы. Эксперимент проведен на половозрелых белых самках крыс линии Wistar. Основную группу составили 35 животных с моделью функциональных кист яичников, контрольную – 25 интактных животных. Крысы выводились из эксперимента на 3-и, 7-е, 15-, 30- и 60-е сут. Проведены гистологическое и морфометрическое исследования на депарафинированных срезах яичников, окрашенных гематоксилином и эозином и по Ван Гизону.Результаты. На 7-е сут введения фолликулостимулирующего гормона наблюдалось максимальное увеличение размеров яичников за счет формирования однокамерных функциональных кист. У животных основной группы отмечалось выраженное снижение количества растущих фолликулов на 7- и 15-е сут.Увеличение количества атретических фолликулов и тел по сравнению с таковым в группе контроля наблюдалось с 7-х сут и продолжалось до 60-х сут эксперимента. На 7-е сут эксперимента отмечались гиперемия и полнокровие сосудов. Количество желтых тел уменьшалось в ходе эксперимента. Отмечалось усиление процессов коллагенообразования, начиная с 15-х сут эксперимента.Заключение. Введение фолликулостимулирующего гормона в течение 7 сут приводит к нарушению процессов фолликулогенеза, усилению процессов атрезии в яичниках и формированию функциональных кис

    Podniková metadata

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    This master’s thesis is focused on the task of managing enterprise data and metadata. The main goal of the thesis is to find a way to make working with data and metadata more convenient and faster for employees of the AllGames company. The theoretical part introduces terms such as data, data models and data quality. After that, the issue of metadata definition is presented, as well as metadata contexts and types. In the next theoretical chapter, Jobs-to-be-Done theory is described. The chapter also describes JTBD core tenets and principles. In the practical part, the AllGames company is introduced. Information about the company is discussed such as the current situation with data and metadata, the understanding of metadata, metadata structure. The current solution used in the company is also presented. Jobs-to-be-Done research was conducted to determine what should be done to improve the user experience when working with data. Then the final JTBD matrix was created based on insights from the research. In the end, requirements for the new version of the tool were created based on the JTBD research. The main benefit of the work is the practical application of the acquired theoretical knowledge to existing problems related to working with data in a real company.Diplomová práce je zaměřena na úlohu správy podnikových dat a metadat. Hlavním cílem práce je najít způsob, jak zpříjemnit a zrychlit práci s daty a metadaty zaměstnancům společnosti AllGames. V teoretické části jsou uvedeny pojmy jako data, datové modely a kvalita dat. Poté je představena problematika definice metadat, kontexty a typy metadat. V další teoretické kapitole je popsána teorie Jobs-to-be-Done (dále jen jako JTBD). Tato kapitola také popisuje základní principy JTBD. V praktické části je představena společnost AllGames. Je zde popsaná současná situace ve společnosti, její data a metadata, chápání metadat i struktura metadat. Současně je zde prezentováno aktuální řešení používané ve společnosti. V rámci této práce byl proveden výzkum Jobs-to-be-Done s cílem určit, co by se mělo udělat pro zlepšení uživatelské zkušenosti při práci s daty. Poté byla na základě poznatků z výzkumu vytvořena konečná matice JTBD. Součástí výstupů této práce je souhrn výsledků výzkumu JTBD a seznam požadavků na novou verzi nástroje. Hlavním přínosem práce je praktická aplikace získaných teoretických znalostí na existující problémy související s prací s daty v reálné firmě

    Expansion of the Carrot Kitchen App to London Case Company: Carrot Revolution Oy

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    Childhood obesity is considered one of the most serious public health challenges globally for the 21st century. There are several factors that contribute to its increase, and one of them is children’s unhealthy relationship with food. Carrot Revolution, a start-up company from Finland, has created a solution that can contribute to the positive development of children’s eating habits worldwide. The Carrot Kitchen app was recently launched on the domestic market and it is positioned as “the world’s first mobile cooking buddy for kids”. The app aims to educate children about healthy eating and teaches them cooking skills in a fun and easy manner. The purpose of the thesis is to study the potential for the Carrot Kitchen app’s expansion to London. Due to the complexity of the issue, the following will be examined: the background of childhood obesity and internationalization theories, target market and business environment analysis, mobile application industry analysis and the marketing strategies. The results of the research indicate that due to the recent industry and market trends, the British market shows great potential for introducing the Carrot Kitchen app to local customers