54 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic patterns in regional flea assemblages from 6 biogeographic realms: strong links between flea and host phylogenetic turnovers and weak effects of phylogenetic originality on host specificity

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    We investigated phylogenetic patterns in flea assemblages from 80 regions in 6 biogeographic realms and asked whether (a) flea phylogenetic turnover is driven by host phylogenetic turnover, environmental dissimilarity or geographic distance; (b) the relative importance of these drivers differs between realms; and (c) the environmental drivers of flea phylogenetic turnover are similar to those of host phylogenetic turnover. We also asked whether the phylogenetic originality of a flea species correlates with the degree of its host specificity and whether the phylogenetic originality of a host species correlates with the diversity of its flea assemblages. We found that host phylogenetic turnover was the best predictor of flea phylogenetic turnover in all realms, whereas the effect of the environment was weaker. Environmental predictors of flea phylogenetic turnover differed between realms. The importance of spatial distances as a predictor of the phylogenetic dissimilarity between regional assemblages varied between realms. The responses of host turnover differed from those of fleas. In 4 of the 6 realms, geographic distances were substantially better predictors of host phylogenetic turnover than environmental gradients. We also found no general relationship between flea phylogenetic originality and its host specificity in terms of either host species richness or host phylogenetic diversity. We conclude that flea phylogenetic turnover is determined mainly by the phylogenetic turnover of their hosts rather than by environmental gradients. Phylogenetic patterns in fleas are manifested at the level of regional assemblages rather than at the level of individual species

    Phylogenetic Signal in Module Composition and Species Connectivity in Compartmentalized Host-Parasite Networks

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    Across different taxa, networks of mutualistic or antag- onistic interactions show consistent architecture. Most networks are modular, with modules being distinct species subsets connected mainly with each other and having few connections to other modules. We investigate the phylogenetic relatedness of species within modules and whether a phylogenetic signal is detectable in the within- and among-module connectivity of species using 27 mammal-flea net- works from the Palaearctic. In the 24 networks that were modular, closely related hosts co-occurred in the same module more often than expected by chance; in contrast, this was rarely the case for parasites. The within- and among-module connectivity of the same host or parasite species varied geographically. However, among-mod- ule but not within-module connectivity of host and parasites was somewhat phylogenetically constrained. These findings suggest that the establishment of host-parasite networks results from the interplay between phylogenetic influences acting mostly on hosts and local factors acting on parasites, to create an asymmetrically constrained pattern of geographic variation in modular structure. Modularity in host-parasite networks seems to result from the shared evolutionary history of hosts and by trait convergence among unrelated parasites. This suggests profound differences between hosts and parasites in the establishment and functioning of bipartite antagonistic networks.Peer reviewe

    Multi-site interaction turnover in flea–mammal networks from four continents: Application of zeta diversity concept and multi-site generalised dissimilarity modelling

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    We studied patterns of changes in host–flea interactions measured as total turnover (TT) which can be partitioned into components, namely species turnover (ST), interaction rewiring (RW), and mixed turnover (MX) in networks from Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America, applying a multi-site interaction turnover metric. We also searched for environmental drivers of TT and its components. We asked whether (a) different components contribute differently to TT in rare versus common interactions (in terms of frequency of interaction occurrence); (b) relative roles of turnover components for rare and common interactions differ between continents; and (c) the environmental drivers of interaction turnover differ between turnover components, rare and common interactions, and/or continental networks. Between-network dissimilarity of interactions increased with an increase in the number of compared networks. Pure ST contributed the most to the turnover of rare interactions, whereas the turnover of common interactions was predominated by MX. The effects of environmental factors, interaction richness, and spatial distance on TT and its components differed between continental networks, turnover components, and rare versus common interactions. Climate and vegetation exerted the strongest effects on (a) ST for rare (except Asia) and, to a lesser degree, common (South America) interactions, (b) RW for both rare and common interactions in Europe/Asia, and (c) MX for both rare and common interactions (except Africa). Interaction richness and spatial distance mainly influenced ST. We conclude that the patterns of interaction turnover and its components were geographically invariant and did not depend on the identity of the interactors, whereas the drivers of the turnover differed between continental networks because of species-specific responses to the environment.Fil: Krasnov, Boris R.. Ben Gurion University of the Negev; IsraelFil: Khokhlova, Irina S.. Ben Gurion University of the Negev; IsraelFil: Kiefer, Mathias S.. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Kiefer, Daniel. Ludwig Maximilians Universitat; AlemaniaFil: Lareschi, Marcela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores; ArgentinaFil: Matthee, Sonja. Stellenbosch University; SudáfricaFil: Sánchez, Juliana Patricia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia del Noroeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Universidad Nacional del Noroeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia del Noroeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Shenbrot, Georgy I.. Ben Gurion University of the Negev; IsraelFil: Stanko, Michal. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Institute of Botany; EslovaquiaFil: van der Mescht, Luther. Stellenbosch University; Sudáfric

    Latitudinal distributions of the species richness, phylogenetic diversity, and functional diversity of fleas and their small mammalian hosts in four geographic quadrants

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    We studied latitudinal patterns in the species richness (SR), the phylogenetic diversity (PD), and the functional diversity (FD) of fleas and their mammalian hosts. We asked whether these patterns in either fleas, hosts, or both 1) conform to a classical latitudinal gradient; 2) vary geographically; and 3) differ between fleas and hosts. We also asked whether the patterns of PD and FD follow those of SR. We collected data on the latitudinal distribution of 1022 flea and 900 mammal species from literature sources and calculated the SR, PD, and FD of both groups in 1° latitude bands. Then, we used broken-stick regression models to analyse separately the latitudinal variation of 1) each diversity facet and 2) fleas and hosts in each geographic quadrant. The classical latitudinal gradient pattern was not found in either fleas or hosts across any facet of diversity or geographic quadrant, except for the PD of fleas in the southeastern quadrant and the FD of hosts in the southwestern quadrant. Latitudinal patterns of the SR, PD and FD of fleas and hosts differed substantially between geographic quadrants. Furthermore, the latitudinal distributions of flea and host SR were similar in three of four quadrants (except the northeastern quadrant), whereas the latitudinal distributions of flea and host PD were similar in the southwestern quadrant only. No similarity in flea versus host FD was revealed. The latitudinal patterns of flea and host PD and FD mostly did not follow those of their SR. We conclude that latitudinal gradients of species richness and phylogenetic and functional diversity appeared not to be universal phenomena. Instead, the latitudinal distributions of these diversity facets represent an interplay of ecological (current and past) and historical processes. For parasites, the processes acting on hosts add another layer of complexity underlying their latitudinal diversity patterns.Fil: Krasnov, Boris R.. Ben Gurion University of the Negev; IsraelFil: Grabovsky, Vasily I.. Ben Gurion University of the Negev; IsraelFil: Khokhlova, Irina S.. Ben Gurion University of the Negev; IsraelFil: Lopez Berrizbeitia, Maria Fernanda. Fundación Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Programa de Investigación de Biodiversidad Argentina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Matthee, Sonja. No especifíca;Fil: Roll, Uri. Ben Gurion University of the Negev; IsraelFil: Sánchez, Juliana Patricia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia del Noroeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Universidad Nacional del Noroeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia del Noroeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Shenbrot, Georgy I.. Ben Gurion University of the Negev; IsraelFil: van der Mescht, Luther. No especifíca

    Do Fleas Affect Energy Expenditure of Their Free-Living Hosts?

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    Parasites can cause energetically costly behavioural and immunological responses which potentially can reduce host fitness. However, although most laboratory studies indicate that the metabolic rate of the host increases with parasite infestation, this has never been shown in free-living host populations. In fact, studies thus far have shown no effect of parasitism on field metabolic rate (FMR).We tested the effect of parasites on the energy expenditure of a host by measuring FMR using doubly-labelled water in free-living Baluchistan gerbils (Gerbillus nanus) infested by naturally occurring fleas during winter, spring and summer. We showed for the first time that FMR of free-living G. nanus was significantly and positively correlated with parasite load in spring when parasite load was highest; this relationship approached significance in summer when parasite load was lowest but was insignificant in winter. Among seasons, winter FMRs were highest and summer FMRs were lowest in G. nanus.The lack of parasite effect on FMR in winter could be related to the fact that FMR rates were highest among seasons. In this season, thermoregulatory costs are high which may indicate that less energy could be allocated to defend against parasites or to compensate for other costly activities. The question about the cost of parasitism in nature is now one of the major themes in ecological physiology. Our study supports the hypothesis that parasites can elevate FMR of their hosts, at least under certain conditions. However, the effect is complex and factors such as season and parasite load are involved

    Emergence success

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    Each row represents a group of papae from the same clutch of eggs laid at the same day by a group of females fed on the same host individua

    Data from: Ectoparasite fitness in auxiliary hosts: Phylogenetic distance from a principal host matters

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    We studied reproductive performance in two flea species (Parapulex chephrenis and Xenopsylla ramesis) exploiting either a principal or one of eight auxiliary host species. We predicted that fleas would produce more eggs and adult offspring when exploiting (a) a principal host than an auxiliary host and (b) an auxiliary host phylogenetically close to a principal host than an auxiliary host phylogenetically distant from a principal host. In both flea species, egg production per female after one feeding and production of new imago after a timed period of an uninterrupted stay on a host differed significantly between host species. In general, egg and/or new imago production in fleas feeding on an auxiliary host was lower than in fleas feeding on the principal host, except for the auxiliary host that was the closest relative of the principal host. When all auxiliary host species were considered, we did not find any significant relationship between either egg or new imago production in fleas exploiting an auxiliary host and phylogenetic distance between this host and the principal host. However, when the analyses were restricted to auxiliary hosts belonging to the same family as the principal host (Muridae), new imago production (for P. chephrenis) or both egg and new imago production (for X. ramesis) in an auxiliary host decreased significantly with an increase in phylogenetic distance between the auxiliary and principal host. Our results demonstrated that a parasite achieves higher fitness in auxiliary hosts that are either the most closely-related to or the most distant from its principal host. This may affect host associations of a parasite invading new areas

    Pupation success

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    Each row represents a clutch of eggs laid at the same day by a group of females fed on the same host individua

    Programmed versus stimulus-driven antiparasitic grooming in a desert rodent

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    We tested 2 hypotheses concerning regulation of grooming in flea-infested rodents and examined if 2 grooming components, scan and scratch grooming, are controlled by programmed and stimulus-driven regulation, respectively. The programmed grooming hypothesis proposes central programming that periodically evokes a bout of grooming to remove ectoparasites before they are attached and predicts that juvenile rodents 1) regardless of infestation status will invest more time in grooming (the body size principle) and 2) sustain lower flea densities than adults. The stimulus-driven grooming hypothesis postulates a direct response to irritation from ectoparasite bites and predicts that under flea-free conditions, 1) the stimulus-driven grooming regulation will not be activated, thereby neither juveniles nor adults will engage in grooming, but under flea infestation, 2) adults will invest more time in grooming than juveniles and sustain similar flea densities. We recorded the behavior of adult and juvenile flea-parasitized and nonparasitized rodents and quantified the frequency and duration of the 2 grooming components. Flea infestation increased the time devoted to grooming, supporting the existence of a regulation mechanism. However, the results did not support the dominance of neither hypothesis. Both forms of grooming were affected similarly by flea infestation and host age, hence may not necessarily be linked to a given regulation mechanism. Regardless of infestation status, time devoted to grooming was lower in juveniles, and both age groups sustained fleas at similar densities. We suggest that the assumptions and predictions of the 2 hypotheses should take into account the morphology and natural history of the host organism

    Data from: Use it or lose it: reproductive implications of ecological specialization in a haematophagous ectoparasite

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    Using experimentally induced disruptive selection, we tested two hypotheses regarding the evolution of specialization in parasites. The ‘trade-off’ hypothesis suggests that adaptation to a specific host may come at the expense of a reduced performance when exploiting another host. The alternative ‘relaxed selection’ hypothesis suggests that the ability to exploit a given host would deteriorate when becoming obsolete. Three replicate populations of a flea Xenopsylla ramesis were maintained on each of two rodent hosts, Meriones crassus and Dipodillus dasyurus, for nine generations. Fleas maintained on a specific host species for a few generations substantially decreased their reproductive performance when transferred to an alternative host species, whereas they generally did not increase their performance on their maintenance host. The results support the ‘relaxed selection’ hypothesis of the evolution of ecological specialization in haematophagous ectoparasites, while suggesting that trade-offs are unlikely drivers of specialization. Further work is needed to study the extent by which the observed specializations are based on epigenetic or genetic modifications
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