30 research outputs found

    A comparative study of Sus scrofa M. longissimus dorsi with different changes in quality

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    The comparative study of Sus scrofa muscle tissue with different defects of quality was carried out. Such analysis methods as determination of water-binding capacity (WBC) and pH values, microstructural studies, proteome methods, mass spectrometric methods, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and determine the concentration of cathepsin D, calpain 3 and myoglobin were applied in current study. DFD meat was characterized by high pH (6.2) and WBC (93.18%), while PSE - low pH (5.5) and WBC (79.19%). pH and WBC values in NOR pork was medium and averaged 5.9 and 92.05%, respectively. Microstructural studies revealed that fiber in exudative pork was the least and averaged 39.7 µm, normal pork was characterized by diameter of muscle of 45.5 µm, while DFD pork ‑ 48.3 µm. Protein composition of Sus scrofa muscle tissues were also investigated by one-dimensional and two-dimensional electrophoresis. 6 protein fractions were identified by mass spectrometry and confirmed as potential biomarkers of pork quality defects in meat and processes meat product. It also has been shown that PSE pork contains 8 characteristic peptides, NOR - 14, DFD - 18. Cathepsin D, calpain 3 and myoglobin content were measured in pork of different categories. The highest content of cathepsin D, calpain 3 and myoglobin was noticed in PSE pork and averaged 82.16 ±3.30 ng.mL-1; 1.280 ±0.082 ng.mL-1; 3.973 ±0.506 ng.mL-1, respectively. Since the study was carried out on samples of meat 24 hours after slaughter, this work had the prospect to further study of meat with different defects of quality during long-term autolysis

    Hypolipidemic action of the meat product: in vivo study

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    Results of meat product influence on the serum lipid profile of hyperlipidemic rats are presented. Meat product for specialized nutrition content porcine aortas and hearts in ratio 1:3. Thirty male Wistar rats (380 &plusmn;20 g) aged approximately 1 year were kept in conventional standard conditions; water and feed were available ad libitum. Animals were randomly divided in 3 groups: group 1 - negative control (n=10); group 2 - positive control (n=10) and group 3 - experimental animals (n=10). Animals in group 2 and 3 were modeled an alimentary hyperlipidemia by adding cholesterol, fat and vitamin D2 into diet. After modeling, rats in group 2 were fed with standard chow, in group 3 - meat product (8g/kg b.w.) with standard chow. On the 42nd day serum lipid profile was investigated and immunoassay was carried out. It was found that the developed meat product given to the hyperlipidemic rats led to a decrease in the concentration of cholesterol, triglycerides and atherogenic fractions of lipoproteins by 31.8% (p &lt;0.05), 28.2% and 2.4 times (p &lt;0.05), respectively. Estimation of the concentration changes in apolipoproteins, forming lipoprotein particles, allowed to indirectly determining the main lipoprotein reduction that contributed to the total decrease in the atherogenic index of serum, which reached 41.3% (p &lt;0.05). Previous proteomic study revealed the presence of a number of specific proteins and peptides in tissues of porcine aortas and heart. The hypothesis that tissue-specific proteins could decomposed into active peptides with antiatherogenic action is considered. Normal 0 false false false RU X-NONE X-NONE <!--[endif] --

    Comparative study of biocorrective protein-peptide agent to improve quality and safety of livestock products

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    Water with modified isotopic composition (D/H = 40 ppm) as a solubilizing agent for biologically active substances extraction from immune organs Sus Scrofa increases protein yield in thymus to 20%, in spleen up to 38%, mesenteric lymph nodes up to 35% in comparison with distilled water (D/H = 150 ppm). It was found a significant amount of neurotransmitter amino acids, such as aspartic and glutamic acids, glycine (thymus - 10.5; 13.7; 7.6%; spleen - 12.2; 10.7; 7.8% lymph nodes - 11.0; 13.3; 11.1%, respectively) having the immunological and adaptogenic activity, in extracts of Sus scrofa immunocompetent organs (thymus, spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes). Application of water with modified isotopic composition as solubilizing agent (D / H = 40 ppm) for extraction of immunocompetent organs' biologically active compounds led to increased amino acid content, including hydrophilic amino acids, in thymus extracts - up to 22%, in spleen extracts - up to 15% , in lymph nodes exctracts - up to 8%, in comparison to distilled water (D / H = 150 ppm). Peptide profile analysis revealed positive effect of water (D/H = 40 ppm) on a quality protein content extracts in molecular weight range from 10 to 20 kDa and from 30 to 45 kDa and peptide composition (2 kDa), at the same time quantitative content of compounds adaptogenic and immunocorrective action increased. Reducing of deuterium content in the solubilizing agent enhances quantitative amino acid content, i.e. extraction in an aqueous- salt solution based on deuterium depleted water of animal tissues with a high content of amino acids with hydrophilic radicals proceeded more completely

    Technical report: Cost-benefit analysis of cooking banana seed propagation methods

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    <p>Confusion matrix obtained as a result of Bayesian classification of EEG patterns, corresponding to various eye movements and blinking, after EOG artifact removal.</p


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    Based on results of fatty acid composition in serum of hyperlipidemic rats atherogenic index (AI) was calculated. The objects of the study were a commercial bioactive additive (BAA) containing a mixture of peptides isolated from the vessels of farm animals (Scientific and Production center of Revitalization and Health (SPRH), Russia), low molecular weight (LMUF), Mm&lt;5kDa) and medium molecular weight (MMUF), Mm 5–30 kDa) ultrafiltrates of porcine aorta extract. Experimental hyperlipidemia was stimulated in male Wistar rats. After modeling animals in group 2 consumed 0.9 % sodium chloride solution, 3 groups — BAA, 4 groups — LMUF, 5 groups — MMUF, 1 group consisted of intact rats, contained under similar conditions. All studied samples were administered per os in a quantity of 0.3 mg protein / kg body weight for 14 days. As a result of the study, it was noted that in serum of rats treated with BAA there was polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) increase by 67.2 % (P&lt;0.05), while monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was decreased by 29.5 % (P&lt;0.05) compared to the control, but there was no change in AI. Per os administration of LMUF caused a similar effect as BAA: there was an increase in the proportion of PUFA by 2.5 times (p&lt;0.05) compared with control, while MUFA decreased by 39.7 % (P&lt;0.05), mainly due to a reduction of oleic acid by 66.3 % (P&lt;0.05). The relative content of saturated fatty acids (SFA) decreased by 27.8 % (P&lt;0.05), mainly due to reduction of palmitic acid content by 45.3 % (P&lt;0.05) compared to the control, which contributed to a decrease in serum AI by 56.4 % (P&lt;0.05). Per os administration of MMUF did not impact on relative content of MUFA, although the share of oleic acid was reduced by 48.0 % (P&lt;0.05), there was also an increase of PUFA content by 85.8 % (P&lt;0.05) compared with the control, serum AI reduced by 76.9 % (P&lt;0.05) compared with the control group also due to a decrease of palmitic acid by 78.2 % (P&lt;0.05).В статье приведены результаты определения индекса атерогенности (ИА) сыворотки крови крыс с моделью гиперлипидемии на основе ее жирнокислотного состава. Объектами исследования являлись коммерческая добавка к пище (БАД), содержащая смесь пептидов, выделенных из сосудов сельскохозяйственных животных (Научно-производственный центр ревитализации и здоровья (НПЦРиЗ), Россия), низкомолекулярный ультрафильтрат (НМУФ, Мм&lt;5 кДа) и среднемолекулярный ультрафильтрат (СМУФ, Мм 5–30 кДа) экстракта аорты свиней. У крыс-самцов стока Wistar моделировали экспериментальную гиперлипидемию, по окончании моделирования животным 2 группы вводили 0,9 % раствор натрия хлорида, 3 группы — БАД, 4 группы — НМУФ, 5 группы — СМУФ, 1 группа состояла из интактных крыс, содержащихся при сходных условиях. Все исследуемые образцы вводились per os из расчета 0,3 мг белка/кг массы тела на протяжении 14 суток. В результате проведенного исследования было отмечено, что у крыс, получавших БАД, наблюдалось увеличение доли полиненасыщенных жирных кислот (ПНЖК) на 67,2 % (Р&lt;0,05) на фоне снижения доли мононенасыщенных жирных кислот (МНЖК) на 29,5 % (Р&lt;0,05) по сравнению с контролем, однако ИА не изменялся. Внутрижелудочное введение НМУФ вызывало похожий эффект, что и БАД: наблюдалось увеличение доли ПНЖК в 2,5 раза (Р&lt;0,05) по сравнению с контролем на фоне снижения доли МНЖК на 39,7 % (Р&lt;0,05), преимущественно, за счет снижения олеиновой кислоты на 66,3 % (Р&lt;0,05); относительное содержание насыщенных жирных кислот (НЖК) снизилось на 27,8 % (Р&lt;0,05), в основном за счет уменьшения содержания пальмитиновой кислоты на 45,3 % (Р&lt;0,05) по сравнению с контролем, что способствовало снижению ИА сыворотки крови на 56,4 % (Р&lt;0,05). Внутрижелудочное введение СМУФ не оказывало влияния на относительное содержание МНЖК, хоть и доля олеиновой кислоты была снижена на 48,0 % (Р&lt;0,05), также отмечалось увеличение доли ПНЖК на 85,8 % (Р&lt;0,05) по сравнению с контролем, ИА сыворотки крови снизился на 76,9 % (Р&lt;0,05) по сравнению с контрольной группой также за счет уменьшения доли пальмитиновой кислоты на 78,2 % (Р&lt;0,05)

    Сучасні тренди підготовки фахівців з управління проектами та програмами

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    У збірнику матеріалів конференції висвітлено роботи фіналістів Усеукраїнського конкурсу студентських наукових робіт 2018–2019 навчального року з «Управління проектами та програмами» й сучасні тренди підготовки фахівців з управління проектами та програмами, які були обговорені на науково-практичній конференції в м. Луцьку 5 квітня 2019 р. Збірник розрахований на широке коло фахівців з управління проектами та програмами, спеціалістів, що працюють у структурних підрозділах органів державної влади й управління, економістів, викладачів, аспірантів, здобувачів і студентів, а також усіх, хто цікавиться сучасними трендами підготовки фахівців з управління проектами та програмами

    Brain-Computer Interface Based on Generation of Visual Images

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    This paper examines the task of recognizing EEG patterns that correspond to performing three mental tasks: relaxation and imagining of two types of pictures: faces and houses. The experiments were performed using two EEG headsets: BrainProducts ActiCap and Emotiv EPOC. The Emotiv headset becomes widely used in consumer BCI application allowing for conducting large-scale EEG experiments in the future. Since classification accuracy significantly exceeded the level of random classification during the first three days of the experiment with EPOC headset, a control experiment was performed on the fourth day using ActiCap. The control experiment has shown that utilization of high-quality research equipment can enhance classification accuracy (up to 68% in some subjects) and that the accuracy is independent of the presence of EEG artifacts related to blinking and eye movement. This study also shows that computationally-inexpensive Bayesian classifier based on covariance matrix analysis yields similar classification accuracy in this problem as a more sophisticated Multi-class Common Spatial Patterns (MCSP) classifier

    Organization of Cooperation of Participants of Process of Management Innovative Development of Economy Организация взаимодействия участников процесса управления инновационным развитием экономики

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    In the article a question is considered in relation to the role of organizational resource in a management innovative activity and the model of co-operation of the indicated resource is offered within the limits of the national innovative system; its description and ways of practical introduction is exposed.В статье рассмотрен вопрос о роли организационного ресурса в управлении инновационной деятельностью и предложена модель взаимодействия указанного ресурса в пределах национальной инновационной системы; раскрыты ее характеристика и пути практического внедрения


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    Based on results of fatty acid composition in serum of hyperlipidemic rats atherogenic index (AI) was calculated. The objects of the study were a commercial bioactive additive (BAA) containing a mixture of peptides isolated from the vessels of farm animals (Scientific and Production center of Revitalization and Health (SPRH), Russia), low molecular weight (LMUF), Mm&lt;5kDa) and medium molecular weight (MMUF), Mm 5–30 kDa) ultrafiltrates of porcine aorta extract. Experimental hyperlipidemia was stimulated in male Wistar rats. After modeling animals in group 2 consumed 0.9 % sodium chloride solution, 3 groups — BAA, 4 groups — LMUF, 5 groups — MMUF, 1 group consisted of intact rats, contained under similar conditions. All studied samples were administered per os in a quantity of 0.3 mg protein / kg body weight for 14 days. As a result of the study, it was noted that in serum of rats treated with BAA there was polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) increase by 67.2 % (P&lt;0.05), while monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was decreased by 29.5 % (P&lt;0.05) compared to the control, but there was no change in AI. Per os administration of LMUF caused a similar effect as BAA: there was an increase in the proportion of PUFA by 2.5 times (p&lt;0.05) compared with control, while MUFA decreased by 39.7 % (P&lt;0.05), mainly due to a reduction of oleic acid by 66.3 % (P&lt;0.05). The relative content of saturated fatty acids (SFA) decreased by 27.8 % (P&lt;0.05), mainly due to reduction of palmitic acid content by 45.3 % (P&lt;0.05) compared to the control, which contributed to a decrease in serum AI by 56.4 % (P&lt;0.05). Per os administration of MMUF did not impact on relative content of MUFA, although the share of oleic acid was reduced by 48.0 % (P&lt;0.05), there was also an increase of PUFA content by 85.8 % (P&lt;0.05) compared with the control, serum AI reduced by 76.9 % (P&lt;0.05) compared with the control group also due to a decrease of palmitic acid by 78.2 % (P&lt;0.05)