7 research outputs found

    Factors That Influence Adoption of Jajar Legowo Planting System in Sumber Makmur Farmer Group Kuwu Village, Balerejo, Madiun

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    The background of this research is the low interest of farmers in the village of Kuwu to implement the jajar legowo planting system. Even though some studies show that the Jajar Legowo planting system has succeeded in increasing the productivity of rice plants. Based on these conditions, this study aimed to determine what factors influence the adoption of farmers in the application of the Legowo row planting system. The method used in describing the formulation of the problem in this study is a survey method with AMOS 22 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) data analysis. The object of study is the legowo row farmers who are members of Sumber Makmur Village, Kuwu Village. The results of this study indicate that the adoption model of farmers is influenced by the attitudes and characteristics of innovation through the mediator variabel of perception and attitude. Hypothesis test results state that there is an influence of innovation characteristics on perceptions and attitudes towards adoption with a significance value of 0.001 which is smaller than 0.05


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    Penurunan kohesivitas kelompoktani menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi kelompoktani saat ini. Petani beranggapan bahwa kelompoktani hanya menjadi alat bagi sebagian masyarakat atau kelmpok tertentu untuk mendapatkan bantuan dari pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Mendeskripsikan karakteristik petani di Desa Karangrejo Kecamatan Kendal; 2) Mendeskripsikan kohesivitas kelompoktani yang ada di Desa Karangrejo Kecamatan Kendal; 3) Menganalisis hubungan antara karakteristik petani dan kohesivitas kelompoktani dalam penggunaan Varietas Unggul Baru komoditas padi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif deskriptif dengan analisis korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa karakteristik petani di Desa Karangrejo yaitu petani memiliki umur petani rata-rata 42-51 tahun, pendidikan petani rata-rata SMA, pelatihan dalam bidang pertanian yang dilakukan rata-rata 3-4 kali, lama usaha tani berada direntang 11-20 tahun, luas lahan rata-rata 0,2-0,4, tingkat kosmopolitan rendah, interaksi penyuluh tinggi dan pemanfaatan media terhadap kohesivitas kelompok tinggi. Tingkat kohesivitas berada pada kategori tinggi. Hubungan yang signifikan positif terdapat pada tingkat pendidikan, interaksi dengan penyuluh, dan pemanfaatan media, sedangkan untuk pelatihan, lama berusahatani, dan kekosmopolitan memiliki hubungan yang tidak signifikan dan bernilai negatif, kemudian untuk umur dan luas lahan memiliki hubungan yang tidak signifikan dan bernilai positif

    Efektivitas Paenibacillus polymyxa dan Pseudomonas fluorescens dalam Pengendalian Penyakit Hawar Daun (Helminthosporium turcicum) pada Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.)

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    Leaf blight caused by fungi Helminthosporium turcicum is an important disease in Indonesia because of the loss of up to 50%. The use of chemical fungicides continuously has a negative impact on humans and the environment. One of the save and environmentally friendly controls is biological control based on antagonistic microorganisms. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the biological agents Paenibacillus polymyxa and Pseudomonas fluorescens in the controlling of leaf blight in maize. Randomized Block Design used in this research consist of five treatments and each treatment consist of five replications. The treatment consist of P0 is control, P1 is P.polymyxa 10ml L-1, P2 isP.fluorescens 10ml L-1, P3 is P.polymyxa dan P.fluorescens 10ml L-1, P4 is propineb fungicide 70%. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance, if there were significant followed by Duncan test at 5% level. The results showed that P.polymyxa effective reduce leaf blight in maize by 99,89%, besides that P. polymyxa was able to increase plant height and number of leaves significantly compared to controls

    Kajian aspek keamanan nyamuk Aedes aegypti Linnaeus ber-Wolbachia di Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Dengue prevention efforts are limited to the control strategies of its vector and the management of breeding sites. New alternatives for dengue vector control that are sustainable and more environmentally friendly are needed to complement the government’s current efforts. Research on Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypti Linnaeus mosquitoes as an alternative biocontrol strategy has been performed in Yogyakarta City. However, one of the concerns of the community members and stakeholders about this technology is the safety aspect regarding the transmission of Wolbachia to other species and the possibility that humans will contract Wolbachia. This study aimed to address these concerns, namely to find out whether horizontal transmission of Wolbachia occurred from A. aegypti that were released to other species and whether residents living in the released areas were infected with Wolbachia. The research was conducted in Dusun Nogotirto and Dusun Kronggahan (Sleman Regency), as well as in Dusun Jomblangan and Dusun Singosaren (Bantul Regency), Yogyakarta Special Province. Wolbachia qPCR screening using the target gene WD0513 was performed on 922 Culex quinquefasciatus Say and 331 Aedes albopictus (Skuse). ELISA test was carried out on 190 pairs of plasma samples, namely the sample before the Wolbachia frequency was established (still 80%). The results showed no evidence of Wolbachia transfer from Wolbachia-infected A. aegypti to other mosquito species coexisting in the same habitat or to humans. This study corroborates the safety evidence of Wolbachia-infected A. aegypti technology as an alternative to control dengue virus transmissio

    Efektivitas Agen Hayati Beauveria bassiana dalam Menekan Hama Thrips sp. pada Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capcisum frutescens L.)

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    Thrips sp. merupakan serangga hama yang menyerang tanaman cabai rawit dengan cara menghisap cairan pada daun-daun muda. Daun yang terserang hama Thrips sp. akan berubah warna menjadi coklat tembaga, mengeriting, dan menjadi keriput. Jika serangan Thrips sp. tidak segera dikendalikan, maka kerugian yang akan ditimbulkan adalah gagal panen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan beberapa konsentrasi Beauveria bassiana terhadap parameter pertumbuhan dan intensitas serangan hama Thrips sp pada tanaman cabai rawit. Penelitian ini dilakukan di lahan petani Desa Gambiran Kecamatan Prigen Kabupaten Pasuruan. Rancangan Acak Kelompok digunakan dalam penelitian ini yang terdiri dari lima perlakuan dan masing- masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak lima kali. Perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu konsentrasi pengaplikasian Beauveria bassiana yang meliputi K1 sebagai kontrol, K2 adalah konsentrasi 5 ml L-1, K3 adalah konsentrasi 10 ml L-1, K4 adalah konsentrasi 20 ml L-1, dan K5 adalah insektisida tiametoksam 25%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan jamur B. bassiana  tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap parameter tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun tanaman cabai rawit. Hasil perhitungan intensitas serangan diperoleh bahwa jamur B. bassiana memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap intensitas serangan dengan perlakuan K2 (5 ml L-1) memiliki intensitas serangan tertinggi dibandingkan perlakuan yang lain. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh bahwa aplikasi B.bassiana dengan konsentrasi akhir 20 ml L-1 mampu menekan hama Thrips sp sebesar 99,53% dibandingkan dengan kontrol


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    Golden potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, was firstly reported to be detected in Indonesia for the first time in 2003 and currently is being an important potato pest. The parasitic soil bacteria found only parasitic on cyst nematode of the genera Globodera, but not specifically on the species G. rostochiensis. This research is conducted to find out the existence and diversity of parasitic soil bacteria against G. rostochiensis. Soils taken from rhizospheric healthy and infected potato plant were used for bacterial isolation. Nutrient and soil extracts agar media used to grow the bacterial isolates. The parasitic ability of bacterial isolates were tested against cysts and eggs ofG. rostochiensis using bioassay method. The genetic diversity of the isolates was determined using PCR TP-RAPD (Polymerase Chain Reactions Two Primer Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) technique and UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method Arithmetic Average). Fourty five isolates were observed to be parasitic against cysts and eggs of G. rostochiensis. Among them, 24 and 21 isolates were from healthy and infected potato plant rhizosphere soils, respectively. Eighty and ninety eight point seven percent of total cysts and eggs, respectively, could be parasitized by the best isolate. The genetic diversity analysis showed that 33 isolates have similarity index value less than 97% and 12 isolates have similarity index value more than 97%, indicated that 73,3% of the isolates are different. It can be concluded, that the soil bacteria which are parasitic to G. rostochiensis has been evolved, as well as their diversity

    Wolbachia genetic similarity in different insect host species: Drosophila melanogaster and Yogyakarta’s (Indonesia) Aedes aegypti as a novel host

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    Aedes aegypti as a novel host. Biodiversitas 23: 2321-2328. Wolbachia naturally presents in a large number of insects and other arthropod species. The Wolbachia strain wMel from Drosophila melanogaster has been stably transinfected into Aedes aegypti where it stops the mosquito host from being infected with medically important arbovirus like dengue. Consequently, Ae. aegypti infected with wMel have been released in Indonesia as a public health intervention against dengue. This study genetically compared wMel from Yogya field-caught D. melanogaster and the wMel in stably transfected Ae. aegypti used for field releases in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The genetic similarity between wMel Wolbachia was evaluated by sequencing of Wolbachia surface protein (wsp) gene and some polymorphic genomic regions of insertion sites (IS) and variable number tandem repeats (VNTR) loci. The sequence of the Wolbachia surface protein (wsp) gene was 100% identical between hosts. There is no insertion sequence among specimens. The insertion sequence IS-WD1310 was identical between wMel from both hosts and among other strains, as well as the IS-WD516/7. The VNTR-141 period was identical within wMel from both hosts and among other strains, the VNTR-105 as well. Wolbachia Yogya field-caught D. melanogaster and Wolbachia strain wMel present in Ae. aegypti used for bio-control of dengue were genetically identical. These findings provide beneficial understanding to answer the public attention on safety issues, especially on the genetic similarity between Wolbachia strain in the natural and transfected hosts of this novel technology for dengue control