225 research outputs found

    Ciri Seorang Mukmin: Menjauhi Sifat Wahn

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    Sejarah Dan Perkembangan Kritik Matn Hadis

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    Prophet Muh}ammad recommends to us, the Muslims to always keep and save his Sunnah of alteration and forgery. In addition, the Prophet Muh}ammad also invited and called for his Sunnah preserved and passed on to others. Instead, the Prophet threatens those who lie on his behalf, also those who add and subtract, especially falsifying his hadith, criticism of honor becomes a necessity in the narration hadith. If at the present time, the researchers\u27 hadith criticism has been presented with the concept of honor that has been established, it is different from previous periods. Criticism of honor has a history that may not be forgotten and will always experience growth. Discussion on the issue will be reviewed in this article. The article also stated that the seriousness of the researchers\u27 tradition from generation to generation has never diminished, despite the criticism of the method used matn not exactly the same as before

    Pengendalian Jiwa Manusia Modern: Telaah Atas Pemikiran Sufistik AL-Ghazali

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    Manusia Modern diidentifikasi sebagai masyarakat yang telah mencapai kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Idealnya dengan Iptek manusia modern akan berfikir logis dan mampu menggunakan teknologi untuk peningkatan kualitas hidup, serta menjadi lebih bijak dan arif. Kenyataannya, banyak yang memiliki kualitas kemanusiaan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan kemajuan berfikir dan teknologi yang telah diraihnya. Manusia kehilangan nilai-nilai spiritual sehingga hidup tanpa pegangan moral dan makna. Akibatnya terjadi keterasingan jiwa dan gangguan kejiwaan berupa kecemasan, kesepian, kebosanan, perilaku menyimpang dan psikosomatik. Ada semacam ketakutan eksistensial yang mengancam diri di tengah situasi kritis, sarat teror, konflik, kekerasan dan pembunuhan. Solusi yang ditawarkan dalam mengatasi persoalan tersebut adalah pengendalian diri (jiwa) sebuah metode berbasis tasawuf untuk menemukan kembali nilai-nilai spiritualitas. Metode yang ditawarkan oleh al-Ghazali ini berupaya untuk menenangkan jiwa sebagai sumber kekerasan dan kejahatan dalam diri

    The Spatial Distribution of Bed Sediment on Fluvial System: a Mini Review of the Aceh Meandering River

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    Dynamic interactions of hydrological and geomorphological processes in the fluvial system result in accumulated deposit on the bed because the capacity to carry sediment has been exceeded. The bed load of the Aceh fluvial system is primarily generated by mechanical weathering resulting in boulders, pebbles, and sand, which roll or bounce along the river bed forming temporary deposits as bars on the insides of meander bends, as a result of a loss of transport energy in the system. This dynamic controls the style and range of deposits in the Aceh River. This study focuses on the spatial distribution of bed-load transport of the Aceh River. Understanding the spatial distribution of deposits facilitates the reconstruction of the changes in controlling factors during accumulation of deposits. One of the methods can be done by sieve analysis of sediment, where the method illuminates the distribution of sediment changes associated with channel morphology under different flow regimes. Hence, the purpose of this mini review is to investigate how the sediment along the river meander spatially dispersed. The results demonstrate that channel deposits in the Aceh River are formed from four different type of materials: pebble deposited along upstream left bank; sand located on the upstream, downstream, and along meander belts; and silt and clay located along the cut bank of meander bends. Because of different depositional pattern, the distribution of the sediment along the river can be used as a surrogate to identify bank stability, as well as to predict critical geometry for meander bend initiatio

    Bimbingan Konseling Di Madrasah

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    This paper intends to offer a model - concept integrative - comprehensive guidance in MI that no format. The problem is analyzed based on the theory of Islamic education and the needs in MI. The results of the study showed that the concept of integrative - comprehensive in Counseling in MI education includes three main components, namely: 1) leadership/managerial; 2) learning, and 3) self-development. BK integrative-comprehensive services in MI involving parents. The issue of integration of knowledge in Islamic education contributed to the preparation of - concept model of integrative - comprehensive BK in MI. Characteristics of integrative - comprehensive model of BK in MI is no coherence in the programs, workforce, perosedur, and system services. This model was characterized to develop aspects of personality, social, academic/learning, career, and even decency students. Developed lesson plan format includes objectives so that learners are aware of the importance of gratitude to God Almighty. His knowledge, sincerity in seeking knowledge and practice it , willingness to perform and excel in their field, as well as internalized social attitudes on the basis of better knowledge and understanding of himself as God \u27s creatures, MI graduates are expected to create superior and ready to compete


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    Abstrak   Konflik sosial berbau SARA sering terjadi di Indonesia. Menurut para ahli  hal ini karena negeri ini dihuni berbagai suku, agama, budaya, bahasa yang berbeda-beda. Perbedaan ini menimbulkan konflik oleh karena persoalan sepele seperti kasus Sidomulyo dan Waypanji Lampung Selatan. Akar penyebab konflik sosial beragam. Dari soal integrasi sosial antar kelompok yang belum selesai, prejudice atau kecurigaan, antar kelompok, pelabelan kurang baik pada kelompok lain, dan fanatisme kelompok yang berlebihan. Faktor lain, adalah ketidakadilan kebijakan politik yang dilakukan oleh para penguasa yang kurang memperhatikan aspek keragaman suku, agama, budaya yang ada. Atau dengan kata lain belum dijalankannya praktek politik multikultural, yang berusaha menghargai, memberi kesempatan yang sama kepada semua lapisan masyarakat untuk berkembang, berekpresi sesuai hak-hak azasi yang dimiliki. Dengan belajar pada kesalahan masa lalu, dan menjalankan politik multikultural, diharapkan kasus-kasus kekerasan sosial tidak terjadi lagi. Kata Kunci: Kebijakan Politik Multikultural, Konflik dan Integrasi Sosial

    Lembaga Perwatin Dan Kepunyimbangan Dalam Masyarakat Adat Lampung: Analisis Antropologis

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    The indigenous society of Lampung is divided into two large groups; Saibatin and Pepadun. Both societies has many diversities in origins, so the local government arrangements is stimulated in the consultative mechanism represented by punyimbang at each level within the representative agency called Perwatin ( Proatin ). With anthropologic analysis , this paper would like to emphasize the meaning , role and function of institutional of Perwatin and Kepunyimbangan for indigenous peoples of West Lampung, its relevance to contemporary of democratic values, and the opportunities and the existence of the traditional institutions in the implementation of the reform of Regional Autonomy Law . According to the findings of the research, prowatin and punyimbangan are still very important to be implemented in local communities in West Lampung. This is case due to democratic values and local wisdom in prowatin institutions and kepenyimbangan accordance with the conditions of the community and institutional environment in which it arise