7 research outputs found

    Afrodyzjaki ro艣linne

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    Selected plant species with aphrodisiac properties were described, regulating hormonaldisorders, fertility and potency, also showing a comprehensive health-promoting eect on the human body. ese include: ginseng root, maca root, Tribulus terrestris herb and fruit, oat herb, suma root, fenugreek seed, ginkgo leaf, St. Damian鈥檚 leaf and herb, Muira-puama root and bark, sarsaparilla root, passionower herb, Fadogia agrestis stem, Geum quellyon root, Psoralea corylifolia seed, ironwort herb, ashwagandha root, Epimedium (Horny goat weed) leaf, Lycium barbarum berry, Eucommia bark, Cynomorium songaricum root and Cnidium monnieri fruit.Opisano wybrane gatunki ro艣lin o w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach afrodyzyjnych, reguluj膮ce zaburzenia hormonalne, p艂odno艣ci oraz potencji, wykazuj膮ce ponadto wszechstronne prozdrowotne dzia艂anie na organizm cz艂owieka. Nale偶膮 do nich: korze艅 偶e艅-szenia, korze艅 maki, ziele i owoc buzdyganka, ziele owsa, korze艅 sumy, nasienie kozieradki, li艣膰 mi艂orz臋bu, li艣cie i ziele 艣wi臋tego Damiana, kora i korze艅 Muira-puama, korze艅 kolcoro艣li, ziele m臋czennicy, 艂odygi Fadogia agrestis, korzenie kuklika chilijskiego, nasiona babci, ziele gojnika, korze艅 witanii, li艣cie epimedium wielkokwiatowego,owoce kolcowoju, kora eukomii, k艂膮cza Cynomorium songaricum oraz owoc selernicy

    Ro艣liny po艣wi臋cone 艣wi臋tym i ich zastosowanie

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    Regardless of religion, plants are considered holy, created by God as a gift for people, in both pagan and catholic rituals, plants were used to obtain the favor of gods and spirits. They were considered an effective remedy not only against diseases, but also against charms, spells, ghosts, demons and misfortunes sent by evil powers. Several species of trees, e.g. linden, were given special power. Many of the plants used in folk medicine were named afer the Mother of God. This naming most o|en resulted from the association of the appearance of the plant or part of it with the clothing of the Mother of God, attributes, tools that she could use, suffering. The names of many plants are also dedicated to various saints, e.g. Saint John, Peter, Benedict, Ignacio.Unfortunately, the folk and dialect names of plants are forgotten and die forever. The phenomenon is the fact that the names of plants with the names of the saints have been preserved in the English and German names of many medicinal plants and are used both in scientific literature and in colloquial language.Niezale偶nie od religii uwa偶a si臋, 偶e ro艣liny s膮 艣wi臋te, stworzone przez Boga i s膮 darem dla ludzi. Zar贸wno w czasach poga艅skich, jak i w katolickich rytua艂ach ro艣liny s艂u偶y艂y do uzyskania przychylno艣ci bog贸w i duch贸w. Uwa偶ano je za skuteczny 艣rodek nie tylko przeciw chorobom, ale te偶 urokom, czarom, duchom, demonom oraz nieszcz臋艣ciom zsy艂anym przez z艂e moce. Kilku gatunkom drzew, np. lipie przypisywano szczeg贸ln膮 moc. Wiele z ro艣lin wykorzystywanych w ludowej medycynie nosi艂o nazwy zwi膮zane z imieniem Matki Boskiej. Nazewnictwo to najcz臋艣ciej wynika艂o ze skojarzenia wygl膮du ro艣liny lub ich cz臋艣ci z ubiorem Matki Boskiej, jej przymiotami, narz臋dziami, kt贸rych mog艂a u偶ywa膰, cierpieniem. Nazwy wielu ro艣lin po艣wi臋cono te偶 r贸偶nym 艣wi臋tym, np. 艣w. Janowi, Piotrowi, Benedyktowi, Ignacemu. Niestety, nazwy ludowe i gwarowe ro艣lin odchodz膮 w zapomnienie i gin膮 bezpowrotnie. Fenomenem jest to, 偶e nazwy ro艣lin z imionami 艣wi臋tych zachowa艂y si臋 w nazewnictwie angielskim i niemieckim wielu ro艣lin leczniczych i stosowane s膮 zar贸wno w literaturze naukowej, jak i w potocznym j臋zyku

    Hedera helix as a medicinal plant

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    S u m m a r y Hederae folium is used for the treatment of respiratory tract diseases with intense mucous formation, respiratory tract infections and in irritating cough which stems from common cold. According to clinical experiments, the effectiveness and tolerance of ivy preparations is good. The major compounds responsible for the biological activity are triterpene saponins. Ivy leave extracts exhibit spasmolytic/antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, anthelmintic, antitrypanosomial, antileishmanial, antitumor, antimutagenic, moluscocidal, antioxidant and antithrombin activities

    The interaction between cuticle free fatty acids (FFAs) of the cockroaches Blattella germanica聽and Blatta orientalis聽 and hydrolases produced by the entomopathogenic fungus Conidiobolus coronatus.

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    The interactions between entomopathogenic fungi and insects serve a classic example of a co-evolutionary arms race between pathogens and their target host. The cuticle, site of the first contact between insects and entomopathogenic fungus, is an important defensive barrier against pathogens. It is covered by a layer of lipids that appears to play a key role in these processes and cuticular free fatty acid (FFA) profiles are consider as a determinant of susceptibility, or resistance, to fungal infections. These profiles are species-specific. The cockroaches Blattella germanica (Blattodea: Blattidae) and Blatta orientalis (Blattodea: Ectobiidae) are unsusceptible to the soil fungus Conidiobolus coronatus (Entomophthorales: Ancylistaceae) infection, therefore we studied the profiles of FFAs in order to understand the defensive capabilities of the cockroaches. The fungus was cultivated for three weeks in minimal medium. Cell-free filtrate was obtained, assayed for elastase, N-acetylglucosaminidase, chitobiosidase and lipase activity, and then used for in vitro hydrolysis of the cuticle from wings and thoraces of adults and oothecae. The amounts of amino acids, N-glucosamine and FFAs released from the hydrolysed cuticle samples were measured after eight hours of incubation. The FFA profiles of the cuticle of adults, and the wings, thoraces and oothecae of both species were established using GC-MS and the results were correlated with the effectiveness of fungal proteases, chitinases and lipases in the hydrolyzation of cuticle samples. Positive correlations would suggest the existence of compounds used by the fungus as nutrients, whereas negative correlations may indicate that these compounds could be engaged in insect defence