488 research outputs found

    Paradigma Baru dalam Audit Internal

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    The changes of business environment caused transformation of the role of internal auditing in any organization. In traditional concept, the role of internal auditor is a faultfinder, perform reperforming, and then move away to control as a focus, finally to add value and improve an organization' operations. They represent as a Part of organization provides a service of value to the organization, as a consultant and helps an organization accomplish its objectives. This new paradigms gives opportunities and challenges for internal auditor to improve their knowledge's and skills broadly

    Etos Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Nu

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    NU adalah ormas Islam terbesar di Indonesia. Keberhasilannya dalam mengemban misi dakwah di tengah masyarakat telah menjadi bukti bahwa NU adalah bagian yang tak bisa dipisahkan dalam dinamika sejarah perkembangan bangsa Indonesia. Namun di Balik kesuksesannya dalam dimensi sosio-religius itu ternyata berbanding terbalik dengan kondisi kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat Nahdliyin khususnya dan bangsa Indonesia pada umumnya. Meski secara prinsip keorganisasian NU sudah lama merumuskan konsep kesejahteraan ekonomi, akan tetapi secara praktis NU masih terkesan kurang memprioritaskan pemberdayaan dalam sektor ekonomi. Apalagi dalam menghadapi MEA (Masyarakat EkonomiASEAN), strategi dan tindakan NU dalam mengemban amanat untukmeningkatkan kesejahteraan umat haruslah tepat. Ketepatan strategi dan tindakan yang dimaksud tentu tetap berlandaskan pada dimensi keagamaan yang jelas. Beberapa di antaranya sebagaimana dalam al-Qur'an yang menjunjung tinggi etos transformasi (Q.S. 16:125), etos kerja (Q.S. 9: 105),etos intelektual (Q.S. 48: 11), etos sosial (Q.S: 107:1-3), etos moral (Q.S.87: 14-15) dan etos penghargaan (Q.S.99:7). Maka dari itu, artikel ini bertujuan untuk menelisik apa saja faktor penghambat yang menyebabkan NU terkesan lamban dalam peran peningkatan kesejahteraan hidup umat, sekaligus menyuguhkan strategi dan tindakan aplikatif yang jitu sebagai problem solving atas krisis multidimensi yang mendera masyarakat dewasa ini.NU is the largest Muslim organization in Indonesia. Its success in the mission of preaching in the community has become evident that NU can't be separated in the dynamics of the historical development of the Indonesian. But behind the success in socio-religious dimension it faces a problem about the Nahdliyin'seconomic welfare. Although the principle of organizational NU had long been formulating, but practically NU still less impressed prioritize empowerment in the economic sector. Moreover, in response to MEA (ASEAN Economic Community), a strategy and action NU in undertaking to improve the welfare of the people must be right. Appropriateness of strategies and actions is of course still based on a clear religious dimension. Some of them, as in the Qur'an that up holds the ethos of transformation (Q.S. 16: 125), work ethos (Q.S. 9: 105), intellectual ethos (Q.S. 48: 11), a social ethos (Q.S.107: 1-3 ), moral ethos (Q.S. 87: 14-15) and the ethos of the award (Q.S.99: 7). Therefore, this article is to search for any factors that cause sluggish NU impressed in the role of improving the welfare of people's lives, as well as presenting a strategy and action applicative sniper as problem solving on the multidimensional crisis that plague society today

    Android Educational Game: Introduction to Basic Logic for Children

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    Introduction to Basic Logic aims to develop children\u27s thinking abilities about numbers and quantities to teach activities that are in accordance with the development of their thinking power. Learning in children requires an educational media game facility, one of which is the Educational Game. This educational type game aims to provoke children\u27s interest in learning the subject matter while playing the game. Mobile games can be an alternative in children\u27s learning. Basically children prefer to play rather than learn. This is natural, because child psychology is playing. Based on these problems an educational game application is made for the introduction of basic logic in Android-based children, so that it can produce alternative learning for children. This educational game is intended for children aged 6-7 years because children aged 6-7 years have begun to understand the concept of numbers and develop sensitivity in solving a problem. And trials are carried out using a questionnair

    Sikap Penonton Dalam Program Televisi Indonesia Saat Ini

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    The study in this paper is motivated increasing reports or complaints against television delivered to the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI). This paper aims to look at how the shift from a passive audience or spectators into active audience or spectators give feedback on television shows that they receive, which is now starting to look also at the television audience in Indonesia. Methodology or study in this paper uses literature, to see how the exercise of some theories of mass communication, particularly with regard to the impact of television on the audience. Conclusions or the results of the study for this paper is to begin the shift to a passive audience active audience in the television industry in Indonesia today. If in the past, many obstacles, such as a repressive regime, not the choice of programs and television stations as well as the lack of regulation and the regulator has ever television audience in Indonesia passive. While today, empowering the audience various media and efforts made KPI caused his condition has changed, the audience began to be active. It was indicated by increasing their critical stance, with the umber of impressions made complaints on violation of regulations either through KPIs or other mass media

    Pemanfaatan Kombinasi Limbah Abu Ampas Tebu dan Abu Kulit Kerang sebagai Substitusi Semen pada Campuran Beton Mutu K225

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    Pada era globalisasi seperti sekarang, dapat kita lihat pembangunan disekitar baik itu pembangunan rumah, perindustrian, kantor dan sebagainya. Dari pembangunan ini hampir 60% material yang digunakan adalah beton. Banyaknya beton yang digunakan sebagai material pembangunan atau konstruksi maka terjadi peningkatan kebutuhan beton akan meningkat. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 3 kombinasi Abu Ampas Tebu (AT) dan Abu Kulit Kerang (CK) sebagai substitusi semen yaitu kombinasi (1) 8%AT + 14%CK; kombinasi (2) 10%AT + 12%CK; kombinasi (3) 12%AT + 10%CK. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa beton dengan kombinasi (1) 8%AT + 14% CK memiliki nilai kuat tekan yang tinggi yaitu sebesar 239.36 kg/cm2, kenaikan kuat tekannya adalah 6.02% terhadap beton normal. Kemudian pada kombinasi (2) 10% AT + 12% memiliki nilai kuat tekan sebesar 226.52 kg/cm2 dan kenaikan kuat tekan beton sebesar 0.33% terhadap beton normal. Sedangkan pada kombinasi (3) 12%AT + 10%CK memiliki nilai kuat tekan yang terendah yaitu sebesar 209.16 kg/cm2 dan mengalami penurunan kuat tekan terhadap beton normal sebesar 7.36%
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