119 research outputs found

    Glass-polymer superlattice for integrated optics

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    Glass and polymer interstacked superlattice like nanolayers were fabricated by nanosecond-pulsed laser deposition with a 193-nm-ultraviolet laser. The individual layer thickness of this highly transparent thin film could be scaled down to 2 nm, proving a near atomic scale deposition of complex multilayered optical and electronic materials. The layers were selectively doped with Er3\+ and Eu3\+ ions, making it optically active and targeted for integrated sensor application

    Super-resolution imaging as a method to study GPCR dimers and higher-order oligomers

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    The study of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) dimers and higher-order oligomers has unveiled mechanisms for receptors to diversify signaling and potentially uncover novel therapeutic targets. The functional and clinical significance of these receptor–receptor associations has been facilitated by the development of techniques and protocols, enabling researchers to unpick their function from the molecular interfaces, to demonstrating functional significance in vivo, in both health and disease. Here we describe our methodology to study GPCR oligomerization at the single-molecule level via super-resolution imaging. Specifically, we have employed photoactivated localization microscopy, with photoactivatable dyes (PD-PALM) to visualize the spatial organization of these complexes to <10 nm resolution, and the quantitation of GPCR monomer, dimer, and oligomer in both homomeric and heteromeric forms. We provide guidelines on optimal sample preparation, imaging parameters, and necessary controls for resolving and quantifying single-molecule data. Finally, we discuss advantages and limitations of this imaging technique and its potential future applications to the study of GPCR function

    Single-molecule imaging reveals receptor-G protein interactions at cell surface hot spots

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    G-protein-coupled receptors mediate the biological effects of many hormones and neurotransmitters and are important pharmacological targets. They transmit their signals to the cell interior by interacting with G proteins. However, it is unclear how receptors and G proteins meet, interact and couple. Here we analyse the concerted motion of G-protein-coupled receptors and G proteins on the plasma membrane and provide a quantitative model that reveals the key factors that underlie the high spatiotemporal complexity of their interactions. Using two-colour, single-molecule imaging we visualize interactions between individual receptors and G proteins at the surface of living cells. Under basal conditions, receptors and G proteins form activity-dependent complexes that last for around one second. Agonists specifically regulate the kinetics of receptor-G protein interactions, mainly by increasing their association rate. We find hot spots on the plasma membrane, at least partially defined by the cytoskeleton and clathrin-coated pits, in which receptors and G proteins are confined and preferentially couple. Imaging with the nanobody Nb37 suggests that signalling by G-protein-coupled receptors occurs preferentially at these hot spots. These findings shed new light on the dynamic interactions that control G-protein-coupled receptor signalling

    The role of kinetic context in apparent biased agonism at GPCRs

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    Biased agonism describes the ability of ligands to stabilize different conformations of a GPCR linked to distinct functional outcomes and offers the prospect of designing pathway-specific drugs that avoid on-target side effects. This mechanism is usually inferred from pharmacological data with the assumption that the confounding influences of observational (that is, assay dependent) and system (that is, cell background dependent) bias are excluded by experimental design and analysis. Here we reveal that ‘kinetic context’, as determined by ligand-binding kinetics and the temporal pattern of receptor-signalling processes, can have a profound influence on the apparent bias of a series of agonists for the dopamine D2 receptor and can even lead to reversals in the direction of bias. We propose that kinetic context must be acknowledged in the design and interpretation of studies of biased agonism

    Subcellular optogenetic inhibition of G proteins generates signaling gradients and cell migration

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    Cells sense gradients of extracellular cues and generate polarized responses such as cell migration and neurite initiation. There is static information on the intracellular signaling molecules involved in these responses, but how they dynamically orchestrate polarized cell behaviors is not well understood. A limitation has been the lack of methods to exert spatial and temporal control over specific signaling molecules inside a living cell. Here we introduce optogenetic tools that act downstream of native G protein–coupled receptor (GPCRs) and provide direct control over the activity of endogenous heterotrimeric G protein subunits. Light-triggered recruitment of a truncated regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) protein or a Gβγ-sequestering domain to a selected region on the plasma membrane results in localized inhibition of G protein signaling. In immune cells exposed to spatially uniform chemoattractants, these optogenetic tools allow us to create reversible gradients of signaling activity. Migratory responses generated by this approach show that a gradient of active G protein αi and βγ subunits is sufficient to generate directed cell migration. They also provide the most direct evidence so for a global inhibition pathway triggered by Gi signaling in directional sensing and adaptation. These optogenetic tools can be applied to interrogate the mechanistic basis of other GPCR-modulated cellular functions

    Differential regulation of β2-adrenoceptor and adenosine A2B receptor signalling by GRK and arrestin proteins in arterial smooth muscle

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    Generation of cAMP through Gs-coupled G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) [e.g. β2-adrenoceptor (β2AR), adenosine A2B receptor (A2BR)] activation, induces arterial smooth muscle relaxation, counteracting the actions of vasoconstrictors. Gs-coupled GPCR signalling is regulated by G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRK) and arrestin proteins, and dysregulation of Gs/GPCR signalling is thought play a role in the development of hypertension, which may be a consequence of enhanced GRK2 and/or arrestin expression. However, despite numerous studies indicating that β2AR and A2BR can be substrates for GRK/arrestin proteins, currently little is known regarding GRK/arrestin regulation of these endogenous receptors in arterial smooth muscle. Here, endogenous GRK isoenzymes and arrestin proteins were selectively depleted using RNA-interference in rat arterial smooth muscle cells (RASM) and the consequences of this for β2AR- and A2BR-mediated adenylyl cyclase (AC) signalling were determined by assessing cAMP accumulation. GRK2 or GRK5 depletion enhanced and prolonged β2AR/AC signalling, while combined deletion of GRK2/5 has an additive effect. Conversely, activation of AC by A2BR was regulated by GRK5, but not GRK2. β2AR desensitization was attenuated following combined GRK2/GRK5 knockdown, but not by depletion of individual GRKs, arrestins, or by inhibiting PKA. Arrestin3 (but not arrestin2) depletion enhanced A2BR-AC signalling and attenuated A2BR desensitization, while β2AR-AC signalling was regulated by both arrestin isoforms. This study provides a first demonstration of how different complements of GRK and arrestin proteins contribute to the regulation of signalling and desensitization of these important receptors mediating vasodilator responses in arterial smooth muscle

    To degrade or not to degrade:mechanisms and significance of endocytic recycling

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