180 research outputs found

    Measuring the Competitiveness of Islamic Banking in Indonesian Dual Banking System

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    Islamic banks in many countries have emerged as important component of financial system that contributes to the growth and development of the country's economy. They have proven to be a viable and competitive component of the overall financial system. In the dual banking system, Islamic banks have to be competitive to survive. One of the key to competitiveness is efficiency. This study will measure and compare the efficiency of Islamic and conventional banks in Indonesia using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology. DEA is a non-parametric, deterministic methodology for determining the relative efficiency and managerial performance, based on the empirical data on chosen inputs and outputs of a number of decision making units. DEA allows us to compare the relative efficiency of banks by determining the efficient banks as benchmarks and by measuring the inefficiencies in input combinations (slack variables) in other banks relative to the benchmark. Intermediation approach will be applied. This study will identify the sources and level of inefficiency for each of the inputs and outputs of Islamic banks and conventional banks in Indonesia. The result shows that in overall, Islamic banking is relatively more efficient than conventional banking. This means that Islamic banks are competitive enough to compete with conventional banks. Islamic banking is technically more efficient, but less scale efficient than conventional banking. Internal inefficiency is the main source of disintermediation of conventional banking in Indonesia. Furthermore, accelerated expansion, organically and inorganically, is needed to improve scale and overall efficiencies of Islamic banking in Indonesia

    Positioning Analysis of Islamic Bank Vis-àvis Conventional Bank in Indonesia Using Parametric Sfa and Dfa Methods15

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    This study will measure and compare the efficiency of Conventional and Islamic banks in Indonesia using parametric approach stochastic frontier approach (SFA) and distribution free approach (DFA). These measurements will provide comprehensive and robust results of efficiency of individual bank compare to its peer group. The results using parametric SFA show that in 2002, conventional banks (0.79) were slightly more efficient than Islamic banks (0.77), while in 2003, the efficiency of Islamic banks improved to 0.84 and the efficiency of conventional banks worsen to 0.76, so that Islamic banks have become more efficient than conventional banks. Conventional and Islamic banks have been improving and converged to the highest level of efficiency (1.00) since 2004. The DFA results show that conventional banks (0.89) are only slightly more efficient than Islamic banks (0.87). Conventional public bank (0.93) is the most efficient, while Islamic regional bank (0.84) is the least efficient. Moreover, efficient banks (conventional and Islamic) do not always have lower OCOI (operating costs divided by operating income), while banks with better OCOI usually are more profitable (have better return on assets or ROA). Therefore, technically, Islamic banks have shown their readiness to compete head to head with their conventional counterparts. However, other aspects, such as, number of networks and branches, service quality, convenience, products and services provided, human resources, and pricing, should have become the next priorities for improvements.JEL Classification : C10, C33, G21, G2

    Analisis Pengaruh Variabel Ekonomi Makro Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Pulau Jawa Tahun 2016-2020

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    One of the important benchmarks in determining the success of economic development is economic growth. The government's role in efforts to achieve development success is to determine the direction of development policies and to achieve these development goals, it is necessary to have good development planning to realize stable economic growth. The data source is secondary data using panel data consisting of time series data for five years and cross section data for six provinces which produces 30 observations. The analytical technique used to solve the problem in this research is the panel data regression analysis model. The results of this study indicate that simultaneously government spending, unemployment, and investment have a significant effect on economic growth in Java. Partially, government spending and investment have a positive and significant effect on economic growth in Java, while unemployment has no significant effect

    Sanggar Seni Musik Tradisional Jawa Tengah Di Pengging - Boyolali

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    Pengging is a water tourism village area that combines historical tourism, cultural tourism, and nature tourism in one area. In addition to the water tour Pengging also has a high potential of traditional music art for the community. Although in Pengging there is an artist making musical instruments, but has not yet had a place that can be present in the development of the potential of the art. In Pengging not have a special building for the traditional music arts Gallery of Central Java to house the creativity of the artists and the community around. Workshops is a place of means for a community or group of people in conducting an event activity. This design aims to design the traditional music art Gallery of Central Java as a place to develop the potential of existing art. The methods used in literature studies, field observations, documentation and interviews are useful for finding out how many workshops are already in Pengging. The results obtained in the design can design a building that can educate and can provide all activities conducted in the workshop

    Pengaruh penggunaan asap cair terhadap masa simpan telur ayam ras yang di amati melaui cemaran mikroba, indeks kuning telur (ikt), indeks putih telur (ipt) dan haugh unit (hu).

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               Food is the main and important source of the human needs stay alive. Good food is a food that free from all the type of contaminations.  Based on the origin of the food, there is to type of  food;  food from animal origin and vegetable origin. Egg is one of the food from animal origin, which has high  nutritional value, but easily damaged if not  handled  well, threfore egg must be handled with special treatment to extend  the consumption period.  Purpose of this research is to review the liquid smoke to determine the effect  The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of  liquid smoke to the eggs storage period were observed through microbial contamination, yolk index, egg white index and haugh unit and air sac. The egg samples used is 54 eggs of chicken with the age of  0 days and  tests were conducted at the Laboratory of Animal Disease and Veterinary Public Health The Universty of Nusa Cendana, Kupang. The study design used is a randomized  block design, where samples are divided into 3 group, control group, the Group immediately spray with liquid smoke  and  topical group as soon as with liquid smoke.  Results is the used of liquid smoke has effect against future save the eggs seen on the microbiological quality of eggs that is able to maintain the future save of the eggs up to 25 days, but the liquid smoke has no effect on the future save of eggs viewed from the physical eggs either on the indeks yolk, white indeks eggs, haugh unit and air sac

    Bioremediasi Bahan Organik Pada Air Limbah Budidaya Ikan Lele (Clarias gariepinus) Menggunakan Bacillus Subtilis Dengan Kombinasi Dosis yang Berbeda

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    Bahan organik adalah kumpulan senyawa - senyawa organik kompleks yang telah mengalami proses dekomposisi oleh organisme pengurai, baik berupa humus hasil humifikasi maupun senyawa-senyawa anorganik hasil mineralisasi. Untuk mengurangi limbah organik dalam media pemeliharan ikan lele (Clarias gariepinus) dan buangan limbah budidaya diperlukan suatu teknologi pengelolaan budidaya, salah satu teknologi tersebut adalah bioremediasi dengan menggunakan Bacillus subtilis sebagai bioremediator. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis parameter kandungan bahan organik meliputi TOM (Total Organic Matter), Protein, Karbohidrat dan Lemak. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari-Februari 2019. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial dengan penambahan Bacillus subtilis sebanyak 4 perlakuan termasuk kontrol (Kontrol, 107 CFU/mL, 106 CFU/mL dan 105 CFU/mL) pada jam ke-24, ke-48, ke-72, ke-96 dan ke-120, terdiri dari tiga ulangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, konsentrasi TOM, Protein, Karbohidrat dan Lemak pada perlakuan D1 (107 CFU/mL), D2 (106 CFU/mL) dan D3 (105 CFU/mL) lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kontrol, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Bacillus subtilis dapat menurunkan limbah organik dari kolam budidaya ikan lele. Perlakuan terbaik ditemui pada perlakuan dosis bakteri 106 CFU/mL dengan waktu pengujian pada jam ke- 120, dengan sisa TOM 13,03 mg/L (16,23%) dengan nilai efisiensi 84%, sisa Protein 0,1526% dengan nilai efisiensi 13%, sisa Karbohidrat 0,1898% dengan nilai efisiensi 36% dan sisa Lemak 0,0176% dengan nilai efisiensi 47%. Uji efektifitas bioremediasi dari dosis bakteri terbaik yakni dosis Bacillus subtilis 106 CFU/mL pada jam ke-120 kemudian diaplikasikan pada media pemeliharaan ikan lele di UPT PTPB Kepanjen. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tersebut diketahui pengujian TOM awal di kolam budidaya ikan lele adalah 86,58 mg/L, namun setelah diaplikasikan dengan dosis terbaik hasil uji in vitro konsentrasi TOM menurun hingga 12,74 mg/L dengan efisiensi penurunan sebesar 85,3%. Hasil penelitian oksigen terlarut menunjukkan nilai berkisar pada 1,83 – 3,50 mg/L. Suhu air selama perlakuan menunjukkan angka rata-rata 27 – 280C. Hasil pengukuran pH pada penelitian yaitu rata-rata 7,2

    Iron in Micronutrient Powder Promotes an Unfavorable Gut Microbiota in Kenyan Infants

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    Iron supplementation may have adverse health effects in infants, probably through manipulation of the gut microbiome. Previous research in low-resource settings have focused primarily on anemic infants. This was a double blind, randomized, controlled trial of home fortification comparing multiple micronutrient powder (MNP) with and without iron. Six-month-old, non- or mildly anemic, predominantly-breastfed Kenyan infants in a rural malaria-endemic area were randomized to consume: (1) MNP containing 12.5 mg iron (MNP+Fe, n = 13); (2) MNP containing no iron (MNP−Fe, n = 13); or (3) Placebo (CONTROL, n = 7), from 6–9 months of age. Fecal microbiota were profiled by high-throughput bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Markers of inflammation in serum and stool samples were also measured. At baseline, the most abundant phylum was Proteobacteria (37.6% of rRNA sequences). The proteobacterial genus Escherichia was the most abundant genus across all phyla (30.1% of sequences). At the end of the intervention, the relative abundance of Escherichia significantly decreased in MNP−Fe (−16.05 ± 6.9%, p = 0.05) and CONTROL (−19.75 ± 4.5%, p = 0.01), but not in the MNP+Fe group (−6.23 ± 9%, p = 0.41). The second most abundant genus at baseline was Bifidobacterium (17.3%), the relative abundance of which significantly decreased in MNP+Fe (−6.38 ± 2.5%, p = 0.02) and CONTROL (−8.05 ± 1.46%, p = 0.01), but not in MNP-Fe (−4.27 ± 5%, p = 0.4445). Clostridium increased in MNP-Fe only (1.9 ± 0.5%, p = 0.02). No significant differences were observed in inflammation markers, except for IL-8, which decreased in CONTROL. MNP fortification over three months in non- or mildly anemic Kenyan infants can potentially alter the gut microbiome. Consistent with previous research, addition of iron to the MNP may adversely affect the colonization of potential beneficial microbes and attenuate the decrease of potential pathogens

    Perancangan Konsep Pengendalian Mutu Dan Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Point(HACCP) PADA PEMBUATAN KERIPIK TALAS (Studi Kasus : UKM Prima Rasa, Temanggung)

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    UKM Prima Rasa which is one of the typical food industries in Temanggung has not implemented a quality control system and food safety system in its processing. To achieve good quality processed taro chips, it is necessary to carry out supervision and control at every stage of the process. In addition, it is necessary to develop a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) concept which is an analysis of the hazard risks that may arise at each stage of production. The research was conducted with the aim of providing a design of the concept of quality control and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) which can be applied to the manufacture of taro chips at UKM Prima Rasa. Concept design was carried out through observations and interviews in SMEs as well as literature studies on the HACCP system. Based on the results of the study, the design concept of quality control was produced, namely by controlling the quality of raw materials, production processes to quality control of the final product. While the food safety system, namely the HACCP concept design, uses 12 steps that include 7 HACCP principles in its application

    Efektifitas Konsorsium Bakteri Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Formalin dari Limbah Perendaman Kerapu

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    Formalin telah digunakan untuk menghilangkan parasit dalam kegiatan budidaya kerapu, dengan demikian perlu adanya perlakuan untuk mengurangi kandungan formalin dalam air limbah tersebut, sehingga aman untuk dibuang ke perairan umum. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dosis konsorsium bakteri terendah dan waktu tersingkat dalam megurangi formalin serta mendeskripsikan perubahan bentuk dari sampel air laut setelah perlakuan dengan bakteri dan mengetahui tanggapan masyarakat terkait pengelolaan limbah formalin pada budidaya kerapu. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Balai Perikanan Budidaya Laut (BPBL) Lombok, pada bulan Maret 2019. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial, 2 variabel yang diamati adalah dosis konsorsium bakteri dan lama waktu pemberian bakteri. Air laut diambil dari perairan Sekotong (depan BPBL Lombok) tanpa sterilisasi. Konsorsium bakteri yang digunakan adalah 0 ml/L (kontrol), 5 ml/L, 10 ml/L dan 15 ml/L. konsentrasi formalin yang digunakan sesuai dengan yang biasa oleh pembudidaya yaitu 100 mg/L. Penggunaan konsorsium bakteri dengan dosis 5 ml/L dapat menurunkan formalin 96,9% (dari 100 mg/L menjadi rata-rata 3,910 mg/L) dalam waktu 3 hari. Tetapi dalam penelitian ini kadar formalin dalam limbah dapat menurun sampai 97,532% (dari 100 mg/L menjadi rata-rata 2,468 mg/L) pada perlakuan tanpa penambahan konsorsium bakteri. Hal ini diduga adanya peranan bakteri dari air yang digunakan di dalam bak perlakuan. Disamping itu tidak nampak adanya perubahan kondisi fisik air laut setelah perlakuan misalnya perubahan warna dan bau air. Semakin banyak konsorsium bakteri yang ditambahkan akan meningkatkan kadar CO2, ammonium dan nitrat. Berdasarkan hasil Focus Group Discussion (FGD) yang diikuti oleh pembudidaya, pengawas Budidaya, Akademisi dan staf BPBL Lombok dapat diketahui bahwa masyarakat setuju penggunaan formalin dalam menangani parasit ikan tetapi berharap tidak ada formalin yang dibuang langsung ke perairan umum. Dengan demikian berdasarkan penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsorsium bakteri dapat menurunkan kadar formalin sampai 96 % dalam waktu 3 hari, tetapi diduga bakteri dari perairan setempat dapat menurunkan limbah formalin dalam air laut sampai 97%. Selanjutnya dapat diketahui tidak adanya perubahan bentuk fisik air sampel baik warna maupun bau sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Agar diperoleh perairan yang bersih atau bebas dari limbah formalin, maka setelah pemanfaatan formalin untuk menghalau parasit ikan diperlukan perlakuan terlebih dahulu
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