11 research outputs found

    Hubungan Panjang dan Power Tungkai Terhadap Kecepatan Lari 100 Meter Peserta Ekstrakulikuler Atletik (Lari) Di SMP Negeri 1 Mungkid Kabupaten Magelang

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hubungan Panjang Tungkai Dan Power Tungkai Terhadap Kecepatan Lari 100 Meter peserta ekstrakurikuler atletik (Lari) SMP Negeri 1 Mungkid Kabupaten Magelang Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan teknik pengambilan data menggunakan tes dan pengukuran. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII,VIII yang berjumlah 15 anak. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi ganda. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai harga r hitung = -0,546 > rtabel (0.05)(15) = 0,514, dengan demikian hipotesis pertama disimpulkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara hubungan panjang tungkai dengan kecepatan lari 100 Meter Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Atletik (Lari) di SMP Negeri 1 Kota Mungkid Kabupaten Magelang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai harga rhitung = -0,835 > r(0.05)(15) = 0,514, dengan demikian hipotesis kedua disimpulkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara hubungan power tungkai dengan kecepatan lari 100 Meter Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Atletik (Lari) di SMP Negeri 1 Kota Mungkid Kabupaten Magelang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh harga F hitung 13,863 > F tabel (3,89) dengan demikian hipotesis ketiga disimpulkan ada Hubungan Panjang Tungkai Dan Power Tungkai Dengan Kecepatan Lari 100 Meter Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Atletik (Lari) di SMP Negeri 1 Mungkid Kabupaten Magelang


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    Register is one of the computer components that have a key role in computer organisation. Every computer contains millions of registers that are manifested by flip-flop. This research focuses on the investigation of flip-flop performance based on its type (D, T, S-R, and J-K) and architecture (structural, behavioural, and hybrid). Each type of flip-flop on each architecture would be tested in different bit of shift register with parallel load applications. The experiment criteria that will be assessed are power consumption, resources required, memory required, latency, and efficiency. Based on the experiment, it could be shown that D flip-flop and hybrid architecture showed the best performance in required memory, latency, power consumption, and efficiency. In addition, the experiment results showed that the greater the register number, the less efficient the system would be

    Manajemen Hubungan Masyarakat dalam Mengembangkan Lembaga Pendidikan

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    Sekolah sebagai lembaga pendidikan dan lembaga sosial masyarakat yang diberikan tanggung jawab dalam menentukan nasib generasi bangsa mereka ke depan, sedangkan masyarakat selain sebagai konsumen, juga memiliki peran dan tanggung jawab sukses atau tidaknya penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Masyarakat secara luas yang termasuk di antaranya, orang tua peserta didik, pemerintah, instansi atau lembaga perusahaan dan sebagainya. Harapan utama dari kinerja humas adalah untuk menarik masyarakat agar peduli dan mempercayai serta menggunakan lulusan atau layanan yang ditawarkan oleh lembaga pendidikan. Melihat hal ini, peran humas menjadi sangat penting dalam suatu internal kelembagaan organisasi atau lembaga pendidikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah mendeskripsikan manajemen hubungan masyarakat, konsep humas dalam mengembangkan lembaga pendidikan dan manajemen humas dalam mengembangkan lembaga pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan suatu metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Masyarakat dalam keterlibatannya di dunia pendidikan menentukan tujuan, strategi dan perwakilannya dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan sebagai bentuk kepedulian masyarakat dalam keseluruhan proses dan pengembangan masyarakat sesuai dengan arti pembangunan suatu bangsa itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu program humas harus dilaksanakan secara harmonis

    Teknologi Pendidikan: Pemanfaatan Teknologi dalam Pendidikan Pasca Pandemi

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    The presence of the pandemic in the first quarter of 2020 also changed the order of human life. All activities that were originally carried out in person changed to online meetings using technological tools and digital platforms. This is no exception for the education sector. In the world of education, learning, which was originally carried out face-to-face, was replaced by online meetings. This lasted for at least a period of 2 years. With the change of learning space, it also changes habits so that it affects the quality of education. In this journal, we try to examine various kinds of changes that exist in the post-pandemic education world as well as the benefits and functions of educational technology from the pandemic era to post-pandemic. In this observation we use qualitative methods. Interviews are the data collection technique we choose. The technical spread is through a google form questionnaire, the results obtained from this study, namely the use of post-pandemic technology greatly affect the learning process. Post-pandemic learning provides benefits in the form of time and place efficiency. However, post-pandemic learning has not fully run well, because educators and students are less focused on learning sessions and interfere with students' understanding of the material presen

    Larangan Pornografi Dalam Undang-Undang nomor 44 Tahun 2008 tentang Pornografi (Perspektif Asas Legalitas)

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    Law No. 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography was officially ratified on October 30, 2008. The emergence of this law cannot be separated from public anxiety about pornography cases which are increasingly spreading and consumed by various groups. Ease of access to information either through electronic media or communication media seems to be a 'free space' for the public to enjoy pornographic information or displays. By using a normative approach, the study of the problem is carried out using the flow and workings of the first and third types of doctrinal law research from Terry Hutchinson, because they are in accordance with the research problem and the purpose of this paper. This study aims to analyze whether the prohibition of pornography in Law no. 44 of 2008 following the principles of legality? It can be seen that the principle of legality actually has the main goal of protecting the dignity of a person from the arbitrariness of the authorities in applying the law. In the matter of pornography, the regulation must be clear, so as not to cause noise in its implementation. Given the diversity that exists in Indonesia, the criteria for pornography can vary. Thus, the state through its law enforcement officers must pay attention to local cultural factors. For this reason, it is necessary to make legal rules that can provide an umbrella for this diversity so that it can be a guide for judges in particular to assess whether an act that is considered to violate the law is something that is not against the law

    Factors Affecting Operating Standards of Crushers at PT KPC (Case Study on Increasing Crusher Reliability)

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    Abstract. This study was conducted to examine factors affecting operating standards of crusher PT. Kaltim Prima Coal so that reliability can be improved. There are two factors that influence that internal factors which include activities of operational, maintenance, and engineering as well as external factors related to coal chain from mining activities until coal sales.The methodology used in this project is a quantitative analysis by using econometrics and statistics. The data used is primary data includes physical availability, usage, cost, and delays that occurs in the crusher during the last five years (2010-2014). Furthermore categorical data obtained through a survey of 60 respondents from the staff and crew operation, maintenance and engineering that are directly related to the crusher. Categorical data is processed into a dataset using the method of successive intervals (MSI). Data interval of four variables (operating standards, availability, operating cost, and technology Obsolescence) made mathematical modelling with multiple linear regression method through SPSS version 22 for analysis of internal factors of crusher. Base on results of multiple linear regression method, internal factors crusher result that 8.6% operating standards of crusher is affected by variables of availability, operating cost and technology obsolescence. In the calculation of the probability figures obtained Anova 0.046<0.05 so that the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable is significant. In the partial regression plots of test result that significantly affect the availability of operating standards, while the influence of the operating cost and technology obsolescence proved insignificant. In the classical assumption of regression, there are three hypotheses were proved significant that the test for normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity. While the autocorrelation hypothesis proved insignificant in this model.External factors affecting operating standards of crusher analyzed using Pareto analysis. The results Pareto found a significant effect of external factors as much as 60% of operating standard of crusher. The analysis shows that the problem No Coal in the dominant mining activity while other issues such as full stockpile, quality mismatch and not required to pinpoint problems that occur in the downstream. Crusher reliability is a probability that indicates that the crusher will perform its function in the process of coal during a certain period if it is operated normally by the design capacity.Keywords: crusher operating standards, internal factors, external factors, multiple linear regression, Pareto analysis, and reliability.Â


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    Membran merupakan media berpori semi permeabel yang berfungsi untuk memisahkan partikel berukuran molekul (spesi) dalam larutan. Salah satu jenisnya yaitu membran biokeramik yang memanfaatkan bahan biokeramik. Hidroksiapatit merupakan salah satu biokeramik yang diperoleh dari proses sintesis bahan alami. Hidroksiapatit dapat dibuat menggunakan limbah seperti limbah cangkang rajungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dari bahan baku berupa hidroksiapatit dan mengetahui karakteristik dari membran biokeramik hidroksiapatit yang dihasilkan. Proses sintesis hidroksiapatit menggunakan metode pengendapan kimia basah. Karakterisasi hidroksiapatit yang telah disintesis menunjukkan kehadiran gugus PO 4 3- dan OH - yang merupakan gugus fungsional dari hidroksiapatit (HA), serta gugus CO 3 2- . Pola difraksi yang dihasilkan menunjukkan adanya fase hidroksiapatit sebesar 97,7% dan hasil pengukuran partikel hidroksiapatit sebesar 265,5 nm. Proses sintesis membran biokeramik menggunakan metode sintering. Sintesis membran biokeramik hidroksiapatit menggunakan variasi penambahan Polivinil Alkohol (PVA) sebesar 0,324; 0,492; 0,66 gram. Proses sintering dilakukan pada suhu 1000 o C selama 3 jam dengan variasi heating rate 5 dan 12 o C/menit. Hasil menunjukkan penyusutan diameter membran tertingi setelah sintering yaitu pada membran dengan penambahan PVA 0,492 gr pada 12 o C/menit. Penyusutan tebal membran tertingi setelah sintering yaitu pada membran dengan penambahan PVA 0,66 gr pada 12 o C/menit. Penyusutan massa membran tertingi setelah sintering yaitu pada membran dengan penambahan PVA 0,492 gr pada 12 o C/menit. Densitas membran tertingi setelah sintering yaitu pada membran dengan penambahan PVA 0,324 gr pada 12 o C/menit. Porositas membran tertingi setelah sintering yaitu pada membran dengan penambahan PVA 0,66 gr pada 5 o C/menit. Pola difraksi yang dihasilkan pada setiap membran menunjukkan kemiripan antar satu dengan lainnya. Pola difraksi menunjukkan munculnya dua fase paling dominan yaitu fase beta trikalsium fosfat (βTCP) dan fase hidroksiapatit. Fluks membran tertinggi dan terendah setelah sintering yaitu pada membran dengan penambahan PVA 0,66 gr pada 5 o C/menit dan membran dengan penambahan PVA 0,324 gr pada 12 o C/menit

    Green synthesis of polyvinylidene fluoride ultrafiltration membrane with upgraded hydrophilicity

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    The use of Cyrene™ as an alternative non-toxic solvent to produce a PVDF-based ultrafiltration membrane was investigated in this study. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) were used as organic additives to explore its ability to improve membrane hydrophilicity. The additives were introduced into the casting solution via phase inversion with a combined non-solvent induced phase separation (NIPS) and evaporation-induced phase separation (EIPS) technique. The prepared membranes were characterized to examine its morphology, mechanical properties, and filtration performance. The results show that the addition of PEG and PVP has proven able to improve the membrane hydrophilicity with the lowest contact angle of 76.81° achieved from the addition of PEG with concentration 3 wt%. However, the nascent membranes were not adequate enough, in terms of its mechanical properties, to undergo performance tests due to its very brittle nature. The overall results from this study demonstrate a great potential as a proposed method of utilizing Cyrene™ as a choice of green solvent to fabricate PVDF-based ultrafiltration membrane with the incorporation of PEG and PVP as organic additives

    Aplikasi Kunjungan Observatorium Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Berbasis Android

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    Observatorium adalah sebuah sarana dengan perlengkapan pengamatan seperti teleskop yang dapat digunakan untuk melihat langit dan peristiwa yang berhubungan dengan astronomi. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) memiliki sebuah gedung Observatorium yang terletak di gedung kuliah Kampus Utama Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta. Dalam website observatorium UAD untuk membuat jadwal kunjungan ke observatorium masih menggunakan google form yaitu dengan mengisi data pada google form. Oleh karena itu, kurang efektif dalam membuat jadwal kunjungan. Maka dibutuhkan sebuah aplikasi untuk melakukan sistem penjadwalan layanan yang lebih efektif dan memudahkan pengunjung dalam membuat jadwal kunjungan. Hasil pengujian SUS dengan skor 73 yang berarti aplikasi kunjungan observatorium Universitas Ahmad Dahlan dapat dikatakan baik