15 research outputs found

    Low to High Intensity Exercise dalam Menurunkan Kadar Gula Darah pada Pasien DM Tipe 2

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    This study aims to map and synthesize evidence regarding the effectiveness of low to high-intensity exercise in reducing blood sugar levels in type 2 DM patients according to patient characteristics. The method used is a scoping review with a search strategy using the PICO(s) format. Pubmed, Science Direct, CINAHL, and the Google Scholar search engine are the databases used. The research results showed that eight articles were in English, five studies showed a significant reduction in blood sugar, and three others showed no significant decrease. Apart from that, it was also found that there was an increase in insulin, which showed a significant increase in HbA1c, and there was no increase in the dose of anti-diabetic therapy. Several types of exercise are used at all intensities depending on the patient's ability, including walking, jogging, power cycling, and walking on a treadmill. In conclusion, exercise can reduce weight for obese patients and increase muscle strength, followed by improved physical function for patients with weight loss.   Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Exercise Therapy, Blood Glucos

    Mother and Family\u27s View on Exclusive Breastfeeding in Developing Country

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    Exclusive breastfeeding is something which has a lot of benefit both for mother and baby. It is recommended by WHO at let for the first six months. Then it also recommended until two years and beyond. In fact, mostly mother only gave their breastmilk to their babies until two months. The method of this study using systematic review-metasynthesize which an extensive of the literature was undertaken. Database searched were: MEDLINE, CINAHL, BioMed Central, Wiley, and EMBASE. Result shown that mother\u27s view on exclusive breast is an important part in an attempt to promote breastfeeding desire. Even though their view is influenced by her family and surroundings, but finally the decision is on her. This concurs with finding of some researcher who found women who have the experience of breastfeeding, especially within the family, are more likely to choose to breastfeed heir child

    Mother and Family’s View on Exclusive Breastfeeding in Developing Country

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    Exclusive breastfeeding is something which has a lot of benefit both for mother and baby. It is recommended by WHO at let for the first six months. Then it also recommended until two years and beyond. In fact, mostly mother only gave their breastmilk to their babies until two months. The method of this study using systematic review-metasynthesize which an extensive of the literature was undertaken. Database searched were: MEDLINE, CINAHL, BioMed Central, Wiley, and EMBASE. Result shown that mother’s view on exclusive breast is an important part in an attempt to promote breastfeeding desire. Even though their view is influenced by her family and surroundings, but finally the decision is on her. This concurs with finding of some researcher who found women who have the experience of breastfeeding, especially within the family, are more likely to choose to breastfeed heir child

    Problematic Internet use (PIU) in youth: A brief literature review of selected topics

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    We aimed to discuss several selected topics related to problematic Internet use (PIU), including fear of missing out, nomophobia, cyberchondria, cyberbullying, and certain health conditions (e.g. autism-spectrum disorder and schizophrenia) among youth. We also aimed to review some recent evidence examining PIU during COVID-19. The review was conducted using keywords relevant to the selected topics and searching in the PubMed database and Google Scholar. The results of this review indicate that PIU could be associated with health issues in a minority of the youth population. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to PIU and subsequent health problems. Information from this review could help healthcare providers to design individualized and appropriate interventions to tackle health issues related to PIU among youth

    Mother and Family’s View on Exclusive Breastfeeding in Developing Country

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    Exclusive breastfeeding is something which has a lot of benefit both for mother and baby. It is recommended by WHO at let for the first six months. Then it also recommended until two years and beyond. In fact, mostly mother only gave their breastmilk to their babies until two months. The method of this study using systematic review-metasynthesize which an extensive of the literature was undertaken. Database searched were: MEDLINE, CINAHL, BioMed Central, Wiley, and EMBASE. Result shown that mother’s view on exclusive breast is an important part in an attempt to promote breastfeeding desire. Even though their view is influenced by her family and surroundings, but finally the decision is on her. This concurs with finding of some researcher who found women who have the experience of breastfeeding, especially within the family, are more likely to choose to breastfeed heir child.Key words:Exclusive breastfeeding, family, mother AbstrakPemberian ASI eksklusif adalah sesuatu yang memiliki manfaat sangat besar baik bagi ihu maupun bayi. Hal ini sangat direkomendasikan oleh WHO minimal sampai enam bulan pertama kelahiran bayi. Kemudian dapat dilanjutkan sampai usia dua tahun. Pada kenyataannya, kebanyakan ibu memberikan ASI mereka kepada bayinya hanya sampai usia bayi dua bulan. Metode yang digunakan adalah systematic review- metasintesisyang mana menggunakan pencarian literatur secara luas. Database yang dipilih adalah: MEDLINE, CINAHL, BioMed Central, Wiley, dan EMBASE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pandangan ibu mengenai pemberian ASI eksklusif memiliki peranan yang penting dalam usaha meningkatkan keinginan untuk menyusui. Walaupun pandangan mereka dipengaruhi oleh keluarga dan sekitarnya, namun keputusan akhir tetap berada di tangan mereka. Hal ini sejalan dengan beberapa penelitian yang sudah dilakukan oleh beberapa peneliti sebelumnya yang menyebutkan bahwa wanita yang memiliki pengalaman dalam menyusui, khususnya di dalam keluarga akan cenderung memutuskan untuk menyusui bayinya.Kata kunci:ASI eksklusif, keluarga, ib

    Kesehatan Kerja Pada Industri Rumah Tangga “Accesoris Burung” di RT 13 RW 09 Babakan Sari, Kiaracondong Bandung

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    ABSTRAK Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) merupakan sistem yang melindungi pekerja, perusahaan, lingkungan hidup, dan masyarakat sekitar dari bahaya akibat kecelakaan kerja. Keselamatan dan kesehatan pemilik serta pegawai saling berhubungan erat dengan keefektifan kerja, sehingga sangat penting sekali untuk dijaga dan dipelihara. Penerapan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja sangat penting khususnya pada perusahaan yang berkaitan secara langsung dengan bidang produksi. Aksesoris Sangkar Burung Kiara G.357 merupakan salah satu usaha home industri, dimana usaha tersebut beroprasi sejak tahun 1990 an hingga saat ini. Kondisi pandemi Covid-19 ini juga tidak memudarkan semangat pemilik beserta karyawan pengelolanya untuk terus produktif menjalankan usaha tersebutn. Tujuan kegiatan adalah memberikan edukasi untuk Menjelaskan tentang kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja khususnya penggunaan APD dalam upaya mencegah resiko kerja di home industri. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah melalui pemutaran video, ceramah, dan diskusi serta tanya jawab. Hasil yang dicapai setelah dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan melalui penyuluhan, para peserta menyatakan dapat mengetahui dan memahami serta mengungkapkan kembali tentang kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja khususnya penggunaan APD dalam upaya mencegah resiko kerja di home industri. Kata Kunci: APD, Home Industri, Kesehatan Keselamatan Kerja  ABSTRACT Occupational safety and health (K3) is a system that protects workers, companies, the environment, and the surrounding community from the dangers of work accidents. The safety and health of owners and employees are closely related to work effectiveness, so it is very important to protect and maintain them. The application of occupational safety and health is very important, especially in companies that are directly related to the production sector. Kiara G.357 Bird Cage Accessories is one of the home industry businesses, where the business has been operating since the 1990s until now. The condition of the Covid-19 pandemic has also not dampened the enthusiasm of the owners and their managing employees to continue to be productive in running the business. The purpose of the activity is to provide education to explain occupational health and safety, especially the use of PPE in an effort to prevent work risks in the home industry. The method used in this activity is through video screenings, lectures, and discussions as well as questions and answers. The results achieved after health education was carried out through counseling, the participants stated that they could know and understand and reveal again about occupational health and safety, especially the use of PPE in an effort to prevent work risks in the home industry.  Keywords: PPE, Home Industry, Occupational Healt

    Pengetahuan tentang HIV berhubungan dengan Ketertarikan Mengikuti Voluntary Counselling and Testing pada Pasangan Usia Subur: Penelitian Observasional

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    Every year there are 5,100 new Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections among housewives, 33% of whom are infected by their partners who engage in risky sexual behavior. Therefore, utilization of HIV screening through voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) services is important especially for those with high risk. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between knowledge of couples of childbearing age in Garut Regency, especially in Ciwalen Village with interest in participating in HIV screening through VCT. This study is a quantitative study with a cross sectional approach. Data collection was carried out on May 2-June 2, 2023 and was located in one of the Ciwalen Villages in Garut Regency, West Java. The study population was one of the couples of childbearing age who lived permanently in one of the villages in Garut Regency with purposive sampling technique totaling 121 married men or women of childbearing age. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire that included information on respondent characteristics, questions related to interest in attending VCT combined with the HIV-KQ-18 questionnaire to assess respondents' knowledge about HIV/AIDS. Data were collected using a questionnaire that included information on respondents' characteristics, questions related to interest in attending VCT combined with the HIV-KQ-18 questionnaire to assess respondents' knowledge about HIV/AIDS. Data were analyzed using SPSS software (Version 21), frequency distribution analysis and chi-square test. The results showed that the majority of couples of childbearing age (78 people, 64.5%) had poor knowledge about HIV/AIDS and only a few (26.4%) of them were interested in following HIV screening through VCT. Interest in VCT was more prevalent among couples of childbearing age who had good knowledge about HIV/AIDS (P < 0.05). To increase the interest of couples of childbearing age in HIV screening, efforts should be made to increase their knowledge about HIV/AIDS.Setiap tahunnya terdapat 5.100 infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) baru  pada kelompok ibu rumah tangga dan sebagian besar 33% tertular dari pasangannya yang melakukan tindakan seks berisiko. Oleh sebab itu, Pemanfaatan skrining HIV melalui layanan voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) menjadi penting terutama pada mereka dengan risiko tinggi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan pasangan usia subur di Kabupaten Garut khususnya di Kelurahan Ciwalen dengan ketertarikan mengikuti skrining HIV  melalui VCT. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan pada 2 Mei–2 Juni 2023 dan berlokasi di salah satu Kelurahan Ciwalen di Kabupaten Garut Jawa Barat. Populasi penelitian adalah salah satu dari pasangan usia subur yang  tinggal menetap di salah satu kelurahan Ciwalen di Kabupaten Garut  dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling  sejumlah 121 laki-laki atau perempuan usia subur yang sudah menikah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang meliputi informasi karakteristik responden, pertanyaan terkait ketertarikan mengikuti VCT yang digabungkan dengan kuesioner HIV-KQ-18 untuk mengkaji pengetahuan responden tentang HIV/ AIDS. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan software SPSS (Versi 21), analisis distribusi frekuensi dan Uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukan mayoritas pasangan usia subur (78 orang, 64,5%) memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang baik tentang HIV/ AIDS dan hanya sedikit (26,4%) diantara mereka yang tertarik mengikuti skrining HIV melalui VCT. Ketertarikan mengikuti VCT lebih banyak dijumpai pada pasangan usia subur yang memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang HIV/ AIDS (P < 0.05). Untuk meningkatkan ketertarikan pasangan usia subur melakukan skrining HIV perlu dilakukan upaya-upaya peningkatan pengetahuan mereka tentang HIV/ AIDS

    Pengetahuan tentang HIV berhubungan dengan Ketertarikan Mengikuti Voluntary Counselling and Testing pada Pasangan Usia Subur: Penelitian Observasional

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    Every year there are 5,100 new Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections among housewives, 33% of whom are infected by their partners who engage in risky sexual behavior. Therefore, utilization of HIV screening through voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) services is important especially for those with high risk. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between knowledge of couples of childbearing age in Garut Regency, especially in Ciwalen Village with interest in participating in HIV screening through VCT. This study is a quantitative study with a cross sectional approach. Data collection was carried out on May 2-June 2, 2023 and was located in one of the Ciwalen Villages in Garut Regency, West Java. The study population was one of the couples of childbearing age who lived permanently in one of the villages in Garut Regency with purposive sampling technique totaling 121 married men or women of childbearing age. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire that included information on respondent characteristics, questions related to interest in attending VCT combined with the HIV-KQ-18 questionnaire to assess respondents' knowledge about HIV/AIDS. Data were collected using a questionnaire that included information on respondents' characteristics, questions related to interest in attending VCT combined with the HIV-KQ-18 questionnaire to assess respondents' knowledge about HIV/AIDS. Data were analyzed using SPSS software (Version 21), frequency distribution analysis and chi-square test. The results showed that the majority of couples of childbearing age (78 people, 64.5%) had poor knowledge about HIV/AIDS and only a few (26.4%) of them were interested in following HIV screening through VCT. Interest in VCT was more prevalent among couples of childbearing age who had good knowledge about HIV/AIDS (P < 0.05). To increase the interest of couples of childbearing age in HIV screening, efforts should be made to increase their knowledge about HIV/AIDS.Setiap tahunnya terdapat 5.100 infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) baru  pada kelompok ibu rumah tangga dan sebagian besar 33% tertular dari pasangannya yang melakukan tindakan seks berisiko. Oleh sebab itu, Pemanfaatan skrining HIV melalui layanan voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) menjadi penting terutama pada mereka dengan risiko tinggi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan pasangan usia subur di Kabupaten Garut khususnya di Kelurahan Ciwalen dengan ketertarikan mengikuti skrining HIV  melalui VCT. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan pada 2 Mei–2 Juni 2023 dan berlokasi di salah satu Kelurahan Ciwalen di Kabupaten Garut Jawa Barat. Populasi penelitian adalah salah satu dari pasangan usia subur yang  tinggal menetap di salah satu kelurahan Ciwalen di Kabupaten Garut  dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling  sejumlah 121 laki-laki atau perempuan usia subur yang sudah menikah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang meliputi informasi karakteristik responden, pertanyaan terkait ketertarikan mengikuti VCT yang digabungkan dengan kuesioner HIV-KQ-18 untuk mengkaji pengetahuan responden tentang HIV/ AIDS. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan software SPSS (Versi 21), analisis distribusi frekuensi dan Uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukan mayoritas pasangan usia subur (78 orang, 64,5%) memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang baik tentang HIV/ AIDS dan hanya sedikit (26,4%) diantara mereka yang tertarik mengikuti skrining HIV melalui VCT. Ketertarikan mengikuti VCT lebih banyak dijumpai pada pasangan usia subur yang memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang HIV/ AIDS (P < 0.05). Untuk meningkatkan ketertarikan pasangan usia subur melakukan skrining HIV perlu dilakukan upaya-upaya peningkatan pengetahuan mereka tentang HIV/ AIDS

    Determinants of Sexual Abuse Prevention Knowledge among Children’s Schools in West Java Indonesia: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a severe problem in Indonesia. Adequate knowledge in children about CSA prevention is essential so that children do not become victims. Lack of adequate children’s knowledge of the prevention of CSA may put them at risk for experiencing CSA. This cross-sectional study explores the association factors between knowledge and characteristics regarding the prevention of CSA. The study was conducted in Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Students from grades two to nine at two elementary schools were eligible for the study. Results showed that as sources of information associated with better knowledge of CSA prevention (p = 0.00), teachers and parents significantly contributed to CSA information. Multivariate analysis showed that teachers (OR: 33.479, 95% (CI: 4.467–250.912)) and parents (OR: 45.336, 95% (CI: 10.886–188.807)) significantly contributed as a source of CSA information among students. The findings are essential important implications for interventions intended at preventing CSA. Sexual education programs should be officially applied at schools for children with the support of their parents and teachers

    Determinants of Sexual Abuse Prevention Knowledge among Children’s Schools in West Java Indonesia: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a severe problem in Indonesia. Adequate knowledge in children about CSA prevention is essential so that children do not become victims. Lack of adequate children’s knowledge of the prevention of CSA may put them at risk for experiencing CSA. This cross-sectional study explores the association factors between knowledge and characteristics regarding the prevention of CSA. The study was conducted in Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia. Students from grades two to nine at two elementary schools were eligible for the study. Results showed that as sources of information associated with better knowledge of CSA prevention (p = 0.00), teachers and parents significantly contributed to CSA information. Multivariate analysis showed that teachers (OR: 33.479, 95% (CI: 4.467–250.912)) and parents (OR: 45.336, 95% (CI: 10.886–188.807)) significantly contributed as a source of CSA information among students. The findings are essential important implications for interventions intended at preventing CSA. Sexual education programs should be officially applied at schools for children with the support of their parents and teachers