158 research outputs found

    Suatu Tinjauan Kekuatan Pembuktian Akta Notaris di Depan Persidangan Studi pada Pengadilan Negeri Medan

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    Pembahasan yang akan dilakukan adalah sekitar kekuatan akta notaris sebagai salah satu jenis akta dalam hal pembuktian suatu kebenaran dalam perkara perdata di depan persidangan. Pasal 1868 KUH Perdata menyatakan bahwa akta otentik adalah suatu akta yang di dalam bentuk yang ditentukan oleh undang-undang dibuat oleh atau di hadapan pejabat umum yang berwenang untuk itu di tempat dimana akta itu dibuat. Dari ketentuan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata bahwa yang berwenang membuat akta autentik adalah pejabat umu

    An in-vitro comparison of the microleakage of RealSeal/Resilon and RealSeal Self-Etch/Resilon root canal obturation system

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate and compare microleakage of teeth obturated using either RealSeal/Resilon or RealSeal Self-Etch/Resilon systems. The goal was to determine whether a significant difference in microleakage exists between these two groups. To date, no study has been done comparing the microleakage of root canal systems obturated with using RealSeal/Resilon versus RealSeal SE/Resilon. Sixty-two human, single-rooted, anterior teeth were accessed and instrumented for non-surgical root canal therapy. Teeth were randomly assigned to two experimental groups of 27 teeth each. Group I consisted of teeth obturated with the RealSeal/Resilon system, whereas Group II consisted of teeth obturated with the RealSeal SE/Resilon system. In addition, two control groups containing four teeth each served as positive and negative controls, Group (+) and Group (-), respectively. The teeth were then evaluated for microleakage using a dual-chamber microleakage model. Visual turbidity in the lower chamber denoted microleakage within the experimental groups observed for 33 days. RealSeal SE Group II had a significantly higher proportion of samples than Real Seal Group I. Time to microleakage was also significantly lower in RealSeal SE Group II than in Real Seal Group I. No microleakage was observed in the negative control and microleakage was observed in all four samples in the positive control. To date, this is the first study comparing the microleakage of RealSeal/Resilon and RealSeal SE/Resilon systems. The higher microleakage associated with RealSeal SE is attributed to the higher pH of the self-etch (SE) sealer in comparison with the self-etch primer of RealSeal. The self-etching potential of the sealer system is particularly critical in areas inaccessible to calcium chelating agents such as EDTA in root canal systems. Further research needs to be done to corroborate the microleakage results from this study. The microbial leakage apparatus devised in this study, which used a selective growth medium with streptomycin, has also been validated by the results of the study. The bacterial leakage apparatus has been considered to be clinically relevant and acceptable by the Journal of Endodontics. Thus, the modified dual-chambered microleakage apparatus with a selective growth medium used in this research can be replicated easily in future microleakage studies

    Implementation of the Zoning System Policy in Bulukumba Regency

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    The zoning system is a system for regulating the admission process of new students according to the area of residence. This research aims (i) To study and describe the implementation of the government's zoning system policy in Bulukumba Regency in the process of admitting new students. (ii) To identify and analyze the determinant factors that support and inhibit the implementation of the zoning system policy in Bulukumba Regency in the process of admitting new students. The informants in the study were 5 people. The results of this study indicate that (i) the implementation of the zoning system policy in Bulukumba Regency has not been effective. (Ii) Internal and external supporting factors are external supporting factors for the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 1884/2285 / VI / 2020. As for the inhibiting factor, namely the lack of classroom facilities and infrastructure. There are still many parents of students who do not understand PPDB online because of the different levels of education and proportions from the parents of students, the parents are not directly involved in socializing PPDB online because of Covid 19 and less PPDB online budget

    Perilaku Bullying dan Peran Sekolah dalam Mengatasinya (Studi Kasus di SDN 1 Ulu Lapao-Pao)

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    Cases of bullying, both verbal and physical, have become a serious issue in the school environment. Violent phenomena such as mocking, taunting, and physical actions need to be addressed with comprehensive preventive measures. This study uses a qualitative research method by adopting a case study approach with the aim of exploring in depth the role of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers in overcoming bullying behavior in primary education institutions (SD), especially at SDN 1 Ulu Lapao-Pao, Kolaka Regency. The Research Results Bullying at SDN 1 Ulu Lapao-pao is divided into several types, namely: Physical: engaging in hurtful physical actions, such as punches, kicks, and pushing in front of the door during play. Verbal: involves distressing treatment, such as demeaning words, even by referring to the names of learners' parents. Psychological: involves threats and exclusion in the classroom, creating fear and loss of friends for the victim of bullying. Cyberbullying: occurs through technological intermediaries, such as messages through applications, such as WhatsApp. The Efforts of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Overcoming Bullying are 1) detecting and overcoming bullying through strategies such as discussing the concept of justice in Islam, forming good morals, 2) open dialogue with students. 3) holding extracurricular activities based on Islamic values, 4) teachers create an inclusive and safe environment. 5) special attention to bullying perpetrators, involving parents, 6) and psychological strengthening are part of the efforts of Islamic Religious Education teachers to create a harmonious school environment and avoid bullying practices

    Feeding Habits of Asian Green Mussel (Perna viridis): A Case Study from Andaman Sea and Gulf of Thailand

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    This study is aimed to evaluate the impact of habitat on feeding habits and food selectivity of Asian green mussel Perna viridis collected from three different habitats including Suratthani and Trang provinces of Thailand and Aceh of Indonesia. Samples were collected between July and December 2016, and April 2017, respectively. Samples, 300 mussels, were collected by handpicking from the wild brought back to the laboratory for further investigation. It was found that P. viridis is omnivorous, feeding on a wide range of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Overall, Coscinodiscus was the major food item (41.78%), followed by mussel larvae (21.74%) and Nitzschia (6.58%). Mussels from different habitats ingested different food item. Result from ANOVA indicated that habitat highly affected both on total count and total item of food fed by P. viridis (P<0.0001). They also demonstrated specific food selection based on availability of food resources in the habitats they reside. This finding helps in understanding how P. viridis feeds and selects food in nature from three different localities.


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to find out the implementation and utilization of the BST policy program against the poor groups affected by Covid-19 in Tamamaung Urban Village. This research was conducted out for 2 months and was conducted from February 2021 to Marchl 2021 in Tamamaung Urban Village, Panakkukang Sub-District, Makassar City. This research uses descriptive qualitative research based on case study research with 6 subjects consisting of BST beneficiaries, urban village officials, and BST beneficiary families in Tamamaung Urban Village. Based on the research results, it was found that the implementation of BST in Tamamaung Subdistrict, Panakkukang Subdistrict, was not going well in general, it could be seen from the lack of socialization to the community so that they did not know about the procedure requirements and criteria for the people who received the BST. And data verification was not carried out because, using DTKS data from the Ministry of Social Affairs and the data used were no longer relevant to current conditions, as a result many poor people did not get BST. And also there is no fixed schedule for disbursement which results in the disbursement process not running properly. Meanwhile, the majority of BST utilization uses BST funds for basic needs, school supplies and business capital. Keywords: Social Policy, Cash Social Assistance, Poor Group, Covid-19 &nbsp

    Feeding Ecology of Asian Green Mussel (Perna viridis): Influences of Sexes, Sizes, Habitats and Seasons

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    Thesis (M.Sc.(Fishery Technology))--Prince of Songkla University, 2017This study is aimed to evaluate the impacts of sex, size, habitat and season on feeding habits and assess food selectivity of Asian green mussel (Perna viridis) collected monthly from three different sites in Pattani Bay, Thailand during June 2016 to May 2017. Altogether, a total of 2,627 of P. viridis were collected by handpicking from the wild and brought back to the laboratory for further investigation. Additional collections, one sampling occasion for each habitat, were collected during July and December 2016, and April 2017 from other three different habitats including Aceh of Indonesia, Trang and Suratthani of Thailand. It was found that P. viridis is omnivorous, feeding on a wide range of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Overall, Coscinodiscus was the major food item (38.59%), followed by green mussel larvae (22.19%) and Pleurosigma (12.65%). Results from ANOVA indicated that size, habitat and season highly affected both total number of food count and total number of food item fed by P. viridis (P<0.01). Result from T-test indicated a significant difference on total number of food count and total number of food item between sex (P<0.01). A specifc food seletion by P. viridis based on availability of food resources in the habitat was measured. This finding helps in understanding how P. viridis feeds and selects food in nature from different localities

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar Berbasis Pendekatan Saintifik dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengenal Huruf Hijaiyah Pada Tingkat Raudhatul Athfal

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk pengembangan buku ajar yang sudah ada dengan mengembangkan isi konten materi pembelajaran yakni meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan menulis huruf Hijaiyah, dan berbasis pendekatan saintifik pada peserta didik Raudhatul Afhfal (RA). Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah model ADDIE dengan tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut: analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi dan evaluasi. Penelitian ini merupakan metode pengembangan level 3 yakni mengembangkan produk yang telah ada, dan menguji&nbsp; kepraktisan dan keefektifan dari produk yang dihasilkan, yaitu berupa pengembangan buku ajar tematik berbasis pendekatan saintifik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengenal huruf Hijaiyah peserta didik pada Raudhatul Athfal dengan gambaran akan meningkatan kemamupan dan motivasi belajar peserta didik. Fakta yang ditemukan dari beberapa Raudhatul Athfal di Kolaka dalam pembelajaran menggunakan buku ajar yang dianggap oleh peneliti kurang efektif dan efisien karena guru harus menggunakan buku tambahan atau buku pendamping dalam menulis huruf dasar dan huruf hijaiyah bagi peserta didik, sehingga menyita waktu dalam proses pembelajaran. &nbsp;Berdasarkan hasil penelitianyang telah dilakukan, terlihat bahwa hasil validator menunjukkan bahwa nilai validasinya yakni 3,75 interval (3,5 &lt; X &lt; 4) ini menandakan bahwa keseluruhan perangkat yang divalidasi berada pada kategori “sangat valid”. Buku yang dikembangkan ini dapat memudahkan proses pembelajaran sehingga dapat dikatakan memiliki nilai kepraktisan dengan total nilai kepraktisan yang diperoleh 3,7, dan dapat meningkatkan minat dan semangat peserta didik untuk belajar sehingga dapat dikatakan memiliki nilai keefektifan, dan hasil ketuntasan belajar peserta didik diperoleh 88,2% ini artinya memenuhi standar ketuntasan klasikal
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