240 research outputs found

    Representing Intangible Heritage: Questions Concerning Method

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    The research explores issues concerning the relation between text and images – an interesting field of enquiry little explored to date – involving archaeological heritage that has not survived and is therefore based on descriptions of artefacts and sites. Nowadays, this heritage can exist again thanks to digital technologies (relational databases) and methodologies (conceptual modelling) that allow the construction of 2D and 3D models. Studied here are the relations between the text and conceptual categories, between description and classification of objects in order to understand how all words and terms influence the results of interpretation and interaction between different profiles in the construction of models. In this context digital methodologies are discussed to assess the actual state of archaeological information systems and reflect upon possible future directions

    Il contributo della Rappresentazione nel Building Information Modeling (BIM) per la gestione del costruito

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    Nel campo dell’Architettura e dell’edilizia il Building Information Modeling (BIM) è ormai un riferimento fondamentale per le nuove costruzioni laddove la standardizzazione costituisca la caratteristica tipica del progetto. Diversamente, l’approccio introdotto dal BIM non risulta ancora del tutto adeguato per l’edilizia esistente e per i manufatti storici. E’ indubbio che la produzione dell’Architettura, intesa come gestione dell’intero processo edilizio, richieda standardizzazione per una maggiore economia, ma questo sforzo risulta estremamente complesso quando ad essa si contrapponga l’unicità del manufatto come valore primario e vincolo di progetto. Il presente articolo si prefigge di definire le principali criticità del BIM in relazione al patrimonio architettonico storico esistente tentando di definire le implicazioni nel settore della rappresentazione

    The problem of identity in architecture towards globalization: the experience of the house in Moledo by Eduardo Souto Moura

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    Globalization creates cultural comes-and-goes around the world, promoting transitory, ephemeral and floating identities that we may call “hybrid identities”, which become the major characteristic of our contemporary world. So how do we deal with the huge pressure of worldwide architectural context whilst preserving our own character? What can we do to claim the diversity of architectural culture and the maintenance of local traditions? What methodological tools are available to avoid the alienation of nowadays’ architects from their traditions for the sake of genuine architecture? By analyzing the House in Moledo we’ll reflect on the identity of Portuguese traditional architecture and the way Souto Moura faces this topic. The houses he designs are the result of a long and arduous process of analysis, refinement and decision. It can be interpreted as a set of variations on a theme, like Mies van der Rohe did, resulting in a simplicity that isn’t easy to achieve. By observing the evolution of his research, it seems obvious that it comes down to a kind of pattern that reveals a specific typology. But what does it have to do with local architecture? In this house, six tons of stone were used in blind side walls, erected with irregular blocks of granite anchored in dry, supporting the place’s high demanding along a vast expanse of a steep hillside overlooking the Atlantic coastline through its terraced agricultural banks. By sustaining an outcropping of rock in the back of the house as an extra visual reaffirming, plus the link between the environment and the interior of the house, he praises the masonry work as the main value of its architecture. But is this enough to define it as Portuguese architecture? Through this experience, which achieved a harmonic architectural balance and its worldwide recognition as a farsighted case-study, we intend to reflect on the direct effects globalization induces on the local cultural identity, and the challenges we’re facing.This work has the financial support of the Project Lab2PT - Landscapes, Heritage and Territory laboratory - AUR/04509 and FCT through national funds and when applicable of the FEDER co-financing, in the aim of the new partnership agreement PT2020 and COMPETE2020 - POCI 01 0145 FEDER 007528.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Digital mediation from discrete model to archaeological model: the Janus Arch

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    Trabajo presentado a la 38th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), celebrada en Granada (España) en abril de 2010.Survey operations and the representation of acquired data should today be considered as consolidated. New acquisition methods such as point clouds obtained using 3D laser scanners are also part of today’s scenario. The scope of this paper is to propose a protocol of operations based on extensive previous experience and work to acquire and elaborate data obtained using complex 3D survey. This protocol focuses on illustrating the methods used to turn a numerical model into a system of two-dimensional and three-dimensional models that can help to understand the object in question. The study method is based on joint practical work by architects and archaeologists. The final objective is to create a layout that can satisfy the needs of scholars and researchers working in different disciplinary fields. The case study in this paper is the Arch of Janus in Rome near the Forum Boarium. The paper will illustrate the entire acquisition process and method used to transform the acquired data after the creation of a model. The entire operation was developed in close collaboration between the RADAAr Dept., University of Rome “Sapienza,” Italy and the Istituto de Arqueologia (CSIC, Junta de Extremadura, Consorcio de Mérida), Spain.Peer Reviewe

    Representation of Landscape and Ecological Vision in Miyazaki’s Filmography

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    This study analyzes the central role of landscape in Hayao Miyazaki’s films. The depiction of landscape in Miyazaki’s films goes beyond mere visual backdrops in order to convey deep symbolic meanings and to foster an empathic connection between the viewer and the world depicted. The renowned Japanese animator, filmmaker, screenwriter, draftsman, manga artist and film director has strongly promoted environmental awareness in his productions by paying close attention to the depiction and visualization of landscape dynamics, using details, and real and invented elements to create an engaging visual experience. The landscapes also take on emotional, metaphorical dimensions, reflecting the emotions and inner thoughts of the characters. Through an in-depth critical analysis of eleven selected films, the proposed research identifies the character-defining elements adopted by Miyazaki to stimulate reflection on a sustainable combination between urban development and the preservation of natural elements, as well as increasing focus on the beauty of the landscape, thereby highlighting the importance of its preservation. The relevance of this research is to understand Miyazaki’s approach to creating representations of natural elements and how he has managed to combine them with the plots of his various films, indirectly stimulating environmental awareness and fascination with nature in its different forms. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/15/20/1513

    La Scarzuola tra idea e costruzione. Rappresentazione e analisi di un simbolo tramutato in pietra

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    Questo lavoro nasce dall'esigenza di riportare l'attenzione su alcune esperienze architettoniche rilevanti del secolo scorso, colpevolmente trascurate da una critica troppo spesso concentrata su vicende già note. Agli inizi del secolo scorso, per un periodo che si è protratto fino al secondo dopoguerra, Modernismo e Razionalismo hanno catturato l'attenzione della critica mettendo in ombra quelle rare ma preziose voci fuori dal coro che in numerose occasioni ci hanno offerto prove di altissima qualità, seppur controcorrente o per certi versi anacronistiche. Una di queste voci è certamente quella di Tomaso Buzzi: disegnatore fecondo, architetto instancabile e grandissimo interprete di arti applicate. La pubblicazione, oltre a soffermarsi sulla personalita' artistica di Tomaso Buzzi, si è in particolare concentrata sulla sua ultima creazione, la Scarzuola, una citta' ideale in miniatura costruita accanto alla sua residenza nell'Umbria. La ricerca si è sviluppata partendo dal rilievo (diretto ed indiretto) dei numerosi manufatti in cui si articola la Scarzuola e procedendo poi con la successiva virtualizzazione dello stesso, fino ad arrivare alla rappresentazione degli elaborati attraverso diverse tecniche di rappresentazione. La configurazione della Scarzuola di Tomaso Buzzi ricorda quella dei teatri antichi della classicità greca, in cui la scena è affidata alla natura. L’idea dominante è quella dell’architettura intesa come teatro, che il progettista investe di personali emozioni e concetti, attribuendo all’architettura “una quarta dimensione”

    Quality vs Quantity: Advantages and Disadvantages of Image-Based Modeling

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    In the last few years, survey has changed radically thanks to progress in the field of 3D, massive data acquisition methods. The scientific debate focuses on the control over data quality by comparing Structure from Motion acquisition methods with consolidated methods. Collecting and interpreting a large amount of information helps us deeply understand our cultural heritage. This system of knowledge that we create has to achieve a dual objective: to document heterogeneous data with guaranteed repeatability and to ensure data quality during data capture and model processing. This information includes cultural resource data: dimension, information on construction, material characteristics, color; etc. The case study, the Abbey of Santa Maria della Matina, focuses on the shift from quantitative data, acquired in a semi-automatic manner, to qualitative data, controlled under uncertainty. In this framework, all branches of the “Science of Representation” ensure metric, spatial, and formal control of the built models

    The idiom of geometry and symbolism of the lighthouses in Italy

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    [EN] Coastal lighthouses in Italy incarnate mathematical formalism. Modern mathematics, when applied to geometry, is formal, aiming at the concrete meaning of the analyzed entities: geometric shapes and surfaces. Lighthouses integrate the functional aspects of navigation, orientation and security and refer to geometric and symbolic concepts. Each lighthouse constitutes a geometric equation. The article presents the typological organization of their architecture, or rather of their helical staircases, in terms of geometry and symbolism. The form of lighthouse towers, designed according to fundamental concepts of Euclidean geometry are also analyzed. The analysis leads to the conclusion that architecture and mathematics are systems permeated with abstract symbols which linked together assume precise and concrete meanings. The study of the relationship between geometry and symbolism enables us to see and understand the synergy of the individual parts of the buildings analyzed[ES] Los faros costeros italianos encarnan perfectamente el formalismo matemático. La matemática moderna, sobre todo aplicada a la geometría, es formal y aspira al significado concreto de las entidades: formas y superficies geométricas de cualquier especie.Los faros integran los aspectos funcionales de la navegación, orientación y seguridad, y al mismo tiempo evocan conceptos geométricos y simbólicos. Cada faro, por sus proporciones y detalles, constituye una ecuación geométrica elaborada. El artículo trata de la organización tipológica y formal de la arquitectura de los faros: las escaleras helicoidales, como geometría y símbolo. Se trata el tema de la forma del faro, sólido elemental de la geometría euclidiana, para afirmar cómo la arquitectura y la matemática son sistemas impregnados de símbolos abstractos que, si relacionados, adquieren significados específicos. Este estudio sobre las relaciones entre geometría y simbolismo nos lleva a tener que manejar objetos, los faros, y conceptos con la comprensión de que existe una total sinergia entre las partes.Bartolomei, C.; Ippolito, A. (2015). Faros italianos entre geometría y simbolismo. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 20(25):192-199. doi:10.4995/ega.2015.3679.SWORD192199202

    Tradition and Innovation: From Worksite Plans to Digital Models

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    The study and analysis of archaeological elements often ranges from very large sites to small objects. This difference in size and type is also present during survey and representation. This idea sparked the proposed study of worksite plans that constitute the only firm link between historical architecture and its representation. The objective is to develop a new interpretation of worksite plans merging massive acquisition technologies with digital representation. The topic is associated with studies on the origins of architectural drawing based on the interdisciplinary union between architecture and archaeology. The objective is to critically interpret worksite plans in order to establish and classify a study methodology. Based on these premises, we examined the key relationship between the metric/formal construction of a 2D drawing (plan) with a 3D model (ideal model). The study is part of the now consolidated drawing/survey/design process which is based on objective/real drawings and leads to a 3D/ideal mode
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