17 research outputs found

    Seismic Behavior of Nailed Soil Massifs

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    Soil nailing technology can be successfully applied to strengthen natural soil massifs in seismic regions, provided adequate analysis is available. Conventionally, the design of soil nailing is performed iteratively: firstly parameters of nailing and their distribution are assigned, the safety factor of the nailed massif is calculated, if its value is less than 1 then nailing parameters are reassigned, etc. Such “trial and error” approach is laborious and especially so, because different types of ULSs shall be analyzed. The method, discussed in the paper, is based on assumption that the effect of nailing in soil with internal cohesion c=c(x,y) could be simulated by equivalent internal cohesion Δc=Δc(x,y) (deficit) of unreinforced massif. Formulae for calculating nailing parameters are determined on the basis of deficit distribution. A MathCad code has been developed, examples are given. The method can be easily applied to assess seismic stability of nailed soil massifs

    Justification of technologies of minimum (surface) tillage

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    With the modern development of agricultural production, the introduction of resource-saving technologies, technologies based on intelligent systems, there is a need to introduce a system of machines for the implementation of surface tillage technologies (mini-till, no-till). The main factor largely determining the choice of an agricultural machine, its working bodies, and processing technology are the agrophysical properties of the soil. The research was based on experiments to determine the hardness after various types of treatment of various soils with different granulometric composition. The research was carried out for one year (autumn 2021, spring 2022, autumn 2022), a total of 12 fields were examined, the sample was about 300 measurements. As a result, mathematical dependences were obtained for determining the change in the depth of processing at different soil hardness and the working speed of the machine-tractor unit when performing the technological operation cultivation to a depth of 10 cm. Theoretical studies on the effect of different soil hardness and working speed on the resistivity of the cultivator were carried out according to the formulas of Kirtbay Yu.K. (1982) and Iofinov S.A. (1985). When processing experimental data obtained in determining the resistivity on soils of different hardness and different operating speeds, using the Matlab program, more precise mathematical dependences were obtained that determine the dependence of resistivity on the operating speed on soils with different hardness. Calculations on the formation of optimal aggregates of tractors with toothed chain harrows, performed considering theoretical and experimental studies on the effect of soil hardness and operating speeds on processing depth and resistivity revealed that the optimal unit with a harrow with a working width of 12 m is the Belarus 2022 + BZC-12 unit, with a harrow width of 18 m and 24 m - in a unit with a tractor K-744R1. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences

    Сравнение эксплуатационных свойств китайских тракторов Zoomlion и YTO

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    The relevance of the information on the technical capabilities of new tractors being launched into the Russian market is confirmed. (Research purpose) To compare the operational properties of China's Zoomlion and YTO agricultural tractors, and prepare recommendations for domestic agricultural producers. (Materials and methods) The previous research was summarized and analysed, with a special attention on the definition and comparative analysis of the operational properties of Belarus family tractors and foreign tractors, including those made in China. The following methods were used: calculation, comparison, forecasting, economic and mathematical modeling, expert assessments and others. Mathematical dependencies were used to determine the tractor pulling and traction properties, the productivity of machine-tractor units, and specific fuel consumption. (Results and discussion) The operational properties of Zoomlion and YTO tractors were grouped into the categories of approximately equal power, and studied. The performance indicators of the machine-tractor unit were compared during the technological operation "cultivation", as well as its specific fuel consumption. The effect of ballast weights was determined. It was found that in the Zoomlion RN904 and YTO-X904 group, the productivity of the former is 2.4 percent higher, and the specific fuel consumption is 5.1 percent lower; in the Zoomlion RN1104 and YTO-X1104 group, the productivity is 4.9 percent higher, and the specific fuel consumption is 3.9 percent higher; in the Zoomlion RS1304 and YTO-X1304 group, the former outperforms by both indicators - by 8.4 and 10.4 percent, respectively; in the Zoomlion RS1604 and YTO-ELG1604 group, this difference is even more pronounced - 21.3 and 15.4 percent, respectively. (Conclusions). It has been proved that in the group of tractors with the engine power of 66.2-95.6 kilowatts, Zoomlion tractor’s productivity is 5.6 percent higher than that of YTO, and the specific fuel consumption is 4.2 percent lower. It was determined that in the group with the engine power of 117.7 kilowatts, the operational properties are better for YTO.Подтвердили актуальность информации о технических возможностях новых тракторов, поступающих на российский рынок. (Цель исследования) Сравнить эксплуатационные свойства китайских сельскохозяйственных тракторов Zoomlion и YTO, подготовить рекомендации для отечественных сельхозтоваропроизводителей. (Материалы и методы) Проанализировали материалы исследований по определению и сравнительному анализу эксплуатационных свойств тракторов семейства «Беларус» и зарубежных аналогов, в том числе китайского производства. Применили следующие методы: расчетный, сравнения, прогнозирования, экономико-математического моделирования, экспертных оценок и другие. Использовали математические зависимости по определению тяговых свойств тракторов, производительности машинно-тракторных агрегатов, удельного расхода топлива. (Результаты и обсуждение). Изучили эксплуатационные свойства тракторов Zoomlion и YTO, разбив их по группам примерно равной мощности. Сравнили показатели производительности машинно-тракторного агрегата при выполнении технологической операции «культивация»,  удельного расхода топлива. Определили влияние балластных грузов. Выявили, что в группе Zoomlion RN904 и YTO-X904 у первого производительность выше на 2,4 процента, а удельный расход топлива ниже на 5,1 процента; в группе Zoomlion RN1104 и YTO-X1104 производительность выше у первого на 4,9 процента, но и удельный расход топлива больше на 3,9 процента; в группе Zoomlion RS1304 и YTO-X1304 первый имеет преимущества по обоим показателям – на 8,4 и 10,4 процента соответственно; в группе Zoomlion RS1604 и YTO-ELG1604 это различие еще более выражено – 21,3 и 15,4 процента соответственно. (Выводы) Доказали, что у тракторов с мощностью двигателя 66,2-95,6 киловатта производительность тракторов Zoomlion выше, чем YTO, на 5,6 процента, а удельный расход топлива меньше на 4,2 процента. Определили, что в варианте с мощностью двигателя 117,7 киловатта эти показатели лучше у YTO.

    Initial observations of fine plasma structures at the flank magnetopause with the complex plasma analyzer SCA-1 onboard the Interball Tail Probe

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    International audienceThe fast plasma analyzer EU-1 of the SCA-1 complex plasma spectrometer is installed onboard the Interball Tail Probe (Interball-1). It provides fast three-dimensional measurements of the ion distribution function on the low-spin-rate Prognoz satellite (about 2min). The EU-1 ion spectrometer with virtual aperture consists of two detectors with 16 E/Q narrow-angle analyzers and electrostatic scanners. This configuration allows one to measure the ion distribution function in three dimensions (over 15 energy steps in 50 eV/Q?5.0 keV/Q energy range in 64 directions) in 7.5 s, which makes it independent of the slow rotation speed of the satellite. A description of the instrument and its capabilities is given. We present here the preliminary results of measurements of ions for two cases of the dawn low- and mid-latitude magnetopause crossings. The properties of observed ion structures and their tentative explanation are presented. The 12 September 1995 pass at low latitude at about 90° solar-zenith angle on the dawn side of the magnetosphere is considered in more detail. Dispersive ions are seen at the edge of the magnetopause and at the edges of subsequently observed plasma structures. Changes in ion velocity distribution in plasma structures observed after the first magnetopause crossing suggest that what resembles multiple magnetopause crossings may be plasma blobs penetrating the magnetosphere. Observed variations of plasma parameters near magnetopause structures suggest nonstationary reconnection as the most probable mechanism for observed structures


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    Сборник выпущен при поддержке Фонда содействия развитию УрФУ имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцин