77 research outputs found

    Triple product p-adic L-functions associated to finite slope p-adic families of modular forms (Appendix by Eric Urban)

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    We p-adically interpolate the relative de Rham cohomology of the universal elliptic curve over strict neighbourhoods of the ordinary locus of modular curves, together with the Hodge filtration and Gauss-Manin connection. Sections of these sheaves provide the so called nearly overconvergent modular forms. This extends previous work of Andreatta, Iovita and Pilloni where we p-adically interpolate powers of the Hodge bundle and in that case the sections coincide with Coleman overconvergent modular forms. We also show that, under suitable assumptions, one can p-adically interpolate the Gauss-Manin connection. This is used to define p-adic L-functions attached to a triple of p-adic finite slope families of modular forms, generalizing previous constructions for Hida families

    A Synthesis of the Dibble et al. Controlled Experiments into the Mechanics of Lithic Production

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    Archaeologists have explored a wide range of topics regarding archaeological stone tools and their connection to past human lifeways through experimentation. Controlled experimentation systematically quantifies the empirical relationships among different flaking variables under a controlled and reproducible setting. This approach offers a platform to generate and test hypotheses about the technological decisions of past knappers from the perspective of basic flaking mechanics. Over the past decade, Harold Dibble and colleagues conducted a set of controlled flaking experiments to better understand flake variability using mechanical flaking apparatuses and standardized cores. Results of their studies underscore the dominant impact of exterior platform angle and platform depth on flake size and shape and have led to the synthesis of a flake formation model, namely the EPA-PD model. However, the results also illustrate the complexity of the flake formation process through the influence of other parameters such as core surface morphology and force application. Here we review the work of Dibble and colleagues on controlled flaking experiments by summarizing their findings to date. Our goal is to synthesize what was learned about flake variability from these controlled experiments to better understand the flake formation process. With this paper, we are including all of the data produced by these prior experiments and an explanation of the data in the Supplementary Information

    Iwasawa theory and p-adic L-functions over Zp2-extensions

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    We construct a two-variable analogue of Perrin-Riou’s p-adic regulator map for the Iwasawa cohomology of a crystalline representation of the absolute Galois group of Q p , over a Galois extension whose Galois group is an abelian p-adic Lie group of dimension 2. We use this regulator map to study p-adic representations of global Galois groups over certain abelian extensions of number fields whose localisation at the primes above p is an extension of the above type. In the example of the restriction to an imaginary quadratic field of the representation attached to a modular form, we formulate a conjecture on the existence of a “zeta element”, whose image under the regulator map is a p-adic L-function. We show that this conjecture implies the known properties of the 2-variable p-adic L-functions constructed by Perrin-Riou and Kim

    Counting hard-to-count populations: the network scale-up method for public health

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    Estimating sizes of hidden or hard-to-reach populations is an important problem in public health. For example, estimates of the sizes of populations at highest risk for HIV and AIDS are needed for designing, evaluating and allocating funding for treatment and prevention programmes. A promising approach to size estimation, relatively new to public health, is the network scale-up method (NSUM), involving two steps: estimating the personal network size of the members of a random sample of a total population and, with this information, estimating the number of members of a hidden subpopulation of the total population. We describe the method, including two approaches to estimating personal network sizes (summation and known population). We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and provide examples of international applications of the NSUM in public health. We conclude with recommendations for future research and evaluation

    Shape Variation in Aterian Tanged Tools and the Origins of Projectile Technology: A Morphometric Perspective on Stone Tool Function

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    BACKGROUND: Recent findings suggest that the North African Middle Stone Age technocomplex known as the Aterian is both much older than previously assumed, and certainly associated with fossils exhibiting anatomically modern human morphology and behavior. The Aterian is defined by the presence of 'tanged' or 'stemmed' tools, which have been widely assumed to be among the earliest projectile weapon tips. The present study systematically investigates morphological variation in a large sample of Aterian tools to test the hypothesis that these tools were hafted and/or used as projectile weapons. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Both classical morphometrics and Elliptical Fourier Analysis of tool outlines are used to show that the shape variation in the sample exhibits size-dependent patterns consistent with a reduction of the tools from the tip down, with the tang remaining intact. Additionally, the process of reduction led to increasing side-to-side asymmetries as the tools got smaller. Finally, a comparison of shape-change trajectories between Aterian tools and Late Paleolithic arrowheads from the North German site of Stellmoor reveal significant differences in terms of the amount and location of the variation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The patterns of size-dependent shape variation strongly support the functional hypothesis of Aterian tools as hafted knives or scrapers with alternating active edges, rather than as weapon tips. Nevertheless, the same morphological patterns are interpreted as one of the earliest evidences for a hafting modification, and for the successful combination of different raw materials (haft and stone tip) into one implement, in itself an important achievement in the evolution of hominin technologies

    Controlled experiments in lithic technology and function

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    From the earliest manifestations of tool production, technologies have played a fundamental role in the acquisition of different resources and are representative of daily activities in the lives of ancient humans, such as hunting (stone-tipped spears) and meat processing (chipped stone tools) (Lombard 2005; McPherron et al. 2010; Lombard and Phillipson 2010; Brown et al. 2012; Wilkins et al. 2012; Sahle et al. 2013; Joordens et al. 2015; Ambrose 2001; Stout 2001). Yet many questions remain, such as how and why technological changes took place in earlier populations, and how technological traditions, innovations, and novelties enabled hominins to survive and disperse across the globe (Klein 2000; McBrearty and Brooks 2000; Henshilwood et al. 2001; Marean et al. 2007; Brown et al. 2012; ReĹžek et al. 2018).Projekt DEALinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rethinking use-wear analysis and experimentation as applied to the study of past hominin tool use

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    In prehistoric human populations, technologies played a fundamental role in the acquisition of different resources and are represented in the main daily living activities, such as with bone, wooden, and stone-tipped spears for hunting, and chipped-stone tools for butchering. Considering that paleoanthropologists and archeologists are focused on the study of different processes involved in the evolution of human behavior, investigating how hominins acted in the past through the study of evidence on archeological artifacts is crucial. Thus, investigat ing tool use is of major importance for a comprehensive understanding of all processes that characterize human choices of raw materials, techniques, and tool types. Many functional assumptions of tool use have been based on tool design and morphology according to archeologists’ interpretations and ethnographic observations. Such assumptions are used as baselines when inferring human behavior and have driven an improvement in the methods and techniques employed in functional studies over the past few decades. Here, while arguing that use-wear analysis is a key discipline to assess past hominin tool use and to interpret the organization and variability of artifact types in the archeological record, we aim to review and discuss the current state-of-the-art methods, protocols, and their limitations. In doing so, our discussion focuses on three main topics: (1) the need for fundamental improvements by adopting established methods and techniques from similar research fields, (2) the need to implement and combine different levels of experimentation, and (3) the crucial need to establish standards and protocols in order to improve data quality, standard ization, repeatability, and reproducibility. By adopting this perspective, we believe that studies will increase the reliability and applicability of use-wear methods on tool function. The need for a holistic approach that combines not only use-wear traces but also tool technology, design, curation, durability, and efficiency is also debated and revised. Such a revision is a crucial step if archeologists want to build major inferences on human decision making behavior and biocultural evolution processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Global applications of relative (phi, Gamma)-modules I

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    In this paper, given a smooth proper scheme XX over a pp-adic DVR and a pp-power torsion \''etale local system L{\bf L} on it, we study a family of sheaves associated to the cohomology of local, relative (ϕ,Γ)(\phi,\Gamma)-modules of L{\bf L} and their cohomology. As applications we derive descriptions of the \''etale cohomology groups on the geometric generic fiber of XX with values in L{\bf L}, as well as of their classical (ϕ,Γ)(\phi,\Gamma)-modules, in terms of cohomology of the above mentioned sheaves
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