23 research outputs found

    Perfil das infecções do trato urinário nos Campos Gerais, uma revisão da literatura / Profile of urinary tract infections in the Campos Gerais, a literature review

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    A infecção do trato urinário (ITU) é uma entidade nosológica  de extrema importância clínica, devido ao grande número de pacientes acometidos e às suas consequências que acarretam em morbidade e geram gastos para a saúde pública. O objetivo desta revisão é trazer alguns aspectos a respeito das terapias utilizadas em pacientes com ITU, principalmente dos estudos realizados na cidade de Ponta Grossa – Paraná, caracterizando os diferentes tipos de ITU para que possamos identificar que este tipo de infecção é bastante presente no dia a dia dos profissionais de saúde, e que é muito importante traçar o perfil de cada região para que o tratamento seja realizado de maneira correta

    Effects of aging on abdominal wall healing in rats

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess abdominal wall healing in old and young adult rats. METHODS: On average, young animals were 110 days old and old animals were 762 days old. A 4.0 cm median laparotomy was performed under anesthesia, followed by laparorrhaphy on two synthesis planes, i.e. peritoneum-muscle-aponeurosis and skin, using continuous 5.0 nylon sutures. The animals were evaluated on the 3rd, 7th, 14th and 21st postoperative days. The resistance of the two planes was studied separately and a histopathologic analysis was performed on sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Sirius Red. Immunohistochemical analysis was also carried out using PCNA, LCA and CD34. RESULTS: The skin scars gained resistance in a similar manner at the initial time points, but those of young rats were more resistant on the 21st day (p=0.0029). Total and type III collagen content was similar in the two groups and type I collagen content was higher in young animals on the 14th day. Inflammatory cell infiltration was more marked in the skin wounds of young animals on the 3rd day (p=0.0190). Reepithelialization was similar and angiogenesis was more intense in the skin wounds of young animals on the 14th day (p=0.0062). The peritoneum-muscle-aponeurosis wounds gained similar resistance during the early phases, but were more resistant on the 14th day (p=0.0005) and on the 21st day (p=0.0023) in old rats Collagen concentration was higher in the wounds of old animals on the 3rd day (p=0.0112) and in the wounds of young animals on the 21st day (p=0.0348). The inflammatory reaction was more intense in the wounds of old animals on the 3rd day (p=0.0060) and angiogenesis was more intense on the 14th day (0.0432). CONCLUSION: Although there are some differences in the healing course between young and old animals, age, of itself, does not impair the healing of abdominal wall wounds in rats

    Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of fine needle aspiration biopsy in salivary gland tumours : a retrospective study

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of fine needle aspiration biopsies (FNAB) of salivary gland tumours performed at the Erasto Gaertner Hospital over the course of a four year period. Study design: A retrospective study was carried out between 2001-2005 to review the cases of patients with salivary gland tumours who had undergone pre-operative FNAB and had been diagnosed during post-operative histopathology examination. Results: A total of 106 cases of salivary gland tumours were considered for this study, but 27 cases (25.5%) of the samples were considered unsatisfactory for analysis. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were calculated considering only the 79 benign and malignant cases in which FNAB provided sufficient samples for analysis. Based on these data, the value of sensitivity was 68.2% (15/22), specificity was 87.7% (50/57), accuracy was 82.3% (65/79), positive predictive value was 68.2% (15/22) and negative predictive value was 87.7% (50/57). Conclusions: Despite the high rate of inadequate samples obtained in the FNAB in this study, the technique offers high specificity, accuracy and acceptable sensitivity

    Design of a geospatial model applied to Health management

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To identify geographically the beneficiaries categorized as prone to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, using the recognition of patterns in a database of a health plan operator, through data mining. Method: The following steps were developed: the initial step, the information survey. Development, construction of the process of extraction, transformation, and loading of the database. Deployment, presentation of the geographical information through a georeferencing tool. Results: As a result, the mapping of Paraná according to its health care network and the concentration of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is presented, enabling the identification of cause-and-effect relationships. Conclusion: It is concluded that the analysis of georeferenced information, linked to health information obtained through the data mining technique, can be an excellent tool for the health management of a health plan operator, contributing to the decision-making process in Health

    O processo de cicatrização influenciado pelo hipotireoidismo e pelo envelhecimento: estudo da cicatrização de anastomoses intestinais, em ratos The healing inffluenced by hypotireoidism and elderly: study of intestinal anastomosis healing in rats

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    OBJETIVO: O envelhecimento da população tem feito crescer o número de intervenções em pacientes idosos, sendo o hipotireoidismo, ainda que sub-clínico, é uma situação bastante comum nestes doentes. O presente estudo busca conhecer a influência do hipotireoidismo no processo de cicatrização de anastomoses colônicas em ratos idosos. MÉTODO: Utilizaram-se 96 ratos Wistar, machos; 48 deles jovens e 48 velhos. Metade dos animais jovens e metade dos velhos eram eutireoideanos e metade eram hipotireoideanos. Conseguiu-se o hipotireoidismo por meio de tireoidectomia total. Após 30 dias, fez-se uma laparotomia mediana seguida de colotomia transversa de cólon esquerdo com anastomose término-terminal e laparorrafia. No 3.º, 7.º e 14.º dias de pós-operatório, sorteados, 6 animais de cada grupo, que foram submetidos à eutanásia. Fez-se a análise macroscópica das anastomoses, da resistência e estudo histopatológico. RESULTADOS: Não se detectaram deiscências e o ganho de resistência e a evolução histológica geral, considerando epitelização e reação inflamatória foi semelhante em todos os grupos. A análise do conteúdo total de colágeno revelou, no 3.º dia, que as anastomoses de jovens e velhos tinham o mesmo comportamento, porém via-se menos colágeno nas anastomoses dos animais com hipotireoidismo (JN x JH p=0,0000; VN x VH p=0,0000). Este comportamento se manteve no 7.º e no 14.º dia. A presença de colágeno I era menor nas anastomoses dos animais hipotireoideanos no 3.º dia (JN x JH p=0,0015; VN x VH p=0,0000), no 7.º dia (JN x JH p=0,0006; VN x VH p=0,0001) e no 14.º dia (JN x JH p=0,0181; VN x VH p=0,0057) o mesmo acontecendo com o colágeno III, no 3.º dia (x JH p=0,0007; VN x VH p=0,0260), no 7.º dia (JN x JH p=0,0160; VN x VH p=0,2670) e no 14.º dia (JN x JH p=0,0000; VN x VH p=0,0030). CONCLUSÃO: A análise dos resultados permite concluir que existe diminuição da concentração de colágeno decorrente da baixa da síntese e retardo de maturação das cicatrizes das anastomoses muito mais às custas do hipotireoidismo do que do envelhecimento.<br>TURPOSE: The aging of the population has led to an increased number of interventions in elderly patients, with hypothyroidism, even at the subclinical level, being a common situation among these patients. The objective of the present study was to determine the influence of hypothyroidism on the healing process of colon anastomoses in aged rats. METHODS: 96 male Wistar rats were used, 48 of them young and 48 old. Half the young animals and half the old ones were euthyroid and half were hypothyroid. Hypothyroidism was obtained by total thyroidectomy. Thirty days after surgery the animals were submitted to median laparotomy followed by transverse colotomy of the left colon with end-to-end anastomosis and laparorrhaphy. Six animals from each group were submitted to euthanasia by drawing lots on the 3rd, 7th and 14th postoperative day and submitted to macroscopic, resistance, and histopathological analysis of the anastomoses. RESULTS: No dehiscence was observed and the gain of resistance and the general histological evolution in terms of epithelialization and inflammatory reaction was similar in all groups. Analysis of total collagen content revealed that the anastomoses of young and old animals showed the same behavior on the 3rd day, although less collagen was observed in hypothyroid animals (YN x YH p=0.0000; ON x OH p=0.0000). This behavior persisted on the 7th and 14th day. Less collagen I was present in the anastomoses of hypothyroid animals on the 3rd (YN x YH p=0.0015; ON x OH p=0.0000), 7th (YN x YH p=0.0006; ON x OH p=0.0001) and 14th day (YN x YH p=0.0181; ON x OH p=0.0057), the same occurring for collagen III on the 3rd (x YH p=0.0007; ON x OH p=0.0260), 7th (YN x YH p=0.0160; ON x OH p=0.2670) and 14th day (YN x YH p=0.0000; ON x OH p=0.0030). CONCLUSION: Analysis of the results permitted us to conclude that lower collagen concentration due to low synthesis and delayed scar maturation in the anastomoses occurred and was much more due to hypothyroidism than to aging