324 research outputs found

    Far from Naples. The Stinche’s role in the manuscript tradition of the “Caccia di Diana”

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    This essay focuses on the role of two manuscript witnesses written at the Florentine municipal prison, called the Stinche, in the context of the manuscript tradition of the Caccia di Diana (Diana’s Hunt)

    Ice Cream Substitute For Patients With End Stage Renal Disease

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    Background: Quality of life for patients with end stage renal disease is less than similar-aged, general population counterparts. A large part of the decrease in quality of life is change of diet and nutritional restrictions, oral nutrition supplements are a way to combat this decrease in quality of life. Methods: An ice cream substitute product was developed for patients with end stage renal disease and that are on dialysis. The product consisted of rice milk, egg whites, evaporated coconut milk, sugar, and vanilla bean paste. There were two flavors: cinnamon and lemon. These flavors were both tested subjectively and objectively. Sensory taste testing was with peritoneal dialysis patients using a Likert scale ballot with a comment section. Texture analysis was completed using a CT3 Brookfield texture analyzer. The results from the sensory taste testing (taste, texture, overall acceptability) and the texture analysis were analyzed using paired t-tests. Nutritional analysis for the product was calculated. Results & Discussion: The sensory taste test of taste, texture, and overall acceptability between the two flavors were not significantly different. Similarly, the objective results were also not statistically significant. The nutritional analysis of this product compared to the Food and Drug Administration’s ruling for a product to be a “good” source of protein determined that this product is technically a good source of protein. Conclusion: Future studies using this product base could benefit from trying to add extra protein. The current recipe was within the restrictive renal diet and could be beneficial for dialysis clinics or ESRD patients to make at home for additional options for nutrition supplementation

    Aleksandr Kondratov e le sue ipostasi: un «avanguardista accademico» nella Leningrado underground

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    L’articolo porta alla luce alcuni aspetti della vita e dell’opera di Aleksandr Kondratov (1937-1993), singolare protagonista del Samizdat sovietico. Tra gli scrittori più letti in patria durante la seconda metà del secolo scorso grazie alla pubblicazione di dozzine di libri di carattere scientifico- divulgativo, Kondratov fu al contempo autore di un’enorme quantità di testi letterari, che (firmati con lo pseudonimo Sandy Conrad) circolavano negli ambienti underground dell’epoca. Tali testi, in cui lo scrittore anticipa idee e procedimenti di correnti letterarie comparse solo in anni e decenni successivi, contribuirono a creare un mito che può risultare per molti aspetti emblematico del fenomeno Samizdat

    Éléments narratifs communs entre la tradition des ›Tournoiements de dames‹ français et la ›Caccia di Diana‹ de Boccace

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    Starting from the consideration of the role that the presence of lists of famous women has played in the complex question of attributing the ‹Caccia di Diana› to Giovanni Boccaccio, this article investigates the possibility that the author was inspired by the French tradition of women's tournaments for the construction of these catalogical sections. In fact, the examination of the few contemporary Italian examples suggests turning the attention to Gallo-Romance models (texts in which the poet, as in the ‹Caccia›, is a witness who gives an account, through poetry, of what he has personally seen): in the last part of this essay is discussed the probability that Boccaccio may actually have known and read these French texts during the years of his stay in Naples.Starting from the consideration of the role that the presence of lists of famous women has played in the complex question of attributing the ‹Caccia di Diana› to Giovanni Boccaccio, this article investigates the possibility that the author was inspired by the French tradition of women's tournaments for the construction of these catalogical sections. In fact, the examination of the few contemporary Italian examples suggests turning the attention to Gallo-Romance models (texts in which the poet, as in the ‹Caccia›, is a witness who gives an account, through poetry, of what he has personally seen): in the last part of this essay is discussed the probability that Boccaccio may actually have known and read these French texts during the years of his stay in Naples

    Síntese, caracterização, estabilidade e efeitos biológicos in vitro de nanopartícula magnética associada a Anfotericina B

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2013.A nanotecnologia proporcionou o aumento de pesquisas em sistemas de entrega de drogas. Entre eles, os fluidos magnéticos (FM) mostram várias vantagens, tais como biocompatibilidade e biodegradação. FM são constituídos por nanopartículas de óxido de ferro superparamagnéticas em suspensão num fluido carreador. Nanopartículas magnéticas (NPMs) de maguemita estão entre as mais utilizadas em aplicações médicas. Anfotericina B (AmB) é o agente antifúngico mais utilizado no tratamento de casos graves da Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), a qual é uma micose sistêmica nativa na América Latina, tendo como agente etiológico é o fungo termo- dimórfico Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Infelizmente, a AmB causa graves efeitos adversos (principalmente nefrotoxicidade) após administração intravenosa, limitando assim seu uso clínico. A fim de reduzir os efeitos adversos da AmB, foram sintetizadas nanopartículas de maguemita estabilizadas com ácido láurico (BCL) e conjugadas com anfotericina B (BCL-AmB). O presente estudo mostra a caracterização, estabilidade e ensaios biológicos de BCL-AmB. A atividade antifúngica de BCL-AmB foi determinada pela Concentração Inibitória Mínima - MIC (do inglês -Minimum Inhibitory Concentracion) contra o P. brasiliensis. Citoxicidade, avaliada pelo ensaio MTT, e genotoxicidade, analisada pela fragmentação de DNA em citometro de fluxo e ensaio cometa, foram determinadas em fibroblastos murinos (NIH-3T3) e em células renais de porco (LLC-Pk1). Os ensaios de toxicidade foram realizados em dois tempos experimentais (24 e 48 horas). O diâmetro médio das nanopartículas de maguemita foi estimado por difração de raio-X e por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, apresentando valores de 13 e 9 nm, respectivamente. Analises por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho mostraram a presença do ácido láurico associado à nanopartícula e confirmaram a presença da AmB. O diâmetro hidrodinâmico (DH) de BCL-AmB e BCL, após a síntese, foi de 62 e 55 nm e o potencial zeta foi de -28 e -42 mV, respectivamente. BCL apresentou alta estabilidade em 240 dias, entretanto o DH de BCL-AmB aumentou neste período. BCL-AmB apresentou atividade antifúngica, com MIC de 1,25 µg/mL, enquanto o MIC da AmB livre foi de 1,0 µg/mL. BCL-AmB apresentou baixa toxicidade em células de mamíferos. Para as células NIH-3T3, a citotoxicidade de BCL-AmB foi menor que a citoxicidade da AmB livre em 24 horas, com CC50 de 20 e 6 µg/mL, respectivamente; enquanto que para as células LLC-Pk1, os valores da CC50 foram de 267 e 37 µg/mL, respectivamente. Similarmente, após 48 horas, a citotoxicidade de BCL-AmB ainda foi menor que a citoxicidade da AmB livre. Nas duas linhagens celulares utilizadas, a CC50 de BCL-AmB induziu menor fragmentação de DNA que a CC50 da AmB livre pelo ensaio cometa. Entretanto, pela citometria não ocorreram diferenças significativas entre todos os grupos. Portanto, os resultados observados sugerem que BCL-AmB poderá ser uma nova nanoferramenta no tratamento da PCM, uma vez que a AmB quando conjugada as nanopartículas manteve sua propriedade fungicida e apresentou baixos efeitos citotóxicos e genotóxicos. A nanoformulação BCL-AmB mostrou resultados promissores (in vitro), entretanto outros testes ainda serão necessários para verificar a eficiência do fármaco adsorvido e sua toxicidade in vivo. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTNanotechnology has dramatically increased the research on drug delivery systems. Among them, magnetic fluids (MF) have shown several advantages such as its biocompatibility and biodegradability. MF samples, consists of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles suspended in a carrier fluid. Maghemite is the most used magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in biological and medical applications. Amphotericin B (AmB) is still the polyene antifungal agent choice for the treatment of severe Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), which is a systemic mycosis native from Latin America. Its etiological agent is the dimorphic human pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Unfortunately, AmB causes acute side effects (mainly urinary problems) following intravenous administration, which limits its clinical use. In order to reduce the side effects of AmB, maghemite-based magnetic fluid stabilized with bilayer of lauric acid (BCL) and conjugated with AmB (BCL-AmB) were developed. The present study reports on characterization, stability and biological assays of BCL-AmB. Antifungal activity of BCL-AmB was determined by MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) assay against P. brasiliensis. Citotoxicity, evaluated by MTT assay, and genotoxicity, analysed by DNA fragmentation in flow cytometer and comet assays, were determined against murine fibroblast (NIH-3T3) and pig kidney (LLC-Pk1) cells line. Toxicity assays was evaluated at two different times (24 and 48 hours). The maghemite nanoparticles average size was estimated by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy showing value of 13 and 9 nm, respectively. Infra Red analysis showed the presence of lauric acid associated to the nanoparticles and confirmed the presence of Amphotericin B. Hydrodynamic diameters (HD) of BCL-AmB and BCL after synthesis was 62 and 55 nm and zeta potential was -28 and -42 mV, respectively. BCL has high stability on 240 days, however the HD of BCL-AmB increased at the same period. BCL-AmB presented antifungal activity, with MIC of 1.25 µg/mL, whereas the free AmB showed MIC of 1.0 µg/mL. BCL-AmB showed not toxicity for mammalian cells. For NIH-3T3 cells, the citotoxicity of BCL-AmB was lower than free AmB after 24h, with CC50 values of 20 and 6 µg/mL, respectively; whereas for LLC-Pk1 cells, the values were 267 and 37 µg/mL, respectively. Similarly, after 48h, the citotoxicity of BCL-AmB was still lower than free AmB. In both cells line, CC50 of BCL-AmB induced less DNA fragmentation than the CC50 of AmB by comet assay. However, by flow citometer assay, there is no difference between all groups. Hence, the results observed suggest that BCL-AmB may be a new nanotool of treatment for PCM, once the AmB in this nanoformulation is still antifungical and showed lower citotoxicity and genotoxicity effects. There are promising results in this model (in vitro) but tests are still needed to verify their in vivo mechanisms of toxicity

    Three-dimensional bone evaluation after surgical treatment with plasma rich in growth factors of Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ): A report of 3 cases

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    Introduction: Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ) is an adverse effect of antiresorptive and antiangiogenic agents that consists of progressive bone destruction in the maxillofacial area. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect on bone volume of a surgical protocol using plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) for successfully treating MRONJ. Methods: Three patients were treated combining surgical debridement with PRGF. Cone bean computed tomography scans were taken prior to surgery and 12months after to measure bone volume changes. Biopsies were taken for histology analysis during surgery. Results: All patients showed a complete soft tissue and bone healing with pain, discomfort, and neural symptoms resolution for a follow up period of 30months. A total of 12 to 30% of bone volume gain was found at 12months after surgery. Conclusions: PRGF in combination with surgery may be effective in treating MRONJ. Future trials must be performed to confirm these results, including bone volume analysis

    O plural do diverso: conversas sobre a dignidade humana, de José Ricardo Menacho

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    InSURgência: revista de direitos e movimentos sociais. Brasília: IPDMS; PPGDH/UnB; Lumen Juris, vol. 2, n. 1, janeiro-junho de 2016, p. 603-606

    El peso de las partes interesadas en la gestión del festival. El caso de los festivales de música en Italia

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    A pesar de que los eventos puedan representar una contribución importante al desarrollo económico y social, esto sólo es posible cuando el evento se realiza bajo un paradigma que haga hincapié en la importancia de las complejas relaciones entre el proponente del evento y las partes interesadas. Dentro del sector de los eventos, los festivales representan un sub-campo que comparte similitudes y particularidades, en contraste con otros tipos de evento. Este trabajo analiza el contexto italiano de los festivales de música y profundiza en las relaciones entre el organizador del festival y los actores públicos y privados, utilizando un enfoque de gestión de partes interesadas. Los resultados sugieren que los festivales italianos tienen un nivel razonable de iniciativa empresarial ya que el análisis revela una buena predisposición para el use de prácticas de gestión.Even if events can represent important drivers for local development, it is possible to have a genuine economic and social contribution only when the event is undertaken within a paradigm that emphasizes the importance of complex interactions between the event’s proposer and its stakeholders. Inside the event sector, festivals represent a specifi c sub-fi eld that share time similarities and peculiarities as compared to other typologies. This paper analyzes the Italian context of music festivals and deepens the relationships between the festival organizer and public and private actors using stakeholder management approach. Findings suggest that Italian festivals have a reasonable level of entrepreneurship since the analysis reveals a good predisposition for the use of management practices

    Le offerte pubbliche di acquisto a venti anni dal Testo Unico della Finanza (Tender Offers in Italy Twenty Years After the Unified Finance Law)

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    L’intento di questa nota è ripercorrere l’evoluzione di un fenomeno quale quello delle Offerte Pubbliche di Acquisto (OPA) nel nostro Paese per l’importanza che lo stesso riveste nell’allocazione efficiente del controllo societario e nella salvaguardia dell’integrità del mercato dei capitali. Dall’analisi della stessa normativa interna in materia si desume, invero, come il nostro legislatore abbia costantemente cercato di contemperare l’esigenza di tutela della contendibilità del controllo con la necessità di garantire la parità di trattamento dei destinatari dell’offerta, rappresentando, quest’ultima, indiscutibilmente uno dei principi cardine della disciplina in esame. Mettere ordine nel susseguirsi dei tanti interventi normativi e regolamentari, così come tracciare i trend temporali delle offerte portate a termine per numero, controvalore e prezzi può risultare un esercizio utile a studiosi ed operatori del settore.The paper aims to show the evolution of Tender Offers (Offerte Pubbliche di Acquisto – OPA) in Italy for their role played in the efficient allocation of corporate control and the capital market’s integrity. In fact, the analysis of the national regulation regarding OPAs reveals the constant attempt of our legislator to balance the contendibility of corporate control and the need to ensure the equal treatment of all target’s shareholders, for sure one of the key principles of this regulation. Rationalising the sequence of the many regulatory interventions, as well as tracing the trends of Italian OPAs in terms of number, turnover, and prices may be an excercise useful for scholars and professionals

    Obstáculos e benefícios para a implantação de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental

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    Orientadora : Ma. Patricia Aparecida BasniakMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curso de Especialização em AgronegócioInclui referênciasResumo : O Sistema de Gestão Ambiental (SGA) é uma ferramenta utilizada para estabelecer práticas e procedimentos adequados em direção à meta do desenvolvimento sustentável e faz parte de um esforço integrado e contínuo de toda organização, na busca pela preservação ambiental. O objetivo com o estudo foi descrever o processo de implantação do SGA, em especial os benefícios que proporciona à empresa que o adota, abordando igualmente os obstáculos para implantação do SGA. O sistema de gestão ambiental, os requisitos para sua implantação, os principais obstáculos para as empresas que o implantam e os benefícios que essas empresas passam a ter com a implantação, são alguns dos temas tratados neste trabalho. Como resultado, foram encontrados obstáculos de ordem organizacional, governamental e operacional, mas, superadas essas dificuldades, constatou-se benefícios econômico-financeiros, ganho de imagem e quebra de paradigmas, entre outros