32 research outputs found

    Is Gauge Mediation in the Swampland?

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    We note that the typical gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking is in tension with the global limit of the festina lente swampland bound. The alternatives are mediation/breaking schemes that decouple together with gravity, as for example gravity mediation, for which we highlight some basic phenomenological properties. Gauge mediation remains instead a viable mechanism only in models where supersymmetry is restored in the global limit, as for example in no-scale supergravity.Comment: 7 pages, accepted in PL

    Employer Brand of Choice: an employee perspective

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    This study seeks to contribute in the field of the ideal employer, by determining the Employer Brand of Choice and its core components. In doing so, a pilot study was initially conducted to delineate these components. Evidence from 896 working adults that participated in a field study support the multi-dimensionality of the construct Employer Brand of choice, highlighting the role of “Remuneration”, “Relationships”, “Opportunities for Self Development”, “Recognition”, and “Corporate Image”. These findings not only offer a concrete and holistic theoretical base of Employer Brand of Choice, but they can also serve as a managerial guide towards enhancing companies’ ability to attract, retain and motivate talented individuals

    Mid-term outcomes in the treatment of retroperitoneal sarcomas: a 12-year single-institution experience

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    Aim To present the experience from collective data regarding patients with retroperitoneal sarcomas that have been operated in and followed up by the University General Hospital of Patras in Rion, Greece, between 2009 and 2020. Methods A retrospective analysis of adult patients treated at our hospital with a diagnosis of primary retroperitoneal sarcoma who underwent tumour resection. Results Data from 29 patients were analysed. The mean age at diagnosis was 56.1 years; 55.2% of patients were male (n=16). Liposarcomas (on histology) were identified in 19 (65.5%) patients, leiomyosarcoma six (20.7%), and other histologic subtypes in four (13.8%) patients. Tumours >5cm were presented in 27 (93.1%) patients. Negative margins were attained in 13 (44.8%) of all patients who underwent surgical resection. Five (17.2%) patients received neoadjuvant radiation, four (13.8%) postoperative radiation, and three (10.3%) patients received both chemotherapy and radiation prior to surgery with the rest of the patients being treated with surgical excision alone. A 3-year follow-up was successful in 21 (72.4%) patients; five (23.8%) patients died. In total, 16 (55.2%) patients were found to have a local recurrence, with no significant difference in patients' age, gender, tumour size, histology, negative surgical margin (Ro) resection, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. There was a significant difference in the 3-year survival rate between patients having positive or negative surgical margins (p=0.027). Conclusion The higher 3-year survival rate in patients with retroperitoneal sarcomas when achieving Ro resection warrant further investigation with a larger sample size across different institutions

    States and Curves of Five-Dimensional Gauged Supergravity

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    We consider the sector of N=8 five-dimensional gauged supergravity with non-trivial scalar fields in the coset space SL(6,R)/SO(6), plus the metric. We find that the most general supersymmetric solution is parametrized by six real moduli and analyze its properties using the theory of algebraic curves. In the generic case, where no continuous subgroup of the original SO(6) symmetry remains unbroken, the algebraic curve of the corresponding solution is a Riemann surface of genus seven. When some cycles shrink to zero size the symmetry group is enhanced, whereas the genus of the Riemann surface is lowered accordingly. The uniformization of the curves is carried out explicitly and yields various supersymmetric configurations in terms of elliptic functions. We also analyze the ten-dimensional type-IIB supergravity origin of our solutions and show that they represent the gravitational field of a large number of D3-branes continuously distributed on hyper-surfaces embedded in the six-dimensional space transverse to the branes. The spectra of massless scalar and graviton excitations are also studied on these backgrounds by casting the associated differential equations into Schrodinger equations with non-trivial potentials. The potentials are found to be of Calogero type, rational or elliptic, depending on the background configuration that is used.Comment: 43 pages, latex. v2: a few clarifications have been made, typos corrected and some references added. Final version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Linearized Gravity in the Karch-Randall Braneworld

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    We present a linearized gravity investigation of the bent braneworld, where an AdS_4 brane is embedded in AdS_5. While we focus on static spherically symmetric mass distributions on the brane, much of the analysis continues to hold for more general configurations. In addition to the identification of the massive Karch-Randall graviton and a tower of Kaluza-Klein gravitons, we find a radion mode that couples to the trace of the energy-momentum tensor on the brane. The Karch-Randall radion arises as a property of the embedding of the brane in the bulk space, even in the context of a single brane model.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure (plain tex), references added and radion sign clarifie

    A rare case of intussusception leading to the diagnosis of acquired immune deficiency syndrome: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Although a common cause of intestinal obstruction in children, intussusception is a rare event in the adult population living in temperate regions. It has long been known that various acquired immune deficiency syndrome related conditions of the bowel such as lymphoma, lymphoid hyperplasia, cytomegalovirus colitis and Kaposi's sarcoma can lead to intussusception. The diagnosis is particularly difficult in this population of patients due to the non-specific nature of the symptoms as well as the depressed immune response obscuring inflammation or ischemia. Though the reported acquired immune deficiency syndrome associated cases of intussusception refer to patients with known human immunodeficiency virus infection, in our case we present an intestinal intussusception as the first manifestation of human immunodeficiency virus infection.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 58-year-old white heterosexual Greek man with a clean medical record and no history of abdominal operation presented to the emergency department with symptoms and signs of bowel obstruction. Plain abdominal radiographs were highly suspicious for intussusception which was eventually confirmed on a computed tomography scan. Due to the patients clean medical record as well as the radiologic diagnosis of intussusception, we promptly undertook further serologic tests for human immunodeficiency virus and eventually established the diagnosis of acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The patient was operated 3 days later and this confirmed the diagnosis of small-bowel invagination due to a 4 cm polypoid growing intraluminal tumor, the pathologic examination of which revealed a diffuse high-grade B cell lymphoblastic lymphoma.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Human immunodeficiency virus infection may have a silent course and gastrointestinal manifestations of the disease leading to intussusception might be the first clinical sign. Patients with intestinal intussusception, and the presence of risk factors for human immunodeficiency virus infection should be eligible for serologic tests for human immunodeficiency virus infection.</p

    A goldstino at the bottom of the cascade

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    Working within a five-dimensional consistent truncation of type IIB supergravity dimensionally reduced on T1,1T^{1,1}, we consider supersymmetry breaking solutions with the asymptotics of the supersymmetric Klebanov-Strassler background. There exists a two-parameter family of such solutions. Within this family, we show that those (and only those) solutions related to antiD-branes at the tip of the conifold correspond to dual field theory vacua where a goldstino mode is present and supercurrent Ward identities hold. Our findings do not depend on the IR singularity of the dual backgrounds, nor on its resolution. As such, they constitute an independent, necessary check for the existence of supersymmetry breaking vacua in the conifold cascading gauge theory. Our analysis relies on a holographic derivation of the Ward identities which has a wider applicability, beyond the specific system and symmetries considered here.Comment: 33+1 pages; v2: Slight rephrasing of the abstract, typos corrected and a reference added; v3: More minor typos corrected, footnote 18 added, version published in JHE

    Supercurrent anomalies in 4d SCFTs

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    We use holographic renormalization of minimal \mathcalN=2 gauged supergravity in order to derive the general form of the quantum Ward identities for 3d \mathcalN=2 and 4d \mathcalN=1 superconformal theories on general curved backgrounds, including an arbitrary fermionic source for the supercurrent. The Ward identities for 4d \mathcalN=1 theories contain both bosonic and fermionic global anomalies, which we determine explicitly up to quadratic order in the supercurrent source. The Ward identities we derive apply to any superconformal theory, independently of whether it admits a holographic dual, except for the specific values of the aa and cc anomaly coefficients, which are equal due to our starting point of a two-derivative bulk supergravity theory. In the case of 4d \mathcalN=1 superconformal theories, we show that the fermionic anomalies lead to an anomalous transformation of the supercurrent under rigid supersymmetry on backgrounds admitting Killing spinors, even if all anomalies are numerically zero on such backgrounds. The anomalous transformation of the supercurrent under rigid supersymmetry leads to an obstruction to the QQ-exactness of the stress tensor in supersymmetric vacua, and may have implications for the applicability of localization techniques. We use this obstruction to the QQ-exactness of the stress tensor in order to resolve a number of apparent paradoxes relating to the supersymmetric Casimir energy, the BPS condition for supsersymmetric vacua, and the compatibility of holographic renormalization with supersymmetry, that were presented in the literature