4,769 research outputs found

    Reflection and refraction of an Airy beam at a dielectric interface

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    Reflection and refraction of a finite-power Airy beam at the interface between two dielectric media are investigated analytically and numerically. The formulation takes into account the paraxial nature of the optical beams to derive convenient field evolution equations in coordinate frames moving along Snell’s refraction and reflection axes. Through numerical simulations, the self-accelerating dynamics of the Airy-like refracted and reflected beams are observed. Of special interest are the cases of critical incidence at Brewster and total-internal-reflection (TIR) angles. In the former case, we find that the reflected beam achieves to self-heal despite the severe supression of a part of its spectrum, while, in the latter case, the beam remains nearly unaffected except for the Goos-Hänchen shift. The self-accelerating quality persists even if the beam is trapped by multiple TIRs inside a dielectric film. Grazing incidence of an Airy beam at the interface between two media with close refractive indices is also investigated revealing that the interface can act as a filter cepending on the beam scale and tilt. We finally consider reverse refraction and perfect imaging of an Airy beam into a left-handed medium

    Caustic design in periodic lattices

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    We study curved trajectory dynamics and design in discrete array settings. We find that beams with power law phases produce curved caustics associated with the fold and cusp type catastrophes. A parabolic phase produces a focus that suffers from spherical aberrations. More importantly, we find that by designing the initial phase or wavefront of the beam we can construct trajectories with pure power law caustics as well as aberration-free focusing of discrete waves

    Band-specific phase engineering for curving and focusing light in waveguide arrays

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    Band specific design of curved light caustics and focusing in optical waveguide arrays is introduced. Going beyond the discrete, tight-binding model, which we examined recently, we show how the exact band structure and the associated diffraction relations of a periodic waveguide lattice can be exploited to phase-engineer caustics with predetermined convex trajectories or to achieve optimum aberration-free focal spots. We numerically demonstrate the formation of convex caustics involving the excitation of Floquet-Bloch modes within the first or the second band and even multi-band caustics created by the simultaneous excitation of more than one bands. Interference of caustics in abruptly autofocusing or collision scenarios are also examined. The experimental implementation of these ideas should be straightforward since the required input conditions involve phase-only modulation of otherwise simple optical wavefronts. By direct extension to more complex periodic lattices, possibilities open up for band specific curving and focusing of light inside 2D or even 3D photonic crystals

    Nonparaxial accelerating Bessel-like beams

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    A new class of nonparaxial accelerating optical waves is introduced. These are beams with a Bessel-like profile that are capable of shifting laterally along fairly arbitrary trajectories as the wave propagates in free space. The concept expands on our previous proposal of paraxial accelerating Bessel-like beams to include beams with subwavelength lobes and/or large trajectory angles. Such waves are produced when the phase at the input plane is engineered so that the interfering ray cones are made to focus along the prespecified path. When the angle of these cones is fixed, the beams possess a diffraction-free Bessel profile on planes that stay normal to their trajectory, which can be considered as a generalized definition of diffractionless propagation in the nonparaxial regime. The analytical procedure leading to these results is based on a ray optics interpretation of Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction and is presented in detail. The evolution of the proposed waves is demonstrated through a series of numerical examples and a variety of trajectories

    Modulated dust-acoustic wave packets in a plasma with non-isothermal electrons and ions

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    Nonlinear self-modulation of the dust acoustic waves is studied, in the presence of non-thermal (non-Maxwellian) ion and electron populations. By employing a multiple scale technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation (NLSE) is derived for the wave amplitude. The influence of non-thermality, in addition to obliqueness (between the propagation and modulation directions), on the conditions for modulational instability to occur is discussed. Different types of localized solutions (envelope excitations) which may possibly occur are discussed, and the dependence of their characteristics on physical parameters is traced. The ion deviation from a Maxwellian distribution comes out to be more important than the electron analogous deviation alone. Both yield a de-stabilizing effect on (the amplitude of) DAWs propagating in a dusty plasma with negative dust grains. The opposite effect, namely a tendency towards amplitude stabilization, is found for the case of positively charged dust presence in the plasma.Comment: To appear in Journal of Plasma Physics (2004

    A note on perfect revivals in finite waveguide arrays

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    We propose a simple and algorithmic method for designing finite waveguide arrays capable of diffractionless transmission of arbitrary discrete beams by virtue of perfect revivals. Our approach utilizes an inverse matrix eignevalue theorem published by Hochstadt in 1974, which states that the Jacobi matrix, describing the system’s discrete evolution equations, is uniquely determined by its eigenvalues and the eigenvalues of its largest leading principal submatrix, as long as the two sets of eigenvalues interlace. It is further shown that, by arranging the two sets of eigenvalues symmetrically with respect to zero, the resulting Jacobi matrix has zero diagonal elements. Therefore, arrays with arbitrary revival lengths can be obtained by engineering only the inter-waveguide couplings

    Accelerating and abruptly-autofocusing beam waves in the Fresnel zone of antenna arrays

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    We introduce the concept of spatially accelerating (curved) beam waves in the Fresnel region of properly designed antenna arrays. These are transversely localized EM waves that propagate in free space in a diffraction-resisting manner, while at the same time laterally shifting their amplitude pattern along a curved trajectory. The proposed beams are the radiowave analogue of Airy and related accelerating optical waves, which, in contrast to their optical counterparts, are produced by the interference of discrete radiating elements rather than by the evolution of a continuous wavefront. Two dyadic array configurations are proposed comprising 2D line antennas: linear phased arrays with a power-law phase variation and curved power-law arrays with in-phase radiating elements. Through analysis and numerical simulations, the formation of broadside accelerating beams with power-law trajectories is studied versus the array parameters. Furthermore, the abrupt autofocusing effect, that occurs when beams of this kind interfere with opposite acceleration, is investigated. The concept and the related antenna setups can be of use in radar and wireless communications applications