23 research outputs found

    Estudio de la incorporación a la empresa y su efecto sobre el compromiso organizacional y el engagement en trabajadores jóvenes valencianos

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    [ES] En las últimas décadas, la socialización organizacional ha sido estudiada por numerosos autores debido a la creciente importancia de dicho proceso en las organizaciones. Cada vez más organizaciones consideran esencial garantizar un proceso de integración exitoso para lograr un correcto funcionamiento como también la eficacia de sus empleados. Este proyecto investiga acerca del proceso de socialización organizacional entre los jóvenes valencianos, así como su efecto sobre el compromiso y el engagement.[EN] In recent decades, organizational socialization has been studied by numerous authors due to the growing importance of this process in organizations. More and more organizations consider it essential to guarantee a successful integration process in order to achieve the effectiveness of their employees and a correct functioning of the organization. This project investigates the process of organizational socialization among young people in Valencia, as well as its effect on commitment and engagement.Trikule, I. (2021). Estudio de la incorporación a la empresa y su efecto sobre el compromiso organizacional y el engagement en trabajadores jóvenes valencianos. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/175414TFG

    Use of thermally annealed multilayer gold nanoparticle films in combination analysis of localized surface plasmon resonance sensing and MALDI mass spectrometry

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    A self-assembled film of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with a raspberry-like morphology was prepared on a glass plate by the layer-by-layer thermal annealing of multilayer films of AuNPs. It was possible to control the morphology of the obtained films of AuNPs by changing the annealing temperature,duration of annealing, and number of layers. On investigating the plasmonic properties of these films,we found that AuNP films with a raspberry-like morphology yielded the highest refractive index unit,which is a critical parameter in localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) sensing, as compared to other types of AuNP films. Self-assembled AuNP films with a raspberry-like morphology were subsequently functionalized with 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) to enable the binding of lysozyme to the MUA-modified Au surface. The superior limit of detection for the LSPR sensing of lysozyme in a buffer solution was found to be in the picomolar range (~10(12) M). The high sensitivity observed in the region was attributed to the raspberry-like morphology, where the AuNPs were packed closely together, and the electromagnetic field confinement was most intense (i.e., at hot spots). The MUA-modified, self-assembled AuNP films with a raspberry-like morphology were finally used in the combination analysis of LSPR sensing and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) for the selective detection and identification of lysozyme in human serum

    Narrative, Themes and Images in E. Bronte's Novel "Wuthering Heights

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    Šajā bakalaura darbā tiek apskatītas un analizētas sekojošas tēmas – stāstījums un tā īpatnības, galvenās tēmas un to atspoguļojums Emīlijas Brontes romānā „Kalnu aukas”. Stāstījuma analīze ir svarīga tāpēc, ka notikumus pārmaiņus stāsta gan mājkalpotāja Nellija Dīna, gan jaunais džentelmenis Lokvuds un šo abu varoņu stāstījumi ir tik krasi atšķirīgi, ka tikai to sīkāka analīze palīdz pilnībā izprast romāna struktūru un mērķus. Šajā darbā tiek detalizēti analizētas visas stāstījuma īpatnības ņemot vērā katra stāstītāja ierobežojošos faktorus un to, ko viņi ar savu stāstījumu vēlas panākt. Attiecībā uz tēmām un to atspoguļojumu tiek dots salīdzinoši detalizēts pārskats par to, kādas tēmas romānā parādās un kā tās ir saistītas savā starpā, kā arī kāda ir to simboliskā nozīme.This Bachelor’s Paper deals with the following topics in regard to Emily Bronte’s novel “Wuthering Heights”: the narrative and its peculiarities, main themes and images. The analysis of the narrative is important because the events are told by two narrators – the housekeeper Nelly Dean and the young gentleman Lockwood. Both of these narratives are so different that only a detailed analysis helps to understand the structure and aims of the novel. This paper analyzes in detail all the peculiarities of the narrative in regard to the limiting factors of each narrator. In regard to themes and images a comprehensive overview is given of how they are shown in the novel and linked between one another and also their symbolic meaning is explained

    Rural municipality Veclaicene self-government budgetary implementation and analysis

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Veclaicenes pagasta pašvaldības budžeta izpilde un analīze”.Bakalaura darba mērķis ir uz pieejamās literatūras pamata un uz Veclaicenes pagasta pašvaldības datu analīzes pamata izanalizēt Veclaicenes pagasta pašvaldības budžeta izpildi un izstrādāt priekšlikumus budžeta izpildes kontroles sistēmas uzlabošanai.Darbā ir izpētīts likumos un normatīvajos aktos pašvaldību budžetu vispārējais raksturojumus, izpētīti un izanalizēti pašvaldību ieņēmumi un to avoti, sniegts Veclaicenes pagasta raksturojums, izpētīts īpaši atbalstāmās teritorijas statuss Veclaicenes pagastā, izanalizēta Veclaicenes pagasta pašvaldības ieņēmumu dinamika, izanalizēti Veclaicenes pagasta pašvaldības izdevumi un aplūkotas Veclaicenes pagasta pašvaldības attīstības iespējas. Darba nobeigumā apkopoti secinājumi un izvirzīti priekšlikumi.Darbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā. Satur 65 lapas, 9 tabulas un 19 attēlus.Atslēgvārdi: pašvaldība, budžets, izpilde, analīze.The theme of the bachelor work is „ Rural municipality Veclaicene self-government budgetary implementation and analysis”.The aim of the bachelor work is on foundation of the accessible literature and on rural municipality Veclaicene self-government data analysis foundation to analyze rural municipality Veclaicene self-government budgetary implementation and to produce suggestions budgetary implementation control system improves. In the work are explored in laws and in the normative acts universal descriptions of self-governments budget, are explored and analyzed the revenue resources of self-governments and their sources, is given the description of rural municipality Veclaicene, is explored status of the Specially support territory in the rural municipality Veclaicene, is analyzed the dynamics of the rural municipality Veclaicene self-government profits, are analyzed the rural municipality Veclaicene self-government charges and are examined rural municipality Veclaicene self-government development possibilities. In completion of the work are summarized conclusions and worked out suggestions.The bachelor work is written in Latvian language. Contain 65 pages, 9 tables and 19 images.Keywords: self-government, budget, implementation, analysis

    Change Management in The State Social Insurance Agency

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    Pārmaiņu vadības procesi ir viena no pēdējā laika aktualitātēm publiskās pārvaldes iestādēs. Līdz ar to maģistra darba mērķis ir, pamatojoties uz pārmaiņu vadības teorijā izpētīto pārmaiņu vadības modeļu analīzi, veikt pārmaiņu vadības procesu izpēti Valsts sociālās apdrošināšanas aģentūrā. Maģistra darba apjoms 98 lappuses (neskaitot pielikumus). Maģistra darbs sastāv no Ievada, trīs nodaļām, Secinājumu daļas, Priekšlikumu daļas un Izmantotās literatūras un avotu daļas. Tas satur 10 tabulas, 19 attēlus un 99 izmantotās literatūras un informācijas avotu sarakstu. Darba pirmajā nodaļā pētīti pārmaiņu vadības modeļi un pārmaiņu vadība publiskās pārvaldes iestādēs. Otrajā nodaļā raksturota un analizēta Valsts sociālās apdrošināšanas aģentūra, kā arī veikta iestādes nodarbināto aptauju izpēte un analīze. Darba trešajā nodaļā apkopoti pētījuma rezultāti.The processes of Change Management are one of the recent actualities in the Public Administration institutions. Based on this, the purpose of the Master's Thesis is to research the processes of Change Management in The State Social Insurance Agency using the theory of Change Management Models. The volume of the Master's Thesis is 98 pages (not including appendices). The Thesis consists of Introduction, three chapters, Conclusions, Suggestions and Bibliography. It comprises 10 tables, and 19 images. Bibliography consists of 99 resources. The first chapter of this Thesis explores the Change Management Models and Change Management in the institutions of Public Administration. The second chapter describes and analyses the State Social Insurance Agency, as well as research and analyses the Questionnaires of its employees. The results of the research are summarized in the third chapter. Keywords: Changes, Change Management, the Change Management models, the Public Administration, the State Social Insurance Agency

    Promoting of the discussion skills in English language lessons for secondary school students

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    Propuesta de viaje combinado de turismo de naturaleza por Letonia

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    [ES] El objetivo principal de este trabajo es elaborar un viaje combinado a Letonia como destino independiente. Destinado a viajeros que disfrutan de la naturaleza y actividades que permiten conocer la cultura, sus costumbres e historia. Este trabajo se iniciará con la revisión bibliográfica del perfil del viajero que visita el país incluyendo aspectos como: la edad, sexo, país de procedencia, duración en el destino, gasto medio por viajero, entre otras cuestiones que ayudarán a identificar el perfil de viajero que visita Letonia. A continuación, se realizará una caracterización de la demanda, y se evaluarán las distintas ofertas por parte de las agencias de viajes Entre otras variables se considerará la duración del viaje, temporada en la que se realiza el viaje, el número de noches que pasan en Letonia, qué excursiones incluye, cuáles son los recursos turísticos que se visita, entre otros. Posteriormente, se realizará una investigación acerca de los atractivos turísticos del país como también pasajes naturales como, por ejemplo, parques naturales, lagos, playas, bosques, entre otros. Con el fin de ofrecer una ruta única y auténtica que permite conocer al país sin limitarse solo a la visita de atractivos turísticos más conocidos. Tras recopilar toda la información de interés se elaborará una propuesta de viaje combinado de turismo de naturaleza por Letonia con el propósito de ofrecer una experiencia única para que este pueda conocer el lado más auténtico de los recursos y tradiciones de este país.Trikule, I. (2020). Propuesta de viaje combinado de turismo de naturaleza por Letonia. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/152024TFG

    Promoting of the discussion skills in English language lessons for secondary school students

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    Declining response rates are threatening the usefulness of and confidence in survey data. Survey practitioners have therefore studied why nonrespondents refuse to respond and have tried to counter the declining response rates by intensified follow-up methods. Such efforts sometimes yield negative reactions among respondents. This thesis focuses on the respondent’s perspective in self-administered health-related surveys. The aim was to investigate positive and negative aspects that respondents experience when participating in surveys, to study factors that could increase motivation and to study possibilities to increase response rates in a way that promotes data quality as well as positive experiences among respondents. Self-Determination Theory is a motivation theory that was used as a theoretical framework. Paper I is a study regarding two self-administered health questionnaires among patients in 20 intervention groups in 18 Swedish hospitals. Paper II is a qualitative analysis of data from telephone interviews with respondents to a self-administered health-related survey of the population in the county of Östergötland. Paper III is a randomized experiment in a self-administered survey of a random sample of parents in the municipality of Stockholm. Paper IV is an experimental study concerning a self-administered health questionnaire in a random sample of the general adult population in the county of Östergötland. The results from paper I show that questionnaire length and ease of response were not crucial arguments in choosing between two health questionnaires for use in routine health care. Instead, the most common motives for the choice concerned aspects of the questions’ comprehensiveness and ability to describe the health condition. Respondent satisfaction as described by respondents in paper II includes being able to give correct and truthful information as well as reflection and new insights from the questions. Respondent burden includes experiences of being manipulated or controlled by the researcher as well as worry, anxiety or sadness caused by the questions. Experiences of satisfaction and burden differed depending on the respondents’ primary motive for participating in surveys. The findings of paper III illustrate that the use of lottery tickets as incentives to parents may be less valuable or even harmful as a means of increasing response rates. In paper IV a survey design inspired by Self-Determination Theory yielded higher satisfaction among respondents and improved response rates with similar or better data quality compared with a standard design. Focusing on the respondents’ perspective provided important new knowledge. The results show a broad spectrum of positive as well as negative aspects of survey participation. The results support Self-Determination Theory as a useful theoretical framework for studying motivation in survey research and an interesting additional source to provide ideas on how to design surveys with the potential to motivate respondents. The results suggest that it is possible to improve response rates in a way that promotes data quality as well as positive experiences among the respondents