86 research outputs found

    Opiniones de los jóvenes acerca del gobierno, la convivencia pacífica y la diversidad en cinco países de América Latina : Estudio Internacional sobre Educación Cívica y Ciudadana 2016 de la IEA. Informe Lationamericano

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    ICCS 2016 incluyó, además de los instrumentos centrales de la encuesta internacional, instrumentos regionales para Europa y Latinoamérica. El presente informe se enfoca en los cinco países que participaron en la encuesta regional latinoamericana del estudio y que aplicaron el correspondiente cuestionario regional para estudiantes. El informe se basa en los datos del cuestionario regional para estudiantes al igual que en los datos de los instrumentos internacionales para estudiantes y escuelas. ICCS 2016 fue el segundo ciclo del Estudio Internacional de Educación Cívica y Ciudadana (ICCS, sigla en inglés) de la IEA. El ICCS estudia las formas en que los sistemas educativos alrededor del mundo preparan a los jóvenes para asumir sus roles como ciudadanos en la sociedad. En América Latina, esta área del aprendizaje se enmarca dentro de desafíos y contextos particulares. Comparadas con las democracias occidentales establecidas, la mayoría de los países en esta región retornaron al régimen democrático hace solo unas tres o cuatro décadas, o incluso más recientemente, y su estabilidad política, social y económica continúa siendo cuestionada. Los estudios han encontrado de manera consistente que el compromiso con la democracia entre los adultos en esta región no se encuentra bien establecido, una situación que hace de la educación para la ciudadanía un elemento importante en los esfuerzos para establecer la sostenibilidad democrática. Los resultados informados en esta publicación se basan en los datos reunidos a partir de muestras aleatorias de aproximadamente 25.000 estudiantes en su octavo año de escolaridad en casi 900 escuelas de cinco países latinoamericanos. Cuatro de estos países (Chile, Colombia, la República Dominicana y México) participaron en ICCS 2009 y por lo tanto aportaron datos para la comparación entre los dos ciclos. ICCS 2016 marcó la primera participación de Perú en este estudio. Este informe regional se basa en los datos relacionados con los siguientes cuatro temas específicos de la región: contextos nacionales para la educación cívica y ciudadana en la región latinoamericana; percepciones de los estudiantes sobre las instituciones públicas y el gobierno; opiniones de los estudiantes acerca de la coexistencia pacífica; y percepciones de los estudiantes sobre la cohesión social y la diversidad

    PIRLS 2016 International Results in Reading

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    Fifty countries from around the world participated in the PIRLS 2016 international assessment of reading comprehension at the fourth grade, and in every country there was a wide range of reading achievement from basic skills to advanced comprehension. The fourth grade students in the Russian Federation and Singapore had the highest reading achievement on average. These two countries also had more than one-fourth of their students reaching the PIRLS Advanced International Benchmark. Students reaching this level interpreted, integrated, and evaluated story plots and information in relatively complex texts. Hong Kong SAR, Ireland, Finland, Poland, and Northern Ireland also performed very well, with approximately one-fi fth of their students reaching the Advanced Benchmark. In terms of basic reading literacy, it is noteworthy that in more than half of the PIRLS 2016 countries almost all of the students (more than 95 percent) demonstrated fundamental reading skills. These students could locate and reproduce ideas and information from text and make straightforward inferences. There are internationally more good readers than there were 15 years ago. The trends over time since the inception of PIRLS in 2001 show more increases than decreases in achievement. Eleven countries improved over the long term (2001 to 2016) and only 2 declined; 18 improved over the short term (2011 to 2016), compared to 10 declining. Girls had higher average achievement than boys in 48 of the 50 PIRLS 2016 countries, and boys did not have higher achievement in any countries. The gender gap in reading achievement has favored girls since 2001 and does not appear to be closing

    Predictors of reading literacy for first and second language learners

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    In this study an attempt was made to construct a multi-factor model predicting the development of reading literacy in the upper grades of primary school in the Netherlands for subgroups of 729 first language (L1) learners and 93 second language (L2) learners. Following a longitudinal design, it was explored to what extent the variation in reading literacy development in L1 and L2 from grade 4 to grade 6 can be explained from children’s word decoding, language, mathematics and nonverbal reasoning skills, reading motivation and self confidence as well as their home reading resources. The results showed that L1 and L2 learners differed in reading literacy skills, language, mathematics, and reasoning skills. Structural equation modelling showed that the reading literacy development in both L1 and L2 learners could be explained from decoding, language, mathematics and reasoning skills, as well as their motivation and self-confidence. A striking difference was the fact that home reading resources had an impact on reading literacy in L1 learners but not in L2 learners

    Second International Mathematics Study (SIMS) Instruments - Population B (End of Secondary School)

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    The IEA Second International Mathematics Study included the “Population B” survey for mathematics specialist students at the end of secondary school. Here are scans of the test instruments and questionnaires from that study. For the most part, they are the Ontario, Canada versions as prepared by Les McLean and his team. The questionnaires have some questions specific to the Ontario context, but they otherwise follow the international standard. aaareadme.pdf: This documentation file. BTests.pdf: The cognitive tests (preceded by a page of student instructions and the answer sheet). There are eight forms of 17 items each. BSchoolQuestionnaire.pdf, BStudentQuestionnaire.pdf, BTeacherQuestionnaire.pdf: The questionnaires for the school principal, the student, and the mathematics teacher. BCP1Calculus.pdf, BCP2AnalyticGeometry.pdf, BCP3Trigonometry.pdf, BCP4SeniorMathematics.pdf: Classroom process questionnaires that were to be filled out by mathematics teachers during the course of the school year. BOTLForm1.pdf, BOTLSpecial.pdf: Opportunity to Learn questionnaire. The version for Form 1, relative to questions in cognitive test 1, is given. There were similar questionnaires for forms 2-8. Note: there are two versions of each file. One is the original scan and the other (with the word "searchable" at the end of the description) has been run through Object Character Recognition (OCR) to make it searchable.United States Department of EducationNational Science Foundation (NSF)U of I OnlyNon-public data, but used by University researchers

    Second International Mathematics Study (SIMS) Instruments - Population A (Middle School)

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    A survey of the teaching and learning of mathematics in the schools of 20 countries around the world. This is a collection of scanned copies of the instrumentation used in the IEA Second International Mathematics Study. It comprises all the tests and questionnaires used in the Population A (middle school / grade 8 equivalent) longitudinal study. Also, the achievement tests for the cross-sectional study are included; these are needed for interpretation of the cross-sectional countries and also for the longitudinal pretest in Japan. PopA L ClassProc.pdf: Classroom process questionnaires (Fractions; Ratio, Proportion And Percent; Measurement; Geometry; Algebra; General). PopA L Postquest.pdf: Student posttest questionnaire. PopA L Prequest.pdf: Student pretest questionnaire. PopA L Schquest.pdf: School questionnaire. PopA L Teaquest.pdf: Teacher questionnaire. PopA L Tests.pdf Achievement tests (longitudinal). PopA TOTLexample.pdf: Opportunity to Learn questionnaire (sample). PopA X Tests.pdf: Achievement tests (cross-sectional). The versions scanned are for the most part from Ontario, which are virtually identical to those used in New Zealand and the USA. The cross-sectional tests are from the distribution from the Wellington centre. Countries differed in the extra questions given to students about calculator use and individual OTL, which were usually embedded on the answer sheets. Note: there are two versions of each file. One is the original scan and the other (with the word "searchable" at the end of the description) has been run through Object Character Recognition (OCR) to make it searchable.United States Department of EducationNational Science Foundation (NSF)U of I OnlyNon-public data, but used by University researchers