633 research outputs found

    A Programming System for Distributed Real-Time Applications

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    A distributed programming system designed to support the construction and execution of a real-time distributed program is presented. The system is to facilitate the construction of a distributed program from sequential programs written in different programming languages and to simplify the loading and execution of the distributed program. The system is based on a distributed configuration language. The language is used to write the configuration of a distributed program, which includes resource requirements, process declarations, port connections, real-time constraints, process assignment constraints, and process control statements

    AutoV: An Automotive Testbed for Real-Time Virtualization

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    Timing isolation is critical for automotive systems. Real-time virtualization, such as RT-Xen, is a promising technique to integrate legacy automotive systems onto a powerful multi-core platform for achieving better performance and lower cost without breaking the timing isolation. However, the real-time virtualization has never been evaluated with real automotive applications in a non-simulation environment. In order to facilitate the evaluation of real-time virtualization for automotive systems, we propose the AutoV, an affordable and accessible automotive testbed for real-time virtualization. We present a case study to demonstrate the applications of the AutoV

    Synthesizing Minimum Total Expansion Topologies for Reconfigurable Interconnection Networks

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    The Performance of a parallel algorithm depends in part on how the interconnection topology of the target parallel system matches the communication patterns of the algorithm. We describe how to generate a topology for a network that can be configured into and r-regular topology. The topology generated has small total expansion with respect to a given task graph. The expansion of an edge in a task graph is the length of the shortest path that the edge maps to in the processor graph. The algorithm used to generate the topologies is analyzed and its average case behavior is determined. In addition, this synthesis method is compared to the conventional approach of mapping a task graph onto a fixed processor topology

    Language Constructs for Distributed Real-Time Programming

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    For many distributed applications, it is not sufficient for programs to be logically correct. In addition, they must satisfy various timing constraints. This paper discusses primitives that support the construction of distributed real-time programs. Our discussion is focused in two areas: timing specification and communication. To allow the specifications of timing constraints, we introduce the language constructs for defining temporal scope and specifying message deadline. We also identify communication primitives needed for real-time programming. The issues underlying the selection of the primitives are explained, including handling of timing exceptions. The primitives will eventually be provided as part of a distributed programming system that will be used to construct distributed multi-sensory systems

    CCSR: A Calculus for Communicating Shared Resources

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    The timing behavior of a real-time system depends not only on delays due to process synchronization, but also on the availability of shared resources. Most current real-time models capture delays due to process synchronization; however, they abstract out resource-specific details by assuming idealistic operating environments. On the other hand, scheduling and resource allocation algorithms used for real-time systems ignore the effect of process synchronization except for simple precedence relations between processes. To bridge the gap between these two disciplines, we have developed a formalism called Communicating Shared Resources, or CSR. This paper presents the priority-based process algebra called the Calculus for Communicating Shared Resources (CCSR), which provides an equational characterization of the CSR language. The computation model of CCSR is resource-based in that multiple resources execute synchronously, while processes assigned to the same resource are interleaved according to their priorities. CCSR possesses a prioritized strong equivalence for terms based on strong bisimulation. The paper also describes a producer and consumer problem whose correct timing behavior depends on priority

    Specification and Analysis of Resource-Bound Real-Time Systems

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    We describe a layered approach to the specification and verification of real-time systems. Application processes are specified in the CSR application language, which includes high-level language constructs such as timeouts, deadlines, periodic processes, interrupts and exception-handling. Then, a configuration schema is used to map the processes to system resources, and to specify the physical communication links between them. To analyze and execute the entire system, we automatically translate the result of the mapping into the CCSR process algebra. CCSR characterizes CSR\u27s resource-based computation model by a priority-sensitive, operational semantics, which yields a set of equivalence-preserving proof rules. Using this proof system, we perform the algebradc verification of our original real-time system

    Fast Parallel Deterministic and Randomized Algorithms for Model Checking

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    Model checking is a powerful technique for verification of concurrent systems. One of the potential problems with this technique is state space explosion. There are two ways in which one could cope with state explosion: reducing the search space and searching less space. Most of the existing algorithms are based on the first approach. One of the successful approach for reducing search space uses Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) to represent the system. Systems with a large number of states (of the order of 5 x 10 ) have been thus verified. But there are limitations to this heuristic approach. Even systems of reasonable complexity have many more states. Also, the BDD approach might fail even on some simple systems. In this paper we propose the use of parallelism to extend the applicability of BDDs in model checking. In particular we present very fast algorithms for model checking that employ BDDs. The algorithms presented are much faster than the best known previous algorithms. We also describe searching less space as an attractive approach to model checking. In this paper we demonstrate the power of this approach. We also suggest the use of randomization in the design of model checking algorithms

    Periodic Resource Model for Compositional Real-Time Guarantees

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    We address the problem of providing compositional hard real-time guarantees in a hierarchy of schedulers. We first propose a resource model to characterize a periodic resource allocation and present exact schedulability conditions for our proposed resource model under the EDF and RM algorithms. Using the exact schedulability conditions, we then provide methods to abstract the timing requirements that a set of periodic tasks demands under the EDF and RM algorithms as a single periodic task. With these abstraction methods, for a hierarchy of schedulers, we introduce a composition method that derives the timing requirements of a parent scheduler from the timing requirements of its child schedulers in a compositional manner such that the timing requirement of the parent scheduler is satisfied, if and only if, the timing requirements of its child schedulers are satisfied

    A State Minimization Algorithm for Communicating State Machines With Arbitrary Data Space

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    A fundamental issue in the automated analysis of communicating systems is the efficient generation of the reachable state space. Since it is not possible to generate all the reachable states of a system with an infinite number of states, we need a way to combine sets of states. In this paper, we describe communicating state machines with data variables, which we use to specify concurrent systems. We then present an algorithm that constructs the minimal reachability graph of a labeled transition system with infinite data values. Our algorithm clusters a set of states that are bisimilar into an equivalent class. We include an example to illustrate our algorithm and identify a set of sufficient conditions that guarantees the termination of the algorithm

    Compositional Real-Time Scheduling Framework

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    Our goal is to develop a compositional real-time scheduling framework so that global (system-level) timing properties can be established by composing independently (specified and) analyzed local (component-level) timing properties. The two essential problems in developing such a framework are (1) to abstract the collective real-time requirements of a component as a single real-time requirement and (2) to compose the component demand abstraction results into the system-level real-time requirement. In our earlier work, we addressed the problems using the Liu and Layland periodic model. In this paper, we address the problems using another well-known model, a bounded-delay resource partition model, as a solution model to the problems. To extend our framework to this model, we develop an exact feasibility condition for a set of bounded-delay tasks over a bounded-delay resource partition. In addition, we present simulation results to evaluate the overheads that the component demand abstraction results incur in terms of utilization increase. We also present new utilization bound results on a bounded-delay resource model
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