599 research outputs found

    Coleta de dados por computadores de mão para censos de proporções continentais

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    Para tornar a coleta e a consolidação de dados mais ágeis e econômicas, aumentando a segurança sobre os dados, o IBGE está realizando a Contagem da População e o Censo Agropecuário 2007 com alternativa tecnológica para uso de computadores de mão – PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant). É uma inovação mundial, pois nenhum país, nessas dimensões, já realizou tal operação. A ação dispensa questionários em papel, substituídos por perguntas na tela do PDA, equipado com GPS para localizar estabelecimentos agropecuários por coordenadas. O PDA substitui bolsa e grandes volumes em papel. O plano de crítica, para validar informações coletadas, é transformado em programa, rodando em tempo real no PDA, para detecção e correção de dados inconsistentes durante a entrevista, o que antes só era possível após meses. Outro salto em eficiência é a transmissão direta dos dados para o banco de dados do IBGE (sem escanear ou digitar documentos), criando mais confiabilidade e inteligência na etapa de coletaNúmero de páginas: 08 pInovaçãoIniciativa premiada no 12º Concurso Inovação na Gestão Pública Federal sob responsabilidade de Luiz Fernando Pinto Mariano. Ações premiadas no 12º Concurso Inovação na Gestão Pública Federal – 200

    Situação epidemiológica das meningites por haemophilus influenzae b na Direção Regional de Piracicaba - São Paulo

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    O presente estudo objetivou caracterizar a população acometida por meningites por Hib em relação às variáveis demográficas e relativas ao processo saúde-doença, no período de 1992 a 2001, na DIR de Piracicaba, SP, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados a partir de fichas de notificação compulsória, sendo sistematizados através do Programa SINAN. Observou-se que ocorreu um pico de incidência da doença em 1994, e um pico de óbitos em 1999, anteriores à introdução da vacina. Os mais acometidos foram crianças menores de 5 anos, do sexo masculino, confirmando dados de literatura. A maioria dos pacientes foi atendida em unidades hospitalares públicas de Piracicaba e Limeira, referências para as comunidades desses municípios, concretizando um dos princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS): a regionalização. A introdução da vacina promoveu redução dos casos em cerca de 73%, o que corrobora a sua importância e impele à necessidade de estimular a adesão à vacinação.El presente estudio objetivó caracterizar la población afectada por meningitis causada por Hib en relación a las variables demográficas y relativas al proceso salud-enfermedad, en el período de 1992 a 2001 en la DIR de Piracicaba, SP, Brasil. Los datos fueron recolectados a partir de fichas de notificación obligatorias, las cuales fueron sistematizadas a través del programa SINAN. Se observó que ocurrió un pico de incidencia de la enfermedad en 1994 y un pico de fallecimientos en 1999, con antelación a la introducción de la vacuna. Los más afectados fueron niños menores de 5 años, de sexo masculino, confirmando datos de la bibliografía. La mayoría de los pacientes fue atendida en unidades hospitalarias públicas de Piracicaba y Limeira, referenciales para las comunidades de tales municipios, concretando uno de los principios del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS): su regionalización. La introducción de la vacuna promovió la reducción de casos en cerca del 73%, lo que corrobora su importancia e impulsa la necesidad de estimular la adhesión a la vacunación.The objective of the present study was to characterize the population affected by Hib meningitis from 1992 to 2001, in the Regional Health Board of Piracicaba (São Paulo-Brazil) in terms of variables regarding demographics and the health-disease process. Data were collected from disease notification reports, and arranged using the SINAN Data Program . It was observed there was a peak in the incidence of meningitis in 1994 and a peak of deaths in 1999, before the vaccine had been introduced. The most affected group were male children under the age of 5 years, which is in agreement with literature. Most patients received care at public hospitals in the municipalities of Piracicaba and Limeira, which are references for the community of the entire region, which puts into effect one of the axes of the Health System of Brazil (SUS): regionalization. The introduction of the vaccine reduced incidence in about 73%, which corroborates its importance and shows that is necessary to encourage adherence to vaccination

    Bioethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia stipitis and Zymomonas mobilis from delignified coconut fibre mature and lignin extraction according to biorefinery concept

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    In search to increase the offer of liquid, clean, renewable and sustainable energy in the world energy matrix, the use of lignocellulosic materials (LCMs) for bioethanol production arises as a valuable alternative. The objective of this work was to analyze and compare the performance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia stipitis and Zymomonas mobilis in the production of bioethanol from coconut fibre mature (CFM) using different strategies: simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) and semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSSF). The CFM was pretreated by hydrothermal pretreatment catalyzed with sodium hydroxide (HPCSH). The pretreated CFM was characterized by X-ray diffractometry and SEM, and the lignin recovered in the liquid phase by FTIR and TGA. After the HPCSH pretreatment (2.5% (v/v) sodium hydroxide at 180 °C for 30 min), the cellulose content was 56.44%, while the hemicellulose and lignin were reduced 69.04% and 89.13%, respectively. Following pretreatment, the obtained cellulosic fraction was submitted to SSF and SSSF. Pichia stipitis allowed for the highest ethanol yield 90.18% in SSSF, 91.17% and 91.03% were obtained with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis, respectively. It may be concluded that the selection of the most efficient microorganism for the obtention of high bioethanol production yields from cellulose pretreated by HPCSH depends on the operational strategy used and this pretreatment is an interesting alternative for add value of coconut fibre mature compounds (lignin, phenolics) being in accordance with the biorefinery concept.Brazilian research funding agencies CNPq (Proc:470356/2011-1) and CAPES (Proc:BEX5951/11-9) for financial suppor

    Representações sociais de Agentes Comunitários de Saúde acerca do consumo de drogas

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    Este artigo discute as representações sociais de Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (ACS) acerca do consumo de drogas, como recorte de um estudo qualitativo de cunho etnográfico, cuja produção dos dados ocorreu no período de janeiro/2006 a janeiro/2007. Um conjunto de técnicas foi aplicado para profissionais que atuam numa Unidade Básica de Saúde de Salvador-BA, dentre eles 22 ACS. A Teoria das Representações Sociais foi adotada como eixo teórico, e gênero como categoria de análise. Os ACS reconhecem a proximidade e o envolvimento das mulheres com o fenômeno das drogas na comunidade onde moram e atuam, porém não adotam em seu trabalho nenhuma ação direcionada para tal problemática. As representações sociais apreendidas reproduzem estereótipos e preconceitos em relação às drogas e às pessoas usuárias de drogas, vinculadas, sobretudo, ao sexo e classe social, assinalando a invisibilidade do consumo de drogas como um problema de saúde para o grupo estudado.Este artículo discute las representaciones sociales de Agentes Comunitarios de Salud (ACS) respecto del consumo de drogas, como elemento integrante de un estudio cualitativo, de cuño etnográfico, cuyos datos fueron recogidos en el período de enero 2006 - enero 2007. Se aplicó un conjunto de técnicas en profesionales con actuación en una Unidad Básica de Salud de Salvador, BA, Brasil, de los cuales 22 eran ACS. La Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales fue adoptada como eje teórico y el género como categoría de análisis. Los ACS reconocen la proximidad y el grado de compromiso de las mujeres con el fenómeno de las drogas en la comunidad en donde viven y actúan; no obstante no adopten en su trabajo ninguna acción direccionada hacia tal problemática. Las representaciones sociales aprehendidas reproducen estereotipos y preconceptos en relación a las drogas y a las personas usuarias vinculadas, sobre todo al sexo y clase social y señalan la invisibilidad del consumo de drogas como un problema de salud para el grupo estudiado.This paper discusses on the social representations of community health agents (CHAs) about drug use as part of a qualitative, ethnographic study with data collected by means of a set of research techniques among health professionals including 22 CHAs in a basic health unit in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil) from January, 2006 to January, 2007. The Theory of Social Representations was adopted as the theoretical framework whereas gender was the chosen analytical category. CHAs were found to recognize the women's proximity and participation in the drug phenomenon in the community where they live and act, although they take no professional measures towards such an issue. Their social representations were shown to reproduce stereotypes and prejudices towards drug users and drug use, especially gender- and social class-related, while highlighting the invisibility of drug use as a health problem for the population under study

    Deforestation and Carbon Stock Loss in Brazil’s Amazonian Settlements

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    We estimate deforestation and the carbon stock in 2740 (82 %) of the 3325 settlements in Brazil’s Legal Amazonia region. Estimates are made both using available satellite data and a carbon map for the “pre-modern” period (prior to 1970). We used data from Brazil’s Project for Monitoring Deforestation in Amazonia updated through 2013 and from the Brazilian Biomes Deforestation Monitoring Project (PMDBBS) updated through 2010. To obtain the pre-modern and recent carbon stocks we performed an intersection between a carbon map and a map derived from settlement boundaries and deforestation data. Although the settlements analyzed occupied only 8 % of Legal Amazonia, our results indicate that these settlements contributed 17 % (160,410 km2) of total clearing (forest + non-forest) in Legal Amazonia (967,003 km2). This represents a clear-cutting of 41 % of the original vegetation in the settlements. Out of this total, 72 % (115,634 km2) was in the “Federal Settlement Project” (PA) category. Deforestation in settlements represents 20 % (2.6 Pg C) of the total carbon loss in Legal Amazonia (13.1 Pg C). The carbon stock in remaining vegetation represents 3.8 Pg C, or 6 % of the total remaining carbon stock in Legal Amazonia (58.6 Pg C) in the periods analyzed. The carbon reductions in settlements are caused both by the settlers and by external actors. Our findings suggest that agrarian reform policies contributed directly to carbon loss. Thus, the implementation of new settlements should consider potential carbon stock losses, especially if settlements are created in areas with high carbon stocks. © 2016, The Author(s)

    Determinants of cognitive function in childhood: A cohort study in a middle income context

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    BACKGROUND: There is evidence that poverty, health and nutrition affect children's cognitive development. This study aimed to examine the relative contributions of both proximal and distal risk factors on child cognitive development, by breaking down the possible causal pathways through which poverty affects cognition. METHODS: This cohort study collected data on family socioeconomic status, household and neighbourhood environmental conditions, child health and nutritional status, psychosocial stimulation and nursery school attendance. The effect of these on Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of Intelligence scores at five years of age was investigated using a multivariable hierarchical analysis, guided by the proposed conceptual framework. RESULTS: Unfavourable socioeconomic conditions, poorly educated mother, absent father, poor sanitary conditions at home and in the neighbourhood and low birth weight were negatively associated with cognitive performance at five years of age, while strong positive associations were found with high levels of domestic stimulation and nursery school attendance. CONCLUSION: Children's cognitive development in urban contexts in developing countries could be substantially increased by interventions promoting early psychosocial stimulation and preschool experience, together with efforts to prevent low birth weight and promote adequate nutritional status