126 research outputs found


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    Common motion characteristics that may be linked to higher judging evaluations of hip hop dance were investigated. A comparison of the rhythmic movement between ten expert and twelve non-expert dancers was undertaken. Trajectory data was captured using a motion capture system at 120 Hz and kinematic parameters including the time lags of occurrence of peak joint angle in neck, trunk, hip and knee joint were calculated. Smaller time lags between neck and other joints were observed in the expert dancers. Furthermore, the neck motion was delayed for approximately a quarter cycle of the basic rhythm compared with the half cycle delay observed in the non-expert group. Timing differences in the coordination of joint angles is the most likely a factor to explain the higher judging evaluations awarded to the expert dancers

    Energy budgets for juvenile Pacific whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei fed different diets

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    Energy budgets for juvenile Pacific whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei (1.7-4.0 g ) fed with different diets were assessed. The energy partitioning between growth, respiration, ammonia excretion, feces and exuvia was calculated to estimate for total food energy intake. Shrimp oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion were quantified in sealed chambers (25°C, 34 ppt). Energy allocated for growth and feces were obtained from the wet combustion of whole body and feces samples, exuvia was estimated as 10% growth energy. Three diets were tested: 100% chopped fish (Fish), 100% commercial feed (Feed), and 50-50% chopped fish and commercial feed (Mix). Most of the energy from the diets was channeled into respiration (49.7-70.5%). Shrimp fed the Feed diet used more energy in growth (24.4%) than those fed Mix (13.4%) or Fish diets (13.2%), either in absolute (joule) or relative (% of ingested energy) terms. Conversely, energy loss as ammonia excretion was lower in shrimp fed Feed (1.0%) compared to shrimp fed Mix (4.2%) or Fish diets (7.8%). Less energy was lost in feces by shrimp fed Fish diet (7.3%) compared to Mix (20.2%) and Feed diets (22.2%). The calculated energy intake by shrimp fed Fish, Mix and Feed were 0.995, 1.100, and 1.255 kJ ind-1day-1, respectively. According to the O:N atomic ratios (oxygen consumed to nitrogen excreted), protein tented to be the predominant substrate catabolized by shrimp fed Fish (O:N=16±5.2), and Mix (O:N=25±11.6), with increasing use of carbohydrates and/or lipids in the Feed (O:N=74±37.3). Results suggest diet composition may affect energy budget and partitioning differently between metabolism and growth either in absolute or relative terms, as shrimp fed Fish and Mix diets used protein as main substrate for metabolism, whereas shrimp fed Feed diet channeled protein for growth, and lipids and carbohydrates for other metabolic functions

    Trophic Groups Of Demersal Fish Of Santos Bay And Adjacent Continental Shelf, São Paulo State, Brazil: Temporal And Spatial Comparisons

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    The temporal and spatial variations of feeding habits and trophic groups of demersal fish species of Santos Bay and the adjacent continental shelf were investigated. The samples were taken in September 2005 and March 2006 by bottom otter trawling. The stomach content analysis of 2,328 specimens of 49 species showed most fish fed on a large range of food items but relied heavily on shrimp, crabs/swimming-crabs, amphipods, mysids, polychaetes, ophiuroids, squids, and teleosteans. The species were classified into ten trophic groups. Shrimp were an important food source in the Santos bay and inner shelf, while ophiuroids were important prey for predators of the middle shelf. Many species relied on crabs/swimming-crabs during the summer, especially on the middle shelf. The spatial and temporal variability in food resource utilization by fish were related to the pattern of distribution and abundance of their prey. The predation on shrimp and crabs/swimming-crabs seems to be related to the water mass dynamics of the region. Intraspecific comparisons demonstrated that most of the species display spatial and/or temporal variation in their diet. The demersal ichtyofauna can also be divided into the more general categories of piscivores, nektonic invertebrate feeders, benthic invertebrate feeders and planktonic invertebrate feeders.A variação temporal e espacial dos hábitos alimentares e dos grupos tróficos de peixes demersais abundantes na baía de Santos e plataforma continental adjacente foi investigada. As amostras foram obtidas em setembro de 2005 e março de 2006, utilizando-se rede de arrasto de fundo. A análise dos conteúdos estomacais de 2.328 exemplares de 49 espécies demonstrou que a maioria se alimentou de uma grande variedade de presas, destacando-se os camarões, caranguejos/siris, anfípodes, misidáceos, poliquetas, ofiuróides, lulas e teleósteos. De acordo com as presas principais, os peixes foram agrupados em dez grupos tróficos. Os camarões foram presas importantes na baía e plataforma interna, e os ofiuróides apenas na plataforma média. Caranguejos/siris tiveram grande importância na dieta de várias espécies durante o verão, em especial na plataforma média. A variação espacial e temporal na alimentação dos peixes esteve associada ao padrão de distribuição e abundância de suas presas. A ingestão de camarões e caranguejos/siris está, provavelmente, associada à dinâmica das massas de água na região. Comparações intraespecíficas demonstraram que a maioria das espécies apresenta variação espacial e/ou temporal na dieta. A ictiofauna demersal pode ser categorizada em grupos tróficos mais abrangentes: piscívoros, comedores de invertebrados nectônicos, comedores de invertebrados bentônicos e comedores de invertebrados planctônicos

    Variance component estimation with longitudinal data: a simulation study with alternative methods

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    A pedigree structure distributed in three different places was generated. For each offspring, phenotypicinformation was generated for five different ages (12, 30, 48, 66 and 84 months). The data file was simulated allowing someinformation to be lost (10, 20, 30 and 40%) by a random process and by selecting the ones with lower phenotypic values,representing the selection effect. Three alternative analysis were used, the repeatability model, random regression model andmultiple-trait model. Random regression showed to be more adequate to continually describe the covariance structure ofgrowth over time than single-trait and repeatability models, when the assumption of a correlation between successivemeasurements in the same individual was different from one another. Without selection, random regression and multiple-traitmodels were very similar

    Efeito do laser terapêutico de baixa potência no gânglio da raiz dorsal L5 de camundongos submetidos ao esmagamento do nervo ciático

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    Avaliou-se o efeito o efeito da terapia laser de baixa potência (TLBP) na regeneração de neurônios periféricos de animais adultos. O nervo ciático direito de doze camundongos machos adultos foi esmagado com pinça hemostática durante 30 segundos. Os animais foram divididos aleatória e equitativamente em quatro grupos: HeNe, AsGa, NR e NOR. O grupo HeNe recebeu irradiação laser HeNe (3J/cm²). Os animais do grupo AsGa receberam radiação laser AsGa (30 mJ) e os animais remanescentes (NR) não foram radiados. A radiação transcutânea sobre o gânglio da raiz dorsal L5 foi realizada uma vez ao dia, por 21 dias. Outros quatro animais não foram operados e serviram como controle de normalidade (NOR). Decorridos 21 dias, fragmentos do nervo ciático foram coletados para avaliação morfológica e contagem do número de axônios. O gânglio da raiz dorsal L5 foi removido para a avaliação morfológica e contagem dos neurônios sensitivos sobreviventes à lesão. Os grupos que sofreram esmagamento do nervo sofreram redução no número de axônios quando comparados ao grupo não operado (NOR). O gânglio da raiz dorsal L5 também foi removido e seccionado em série para a contagem e mensuração dos neurônios sensitivos. Não se observou diferença entre os grupos quando considerada a área do pericário e o número de neurônios. Os resultados indicam que a TLBP não estimulou a regeneração de nervos em camundongos. A TLBP não teve ação neuroprotetora sobre os neurônios após a lesão dos seus axônios.The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of low-power laser therapy (LPLT) on the regenerating peripheral neurons in adult animals. The right sciatic nerve of twelve mice adults was experimentally crushed with a Halstead forceps during 30 seconds. Animals were randomly distributed into three: HeNe, GaAs and NR. HeNe group received radiation laser HeNe (3 J/cm²). The animals of the GaAs group received GaAs laser irradiation (30 mJ) and the remnant animals (NR) were not radiated. The radiation was daily transcutaneously applied to L5 dorsal root ganglion, for 21 days. Other four non-operated animals served as normal controls (NOR). After 21 days, the sciatic nerve was collected and processed for histological assessment and axonal counting. The L5 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) was also removed for morphologic and morphometric evaluation of sensory surviving neurons. No difference was found in the number and size of DRG neurons among the experimental groups. The results indicate that LPLT did not improve regeneration of peripheral nerves in mice. LPLT had no neuroprotective effect on neurons after axonal lesion


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    Objective: to investigate patient identification practices in a pediatric intensive care unit. Method: a cross-sectional study was carried out in three publichospitals in the South of Brazil. Data collection (identifying items) was performed in 2015, through non-participant observation and consultation of themedical records. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: of the 96 patients observed, 94 (98%) had an identification nameplatenext to the bed. No identification wristbands were used. The identification nameplates included the child’s name (95%), age (31%) and the name ofthe person responsible (78%). Of those identified by name (n=89), 62 (70%) were complete. In the medical prescription and nursing record there weredeficiencies in the registration of the full name, date of birth and names of the parents. Conclusion: despite the wide range of resources, there was adeficiency in the systematization of patient identification, affecting (un)safe care.Objetivo: investigar prácticas de identificación del paciente en unidad de terapia intensiva pediátrica. Método: estudio transversal que se realizó entres hospitales públicos del Sur de Brasil. Se recogieron los datos (identificadores) en 2015, por medio de observación no participante y consulta enprontuario. Se analizaron esos datos por estadística descriptiva. Resultados: de los 96 pacientes observados, 94 (98%) tenían identificación cercadel lecho, por placa. No hubo identificación por medio de brazalete. En las placas identificadoras, había el nombre del niño (95%), la edad (31%) yel nombre del responsable (78%). Cuando estaban identificados por el nombre (n=89), 62 (70%) estos eran completos. En la prescripción médica yevolución de enfermería, hubo deficiencias en los registros de nombre completo, fecha de nacimiento y nombre de los padres. Conclusión: A pesarde la gran cantidad de recursos, hay deficiencia en la sistematización de la identificación del paciente, siendo esa una implicación del cuidado (in)seguro.Objetivo: investigar práticas de identificação do paciente em unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica. Método: estudotransversal realizado em três hospitais públicos do Sul do Brasil. A coleta de dados (itens identificadores) foi realizadaem 2015, por meio de observação não participante e consulta em prontuário. Os dados foram analisados por estatísticadescritiva. Resultados: dos 96 pacientes observados, 94 (98%) tinham identificação próxima ao leito, por placa. Nãohouve nenhuma identificação por meio de pulseira. Nas placas identificadoras, constavam o nome da criança (95%),a idade (31%), e o nome do responsável (78%). Quando identificados pelo nome (n=89), 62 (70%) eram completos.Na prescrição médica e evolução de enfermagem, houve deficiências nos registros do nome completo, da data denascimento e do nome dos pais. Conclusão: Apesar da vasta gama de recursos, há deficiência na sistematização daidentificação do paciente, sendo uma implicação ao cuidado (in)seguro