157 research outputs found

    Inèdit Innova calcula la petjada de carboni de les Roses de Sant Jordi

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    Només un 15% de les roses que es van vendre per la diada han estat cultivades localment a Catalunya. La gran majoria són originàries de Colòmbia, Equador i Holand


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    ABSTRACT Diaz Innova Citra Arum, S891302015. 2015. The Effectiveness of Co-op Jigsaw Team Projects to Teach Speaking viewed from Students' Speaking Anxiety (An Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade of SMA N 2 Lamongan in the Academic Year of 2014/2015). First Consultant: Dr, Ngadiso, M.Pd. second Consultant: Dr. Sujoko, M.A. Thesis Surakarta. English Education Department. Graduate School. Sebelas Maret Univerity. This research is intended to reveal: (1) whether Coop Jigsaw team Projects is more effective than Direct Instruction method to teach speaking; (2) whether the tenth grade students having low speaking anxiety have better speaking skill thatn those having high speaking anxiety; and (3) whether there is an interaction between the teaching methods and students’ speaking anxiety in teaching speaking. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 2 Lamongan in the academic year of 2014/2015. The method used in this research was experimental study. The population of this research was the tenth grade students which were grouped into twelve classes; eight classes of exact students, three classes of social students, and a class of language students. Since the population of this research was grouped into classes, the sampling applied was cluster random sampling. Then, the research sample was two classes which were taken randomly from exact students. They were X MIA 1 and X MIA 2 which acted as experimental and control class. To obtain the data of students’ speaking score, a speaking test was conducted and a close questionnaire was used to obtain the data of students’ speaking anxiety. Then, those data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential analysis using ANOVA and Tukey test. The research findings are as follows: (1) Coop jigsaw Team projects is more effective that Direct instruction method to teach speaking for the tenth grade students; (2) both students with low and high speaking anxiety have similar speaking skill; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ speaking anxiety in teaching speaking for the tenth grade students. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that Coop Jigsaw team Projects is more effective than Direct Instruction to teach speaking. Thus, it is recomended to the teacher to implement CJTP in speaking class since this teaching method is able to enhance the students speaking performance and able to encourage them to be more active in the class. However, for the next researchers who want to conduct the similar research, they can use this research as a reference. Keywords: speaking, Coop Jigsaw Team Projects, Direct Instruction, students’ speaking anxiety, experimental stud


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    Mangupa tradition is a hereditary tradition. This study aims to determine the meaning of the symbols in the mangupa ceremony with the main ingredients of arsik carp and complementary materials that have their own meaning. This research is a type of descriptive research with a qualitative approach because it provides a clear explanation of the object, data collection is done by interviewing, recording, and taking notes. The method of data analysis in this study uses the theory of the triangle of meaning Charles Sanders Peirce. The results of this study indicate that five symbols are appointed in the Toba Batak traditional mangupa ceremony, namely arsik carp, aek sitio-tio, pandan mat, ulos, and boras si pir ni tondi

    Guía de ecotecnologías para o semiárido: estrategias de convivencia e producao

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    El presente documento tiene el objetivo de brindar material de consulta a las floricultoras beneficiadas, así como un instrumento para compartir el conocimiento adquirido con otros miembros de sus comunidades.Abarca información sobre manejo de postcosecha, arreglos floreales e inserción en el mercado, al igual que buenas prácticas agrícolas para el clavel

    Recuperación de saberes ancestrales e salud y nutrición, con el uso de productos provenientes de la AFC1: Módulo 5

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    Este documento presenta información sobre las prácticas ancestrales en salud con base a la producción agroecológica, abarcando factores como abonos orgánicos, descanso del suelo rotación de cultivos entre otro, igualmente la conservación y selección de semillas y la influencia de la luna en dichos cultivos.Seguidamente, la unidad abarca los platos típicos de la zona y los cultivos ancestrales utilizados en la alimentación y su valor nutricional. Finalmente, se presenta un valor nutricional de los alimentos

    El acuerdo de Paris y el agro: una mirada a la implementación de las NDC en América Latina

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    El presente análisis regional expone el estado de la implementación de los elementos agropecuarios de las NDC en ocho países Latinoamericanos, producto de un proceso de entrevistas con autoridades y especialistas público – privados de ocho países Latinoamericanos para conocer los avances, obstáculos y desafíos vinculados ello, desde su presentación durante los procesos de ratificación del Acuerdo de París hasta su actualización. Ahonda en la importancia del sector de la agricultura y especialmente pone sobre la mesa la potencial contribución de la agricultura familiar para alcanzar dichas metas. El análisis muestra que, se han logrado avances significativos en algunos casos heterogéneos, se han hecho esfuerzos para articular con a las políticas y marcos legislativos vigentes a nivel nacional. Expone también las preocupaciones y los principales puntos de interés para avanzar en la cuantificación del impacto de las medidas especialmente en la resiliencia del sector. Asimismo, se expresa que, no solamente se debe considerar ampliar los mecanismos de financiamiento, sino desagregar mejor el sector agrícola en toda su magnitud, tipologías, sistemas de producción y especialmente a los actores quienes están sustentando la producción de alimentos y las cadenas de valor agrícola
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