229 research outputs found

    On the distance of the Magellanic Clouds using Cepheid NIR and optical-NIR Period Wesenheit Relations

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    We present the largest near-infrared (NIR) data sets, JHKsJHKs, ever collected for classical Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds (MCs). We selected fundamental (FU) and first overtone (FO) pulsators, and found 4150 (2571 FU, 1579 FO) Cepheids for Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) and 3042 (1840 FU, 1202 FO) for Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Current sample is 2--3 times larger than any sample used in previous investigations with NIR photometry. We also discuss optical VIVI photometry from OGLE-III. NIR and optical--NIR Period-Wesenheit (PW) relations are linear over the entire period range (0.0<logPFU1.650.0<\log P_{\rm FU} \le1.65 ) and their slopes are, within the intrinsic dispersions, common between the MCs. These are consistent with recent results from pulsation models and observations suggesting that the PW relations are minimally affected by the metal content. The new FU and FO PW relations were calibrated using a sample of Galactic Cepheids with distances based on trigonometric parallaxes and Cepheid pulsation models. By using FU Cepheids we found a true distance moduli of 18.45±0.02(random)±0.10(systematic)18.45\pm0.02{\rm(random)}\pm0.10{\rm(systematic)} mag (LMC) and 18.93±0.02(random)±0.10(systematic)18.93\pm0.02{\rm(random)}\pm0.10{\rm(systematic)} mag (SMC). These estimates are the weighted mean over ten PW relations and the systematic errors account for uncertainties in the zero-point and in the reddening law. We found similar distances using FO Cepheids (18.60±0.03(random)±0.10(systematic)18.60\pm0.03{\rm(random)}\pm0.10{\rm(systematic)} mag [LMC] and 19.12±0.03(random)±0.10(systematic)19.12\pm0.03{\rm(random)}\pm0.10{\rm(systematic)} mag [SMC]). These new MC distances lead to the relative distance, Δμ=0.48±0.03\Delta\mu=0.48\pm0.03 mag (FU, logP=1\log P=1) and Δμ=0.52±0.03\Delta\mu=0.52\pm0.03 mag (FO, logP=0.5\log P=0.5),which agrees quite well with previous estimates based on robust distance indicators.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    New variable stars in the Galactic Bulge: I. The bright regime

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    We report the detection of 1143 variable stars towards the Galactic bulge, including 320 previously uncatalogued variables, using time-series photometry extracted from data obtained with the VIMOS imager at the Very Large Telescope. Observations of the Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search (SWEEPS) field in the Galactic Bulge were taken over 2 years between March and October at a cadence of \sim 4 days, enabling the detection of variables with periods up to \sim100 days. Many of these were already known, but we detected a significant number of new variables, including 26 Cepheids, a further 18 Cepheid candidates, and many contact binaries. Here we publish the catalog of the new variables, containing coordinates, mean magnitudes as well as periods and classification; full light curves for these variables are also made available electronically.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures; submitted to MNRA

    On the alpha-element gradients of the Galactic thin disk using Cepheids

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    We present new homogeneous measurements of Na, Al and three alpha-elements (Mg, Si, Ca) for 75 Galactic Cepheids. The abundances are based on high spectral resolution (R ~ 38,000) and high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ~ 50-300) spectra collected with UVES at ESO VLT. The current measurements were complemented with Cepheid abundances either provided by our group (75) or available in the literature, for a total of 439 Galactic Cepheids. Special attention was given in providing a homogeneous abundance scale for these five elements plus iron (Genovali et al. 2013, 2014). In addition, accurate Galactocentric distances (RG) based on near-infrared photometry are also available for all the Cepheids in the sample (Genovali et al. 2014). They cover a large fraction of the Galactic thin disk (4.1 <= RG <= 18.4 kpc). We found that the above five elements display well defined linear radial gradients and modest standard deviations over the entire range of RG. Moreover, the [element/Fe] abundance ratios are constant across the entire thin disk; only the Ca radial distribution shows marginal evidence of a positive slope. These results indicate that the chemical enrichment history of iron and of the quoted five elements has been quite similar across the four quadrants of the Galactic thin disk. The [element/Fe] ratios are also constant over the entire period range. This empirical evidence indicates that the chemical enrichment of Galactic Cepheids has also been very homogenous during the range in age that they cover (~10-300 Myr). Once again, [Ca/Fe] vs. log(P) shows a (negative) gradient, being underabundant among youngest Cepheids. Finally, we also found that Cepheid abundances agree quite well with similar abundances for thin and thick disk dwarf stars and they follow the typical Mg-Al and Na-O correlations.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, 5 table

    Gender influence on professional satisfaction and gender issue perception among young oncologists. A survey of the Young Oncologists Working Group of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM)

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    Background The professional gender gap is increasingly recognised in oncology. We explored gender issues perception and gender influence on professional satisfaction/gratification among young Italian oncologists. Methods Italian oncologists aged ≤40 years and members of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology were invited to participate in an online survey addressing workload/burnout, satisfaction in professional abilities and relations, relevant factors for professional gratification, and gender barriers. ‡ 2 test for general association or ‡ 2 test for trend was used to analyse the data. Results 201 young oncologists participated in the survey: 67% female, 71% aged 30-40 years, 41% still in training and 82% without children. Women and men were equally poorly satisfied by the relations with people occupying superior hierarchical positions. There was heterogeneity between women and men in current (p=0.011) and expected future (p=0.007) satisfaction in professional abilities: women were more satisfied by current empathy and relations with colleagues and were more confident in their future managerial and team leader skills. The most important elements for professional gratification indicated by all participants were, in general, work-life balance (36%) and intellectual stimulation/research (32%); specifically for women, work-life balance (48%) and intellectual stimulation/research (20%); and specifically for men, career (29%) and social prestige/recognition (26%). Heterogeneity within the same gender emerged. For example, the elements indicated by men as the most important were intellectual stimulation/research (39%) and work-life balance (21%) in general, versus social prestige/recognition (24%) and career (24%), respectively, specifically for men (p&lt;0.0001). More women versus men perceived gender issue as an actual problem (60% vs 38%, p=0.03); men underestimated gender barriers to women's career (p=0.011). Conclusions Satisfaction in professional abilities varied by gender. Work-life balance is important for both women and men. Stereotypes about gender issues may be present. Gender issue is an actual problem for young oncologists, mostly perceived by women

    First metallicity determination from Near-Infrared spectra for five obscured Cepheids discovered in the inner Disk

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    We report the discovery of five new classical Cepheids located in the inner Galactic Disk at longitude l ≃ −40° in our IRSF/SIRIUS Near-Infrared (NIR) variability survey. The new Cepheids are unique in probing the kinematics and metallicity of young stars at the transition between the inner Disk and the minor axis of the central Bar, where they are expected to be less affected by its dynamical influence. This is also the first time that metallicity of Cepheids is estimated on the basis of medium-resolution (R ∼ 3, 000) NIR spectra, and we validated our results with data in the literature, finding a minimal dependence on the adopted spectroscopic diagnostics. This result is very promising for using Cepheids as stellar proxy of the present-time chemical content of the obscured regions in the Disk. We found that the three Cepheids within 8–10 kpc from us have metallicities consistent with the mean radial metallicity gradient, and kinematics consistent with the Galactic rotation curve. Instead, the closest (∼4 kpc)/farthest (∼12 kpc) Cepheids have significant negative/positive residuals, both in velocity and in iron content. We discuss the possibility that such residuals are related to large-scale dynamical instabilities, induced by the bar/spiral-arm pattern, but the current sample is too limited to reach firm conclusion

    Stellar Populations in the Galactic Center

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    We discuss the stellar content of the Galactic Center, and in particular, recent estimates of the star formation rate (SFR). We discuss pros and cons of the different stellar tracers and focus our attention on the SFR based on the three classical Cepheids recently discovered in the Galactic Center. We also discuss stellar populations in field and cluster stars and present some preliminary results based on near-infrared photometry of a field centered on the young massive cluster Arches. We also provide a new estimate of the true distance modulus to the Galactic Center and we found 14.49±\pm0.02(standard)±\pm0.10(systematic) mag (7.91±0.08±0.40\pm0.08\pm0.40 kpc). Current estimate agrees quite well with similar photometric and kinematic distance determinations available in the literature. We also discuss the metallicity gradient of the thin disk and the sharp change in the slope when moving across the edge of the inner disk, the Galactic Bar and the Galactic Center. The difference becomes even more compelling if we take into account that metal abundances are based on young stellar tracers (classical Cepheids, Red Supergiants, Luminous Blue Variables). Finally, we briefly outline the possible mechanisms that might account for current empirical evidence.Comment: To be published in the Astrophysics and Space Science Proceeding