149 research outputs found

    Provisión y movilidad de puestos de trabajo en la administración

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    Los sistemas de provisión de puestos de trabajo en la Administración por excelencia son el concurso y la libre designación. Sin embargo, el Estatuto Básico del Empleado Público (EBEP) deja la posibilidad de que las diferentes leyes de función pública en el caso de funcionarios y los convenios colectivos en caso de personal laboral puedan regular otras formas de provisión y movilidad. Pese a ser el EBEP una Ley del 2007 todavía no ha entrado íntegramente en vigor por no haber sido desarrollado por las leyes de función pública, no obstante, mientras las Leyes anteriores al EBEP no lo contradigan siguen estando vigentes. Aquí podemos ver los sistemas de provisión y movilidad existentes regulados tanto en las leyes de función pública anteriores al EBEP como en las posteriores. También en que leyes se contempla la posibilidad de la carrera horizontal como forma de promociónGrado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humano

    A new species of Liropus (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidae) from Le Danois bank (southern Bay of Biscay)

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    AbstractA new species of the genus Liropus (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidae) is described based on specimens collected from Le Danois bank (‘El Cachucho’ fishing grounds), Bay of Biscay. Liropus cachuchoensis n. sp. can be distinguished from all its congeners mainly by the absence of eyes and by the presence of a dorsal projection proximally on pereonites 3, 4 and 5 in males, on 3 and 5 in females. The new species has been found living on muddy bottoms on the southern flank of the bank and adjacent continental slope, between 619 and 1062m depth, with a maximum abundance (56.1ind./100m2) recorded at 1044–1062m. Morphological comparisons among the world's members of Liropus, a key to species, and data on their distribution are presented

    Trophodynamics and functional feeding groups of North Sea fauna: a combined stable isotope and fatty acid approach

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    The trophodynamics of pelagic and benthic animals of the North Sea, North Atlantic shelf, were assessed using stable isotope analysis (SIA) of natural abundance carbon and nitrogen isotopes, lipid fingerprinting and compound-specific SIA (CSIA) of phospholipid-derived fatty acids (PLFAs). Zooplankton (z), epi- and supra-benthic macrofauna were collected in the Southern Bight, at the Oyster Grounds and at North Dogger, 111 km north of the Dogger Bank. The study included 22 taxonomic groups with particular reference to Mollusca (Bivalvia and Gastropoda) and Crustacea. Primary consumers (Bivalvia) were overall most 15N enriched in the southern North Sea (6.1‰) and more depleted in the Oyster Grounds (5.5‰) and at North Dogger (2.8‰) demonstrating differences in isotopic baselines for bivalve fauna between the study sites. Higher trophic levels also followed this trend. Over an annual cycle, consumers tended to exhibit 15N depletion during spring followed by 15N enriched signatures in autumn and winter. The observed seasonal changes of ? 15N were more pronounced for suspension feeders and deposit feeders (dfs) than for filter feeders (ffs). The position of animals in plots of ? 13C and ? 15N largely concurred with the expected position according to literature-based functional feeding groups. PLFA fingerprints of groups such as z were distinct from benthic groups, e.g. benthic ffs and dfs, and predatory macrobenthos. ? 13CPLFA signatures indicated similarities in 13C moiety sources that constituted ? 13CPLFA. Although functional groups of pelagic zooplankton and (supra-) benthic animals represented phylogenetically distinct consumer groups, ? 13CPLFA demonstrated that both groups were supported by pelagic primary production and relied on the same macronutrients such as PLFAs. Errors related to the static categorization of small invertebrates into fixed trophic positions defined by phylogenetic groupings rather than by functional feeding groups, and information on seasonal trophodynamic variability, may have implications for the reliability of numerical marine ecosystem models

    Integrative systematics and ecology of a new deep-sea family of tanaidacean crustaceans

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    A new family of paratanaoidean Tanaidacea – Paranarthrurellidae fam. nov. – is erected to accommodate two genera without family classification (Paratanaoidea incertae sedis), namely Armatognathia Kudinova-Pasternak, 1987 and Paranarthrurella Lang, 1971. Seven new species of Paranarthrurella and two of Armatognathia are described from material taken in different deep-sea areas of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The type species of Paranarthrurella — P. caudata (Kudinova-Pasternak, 1965) — is redescribed based on the paratype. The genus Cheliasetosatanais Larsen and Araújo-Silva, 2014 originally classified within Colletteidae is synonymised with Paranarthrurella, and Arthrura shiinoi Kudinova-Pasternak, 1973 is transferred to Armatognathia. Amended diagnoses of Armatognathia and Paranarthrurella genera are given. Choosing characters for distinguishing and defining both genera was supported by Principal Component Analysis. Designation of the new family is supported by molecular phylogenetic analysis of COI and 18S datasets. The distribution of all species currently included in the new family was visualised and their bathymetric distribution analysed

    Distribution and biogeographic trends of decapod assemblages from Galicia Bank (NE Atlantic) at depths between 700 and 1800m, with connexions to regional water masses

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    The GaliciaBank(NEAtlantic,42167′N–11174′W) isanisolatedseamount,nearNWSpain,acomplex geomorphological andsedimentarystructurethatreceivesinfluences fromcontrastingwatermassesof both northernandsouthernorigins.WithintheprojectINDEMARES,threecruiseswereperformedon the bankin2009(Ecomarg0709),2010(BanGal0810)and2011(BanGal0811)allinJuly–August. Decapods andothermacrobenthiccrustaceans(eucaridsandperacarids)werecollectedwithdifferent sampling systems,mainlybeamtrawls(BT,10mmofmeshsizeatcodend)andaGOC73ottertrawl (20 mmmeshsize).Sixty-sevenspeciesofdecapodcrustaceans,6euphausiids,19peracaridsand 1 ostracodwerecollectedatdepthsbetween744and1808m.Wefoundtwonewspecies,oneamember of theChirostylidae, Uroptychuscartesi Baba &Macpherson,2012,theotherofthePetalophthalmidae (Mysida) Petalophthalmus sp. A,inadditiontoanumberofnewbiogeographicspeciesrecordsfor European orIberianwaters.Ananalysisofassemblagesshowedageneralizedspeciesrenewalwith depth, withdifferentassemblagesbetween744and ca. 1400m(theseamounttopassemblage,STA)and between ca. 1500and1800m(thedeep-slopeassemblageoverseamount flanks,DSA).Thesewere respectivelyassociatedwithMediterraneanoutflow waters(MOW)andwithLabradorSeaWater(LSW). Another significant factorseparatingdifferentassemblagesovertheGalicianBankwastheco-occurrence of corals(bothcoloniesofhardcoralssuchas Lophelia pertusa and Madreporaoculata and/or gorgonians) in hauls.Munidopsids(Munidopsis spp.), chirostylids(Uroptychus spp.), andthehomolodromiid Dicranodromiamahieuxii formed apartofthiscoral-associatedassemblage.Dominantspeciesatthe STAwerethepandalid Plesionika martia (a shrimpofsubtropical-southerndistribution)andthecrabs Bathynectes maravigna and Polybiushenslowii, whereasdominantspeciesintheDSAwereofnorthern origin, thelithodid Neolithodes grimaldii and thecrangonid Glyphocrangonlongiristris, likelyassociated with LSW.Thediversity(H and J) ofsmallcrustaceans(collectedwithBT)seemedtobecontrolledbythe phytoplanktonblooms(satelliteChl a data) overbanksurface3monthsbeforethesamplings,bothatthe top (Spearman r¼0.57, p¼0.03) andonthe flanks (r¼0.74, p¼0.02) ofGaliciaBank,whilenosignificant relationships withChl a werefoundforthelargerdecapodscollectedwithGOC73,onaveragetheyfeed at thehighertrophiclevelsthanthosecollectedwithBT.Postprin

    Factors Explaining Language Performance After Training in Elders With and Without Subjective Cognitive Decline

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    The present study explores if cognitive reserve, executive functions, and working memory capacity are predictive of performance in the language domain (specifically in sentence comprehension and naming) after a cognitive training intervention. Sixty-six Spanish older adults voluntarily participated in the study, classified either as older adults with subjective cognitive decline according to Jessen et al.’s (2014) criteria (n = 35; 70.94 ± 4.16 years old) or cognitively intact (n = 31; 71.34 ± 4.96 years old). Written sentence comprehension and visual confrontation naming were assessed both immediately after recruitment (at the baseline), and then 6 months later, once each participant had completed his/her cognitive training (a well-known program in Spain, called UMAM; English translation: Madrid City Council Memory Unit Program). Cognitive reserve, executive functions (cognitive flexibility and controlled interference efficiency), and working memory capacity were measured for all participants at the baseline. Results pointed out that the subjective cognitive decline group presented greater benefits in the language domain than cognitively intact participants. We also observed that lower executive functioning and working memory capacity at the baseline predicted larger benefits in language performance after training, but only in the group of cognitively intact older adults. However, selected predictors hardly explained subjective cognitive decline participants’ results in language performance after training