237 research outputs found

    Cambios lipolíticos y oxidativos durante la elaboración del lacón crudo-curado. Efecto del tiempo de salazón.

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    The acidity, peroxide and TBA values were determined, both in the subcutaneous fat and in the muscular portion fat (fat extracted from the muscular portion minced and homogenised after discarding the subcutaneous fat), or in the whole muscular portion (fat + lean tissue) in the case of the TBA values, throughout the manufacture process of drycured lacón, a traditional dry-salted and ripened meat product made in the north-west of Spain from the foreleg of the pig following a similar technological process to that of dry-cured ham. The effect of the time of salting (3, 4 or 5 days) on these parameters was also studied. Throughout the manufacture, the acidity, the peroxide and the TBA values significantly (p < 0.001) increased in all the batches studied and both in the subcutaneous fat and in the muscular portion fat or muscular portion. The increasing of the salting time, despite the fact that did not significantly increase the NaCl contents in the pieces at the end of the manufacture process, significantly (p < 0.001) increased the peroxide values throughout the manufacture process both in the subcutaneous and in the muscular portion fat. At the end of the manufacture process, the TBA values also were significantly (p < 0.001) higher in the more intensely salted batches. The increasing of the salting time seems, in general, to have a inhibitory effect on the lipolytic phenomena; however, this effect was not consistent in all the sampling times in the batches studied.Se determinó el índice de acidez de la grasa, el índice de peróxidos y el número de TBA (ácido tiobarbitúrico) en la grasa subcutánea y en la de la porción muscular (grasa extraída de la porción muscular obtenida tras la separación de la grasa subcutánea) (o en la porción muscular completa (grasa + magro) en el caso del número de TBA) a lo largo de la maduración del lacón crudo-curado, un producto cárnico tradicional elaborado en el noroeste de España a partir de la extremidad anterior del cerdo cortada a nivel de la articulación escápulo-humeral, siguiendo una tecnología similar a la del jamón curado. Se estudió también el efecto sobre estos parámetros del tiempo de salazón (3, 4 o 5 días). Los valores de los tres índices aumentaron de un modo significativo (p < 0,001) a lo largo de la elaboración en todas las partidas estudiadas, tanto en la grasa subcutánea como en la de la porción muscular (o en la porción muscular completa). El aumento del tiempo de salazón, aunque no determinó un incremento estadísticamente significativo de la concentración de cloruro sódico en las piezas al final del proceso de elaboración, determinó un incremento significativo (p < 0,001) de los valores de índice de peróxidos en todos los puntos de muestreo, tanto en la grasa subcutánea como en la de la porción muscular. Al final del proceso de elaboración, los valores del número de TBA también fueron significativamente (p < 0,001) más elevados en las partidas sometidas a un salazonado más intenso. El aumento del tiempo de salazón parece, en general, inhibir los procesos lipolíticos; sin embargo, este efecto no fue patente en todos los puntos de muestreo de todas las partidas de lacón estudiadas

    Effect of vacuum packaging on the biochemical, viscoelastic, and sensory properties of a Spanish cheese during chilled storage

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    The unique qualities of Spanish cheeses, such as the San Simón da Costa (SSC) cheese, are protected by the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status. The technological importance of chilled storage at 4 °C of vacuum-packaged (V) and natural (N) (unpackaged) cheeses was examined. For this purpose, the physico-chemical, biochemical, mechanical (puncture tests), viscoelastic (oscillatory and transient tests) and sensory properties of V and N cheeses were compared and analysed. During chilled storage, the caseins in V cheeses did not undergo proteolytic reactions. Low temperature maintained a low intensity of proteolytic phenomena for up to 6 months. Lipolysis was more intense in the N than in the V samples. The moisture content decreased in the N cheeses during chilled storage, and thus, the casein matrix concentration and ionic strength increased, resulting in an increase in the gel strength (S) parameter and complex modulus (G*), and the conformational stability−high stress amplitude (σmax). The low and similar values of the n’ and n’’ exponents (mechanical spectra) and the n parameter (transient tests) indicated the high degree of the temporal stability of the cheese network in both the N and V samples, irrespective of storage time. Likewise, the similar values of the phase angle (δ) for the N and V cheeses during storage indicate energy-stable bonds in the SSC cheese matrix. The attributes of the oral tactile phase (firmness, friability, gumminess, and microstructure perception), mechanical parameters and viscoelastic moduli enabled the discrimination of the packaged and unpackaged cheeses. Cheeses chilled and stored without packaging were awarded the highest scores for sensory attributes (preference) by trained panellists.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431E 2018/0

    Amino acid and soluble nitrogen evolution throughout ripening of Serra da Estrela cheese

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    Four batches of Serra da Estrela cheese originating from as many dairy farms were sampled throughout the ripening period, and assayed for the evolution of free amino acid (FAA) content, total nitrogen content (TN), water-soluble nitrogen content (WSN), trichloroacetic acid-soluble nitrogen content (TCASN) and phosphotungstic acid-soluble nitrogen content (PTASN). The WSN content increased from 1% (on the day of manufacture) up to 43% of TN by 180 d of ripening, thus reflecting the intense proteolytic activity of the enzymes contributed by the plant coagulant utilized. The TCASN was also found to be high in this cheese by the end of ripening (16–20%), which suggests a high extent of FAA release throughout maturation. The major FAA by 180 d of ripening were Glu, Val, Leu and Lys, representing 56–70% of the total in all four dairies sampled. Cheeses produced from refrigerated milk possessed higher amounts of g-amino-n-butyric acid (Gaba) and lower amounts of Glu when compared with those manufactured withnon-refrigerated milk

    Strains of Staphylococcus and Bacillus Isolated from Traditional Sausages as Producers of Biogenic Amines

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    Histidine, lysine, ornithine, and tyrosine decarboxylase activities were tested in 38 strains of Staphylococcus (15 of S. equorum, 11 of S. epidermidis, 7 of S. saprophyticus, and 5 of S. pasteuri) and 19 strains of Bacillus (13 of B. subtilis and 6 of B. amyloliquefaciens) isolated from two Spanish traditional sausage varieties. The four decarboxylase activities were present in most of the strains studied, but some variability was observed between strains within each microbial species. Accumulation of putrescine and cadaverine was assessed in the culture media of the strains that displayed ornithine and lysine decarboxylase activities. The aminogenic potential of the strains was low, with amounts accumulated lower than 25 mg/L for the putrescine and than 5 mg/L for the cadaverine, with the exception of a strain of S. equorum that produced 1415 mg/L of putrescine, and of a strain of S. epidermidis that accumulated 977 mg/L of putrescine and 36 mg/L of cadaverine

    Lessons in Civil Law "alla bolognese"

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    Ante el reto “Boloñés” del aprendizaje universitario desde el constructivismo pedagógico, a través de diversas técnicas docentes experimentadas en los últimos años, intento descubrir la adecuada combinación de las mismas con el fin de contribuir a la formación integral del alumno, de suma importancia cuando el discente es un alumno del primer curso del Grado de Economía, quien debe ser “enganchado”, de una manera especial, a la asignatura de Derecho civil.Faced with the “Bolognese” challenge of university learning within the framework of constructivist pedagogy, through a variety of technical issues experienced in the last years, I try to discover the adapted combination of them with the aim of contributing to the student integral education, of paramount importance when the learner is a first year undergraduate Economy student, who must “engage” with the subject of Civil Law in a special manner

    Enseñar y aprender en línea Derecho Civil: contextualización y experiencia en el Grado de Economía

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    La enseñanza universitaria e-learning ó b-learning (dependiendo del mayor o menor grado de presencialidad) junto al Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas son estrategias pedagógicas cuya flexibilidad consiente al docente adaptarse adecuadamente al discente, permitiéndole desarrollar una acción formativa de calidad, particularmente, cuando aquél es un alumno del Grado de Economía, cuyo interés no reside, exclusivamente, en el mundo jurídico, debiendo ser “enganchado”, de una manera especial, a la asignatura de Derecho civil.The university education e-learning or b-learning (depending on the degree presentiality) alongside the Problem-Based Learning are teaching strategies its flexibility of both allows the teacher to adapt adequately to the student, allowing him/her to develop a formative action of quality, particularly, when that one is a student of the Degree of Economy, whose interest lies not exclusively in the legal world, that’s why he must be "hooked", by a special way, on the subject of Civil law

    Towards Inclusion in Spanish Higher Education: Understanding the Relationship between Identification and Discrimination

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    It is more and more evident that there is diversity among university students, but this diversity encompasses a wide variety of personal characteristics that, on occasion, may be subject to rejection or discrimination. The feeling of inequality is the result of one stand‐alone characteristic or an intersection of many. To widen our knowledge of this diversity and to be able to design actions with an inclusive approach, we have set out to explore the relationship between students’ feelings of discrimination, their group identification and their intersections. Participants for the study are selected from protected groups which fall into the following criteria: ethnic minority, illness, migrant minority, disability, linguistic minority, sexual orientation, income, political ideology, gender, age and religion. We will refer to this relationship as the ‘discrimination rate.’ To fulfil our objective, we have given a questionnaire to a sample of 2,553 students from eight Spanish universities. The results indicate that the characteristics with which they most identify are religion, age, sex and political ideology. However, the highest rate of discrimination is linked to linguistic minority, ideology and migration. Regarding intersectionality, it is worth noting that 16.6% of students feel discriminated against for more than one characteristic, with the most frequent relationships being the following: (1) ethnic or migrant minorities (2) sexual orientation, sex, being under 30, leftist ideology, low income, linguistic minority and (3) Christian Catholic, right‐wing and upper‐class ideology

    Continuidad de un espacio funerario en Sevilla: Excavaciones arqueológicas en el entorno de la Trinidad

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    En la Intervención Arqueológica realizada en la parcela número 6 de la Carretera de Carmona, junto a la iglesia del exconvento de la Trinidad, ha sido documentada una necrópolis de época romana, continuando este espacio como lugar de enterramiento hasta el siglo VII. Tras el paréntesis que supone la edificación de una casa con patio de andenes en época almohade, la construcción de un edificio bajomedieval de carácter cultual va a fijar de nuevo el marcado carácter religioso del recinto, documentándose un cementerio cuya cronología no sobrepasa el siglo XVIII.--------------------------------------------------------------------A Roman necropolis was documented during the archaeological intervention taken place of number 6, Carretera de Cormona, next to the church of the former Trinidad convent. This necropolis continued in use until the 7th century. After a lapse of time in which on Almohad house with a sunken courtyard was built, on Early Medieval religious building was constructed, renewing the sacred character of the site in which a new cementery, reaching the 17th century, was documented

    Gender-based differences in the high-risk sexual behaviours of young people aged 15-29 in Melilla (Spain): a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Research confirms the existence of gender-based differences regarding the high-risk sexual behaviour (non-use of condoms and casual partners) of young men and women. The objectives were to provide evidence for this association; to analyse the reasons why both sexes have sexual relations with casual partners and to ascertain the motives for condom use or non-use during casual sex. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on a sample of 900 participants, 524 males and 376 females. All participants were 15-29 (20.93 ± 4.071) years of age and came from four different centres (a university, two secondary schools, and a military base) in Melilla (Spain). The participants were given a socio-demographic survey as well as a psychometric text on high-risk sexual behaviour. Results: The results found gender-based significant differences for sexual relations with penetration (p = 0.001), number of sexual partners (p = 0.001), and sexual relations with casual partners (p = 0.001). In all of these variables, male participants had higher percentages than female participants. Reasons for having casual sexual relations were also different for men and women, differences were found for the items, opportunity (p = 0.001), interest in knowing the other person (p = 0.015), physical excitement (p = 0.056) and drug consumption (p = 0.059). Regarding the reasons for consistent condom use with casual partners, there were differences for the item, my demand of a condom (p = 0.002). For the non-use of condoms with casual partners, differences were found for the items, I do not like to use condoms (p = 0.001) and condoms lessen sensitivity and reduce pleasure (p = 0.009). Conclusions: Men and women were found to have different high-risk sexual behaviours and practices. Of the motives for having sexual relations with casual partners, male participants considered opportunity and interest in knowing the other person to be more important than the female participants. Regarding condom use, the female participants’ demand to use a condom was a significant gender-based difference. In contrast to the young women, the male participants mostly justified not using a condom because it lessened sensitivity and reduced pleasure

    Improvement of the symptoms of anxiety and anxiety sensitivity through the application of a mindfulness meditation

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es examinar la eficacia de un programa de entrenamiento en mindfulness para reducir los niveles de ansiedad. La muestra estuvo constituida por 20 participantes aquejados de ansiedad con puntuaciones elevadas en ASI -3 y en la subescala de ansiedad del SCL -90 . Se realizó un diseño cu asiexperimental de comparación de grupos con medición pretest -postest, con un grupo experimental y un grupo control con 10 participantes cada grupo. Como instrumentos de evaluación se utilizaron los cuestionarios ASI -3, MAAS y SCL -90. Los análisis estadíst icos muestran una reducción en todas las dimensiones del factor Sensibilidad a la ansiedad y también en la subescala de ansiedad del Scl -90 una vez finalizada la intervención, así como una mejora en la capacidad de estar presentes o atención plena medida a través de la escala MAAS. Estos resultados son acordes con otras investigaciones donde se ha comprobado la eficacia de las técnicas de mindfulness en la mejora de los síntomas de ansiedad