666 research outputs found


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    There are two aims to this paper: firstly, to provide an objective technical assessment of the current situation of the contributory pension system in Spain and its prospects for the future, and secondly, to look at the issues surrounding the introduction of a system of notional defined contribution accounts. To this end we explain the basic elements upon which the current system is based and show its main indicators, then set out some of its fundamental problems. Following this we look at the most relevant research work, where forecasts can be found that will give us a clear idea of the system's financial sustainability. Finally we put forward an argument as to why a notional accounts system could be a valid alternative for reforming the current system, and suggest which formula or group of formulas would best fit the profile of contributor-beneficiary risk and what the transition process would beRetirement, Pay-as-you-go, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Financial sustainability.

    El grafiti. Aspectos formales

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    El grafiti es un acto de independencia, de reafirmación existencial, de desafío a lo establecido. Es una forma de expresión gráfica, una subcultura con sus propios códigos de discursivos y con características identitarias. Sus contenidos están cercanos a la reivindicación de las minorías. Va más allá de lo artístico al entablar un diálogo intertextual con la cultura oficial y la no oficial, con lo político, lo social y con lo urbano en particular. Sus interacciones con el comic, la televisión, el diseño gráfico, la animación el cine, etc., amplían el espacio cultural, por ello la Historia del Arte ya no ignora esta expresión artística en pleno auge en el s. XXI. El grafiti es aceptado como última tendencia por críticos, museos y galeristas. También la Universidad lo incluye entre sus disciplinas. En esta conferencia exponemos una breve introducción histórica del grafiti, que existe desde el momento que existe el hombre, para centrarnos en el grafiti HIP-HOP que se ha impuesto en todo el mundo civilizado, y exponer los aspectos morfológicos, su evolución histórica y los materiales usados en la realización de esta escritura urbana.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Las reformas de 2011 y 2013 del sistema de pensiones de jubilación español

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    Este trabajo analiza el sistema de pensiones de jubilación español actual, detallando las medidas de reforma aprobadas por la Ley 27/2011 sobre actualización, adecuación y modernización de la Seguridad Social y analizando las primeras reflexiones y resultados extraídos en cuanto a la eficiencia de las medidas aprobadas. Asimismo, otro de los objetivos de nuestro trabajo es el estudio de la reciente reforma aprobada e incorporada a partir de la Ley 23/2013, reguladora del Factor de Sostenibilidad y del Índice de Revalorización de las Pensiones de la Seguridad Social y sus previsibles consecuencias en cuanto a la sostenibilidad financiera del sistema de pensiones.This paper analyzes the current Spanish pensions system, detailing the reform measures approved by Law 27/2011 on updating, adaptation and modernization of the Social Security and analyzing the first reflections and results in terms of the efficiency of the measures adopted. In addition, another of the objectives of our paper is the study of the recent reform adopted and transposed from the Law 23/2013, the regulating Factor of Sustainability and the Revaluation Index of the Social Security Pensions and the predictable consequences in terms of the financial sustainability of the pension system.peerReviewe

    El sistema de pensiones español antes y después de la reforma de 2011

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    Este trabajo analiza la solvencia del sistema de pensiones español y las reformas aprobadas en el año 2011. Para llevar a cabo la reforma más adecuada, es necesario cuantificar el problema con precisión, por lo que este trabajo persigue un doble objetivo, por un lado, medir el desequilibrio financiero actuarial del sistema de pensiones español, a través de la Tasa Interna de Rendimiento (en adelante, TIR), siendo ésta la relación entre las cotizaciones y las prestaciones que, respectivamente aportan y percibirán los cotizantes del sistema de pensiones público. El resultado de la TIR permite determinar si existe o no solvencia financiera del sistema de pensiones, en términos de Samuelson-Aaron. Por otro lado, analizar las reformas paramétricas aprobadas en 2011, con el fin de anular o reducir el déficit detectado en el sistema.This paper analyzes the solvency of the Spanish pension system and the reforms adopted in the year 2011. To carry out the most suitable reform, it is necessary to quantify accurately the problem, for what this work has two objectives, in one hand, to measures the financial actuarial imbalance of the Spanish system of pensions, with the analysis of the internal rate of return (IRR), the relation between contributions and benefits that, respectively contributors pay and they will receive of the public system of pensions. The result of the IRR allows determining whether or not financial solvency of the system of pensions, in terms of Samuelson-Aaron. On the other hand, to study parametric measures of reform approved in 2011, in order to reduce the structural deficit detected in the system.peerReviewe

    Pre-explosive Accretion and Simmering Phases of SNe Ia

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    This publication is part of the project I + D + I PGC2018-095317-B-C21 funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER "A way of doing Europe" (E.B. and I.D.); L.P. and O.S. acknowledge financial support from the INAF-mainstream project "Type Ia Supernovae and their Parent Galaxies: Expected Results from LSST." O.S. and L.P. acknowledge their participation to the V:ANS project (Vanvitelli program on standard candles in astrophysics: Atomic and Nuclear physics in SNIa) supported by the Vanvitelli University.In accreting white dwarfs (WDs) approaching the Chandrasekhar limit, hydrostatic carbon burning precedes the dynamical breakout. During this simmering phase, e-captures are energetically favored in the central region of the star, while beta-decay are favored more outside, and the two zones are connected by a growing convective instability. We analyze the interplay between weak interactions and convection, the so-called convective URCA process, during the simmering phase of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) progenitors and its effects on the physical and chemical properties at the explosion epoch. At variance with previous studies, we find that the convective core powered by the carbon burning remains confined within the (21)(Ne,F) URCA shell. As a result, a much larger amount of carbon has to be consumed before the explosion that eventually occurs at larger density than previously estimated. In addition, we find that the extension of the convective core and its average neutronization depend on the the WD progenitor's initial metallicity. For the average neutronization in the convective core at the explosion epoch, we obtain (eta) over bar (exp) = (1.094 +/- 0.143) x 10(-3) + (9.168 +/- 0.677) x 10(-2) x Z. Outside the convective core, the neutronization is instead determined by the initial amount of C + N + O in the progenitor star. Since S, Ca, Cr, and Mn, the elements usually exploited to evaluate the pre-explosive neutronization, are mainly produced outside the heavily neutronized core, the problem of too high metallicity estimated for the progenitors of the historical Tycho and Kepler SNe Ia remains unsolved.FEDER "A way of doing Europe"INAF-mainstream project "Type Ia Supernovae and their Parent Galaxies: Expected Results from LSST"Vanvitelli University PGC2018-095317-B-C21MICIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103


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    In the 1980s, the Southern Frontier of Spain became one of the southern borders of the European Union after Spain entered into the European Economic Community (EEC). On the African continent, the Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla that border with Morocco are physically separated from Spain by the Mediterranean Sea. Those two cities became a privileged enclave for immigration control, but also for the detection of vulnerable conditions of the migrant population. This paper has a double objective: to describe the action research developed in the Center for the Temporary Residence of Immigrants in Ceuta and to analyze 49 biographical interviews with women residents of the Center within the framework of said action research. The results show the diversity of situations of vulnerability in which migrant women can find themselves in this border context. Hence, it is important to rethink the intervention to avoid secondary victimization within critical and humanistic models of intervention. This work, precisely, addresses the design of a tool for biographical narratives from the perspectives of integral health and care.U 1980-tima južna granica Španjolske postala je jedna od južnih granica Europske Unije nakon što je Španjolska ušla u Europsku ekonomsku zajednicu (EEZ). Na afričkom kontinentu španjolski gradovi Ceuta i Melilla koji graniče s Marokom fizički su odvojeni od Španjolske Sredozemnim morem. Ta su dva grada postala povlaštene enklave za imigracijsku kontrolu, ali i za otkrivanje ranjivih uvjeta migrantske populacije. Rad ima dvostruki cilj: opisati akcijsko istraživanje koje je razvio Centar za privremeni smještaj migranata u Ceuti i analizirati 49 biografskih intervjua sa ženama koje borave u Centru u okviru spomenutog akcijskog istraživanja. Rezultati pokazuju različitost situacija ranjivosti u kojima se migrantice mogu naći u kontekstu granice. Stoga je važno preispitati intervencije kako bi se izbjegla sekundarna viktimizacija u sklopu kritičkih i humanističkih modela intervencije. Rad se bavi kreiranjem instrumenta za biografske narative iz perspektive integralnog zdravlja i skrbi

    Sport in animation cinema : a biased narrative

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    A lo largo de la vida se asumen diferentes procesos socializadores y se convive con diferentes agentes de socialización. La exposición progresiva a informaciones y mensajes, a través de los medios de comunicación, nos lleva a modificar la concepción de la realidad; la exposición a los medios ‘cultiva’ la forma de comprender el mundo, asentando creencias, representaciones mentales y actitudes. Fijando la mirada en un target infantil, y tomando como referencia la diada animación-deporte, el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar desde un punto de vista narrativo el modo en que se representan las historias relacionadas con la práctica deportiva. Para ello se han estudiado las películas de animación estrenadas en 2013. Mediante el análisis de las mismas se ha obtenido una serie de datos que permiten afirmar que éstas representan desigualdad de género en las prácticas deportivas y ayudan a perpetuar los prejuicios sexistas.Throughout life different socialization processes are assumed and we live with different agents of socialization. At present the gradual exposure to information and messages, through the media, leads us to modify the conception of reality; the exposure to media leave cultivate the understanding the world, beliefs, mental representations and attitudes. In this study the children are the target, and with reference to the dyad animation-sport, the aim of this paper is to analyze from a narrative point of view how are stories related to the sports and how they are represented. For it, we have been analyzed animated films released in 2013. By analyzing their content we have sufficient data to support the conclusion that animated films continue reaffirming gender inequality thus promoting gender bias

    Inmigración y solvencia financiera del sistema público de pensiones tras la regularización de 2005

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es doble. Por un lado, describir la estructura de la población inmigrante que cotiza al sistema público de pensiones español, según la información recogida en la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (MCVL) en términos de país de procedencia, edad actual, sexo, edad de entrada en el sistema, días cotizados y bases de cotización. Por otro lado, analizar en términos de tasa interna de rendimiento la relación entre las cotizaciones y prestaciones que, respectivamente, aportan y percibirán, del sistema de pensiones público español la población inmigrante. Las proyecciones y cálculos realizados, a partir de los datos de la MCVL, indican que el sistema otorgará a la población inmigrante unas prestaciones que no guardan una equivalencia actuarial con las cotizaciones realizadas. Esto nos permite afirmar que la población inmigrante no solventará el problema de las pensiones en el futuro, sino que generará un mayor déficit en el sistema. Las conclusiones obtenidas son desagregadas para la población inmigrante en función de su momento de entrada en el sistema (en virtud del proceso de regularización de 2005, o con anterioridad a él) y en función del índice de desarrollo humano del país de procedencia.Inmigración, solvencia, pensiones, MCVL

    Challenges to identify the vulnerability of migrant women on the southern border of europe: Contributions from biographical narratives

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    In the 1980s, the Southern Frontier of Spain became one of the southern borders of the European Union after Spain entered into the European Economic Community (EEC). On the African continent, the Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla that border with Morocco are physically separated from Spain by the Mediterranean Sea. Those two cities became a privileged enclave for immigration control, but also for the detection of vulnerable conditions of the migrant population. This paper has a double objective: to describe the action research developed in the Center for the Temporary Residence of Immigrants in Ceuta and to analyze 49 biographical interviews with women residents of the Center within the framework of said action research. The results show the diversity of situations of vulnerability in which migrant women can find themselves in this border context. Hence, it is important to rethink the intervention to avoid secondary victimization within critical and humanistic models of intervention. This work, precisely, addresses the design of a tool for biographical narratives from the perspectives of integral health and care