152 research outputs found

    Estudio cristalográfico del sulfato de cobre (II) pentahidratado y del dihidrogenofosfato de amonio

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    Una de les parts més importants i desconegudes, en l'àmbit pràctic, de la química és la cristal·lització. La tècnica de la cristal·lització consisteix en l'ordenació de manera natural dels ions en un reticle repetitiu anomenat cristall, aconseguida bé per evaporació del dissolvent, com, per exemple, en el sulfat de coure (II) pentahidratat, o bé per refredament controlat, com és el cas del dihidrogenfosfat d'amoni (fosfatmonoamònic). En aquest article, s'explica el procés de cristal·lització del sulfat de coure (II) pentahidratat i del dihidrogenfosfat d'amoni. També es descriu el disseny d'un mètode meticulós i sistemàtic per al creixement d'aquests vidres amb una grandària significativa, la qual cosa permet gaudir de la seva espectacularitat i bellesa.Una de las partes más importantes y desconocidas, a nivel práctico, de la química es la cristalización. La técnica de la cristalización consiste en la ordenación de modo natural de los iones en un retículo repetitivo llamado cristal, conseguida bien por evaporación del disolvente, como, por ejemplo, en el sulfato de cobre (II) pentahidratado, o bien por enfriamiento controlado, como es el caso del dihidrogenofosfato de amonio (fosfatomonoamónico). En este artículo, se explica el proceso de cristalización del sulfato de cobre (II) pentahidratado y del dihidrogenofosfato de amonio. También se describe el diseño de un método meticuloso y sistemático para el crecimiento de estos cristales con un tamaño significativo, lo que permite disfrutar de su espectacularidad y belleza.One of the most important and unknown aspects in the study of chemistry is the crystallization technique. The crystallization technique involves the natural ordering of the ions in a crystal lattice which is called a crystal, obtained either by evaporation of the solvent, as, for example, sulphate of copper (II) pentahydrate, or by cooling controlled, as is the case ammonium dihidrogen phosphate (monoammonium phosphate). In this paper, we explain the process of crystallization of sulphate of copper (II) pentahydrate and ammonium dihidrogenphosphate. We have also designed a thorough and systematic method for growing these crystals to a significant size, which allows their spectacular beauty to be enjoyed

    Evaluación de la toxicidad de metilparabeno en Artemia franciscana: efectos sobre crecimiento, supervivencia y biomarcadores

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    En la actualidad se utiliza a diario gran cantidad de productos con parabenos en su composición. Debido a su uso masivo, cada vez se detectan mayores cantidades de parabenos en medios acuáticos. En este estudio se analiza la toxicidad de un contaminante emergente, como es el metilparabeno, en Artemia franciscana, dada la presencia de este compuesto en zonas costeras y salinas mediterráneas. Para ello, se realizó un diseño experimental para determinar la toxicidad aguda (LC50), así como el efecto crónico tras la exposición a dos concentraciones subletales (0.05 y 0.1 ppm) durante 9 días, sobre diferentes parámetros fisiológicos y bioquímicos, tales como la supervivencia, crecimiento, actividad de las enzimas colinesterasa y glutatión-S-transferasa y ratio de RNA/DNA. Los nauplios de A. franciscana son poco sensibles al MeP, (LC50-24 h de 131.4 ppm). El metilparabeno afecta significativamente a la supervivencia y crecimiento en exposiciones crónicas a las concentraciones subletales ensayadas (0.05 y 0.1 ppm). Además, éstas causan alteraciones significativas de la actividad colinesterasa, mientras que no se observa ningún efecto sobre la actividad glutatión-S-transferasa y la ratio RNA/DNA. Estos resultados indican que A. franciscana es resistente al metilparabeno, aunque exposiciones crónicas (hasta 9 días) a concentraciones subletales sí producen alteraciones en supervivencia y crecimiento. Además, la actividad colinesterasa es un biomarcador sensible a este compuesto mientras que la actividad glutatión-S-transferasa y la ratio RNA/DNA no presentan alteraciones.Peer Reviewe

    Psychological Distress and Psychosocial Factors in the Non-Formal Context of Basketball Coaches in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Psychological distress and psychosocial factors are studied in the sports context in players of various specialties, but are only little studied with coaches who carry out their work with these athletes; that is where we put the emphasis, trying to determine the perception of coaches on psychological distress and psychosocial risk factors that may influence their sports work in times of a pandemic. It is an ex post facto study with a single-group retrospective design, with a representative sample of 94 coaches out of a possible 109. The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale and the short version of the ISTAS21 Psychosocial Risk Assessment at Work Questionnaire were adapted to the sports context. The results show that the youngest, those with the least experience and level 1 and level 2 coaches show the highest levels of stress. According to the psychosocial risk assessment, level 1 and 2 coaches, with experience between 6 to 10 years, are in the risk zone. Therefore, it is important to work with a group of coaches who are in the psychosocial risk zone and with high levels of psychological discomfort in order to avoid mental, emotional and physical stress, for the good performance of their work in the best possible conditions

    The impact of a social and emotional learning programme to improve pupils’ educational inclusion in vocational education and training

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a programme aimed at improving social and emotional competencies among pupils registered in Basic Vocational Education and Training (VET) from disadvantaged contexts. The sample consisted of 110 first-year pupils (55 experimental group and 55 control group) from three Basic VET programmes delivered in an educational centre. Social and emotional learning was assessed using the Social and Emotional Learning Scale. After assigning each classroom group of each Basic VET programme to the experimental or control condition, the programme was implemented during a whole scholar year. This intervention was carried out by a team of previously trained teachers and educators and embedded in the school curriculum. The results show large effect sizes and statistically significant differences in favour of the experimental group in social and emotional competencies. These promising results suggest considering this SEL intervention as an example of an evidence-based programme.Porticus and the Tomillo Foundation, through the R+D+i Project entitled “Evaluation of the Itinerario + Educational Model - Phase I” (Reference: CNT4547

    Evaluation of chemical fruit thinning efficiency using Brevis® (Metamitron) on apple trees (‘Gala’) under Spanish conditions

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    Thinning is an important technique in apple growing which is used to reduce the number of fruits per plant and achieve commercial fruit size and quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of one and two applications of the chemical thinner Brevis® in Gala apple applied at different fruit sizes and at different intervals between the first and second spray. The trials were conducted over two seasons from 2015 to 2016 in apple orchards of the IRTA experimental agricultural stations of Mas Badia and Lleida (Spain). One or two applications with Brevis® were applied at different fruit sizes (king fruit diameter ranging between 7.5 and 13.5 mm) and at a rate of 1.65 kg/ha for all treatments. Under the trial conditions, a Brevis® thinning effect was observed in all trials with a reduction in crop load, fruit set and number of fruits per tree which varied according to the number of applications. In addition, average fruit weight, color and diameter increased significantly with treatments in which Brevis® reduced the number of fruits per tree. The degree of abscission of Brevis® was highly dependent on night temperature and, for this reason, there was a high degree of variability between trials in terms of efficacy. Our results show that the number of days between applications was not as important a factor for Brevis® efficacy as the difference in night temperature in the days immediately after its application.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Insatisfacción corporal y conductas concurrentes. Estudio comparativo entre mujeres adolescentes y jóvenes de población general, adolescentes y con diagnóstico de TCA.

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    La insatisfacción corporal en la adolescencia es uno de los factores predisponentes para el desarrollo de Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA). Las bailarinas conforman un grupo de riesgo por diferentes motivos, entre otros, por la aspiración de “dominar el cuerpo” convirtiéndolo así en un instrumento de trabajo a la vez que en un medio de expresión artística. Objetivo: Analizar el grado de insatisfacción corporal y las posibles conductas concurrentes asociadas en chicas adolescentes y jóvenes: estudiantes de la población general, bailarinas y chicas con diagnóstico de TCA. Método: Se administró el Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ ) a 566 chicas estudiantes: 247 de la población general, 175 bailarinas y 143 con diagnóstico de algún TCA. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos y comparativos. Resultados y conclusiones: La preocupación por la imagen corporal (IC) fue de moderada a extrema en el 19,8% - 6,1% de las estudiantes de población general y de 17,7% - 9,7% en las de danza. En las bailarinas, la preocupación e insatisfacción con la IC parece incrementarse con la edad alcanzando un grado de preocupación clínicamente significativo, sin que ello se derive de un alto IMCBody dissatisfaction in adolescence is one of the factors predisposing to the development of eating disorders (ED). The dancers are a risk group for ideal physical characteristics and aspiration of “dominating her body" turning the body into a working tool and a midst of artistic expression. Objetive: To analyze the degree of body dissatisfaction and possible conditions associated behaviors in adolescent and young girls, comparing three groups: students (general population), dancer students and girls diagnosed with ED. Methods: We administered the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ ) to 566 female students: 247 of the general population, 175 were professional dancer students and 143 with a ED diagnosis. Descriptive and comparative analyses were performed. Results and conclusions: The concern for the body image was moderate to extreme in 19.8% - 6.1% of the general population students and 17.7% - 9.7% in dancers. In the dance students, concern and dissatisfaction with their own body image can be increased reaching a clinically significant degree of concern, but are not derived from a high BMI

    Evaluation of chemical fruit thinning efficiency using Brevis® (Metamitron) on apple trees (‘Gala’) under Spanish conditions

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    Thinning is an important technique in apple growing which is used to reduce the number of fruits per plant and achieve commercial fruit size and quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of one and two applications of the chemical thinner Brevis® in Gala apple applied at different fruit sizes and at different intervals between the first and second spray. The trials were conducted over two seasons from 2015 to 2016 in apple orchards of the IRTA experimental agricultural stations of Mas Badia and Lleida (Spain). One or two applications with Brevis® were applied at different fruit sizes (king fruit diameter ranging between 7.5 and 13.5 mm) and at a rate of 1.65 kg/ha for all treatments. Under the trial conditions, a Brevis® thinning effect was observed in all trials with a reduction in crop load, fruit set and number of fruits per tree which varied according to the number of applications. In addition, average fruit weight, color and diameter increased significantly with treatments in which Brevis® reduced the number of fruits per tree. The degree of abscission of Brevis® was highly dependent on night temperature and, for this reason, there was a high degree of variability between trials in terms of efficacy. Our results show that the number of days between applications was not as important a factor for Brevis® efficacy as the difference in night temperature in the days immediately after its application.This study was supported financially by project INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (Spain)) (RTA2012-00116-00-00) in collaboration with ADAMA-Spain

    Effect of different application rates of metamitron as fruitlet chemical thinner on thinning efficacy and fluorescence inhibition in Gala and Fuji apple

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    Crop thinning is an important and difficult agricultural practice. Knowing the effect of the application dose of a product is a crucial element of any thinning program. The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of different metamitron doses on Gala and Fuji apples applied at fruit king diameters of between 8 and 10 mm and to determine fluorescence inhibition at the different application rates. Trials were conducted over two seasons from 2015 to 2016 in apple orchards in Lleida (Spain). Photosynthesis inhibition caused by metamitron was also analysed and measured, using chlorophyll fluorescence and biexponential pharmacokinetic models. Under the trial conditions, the application of metamitron reduced final fruit set, number of fruits per tree and crop load depending on the application rate. A dose effect was observed in all yield parameters. Moreover, when metamitron showed high efficacy, there was an improvement in fruit weight, coloration and diameter. The estimated parameters A, α and B using a biexponential equation were related with final fruit set, however the period of inhibition has to be finished before prediction can be made of metamitron efficacy in the year. The fluorescence analysis showed a dose effect, with metamitron dose increasing inhibition. Additionally, the same result was also observed in the area under curve analysis, with metamitron dose reducing the area and inhibition increasing. In all yield parameters, the fluorescence and area under curve analyses showed differences between cultivars, with the inhibition caused by metamitron higher in Gala than in Fuji. Moreover, differences between years were observed. 2015 was warmer than 2016, and the higher temperatures increased the thinning efficacy of metamitron.This study was supported financially by project INIA (RTA2012-00116-00-00) in collaboration with ADAMA-Spain

    The ethics of dual relationships in psychotherapy

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    Una relación dual en psicoterapia ocurre cuando el terapeuta se encuentra manteniendo, además de la terapéutica, otra relación diferente con un paciente que puede ser social (no sexual o sexual), profesional, financiera, etc. El objetivo de este estudio es examinar si un grupo de 200 alumnos de los últimos cursos de la licenciatura en Psicología identificaban como no éticas seis situaciones expuestas en un cuestionario diseñado por nosotros que implicaban el establecimiento de alguna relación dual de tipo social (de amistad, pareja o sexual), con algún cliente/paciente antiguo o actual. Se observaron dificultades en la identificación como no éticas de algunas de las situaciones propuestas, sobre todo las que implicaban relaciones de amistad con clientes/pacientes antiguos. El conocimiento previo del Código Deontológico del Psicólogo no proporcionó a los participantes la orientación suficiente para identificar y resolver los dilemas éticos derivados del establecimiento de relaciones duales.A dual relationship in psychotherapy occur when the therapist is in another, significantly different relationship with one of his/her patients that could be social (not sexual or sexual), professional, financial, etc. The aim of this study is to examine if a group of 200 psychology students in the last course of the career, identify as unethical six scenarios proposed in a questionnaire designed by the authors that involve the establishment of some type social dual relationship (of friendship, couple or sexual), with former or current clients/patients. Difficulties were observed in the identification as unethical of some scenarios proposed in the questionnaire, mainly those that involve relationships of friendship with former clients/patients. The previous knowledge of the Spanish psychologist Deontological Code did not provide enough guidance to the participants in the identification and resolution of the ethical dilemmas derived from the establishment of dual relationships