38 research outputs found
A estética e a diversão como fatores geradores de valor na experiência de consumo em serviços
Nos últimos anos, tanto acadêmicos como profissionais de marketing têm posto em evidência a importância e o interesse que pressupõe a criação de valor na experiência de consumo em serviços, caracterizando-se como fonte de vantagem competitiva. A maioria dos trabalhos empíricos desenvolvidos concentrou-se na geração de valor através de elementos funcionais e utilitários, tais como a qualidade e o preço. Mais além destes, começam a ser pesquisados alguns aspectos ambientais de caráter emocional ou hedonista que também contribuem à criação de valor para o consumidor, como têm destacada alguns trabalhos recentes. O presente estudo aprofunda neste campo, demonstrando a importância dos elementos hedonistas de estética e diversão, associados à atmosfera do estabelecimento, como fatores geradores de valor na experiência de consumo em serviços. Através do estabelecimento de um modelo de equações estruturais, desenvolve-se e se valida uma escala de valor hedonista, e analisa-se em que medida contribui à formação de outras variáveis já relacionadas anteriormente com a criação de valor funcional, como são a satisfação e a lealdade do consumidor.Les académiciens tout comme les professionnels du marketing ont mis en évidence dans les dernières années l'importance et l'intérêt que suppose la création de valeur dans l'expérience de consommation en services, formant une source d'avantage compétitif. La plupart des travaux empiriques développés se sont centrés sur la génération de valeur par le biais d'éléments fonctionnels et utilitaristes, comme la qualité et le prix. Pour aller plus loin, une recherche commence sur certains aspects environnementaux de caractère émotionnel ou hédoniste qui contribuent également à la création de valeur pour le consommateur, comme certains travaux récents l'ont démontré. Cette étude approfondit dans ce domaine et démontre l'importance des éléments hédonistes d'esthétique et de diversion, en association avec l'atmosphère de l'établissement, facteurs générateurs de valeur dans l'expérience de consommation en services. Une échelle de valeur hédoniste est développée et validée par l'établissement d'un modèle d'équations structurelles, et la contribution à la formation d'autres variables déjà mises en relation antérieurement avec la création de valeur fonctionnelle est analysée, comme la satisfaction et la loyauté du consommateur.En los últimos años, tanto académicos como profesionales del marketing han puesto en evidencia la importancia y el interés que supone la creación de valor en la experiencia de consumo en servicios, configurándose como fuente de ventaja competitiva. La mayoría de los trabajos empíricos desarrollados se han centrado en la generación de valor a través de elementos funcionales y utilitaristas, tales como la calidad y el precio. Más allá de estos, comienzan a investigarse algunos aspectos ambientales de carácter emocional o hedonista que también contribuyen a la creación de valor para el consumidor, como han puesto de manifiesto algunos trabajos recientes. En el presente estudio se profundiza en este campo, demostrando la importancia de los elementos hedonistas de estética y diversión, asociados a la atmósfera del establecimiento, como factores generadores de valor en la experiencia de consumo en servicios. A través del planteamiento de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, se desarrolla y valida una escala de valor hedonista, y se analiza en qué medida contribuye a la formación de otras variables ya relacionadas anteriormente con la creación de valor funcional, como son la satisfacción y la lealtad del consumidor.Both academics and professionals in marketing have demonstrated, during the last few years, the importance of and an interest in value being created when services are consumed, thereby creating a source of competitive advantage. Most work to date has focused on producing value through functional and utilitarian elements such as quality and price. A start has also been made on investigating some emotional or hedonistic environmental aspects which also contribute towards creating value for the consumer, as shown in some recent work. The present study goes deeper into this field, demonstrating the importance of the hedonistic elements of aesthetics and entertainment (associated with the establishment setting) as value-producing factors when services are being consumed. A scale of hedonistic value was developed and validated by proposing a structural equations' model and analysing how this could contribute towards forming other variables already related to creating functional value, such as satisfaction and consumer loyalty
Consumers Felt Commitment Towards Retailers: Index Development and Validation
This work seeks to develop an index of the consumer's felt commitment towards the retailer through a formative scale. By using structural equation modeling (SEM), in particular the multiple indicators and multiple causes (MIMIC) model, as well as reflective and formative indicators, the methodology developed by Diamantopoulos and Winklhofer is applied in order to construct this index. To clarify the whole meaning of the concept, the article undertakes a thorough review of literature on felt commitment and formative index development. Several MIMIC models are developed in order to validate the index. The empirical study was carried out in the financial services sector
Women as Key Agents in Sustainable Entrepreneurship: A Gender Multigroup Analysis of the SEO-Performance Relationship
Literature points out that the effect of sustainable entrepreneurship on firm performance may be contingent on internal factors, such as top manager characteristics. This paper proposes that the gender of a firm's chief executive officer (CEO) greatly influences the sustainable entrepreneurial orientation (SEO)-firm performance relationship. An empirical study was conducted on a stratified random sampling, collecting 210 questionnaires from top managers of firms in Valencia (Spain). A multigroup moderation analysis method was used. The results confirm that women tend to increase the positive effect of SEO in firm performance
Customer functional value creation through a sustainable entrepreneurial orientation approach
This paper advances a theoretical model to empirically test firms’
behaviour regarding sustainable entrepreneurship, enhancing
what researchers have recently proposed at a solely conceptual
level; this entails sustainable entrepreneurship being understood
as a discipline that reliably allows organizations to successfully
respond to sustainable development and market requirements.
The authors suggest an integrated approach of dynamic-capabilities,
S-D logic and product-service system views, which highlights
the managerial predisposition to adopt a strategic position that
fosters value in use (instead of regular property value), according
to the current school of thoughts engaged with innovation and
sustainable development. In this regard, this paper investigates
structural influences (direct and indirect) of sustainable entrepreneurial
orientation and customer functional value creation in firm
performance. Hypotheses are tested using the partial least
squares method on a multisectoral sample of 210 companies randomly
stratified with proportional allocation. The findings indicate
that a sustainable entrepreneurial orientation not only has a positive
and direct relationship with firm performance, but also that
this relationship improves when it is mediated by customer functional
value creation. Further research pathways are provided
Un enfoque de marketing de relaciones a la educación como un servicio: aplicación a la Universidad de Valencia
Esta investigación se plantea como una aproximación exploratoria a la vez que innovadora, en la medida en que su objetivo básico es el de aplicar el paradigma del marketing de relaciones al análisis de la gestión educativa. Más concretamente, lo que se persigue es construir un modelo integrado de relaciones entre el egresado y la universidad. Se realizaron 500 encuestas a egresados de una universidad española y se utilizaron modelos de ecuaciones estructurales para contrastar las relaciones planteadas. La aportación fundamental del trabajo radica en la conceptuación y medición de variables relativas al comportamiento y percepción de los egresados. Los resultados más relevantes confirman tres antecedentes directos de la lealtad de los egresados hacia la universidad: 1) la satisfacción, 2) la imagen percibida y 3) la identificación Egresado-Universidad. Asimismo la calidad de la interacción alumno-profesor y la satisfacción son antecedentes de la imagen percibida. Por otra parte, a estos hallazgos se sumarán importantes implicaciones relacionadascon la gestión estratégica de las universidades
Planteamiento de un marco conceptual sobre valor para el consumidor: problemática y discusión
En la literatura que ha abordado el estudio sobre valor para el consumidor, se observa la presencia de
una amplitud y diversidad de propuestas conceptuales que requieren de una revisión crítica y en
profundidad. Por este motivo, el presente trabajo pretende desarrollar un marco conceptual que
clarifique la problemática existente en torno a esta noción. Así, se realiza un análisis de la polisemia y
diversidad de términos empleados, además de las diferentes definiciones propuestas. También se
identifican elementos comunes y diferenciadores entre las mismas, e incluso la diversidad de
opiniones en cuanto a las características que permiten explicar su naturaleza. Todo ello nos permitirá
determinar los rasgos que caracterizan al concepto de valor para el consumidor, los cuales servirán de
base para investigaciones futuras.In the literature that has approached the study of consumer value, an extent and diversity of different proposals
that requires a critical in-depth review is observed. For this reason, the present study seeks to develop a
conceptual framework to shed light on the existent controversy around this notion. Consequently, an analysis of
the polysemy and the diversity of terms that have been used plus the different definitions that have been
proposed is accomplished. Common and distinguishable elements are also identified among them, and even a
diversity of opinions regarding the features that allow us to explain their nature is observed. This will allow us to
it to identify the features that characterise the concept of consumer value, which will serve as a base for future
Quality of student–faculty interaction at university: an empirical approach of gender and ICT usage
Purpose—This paper studies the relationship of gender and ICT usage as significant variables in the formation of perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty to educational institutions, and in the quality of the student-faculty interaction to discuss how these variables determine the bond between students and the University, in order to improve this interaction. Design/methodology/approach—The empirical research designed to test the proposed model was conducted in two Spanish universities (a random sample of 1000 graduates—500 from each university—from two academic years, all areas of knowledge and proportional for men/women). They were individually interviewed by personnel of an external market research institute, using CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview). For the measurement of the latent variables in the proposed model, we use an 11-point Likert scale (adapted to the particular context of the present study by means of several in-depth interviews with students and academics). ICT usage—classified in communication, author and administration tools, supporting the teaching, research and administrative management processes of the educational service—was measured with a scale of 7 items, which cover the main ICT used by students during their learning process and checked by an expert panel. These items were also examined more rigorously to validate their psychometric properties with the estimation of a confirmatory factor analysis via the maximum-likelihood method of structural equation modeling with LISREL 8.5. The evaluation of discriminant validity was testing by the AVE for each construct, which exhibited all of the constructs, discriminant validity in the model. Moreover, it was also verified through analysis of the confidence interval for the correlation coefficient between ICT usage and quality of interaction, and performing a model with construct correlations constrained to 1.00 was compared to an unconstrained model. Findings—Internal consistency of the scales and the results for discriminant validity allowed the estimation of the structural model, confirming the proposed hypothesis. Thus, ICT usage shows a positive influence on the quality of the student-faculty interaction, and there are significant differences in the quality of interaction by gender, since this one is higher in women than in men. Research limitations/implications—The proposed model and associated measurement instruments can reliably and consistently be applied for higher educational institutions, providing useful information for strategic decisions of universities. It would be interesting to replicate and extend this study to other contexts, including other related and moderating variables. Practical implications—These results have several academic and managerial implications for universities and nonprofit organizations. The findings show that the level of the student’s ICT usage contributes to create and maintain the link or closeness between students and their University. Successful ICT integration is clearly related to the learning process in terms of the student-professor relationship, and that there are differences in the way men and women develop their academic relationships. Originality/Value—This study contributes to the development of educational literature, providing a scale of the quality of the interaction in this context, which has never been tested before in this field. The same happens with the analysis of the effects of using ICT in the student perception of that interaction, as well as differences between men and women, tested for the first time in this context.Studentų ir dėstytojų sąveika turi teigiamą poveikį studentų suvokimo apie universiteto vertybes universitete formavimui, savęs identifikavimuisi su universitetu ir lojalumu jam. Todėl labai svarbu analizuoti santykius, besiformuojančius tarp studentų ir universiteto kaip specifinės paslaugos teikėjo. Atlikus aprašomąjį tyrimą dviejuose Ispanijos universitetuose, šiame straipsnyje analizuojami ryšiai tarp lyties ir IRT naudojimo, kaip svarbaus informacijos apie vertybių suvokimą, pasitenkinimą ir lojalumą švietimo institucijoms, studentų ir dėstytojų sąveikos veiksnio. Straipsnyje diskutuojama, kaip šie veiksniai daro poveikį santykiui, egzistuojančiam tarp studentų ir universiteto, ir kaip pagerinti jų sąveiką
¿Cómo de slow es tu mensaje?: Efecto en la comunicación turística en redes sociales
The accelerated growth of tourism in recent decades has led to the massification of many destinations, generating a great deal of controversy about this massive form of tourism and its effects on society and/or the environment. In response, new trends are emerging, such as slow tourism, which are more concerned with sustainability, decelerating the speed of travel and connecting with the destination and with yourself. This study examines the extent to which the tourism orientation of a social media post influences consumer behaviour in terms of attitude towards the post and intention to visit. For this purpose, a one-factor experimental design, the tourism orientation of the message (slow versus mass), is carried out. The results show that the message with a slow orientation generates a higher visit intention than the message with a mass orientation. In addition, the attitude towards the post mediates this relationship. This study offers important implications by highlighting how the inclusion of slow features in a tourism message on social media improves the attitude towards the post and contributes to generate a higher visit intention.El rápido crecimiento turístico de las últimas décadas ha dado lugar a la masificación de muchos destinos generando una gran controversia sobre esta forma masiva de hacer turismo y sus efectos sobre la sociedad y/o el medioambiente. Como respuesta, están apareciendo nuevas tendencias, como el turismo slow, más alineadas con la sostenibilidad, la desaceleración del ritmo del viaje o la conexión con el destino y consigo mismo. El presente estudio examina en qué medida la orientación turística de un mensaje en redes sociales influye en el comportamiento del consumidor en términos de actitud hacia el post e intención de visita. Para ello, se lleva a cabo un diseño experimental de un factor, la orientación turística del mensaje (slow/lento versus mass/de masas). Los resultados muestran que el mensaje con una orientación slow genera una mayor intención de visita que el mensaje con una orientación de masas. Además, la actitud hacia el post media esta relación. El presente estudio ofrece importantes implicaciones al resaltar cómo la inclusión de características slow en un mensaje turístico en redes sociales mejora la actitud hacia el post y contribuye a generar una mayor intención de visita
Women as Key Agents in Sustainable Entrepreneurship: A Gender Multigroup Analysis of the SEO-Performance Relationship
Literature points out that the effect of sustainable entrepreneurship on firm performance may be contingent on internal factors, such as top manager characteristics. This paper proposes that the gender of a firm’s chief executive officer (CEO) greatly influences the sustainable entrepreneurial orientation (SEO)-firm performance relationship. An empirical study was conducted on a stratified random sampling, collecting 210 questionnaires from top managers of firms in Valencia (Spain). A multigroup moderation analysis method was used. The results confirm that women tend to increase the positive effect of SEO in firm performance
Sustainable Entrepreneurial Orientation : A Business Strategic Approach for Sustainable Development
This paper proposes sustainable entrepreneurial orientation (SEO) as a multidimensional construct that offers researchers the possibility of empirically testing their theoretical proposals in the sustainable entrepreneurship field. The authors propose an integration of different theories. In accordance with the dynamic capabilities view, SEO is approached under an organizational paradigm of strategic orientations delimited by competitive culture and multiple orientation perspectives. Furthermore, SEO's nature is conceived at a firm-based entrepreneurship level and is based on an integrated triple bottom line sustainability. This approach is conceptualized using a categorization scheme and defined in accordance with the organizational predisposition perspective. Several research lines are proposed, all based on relational models with SEO as the key concept