859 research outputs found

    Macroscopic quantum tunneling in globally coupled series arrays of Josephson junctions

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    We present a quantitative analysis of an escape rate for switching from the superconducting state to a resistive one in series arrays of globally coupled Josephson junctions. A global coupling is provided by an external shunting impedance. Such an impedance can strongly suppress both the crossover temperature from the thermal fluctuation to quantum regimes, and the macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) in short Josephson junction series arrays. However, in large series arrays we obtain an enhancement of the crossover temperature, and a giant increase of the MQT escape rate. The effect is explained by excitation of a {\it spatial-temporal charge instanton} distributed over a whole structure. The model gives a possible explanation of recently published experimental results on an enhancement of the MQT in single crystals of high-TcT_c superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Continuous measurements of two qubits

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    We develop a theory of coherent quantum oscillations in two, in general interacting, qubits measured continuously by a mesoscopic detector with arbitrary non-linearity and discuss an example of SQUID magnetometer that can operate as such a detector. Calculated spectra of the detector output show that the detector non-linearity should lead to mixing of the oscillations of the two qubits. For non-interacting qubits oscillating with frequencies Ω1\Omega_1 and Ω2\Omega_2, the mixing manifests itself as spectral peaks at the combination frequencies Ω1±Ω2\Omega_1\pm \Omega_2. Additional nonlinearity introduced by the qubit-qubit interaction shifts all the frequencies. In particular, for identical qubits, the interaction splits coherent superposition of the single-qubit peaks at Ω1=Ω2\Omega_1=\Omega_2. Quantum mechanics of the measurement imposes limitations on the height of the spectral peaks.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Collective transport in the insulating state of Josephson junction arrays

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    We investigate collective Cooper-pair transport of one- and two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays in the insulating state. We derive an analytical expression for the current-voltage characteristic revealing thermally activated conductivity at small voltages and threshold voltage depinning. The activation energy and the related depinning voltage represent a dynamic Coulomb barrier for collective charge transfer over the whole system and scale with the system size. We show that both quantities are non-monotonic functions of magnetic field. We propose that formation of the dynamic Coulomb barrier as well as the size scaling of the activation energy and the depinning threshold voltage, are consequences of the mutual phase synchronization. We apply the results for interpretation of experimental data in disordered films near the superconductor-insulator transition.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; typos corrected, new figures, an improved fit to experimental dat

    Inverse proximity effect in superconductors near ferromagnetic material

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    We study the electronic density of states in a mesoscopic superconductor near a transparent interface with a ferromagnetic metal. In our tunnel spectroscopy experiment, a substantial density of states is observed at sub-gap energies close to a ferromagnet. We compare our data with detailed calculations based on the Usadel equation, where the effect of the ferromagnet is treated as an effective boundary condition. We achieve an excellent agreement with theory when non-ideal quality of the interface is taken into account.Comment: revised, 7 pages, 3 figure

    Weber blockade theory of magnetoresistance oscillations in superconducting strips

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    Recent experiments on the conductance of thin, narrow superconducting strips have found periodic fluctuations, as a function of the perpendicular magnetic field, with a period corresponding to approximately two flux quanta per strip area [A. Johansson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 116805 (2005)]. We argue that the low-energy degrees of freedom responsible for dissipation correspond to vortex motion. Using vortex/charge duality, we show that the superconducting strip behaves as the dual of a quantum dot, with the vortices, magnetic field, and bias current respectively playing the roles of the electrons, gate voltage and source-drain voltage. In the bias-current vs. magnetic-field plane, the strip conductance displays what we term `Weber blockade' diamonds, with vortex conductance maxima (i.e., electrical resistance maxima) that, at small bias-currents, correspond to the fields at which strip states of NN and N+1N+1 vortices have equal energy.Comment: 4+a bit pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Thermal fluctuation field for current-induced domain wall motion

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    Current-induced domain wall motion in magnetic nanowires is affected by thermal fluctuation. In order to account for this effect, the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation includes a thermal fluctuation field and literature often utilizes the fluctuation-dissipation theorem to characterize statistical properties of the thermal fluctuation field. However, the theorem is not applicable to the system under finite current since it is not in equilibrium. To examine the effect of finite current on the thermal fluctuation, we adopt the influence functional formalism developed by Feynman and Vernon, which is known to be a useful tool to analyze effects of dissipation and thermal fluctuation. For this purpose, we construct a quantum mechanical effective Hamiltonian describing current-induced domain wall motion by generalizing the Caldeira-Leggett description of quantum dissipation. We find that even for the current-induced domain wall motion, the statistical properties of the thermal noise is still described by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem if the current density is sufficiently lower than the intrinsic critical current density and thus the domain wall tilting angle is sufficiently lower than pi/4. The relation between our result and a recent result, which also addresses the thermal fluctuation, is discussed. We also find interesting physical meanings of the Gilbert damping alpha and the nonadiabaticy parameter beta; while alpha characterizes the coupling strength between the magnetization dynamics (the domain wall motion in this paper) and the thermal reservoir (or environment), beta characterizes the coupling strength between the spin current and the thermal reservoir.Comment: 16 page, no figur

    Coherent oscillations in a Cooper-pair box

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    This paper is devoted to an analysis of the experiment by Nakamura {\it et al.} (Nature {\bf 398}, 786 (1999)) on the quantum state control in Josephson junctions devices. By considering the relevant processes involved in the detection of the charge state of the box and a realistic description of the gate pulse we are able to analyze some aspects of the experiment (like the amplitude of the measurement current) in a quantitative way

    Single-electron transistor effect in a two-terminal structure

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    A peculiarity of the single-electron transistor effect makes it possible to observe this effect even in structures lacking a gate electrode altogether. The proposed method can be useful for experimental study of charging effects in structures with an extremely small central island confined between tunnel barriers like a nanometer-sized quantum dot or a macromolecule probed with a tunneling microscope), where it is impossible to provide a gate electrode for control of the tunnel current.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    On the exactness of the Semi-Classical Approximation for Non-Relativistic One Dimensional Propagators

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    For one dimensional non-relativistic quantum mechanical problems, we investigate the conditions for all the position dependence of the propagator to be in its phase, that is, the semi-classical approximation to be exact. For velocity independent potentials we find that: (i) the potential must be quadratic in space, but can have arbitrary time dependence. (ii) the phase may be made proportional to the classical action, and the magnitude (``fluctuation factor'') can also be found from the classical solution. (iii) for the driven harmonic oscillator the fluctuation factor is independent of the driving term.Comment: 7 pages, latex, no figures, published in journal of physics

    Establishing Social Work Practices in England: The Early Evidence

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    Social Work Practices (SWPs) were established in England in 2009 to deliver social work services to looked after children and care leavers. The introduction of independent social work-led organisations generated controversy focused on issues such as the privatisation of children's services and social workers' conditions of employment. This paper reports early findings from the evaluation of four of these pilots, drawing on interviews with children and young people, staff, and local authority and national stakeholders. The SWPs assumed a variety of organisational forms. The procurement process was demanding, with protracted negotiations over matters such as budgetary control and providing a round-the-clock service. Start-up was facilitated by an established relationship between the SWP provider and the local authority. Once operational, SWPs continued to rely on local authorities for various functions; in most cases, local authorities retained control of placement budgets. Levels of consultation and choice offered to children and young people regarding the move to an SWP varied considerably. Children's understanding about SWPs was generally low except in the pilot where most children retained their original social worker. These early findings show some dilution of the original SWP model, while the pilots' diversity allows the benefits of particular models to emerge