117 research outputs found

    Growing blood vessels in space : preparation studies of the SPHEROIDS project using related ground-based studies

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    Endothelial cells (ECs) grow as single layers on the bottom surface of cell culture flasks under normal (1g) culture conditions. In numerous experiments using simulated microgravity we noticed that the ECs formed three-dimensional, tube-like cell aggregates resembling the intima of small, rudimentary blood vessels. The SPHEROIDS project has now shown that similar processes occur in space. For the first time, we were able to observe scaffold-free growth of human ECs into multicellular spheroids and tubular structures during an experiment in real microgravity. With further investigation of the space samples we hope to understand endothelial 3D growth and to improve the in vitro engineering of biocompatible vessels which could be used in surgery

    Tissue Engineering of Cartilage Using a Random Positioning Machine

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    Articular cartilage is a skeletal tissue of avascular nature and limited self-repair capacity. Cartilage-degenerative diseases, such as osteoarthritis (OA), are difficult to treat and often necessitate joint replacement surgery. Cartilage is a tough but flexible material and relatively easy to damage. It is, therefore, of high interest to develop methods allowing chondrocytes to recolonize, to rebuild the cartilage and to restore joint functionality. Here we studied the in vitro production of cartilage-like tissue using human articular chondrocytes exposed to the Random Positioning Machine (RPM), a device to simulate certain aspects of microgravity on Earth. To screen early adoption reactions of chondrocytes exposed to the RPM, we performed quantitative real-time PCR analyses after 24 h on chondrocytes cultured in DMEM/F-12. A significant up-regulation in the gene expression of IL6, RUNX2, RUNX3, SPP1, SOX6, SOX9, and MMP1 was detected, while the levels of IL8, ACAN, PRG4, ITGB1, TGFB1, COL1A1, COL2A1, COL10A1, SOD3, SOX5, MMP1, and MMP2 mRNAs remained unchanged. The STRING (Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins) analysis demonstrated among others the importance of these differentially regulated genes for cartilage formation. Chondrocytes grown in DMEM/F-12 medium produced three-dimensional (3D) spheroids after five days without the addition of scaffolds. On day 28, the produced tissue constructs reached up to 2 mm in diameter. Using specific chondrocyte growth medium, similar results were achieved within 14 days. Spheroids from both types of culture media showed the typical cartilage morphology with aggrecan positivity. Intermediate filaments form clusters under RPM conditions as detected by vimentin staining after 7 d and 14 d. Larger meshes appear in the network in 28-day samples. Furthermore, they were able to form a confluent chondrocyte monolayer after being transferred back into cell culture flasks in 1 g conditions showing their suitability for transplantation into joints. Our results demonstrate that the cultivation medium has a direct influence on the velocity of tissue formation and tissue composition. The spheroids show properties that make them interesting candidates for cellular cartilage regeneration approaches in trauma and OA therapy

    In Prostate Cancer Cells Cytokines are early Responders to Gravitational Changes occurring in Parabolic Flights

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    The high mortality in men with metastatic prostate cancer (PC) establishes the need for diagnostic optimization by new biomarkers. Mindful of the effect of real microgravity on metabolic pathways of carcinogenesis, we attended a parabolic flight (PF) mission to perform an experiment with the PC cell line PC-3, and submitted the resulting RNA to next generation sequencing (NGS) and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). After the first parabola, alterations of the F-actin cytoskeleton-like stress fibers and pseudopodia are visible. Moreover, numerous significant transcriptional changes are evident. We were able to identify a network of relevant PC cytokines and chemokines showing differential expression due to gravitational changes, particularly during the early flight phases. Together with differentially expressed regulatory lncRNAs and micro RNAs, we present a portfolio of 298 potential biomarkers. Via qPCR we identified IL6 and PIK3CB to be sensitive to vibration effects and hypergravity, respectively. Per NGS we detected five upregulated cytokines (CCL2, CXCL1, IL6, CXCL2, CCL20), one zink finger protein (TNFAIP3) and one glycoprotein (ICAM1) related to c-REL signaling and thus relevant for carcinogenesis as well as inflammatory aspects. We found regulated miR-221 and the co-localized lncRNA MIR222HG induced by PF maneuvers. miR-221 is related to the PC-3 growth rate and MIR222HG is a known risk factor for glioma susceptibility. These findings in real microgravity may further improve our understanding of PC and contribute to the development of new diagnostic tools

    Influence of Microgravity on Apoptosis in Cells, Tissues, and Other Systems In Vivo and In Vitro

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    All life forms have evolved under the constant force of gravity on Earth and developed ways to counterbalance acceleration load. In space, shear forces, buoyance-driven convection, and hydrostatic pressure are nullified or strongly reduced. When subjected to microgravity in space, the equilibrium between cell architecture and the external force is disturbed, resulting in changes at the cellular and sub-cellular levels (e.g., cytoskeleton, signal transduction, membrane permeability, etc.). Cosmic radiation also poses great health risks to astronauts because it has high linear energy transfer values that evoke complex DNA and other cellular damage. Space environmental conditions have been shown to influence apoptosis in various cell types. Apoptosis has important functions in morphogenesis, organ development, and wound healing. This review provides an overview of microgravity research platforms and apoptosis. The sections summarize the current knowledge of the impact of microgravity and cosmic radiation on cells with respect to apoptosis. Apoptosis-related microgravity experiments conducted with different mammalian model systems are presented. Recent findings in cells of the immune system, cardiovascular system, brain, eyes, cartilage, bone, gastrointestinal tract, liver, and pancreas, as well as cancer cells investigated under real and simulated microgravity conditions, are discussed. This comprehensive review indicates the potential of the space environment in biomedical research

    The Fight against Cancer by Microgravity: The Multicellular Spheroid as a Metastasis Model

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    Cancer is a disease exhibiting uncontrollable cell growth and spreading to other parts of the organism. It is a heavy, worldwide burden for mankind with high morbidity and mortality. Therefore, groundbreaking research and innovations are necessary. Research in space under microgravity (µg) conditions is a novel approach with the potential to fight cancer and develop future cancer therapies. Space travel is accompanied by adverse effects on our health, and there is a need to counteract these health problems. On the cellular level, studies have shown that real (r-) and simulated (s-) µg impact survival, apoptosis, proliferation, migration, and adhesion as well as the cytoskeleton, the extracellular matrix, focal adhesion, and growth factors in cancer cells. Moreover, the µg-environment induces in vitro 3D tumor models (multicellular spheroids and organoids) with a high potential for preclinical drug targeting, cancer drug development, and studying the processes of cancer progression and metastasis on a molecular level. This review focuses on the effects of r- and s-µg on different types of cells deriving from thyroid, breast, lung, skin, and prostate cancer, as well as tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, we summarize the current knowledge of the impact of µg on cancerous stem cells. The information demonstrates that µg has become an important new technology for increasing current knowledge of cancer biology

    Impact of vascular endothelial growth factor in Plastic Reconstructive Surgery

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    Titelblatt Widmung Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis Vorbemerkungen Originalarbeiten Einleitung Ergebnisse Diskussion Zusammenfassung Literatur Danksagung Eidesstattliche ErklärungVEGF und Mikrochirurgie Die in vivo Applikation von VEGF in die Gefäßanastomose beschleunigt signifikant die Reendothelialisierung der Intima sowie das vaskuläre Remodeling der Media und Ad-ventitia. VEGF wirkt beschleunigend auf die Reendothelialisierung und löst dabei keine Angiogenese im Sinne einer Neubildung von Gefäßen aus. Zudem induziert VEGF verschiedene Mediatoren, welche ebenso die Revaskularisation unterstützen. Erwähnens-wert ist Osteopontin, welches durch VEGF stark exprimiert wird, und in seiner Eigen-schaft als inflammatorischer, chemotaktischer, immunkompetenter und zyto-protektiver Mediator ebenfalls das Remodeling der mikrochirurgisch anastomisierten Gefäßwand unterstützt. VEGF und Permeabilität (Ödeme) Trotz klinischer Bedeutung des Gewebeödems im frühen und späten Stadium der Wundheilung war bislang die Kinetik des VEGF beim Verbrennungspatienten unbekannt. Die Hemmung von VEGF bei der Ödemreduktion des Verbrennungspatienten oder beim Trauma wurde bislang nicht untersucht. Unsere Untersuchungen legen die Vermutung nahe, dass eine Hemmung des VEGF zu einer Reduktion des Gewebeödems führen kann. Die klinische Konsequenz wäre folgendes: Schwere Verbrennungen führen zu weniger Komplikationen wie SIRS und MODS. Damit könnte auch das Überleben nach schweren Verbrennungen verbessert werden. Gegen VEGF gerichtete Antikörper oder der Tyrosinkinasehemmer gegen VEGF-Rezeptoren könnten zukünftig für die Therapie eine Rolle spielen. VEGF und Schwerelosigkeit (Zytoprotektion, dreidimensionale Strukturen) Die simulierte Schwerelosigkeit mit dem Klinostaten demonstrierte uns signifikante und neue Erkenntnisse an humanen Endothelzellen: 1\. Die Bildung von dreidimensionalen Sphäroiden und tubulären Strukturen 2\. Die Induktion der extrazellulären Matrix 3\. die Induktion von Apoptose 4\. Alterationen des Zytoskeletts der EC. Zugabe von VEGF wirkte zytoprotektiv und verhinderte die Apoptose der EC. Ebenso wurde die Bildung von dreidimensionalen Sphäroiden und tubulären Strukturen verstärkt. VEGF induzierte darüber hinaus flk-1. Weiterhin konnten durch Kultivierung von Schilddrüsen-Karzinomzellen unter simulierter Schwerelosigkeit Apoptosemechanismen studiert werden. Auch an diesen Zellen fanden sich Veränderungen des Zytoskeletts, der EZM-Proteine sowie apoptotische Zellen. Wir konnten zeigen, dass sowohl intrinsische als auch extrinsische Pathways der Apoptose aktiviert werden.Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is one of the most potent mediator of vascular regulation in angiogenesis and vascular permeability. Especially in Plastic reconstructive Surgery, the impact of VEGF is important. Our data clearly document that treatment with VEGF is beneficial to the healing in vascular microsurgery. In severe burn injury, VEGF serum level is strongly enhanced and correlated with local and general tissue edema. For tissue engineering in Plastic surgery, simulated whightlessness made an induction of three-dimensional assembly of cells and apoptosis in different cells. VEGF develops a cell-protective influence on endothelial cells exposed tu simulated microgravity and increased the amount of extracellular matrix proteins

    What does a (general and abdominal) surgeon need to know on plastic surgery?

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    Background: Plastic surgery was first introduced as a sub-specialty of general surgery in Germany in 1978. Since then, this surgical subspecialty/discipline has evolved enormous potential, e.g. in collaboration with other disciplines such as general andabdominal surgery. Aim: To highlight and summarize the basic potential, technical options and novel aspects of plastic surgery, which are relevant for the common interdisciplinary surgical strategies of plastic and general as well as abdominal surgery in clinical practice. Method: Short and compact narrative review based on 1) a selection of relevant references from the medical scientific literature and 2) surgical experiences obtained in daily practice. R esults (selected corner points): 1) Biological protection procedures in vascular surgery by flap coverage after meticulous debridement with or without autogenic vascular reconstruction are used to overcome infection of a vascular prosthesis, a serious problem, associated with the risk of anastomotic rupture and bleeding by transfer of immunological competence due to tissue coverage and finally to induce healing in the area of an infected vascular prosthesis. 2) Fistula treatment for aorto-tracheal or aorto-duodenal fistulas, a big challenge for the referring general surgeon, can be treated by flap coverage, i.e. interposition of the pectoralis-major flap and the omentum-majus flap, respectively. 3) With regard to nerve surgery, encouraging results have been reported after early microsurgical recurrent laryngeal nerve repair, i.e. improved subjective voice quality or reconstitution of respiratory capacity in diaphragmatic. 4) Lymphatic surgery for lymphedema occurring either primarily due to an absence or lack of lymphatic vessels or secondarily due to infection, trauma, radiation therapy or surgery can be indicated in specialized microsurgical centers, e.g. for surgical repair of the lymphatic pathway: I) the interrupted lymphatic system can be reconstructed by an interposition, or II) the lymphatic fluid can be drained extraanatomically (e.g. by a lymphatic-venous anastomosis). Further techniques are the following: free lymph node transplantation included in a free vascularized groin flap or autologous lymphatic vessel transfer or vein graft interposition (used for lymphatic vessel interposition). 5) Mass reduction such as dermolipectomy with subsequent split-thickness is a valuable option, which provides excellent volume reduction. 6) Defect coverage: A. Split- or full-thickness skin grafts are a common method of defect coverage (in cases of clean and well-vascularized wound bed and lacking donor skin, or if the graft bed is of questionable quality) using various allogenic or xenogenic skin substitute materials. B. Further methods offer a wide-range armamentarium of local and free fasciocutaneous and musculocutaneous flaps, e.g. after abdomino-perineal rectum extirpation using the vertical rectus-abdominis myocutaneous flap (VRAM) or propeller flaps according to the “angiosome”. 7) Abdominal wall hernia closure with instable skin coverage, flap closure, either alone or in combination with mesh is superior to mesh closure only. 8) Free flaps: If there is no option for a local or pedicled flap available, free flaps can be well used for abdominal wall defect closure (complication rate in experienced hands is low). Conclusion: Plastic surgery is an indispensable partner for specific surgical problems and clinical situations of general and abdominal surgery, which indicates that each general and abdominal surgeon should be well notified on great options and surgical techniques offered by modern plastic surgery to achieve best outcomes and quality of life for patients and should combine the expertise of these two surgical disciplines

    Co musi wiedzieć chirurg (ogólny i jamy brzusznej) o chirurgii plastycznej?

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    Wprowadzenie: Chirurgia plastyczna została wprowadzona w Niemczech jako podspecjalizacja chirurgii ogólnej w 1978 r. Od tego czasu dyscyplina ta rozwinęła ogromne możliwości, m.in. dzięki współpracy z innymi dziedzinami, takimi jak: chirurgia ogólna i chirurgia jamy brzusznej. C el: Podkreślenie i podsumowanie podstawowych możliwości, opcji technicznych i nowych aspektów chirurgii plastycznej, które w codziennej praktyce klinicznej są istotne dla wspólnych interdyscyplinarnych strategii zabiegowych chirurgii plastycznej, ogólnej i chirurgii jamy brzusznej. Metoda: Krótki i zwięzły przegląd literatury oparty na: 1) wyborze właściwego tematycznego piśmiennictwa z medycznej literatury naukowej oraz 2) doświadczeniu chirurgicznym zdobytym w codziennej pracy. Wyniki: (wybrane punkty styczne): 1) Zabiegi ochrony biologicznej w chirurgii naczyniowej stosowane, aby przezwyciężyć poważny problem zakażeń protez naczyniowych obarczony ryzykiem przerwania zespolenia i krwawienia. Po starannym opracowaniu z ewentualną rekonstrukcją autologicznych naczyń protezę naczyniową pokrywa się płatem tkankowym, aby przekazać właściwości immunologiczne i ostatecznie spowodować gojenie zakażonego obszaru. 2) Leczenie przetok aortalno-tchawiczej lub aortalno-dwunastniczej, będących znacznym wyzwaniem dla chirurga ogólnego. Mogą być one leczone odpowiednio przez interpozycję płata mięśnia piersiowego większego lub pokrycie płatem sieci większej. 3) W odniesieniu do chirurgii nerwów odnotowano zachęcające efekty w postaci subiektywnej poprawy jakości głosu po wczesnej mikrochirurgicznej naprawie nerwu krtaniowego wstecznego oraz przywrócenia pojemności oddechowej w porażeniu przepony. 4) Chirurgia limfatyczna w przypadku obrzęków limfatycznych o charakterze pierwotnym (z powodu braku lub niedoboru naczyń limfatycznych) lub wtórnym (w przebiegu zakażenia, urazu, radioterapii lub zabiegu operacyjnego) może być wskazana w ośrodkach mikrochirurgicznych wyspecjalizowanych w naprawie dróg limfatycznych. Uszkodzony układ chłonny: (I) może być odtworzony przez interpozycję lub (II) limfa może być drenowana nieanatomicznie, na przykład przez zespolenie limfatyczno-żylne. Dalsze techniki to: przeszczepienie wolnego węzła chłonnego zawartego w wolnym unaczynionym płacie z pachwiny, przeniesienie autologicznego naczynia chłonnego lub interpozycja przeszczepu żylnego. 5) Redukcja masy jak dermolipektomia z późniejszym przeszczepem skóry niepełnej grubości jest cenną opcją zapewniającą znaczne zmniejszenie objętości. 6) Uzupełnianie ubytków: A. Przeszczepy skóry o niepełnej lub pełnej grubości są powszechną metodą uzupełniania ubytków w przypadku, gdy łożysko rany jest czyste i dobrze unaczynione. Jeśli nie ma miejsca do pobrania skóry lub łożysko przeszczepu jest wątpliwej jakości, stosuje się różne allogeniczne lub ksenogeniczne zamienniki skóry. B. Kolejne metody obejmują szeroki arsenał miejscowych i wolnych płatów powięziowo-skórnych i mięśniowo-skórnych, takich jak: pionowy płat mięśnia prostego brzucha (VRAM), stosowany na przykład po brzuszno-kroczowym wycięciu odbytnicy, lub płaty śmigłowe odpowiednich „angiosomów”. 7) Zamknięcie przepuklin ściany jamy brzusznej z niestabilnym pokryciem skóry. Uzupełnienie płatem tkankowym, samym lub w połączeniu z siatką, jest lepsze od zastosowania wyłącznie siatki. 8) Wolne płaty – gdy miejscowe lub uszypułowane płaty są niedostępne, do uzupełnienia ubytku ściany jamy brzusznej można wykorzystać wolne płaty (częstość występowania powikłań jest niewielka). Wniosek: Chirurgia plastyczna jest niezastąpionym partnerem w specyficznych problemach chirurgicznych oraz przypadkach klinicznych w chirurgii ogólnej i chirurgii jamy brzusznej. Każdy chirurg ogólny i chirurg jamy brzusznej powinien być poinformowany o ogromnych możliwościach i technikach chirurgicznych, jakie może zapewnić współczesna chirurgia plastyczna, aby osiągnąć najlepsze wyniki i podnieść jakość życia pacjentów przez połączenie fachowej wiedzy tych dwóch dziedzin chirurgicznych