10 research outputs found

    Sustainability and New Technologies in Urban Transport and Mobility

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    In this article the energy efficiency in urban transport is analysed the implementation of which would result in the reduction of energy consumption and of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions and would thus ensure the urban transport system sustainability. Nowadays the relations of urban transport and IT solutions as well as the impact of urban transport on the community and environment are extensive. The integration of information flow in the decision making process related to the modern transport and urban mobility has to be brought to a higher level. The main goal is to upgrade the quality of life in the urban environment by improving intelligent transport systems, implementing new technologies and promoting the sustainable development. In the article the possibilities of urban transport improvement according to modern requirements of sustainability policy and environmental management are analysed. The aim of the paper is to point to unfavourable effects produced by the urban transport upon the sustainable development and mobility and to emphasize the significance of measures aimed at reaching sustainability and energy efficiency with particular emphasis on the implementation of new technologies and alternative fuels

    The Importance of Urgent Cytological Examination of Synovial Fluids in Differentiation Inflammatory and Non-inflammatory Joint Diseases

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    The aim of this study was to imply the possibilities of the urgent cytological examination of synovial fluids in differential diagnosis of arthropathies and to motivate the clinicians to use this method. It gave valuable information particularly with respect to differentiate the inflammatory and non-inflammatory joint diseases. This study included 115 synovial fluids obtained by fine needle aspiration (FNA) of the swollen knee from the patients in the period between 2003 and 2008. At our department the urgent cytological examination of the synovial fluids consisted of macroscopic analysis that includes volume, colour, clarity, viscosity and mucin clot test, native microscopic analysis for crystals and tissue fragments, counting the total nucleated cell count and semiquantitative microscopic analysis for neutrophil granulocyte percentage on the slides stained with Hemacolor rapid staining. All cytological analyses were done within one hour since FNA. According to our results the clarity, viscosity, mucin clot test, the total nucleated cell count and the neutrophil granulocyte percentage enabled distinction between inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases with statistically significant difference at the 0.01 level but we could not differentiate these two groups of illnesses according to volume and colour. In inflammation the total nucleated cell count and the neutrophil granulocyte percentage was greater than in non-inflammation, the clarity was only translucent and opaque, the viscosity was low and the mucin clot test was negative. In non-inflammatory diseases the clarity varied from transparent to opaque, the total nucleated cell count and the neutrophil granulocyte percentage was smaller than in inflammatory diseases, the viscosity was high and consequently the mucin test was highly positive in all samples. Crystals were detected in only 12 samples of synovial fluids, mostly in inflammation and they were all monosodium urate (MUS) so we could diagnose gout. We could conclude that the urgent cytological analysis of the synovial fluid is a very useful, simple and reliable basic diagnostic screening test in differentiation inflammatory and non-inflammatory joint diseases and we recommended using it as the initial test in the diagnostic procedure of these illnesses using our protocol

    The use of hydrogen as an alternative fuel in urban transport

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    This paper shows the analyses of hydrogen vehicles within urban centres, which have been gaining increasing importance lately. In fact, due to the negative impact of conventional vehicles on human health and environment, the need is imposed for implementation of eco-powered vehicles that also tend to be sustainable in transport. Gradual removal of fossil fuels and the use of alternative road transport technologies are among the primary objectives of most countries. This paper aims to examine the impact of hydrogen technology in urban transport, ie to point out how hydrogen vehicles have affected the satisfaction of customers and users through individual projects. Furthermore, the paper analyses the current situation in the application of hydrogen vehicles in the world, as well as future investments in infrastructure through strategies aimed at boosting higher demand for clean energy


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    U diplomskom radu analizirana je uloga održive mobilnosti u gradskome prometu, njena problematika, te izazovi s kojima se susreće. Posebna pažnja posvećena je gradskim prometnim sustavima i njihovoj tehnologiji prijevoza putnika. Analizirana je uloga održive mobilnosti gradskoga prometa kroz sustav integriranog prijevoza putnika, park & ride sustav te kroz smanjenje negativnog utjecaja prometa na okoliÅ”. U radu je također analizirana i uloga održive mobilnosti na primjeru grada Rijeke kojemu je 2016. godine dodijeljena prestižna titula Europske prijestolnice kulture za 2020. godinu, Å”to je potaknulo mnoge pozitivne promjene u gradskome prometu. Provedeno istraživanje dovodi do temeljnih zaključaka uloge održive mobilnosti gradskoga prometa.This masterā€™s thesis contain the analysis of the sustainable mobility role, itā€™s problems and the challenges it faces. Special attention has been given to the urban traffic system and their passenger transport technology. The rule of the sustainable mobility of the city traffic has been analyzed throughout integrated system of pessenger trasportations, park & ride system and reduction of negative environmenatl imapct. The masterā€™s thesis also analyzes the role of sustainable mobility in case of Rijeka city which have been awarded in 2016 with title of European Capital of Culture 2020 which leads to conclusion that European capital of Culture 2020 award induced many positive changes in urban traffic of town Rijeka. Recent study leads to crucial conclusions about the sustainable mobility role in urban traffic

    The development of air traffic in the Republic of Croatia

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    U razvoj zračnog prometa Republike Hrvatske potrebno je ulagati te zastarjelu infrastrukturu zamijeniti novom. Porast broja putnika i aviokompanija zahtijeva modernizaciju postojećih aerodroma Å”to bi Hrvatsku moglo plasirati među sami vrh poznatih aerodroma u svijetu pa tako i ojačati svoju konkurentnost aviokompanij


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    U diplomskom radu analizirana je uloga održive mobilnosti u gradskome prometu, njena problematika, te izazovi s kojima se susreće. Posebna pažnja posvećena je gradskim prometnim sustavima i njihovoj tehnologiji prijevoza putnika. Analizirana je uloga održive mobilnosti gradskoga prometa kroz sustav integriranog prijevoza putnika, park & ride sustav te kroz smanjenje negativnog utjecaja prometa na okoliÅ”. U radu je također analizirana i uloga održive mobilnosti na primjeru grada Rijeke kojemu je 2016. godine dodijeljena prestižna titula Europske prijestolnice kulture za 2020. godinu, Å”to je potaknulo mnoge pozitivne promjene u gradskome prometu. Provedeno istraživanje dovodi do temeljnih zaključaka uloge održive mobilnosti gradskoga prometa.This masterā€™s thesis contain the analysis of the sustainable mobility role, itā€™s problems and the challenges it faces. Special attention has been given to the urban traffic system and their passenger transport technology. The rule of the sustainable mobility of the city traffic has been analyzed throughout integrated system of pessenger trasportations, park & ride system and reduction of negative environmenatl imapct. The masterā€™s thesis also analyzes the role of sustainable mobility in case of Rijeka city which have been awarded in 2016 with title of European Capital of Culture 2020 which leads to conclusion that European capital of Culture 2020 award induced many positive changes in urban traffic of town Rijeka. Recent study leads to crucial conclusions about the sustainable mobility role in urban traffic


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    U razvoj zračnog prometa Republike Hrvatske potrebno je ulagati te zastarjelu infrastrukturu zamijeniti novom. Porast broja putnika i aviokompanija zahtijeva modernizaciju postojećih aerodroma Å”to bi Hrvatsku moglo plasirati među sami vrh poznatih aerodroma u svijetu pa tako i ojačati svoju konkurentnost aviokompanij


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    U razvoj zračnog prometa Republike Hrvatske potrebno je ulagati te zastarjelu infrastrukturu zamijeniti novom. Porast broja putnika i aviokompanija zahtijeva modernizaciju postojećih aerodroma Å”to bi Hrvatsku moglo plasirati među sami vrh poznatih aerodroma u svijetu pa tako i ojačati svoju konkurentnost aviokompanij


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    U diplomskom radu analizirana je uloga održive mobilnosti u gradskome prometu, njena problematika, te izazovi s kojima se susreće. Posebna pažnja posvećena je gradskim prometnim sustavima i njihovoj tehnologiji prijevoza putnika. Analizirana je uloga održive mobilnosti gradskoga prometa kroz sustav integriranog prijevoza putnika, park & ride sustav te kroz smanjenje negativnog utjecaja prometa na okoliÅ”. U radu je također analizirana i uloga održive mobilnosti na primjeru grada Rijeke kojemu je 2016. godine dodijeljena prestižna titula Europske prijestolnice kulture za 2020. godinu, Å”to je potaknulo mnoge pozitivne promjene u gradskome prometu. Provedeno istraživanje dovodi do temeljnih zaključaka uloge održive mobilnosti gradskoga prometa.This masterā€™s thesis contain the analysis of the sustainable mobility role, itā€™s problems and the challenges it faces. Special attention has been given to the urban traffic system and their passenger transport technology. The rule of the sustainable mobility of the city traffic has been analyzed throughout integrated system of pessenger trasportations, park & ride system and reduction of negative environmenatl imapct. The masterā€™s thesis also analyzes the role of sustainable mobility in case of Rijeka city which have been awarded in 2016 with title of European Capital of Culture 2020 which leads to conclusion that European capital of Culture 2020 award induced many positive changes in urban traffic of town Rijeka. Recent study leads to crucial conclusions about the sustainable mobility role in urban traffic

    Disclosure of malignant diagnoses, occupational burnout and coping among clinical cytologists

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    Priopćavanje loÅ”ih vijesti je stresor s kojim se liječnici susreću i aktualna je tema u svjetlu prelaska iz biomedicinskog u biopsihosocijalni pristup bolesti. Cilj ovog istraživanja je proučiti obilježja priopćavanja malignih dijagnoza u kliničkih citologa Hrvatske te ispitati odnos priopćavanja malignih dijagnoza, profesionalnog sagorijevanja i suočavanja sa stresom. Na uzorku 83 klinička citologa (82% populacije citologa Hrvatske) primijenjena su tri upitnika: upitnik obilježja priopćavanja konstruiran za ovo istraživanje, Upitnik profesionalnog sagorijevanja (MBI) i Upitnik načina suočavanja sa stresom (WOC). Pokazalo se da 50% sudionika najčeŔće osobno priopćava malignu dijagnozu bolesniku. Postavljanje i priopćavanje malignih dijagnoza su procijenjene kao stresne radnje pri čemu se razina stresa ne mijenja s radnim iskustvom. Sudinici su iskazali znakove profesionalnog sagorijevanja i to najviÅ”e emocionalnu iscrpljenost. Citolozi kraćeg radnog staža su iskazali veću depersonalizaciju i smanjeno osobno postignuće. Nije bilo razlike u sagorijevanju između citologa koji najčeŔće osobno priopćavaju maligne dijagnoze i onih koji to rade rjeđe. Pokazalo se da je strategija bijeg-izbjegavanje neefikasna zbog povezanosti sa sve tri komponente profesionalnog sagorijevanja. Plansko rjeÅ”avanje problema i pozitivna ponovna procjena su se pokazali efikasnima zbog negativne povezanosti s niskim osobnim postignućem. Zaključno, nalazi impliciraju da individualno suočavanje i čestina priopćavanja malignih dijagnoza ne mogu u potpunosti objasniti razlike u profesionalnom sagorijevanju citologa te je potrebno provesti dodatna istraživanja.The disclosure of bad news is an important stressor for physicians and a relevant issue because of the transition from a biomedical to a biopsychosocial approach to disease. The aim of this study was to examine the characteristics of disclosure of malignant diagnoses among clinical cytologists in Croatia and the connection between disclosure, occupational burnout and coping. 83 cytologists (82% of all cytologists in Croatia) took part in the research and completed three questionnaires: characteristics of disclosure questionnaire constructed for this research, Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WOC). Half of cytologists personally disclose malignant diagnoses to patients. Most cytologists find diagnosing malignancy and the disclosure of malignant diagnoses stressful. This stress does not change with work experience. Participants show signs of burnout and most of them are emotionally exhausted. Younger cytologists show more signs of depersonalisation and low personal accomplishment. We found no differences in burnout between cytologists that frequently disclose malignant diagnoses and those who do it more rarely. The results showed that escape-avoidance was a nonefficient strategy because it was correlated with all three components of burnout. We found planful problem solving and positive reappraisal to be effective because of their negative relationship with low personal accomplishment. The findings of this research suggest that coping and disclosure frequency are not sufficient in explaining the differences in burnout of cytologists indicating a need for further research