354 research outputs found

    Untersuchung der Wahrnehmung des Klimawandels im Alltag und seiner Folgen fĂŒr Konsumverhalten und VulnerabilitĂ€t in der Nordwest-Region

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    Im Rahmen einer explorativen Studie wurden in 'nordwest2050' drei Untersuchungsgruppen nach ihrer Wahrnehmung von Klimawandel und Preisentwicklungen befragt und die Folgen insbesondere fĂŒr das Konsumverhalten untersucht. Die empirischen Ergebnisse geben Aufschluss ĂŒber die Sicht von KonsumentInnen auf Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung, die Bewertung klimawandelbezogener Chancen und Risiken fĂŒr die Region sowie die EinschĂ€tzung einzelner klimawandelbezogener Innovationen in den Konsumbereichen Energie, ErnĂ€hrung und MobilitĂ€t

    The Tensile Behaviour of Highly Filled High-Density Polyethylene Quaternary Composites: Weld-Line Effects, DIC Curiosities and Shifted Deformation Mechanisms

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    The interactive effects between additives and weld lines, which are frequent injection-moulding defects, were studied in high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and compared to weld-line-free reference samples. These materials were formulated around a D- and I-optimal experimental design, based on a quadratic Scheffé polynomial model, with up to 60 wt% calcium carbonate, masterbatched carbon black and a stabiliser package. Where reasonable and appropriate, the behaviours of the systems were modelled using statistical techniques, for a better understanding of the underlying trends. The characterisations were performed through the use of conventional tensile testing, digital image correlation (DIC) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A range of complex interactive effects were found during conventional tensile testing, with DIC used to better understand and explain these effects. SEM is used to better understand the failure mechanics of some of these systems through fractography, particularly regarding particle effects. A measure is introduced to quantify the deviation of the pre-yield deformation curve from the ideal elastic case. Novel analysis of DIC results is proposed, through the use of combined time-series plots and measures quantifying the extent and localisation of peak deformation. Through this, it could be found that strong shifts in the deformation mechanisms occur as a function of formulation and the presence/absence of weld lines. Primarily, changes are noted in the onset of continuous inter- and intralamellar slip and cavitation/fibrillation, seen through the onset of localised deformation and stress-whitening

    Functional relevance of naturally occurring mutations in adhesion G protein-coupled receptor ADGRD1 (GPR133)

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    Background: A large number of human inherited and acquired diseases and phenotypes are caused by mutations in G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have shown that variations in the ADGRD1 (GPR133) locus are linked with differences in metabolism, human height and heart frequency. ADGRD1 is a Gs protein-coupled receptor belonging to the class of adhesion GPCRs. Results: Analysis of more than 1000 sequenced human genomes revealed approximately 9000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the human ADGRD1 as listed in public data bases. Approximately 2.4 % of these SNPs are located in exons resulting in 129 non-synonymous SNPs (nsSNPs) at 119 positions of ADGRD1. However, the functional relevance of those variants is unknown. In-depth characterization of these amino acid changes revealed several nsSNPs (A448D, Q600stop, C632fs [frame shift], A761E, N795K) causing full or partial loss of receptor function, while one nsSNP (F383S) significantly increased basal activity of ADGRD1. Conclusion: Our results show that a broad spectrum of functionally relevant ADGRD1 variants is present in the human population which may cause clinically relevant phenotypes, while being compatible with life when heterozygous

    Was berufliche und akademische Bildung trennt und verbindet. Editorial

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    Mit der Bologna-Reform sind den Hochschulen in Deutschland und Europa explizit Aufgaben fĂŒr das BeschĂ€ftigungssystem zugewiesen worden. FĂŒr die „Employability“ der Studienabsolventinnen und -absolventen soll im Rahmen der Hochschulausbildung gesorgt werden (Bologna Declaration 1999). Schon lange vor Bologna, ja schon an der Humboldt’schen UniversitĂ€t, hat es einen Bezug zum BeschĂ€ftigungssystem gegeben, allerdings im Wesentlichen fĂŒr einzelne Segmente unter staatlicher und kirchlicher Hoheit, bei der Rekrutierung von Juristen, Ärzten, Pfarrern, Lehrern u. Ă€. (Tremp 2015). Seit dem zweiten Weltkrieg ist diese Beziehung zwischen Hochschulbildung und BeschĂ€ftigungssystem ausgeweitet und ausdifferenziert worden, u. a. bei der Bildung und Rekrutierung von Eliten in Technik und Wirtschaft. Die Öffnung der deutschen Hochschulen fĂŒr beruflich Qualifizierte seit 2009 (KMK 2009) hat die Verbindung zwischen Hochschulsystem und dem beruflich ausgerichteten BeschĂ€ftigungssystem noch einmal verstĂ€rkt. FĂŒr die Studierenden ist es ohnehin keine Frage, dass das Studium Zugang zu einem Erwerbsberuf ermöglichen soll (Ramm et al. 2014) – fĂŒr wenige innerhalb der Hochschulen („Wissenschaft als Beruf“), fĂŒr die meisten außerhalb des Hochschulsystems. Und rein quantitativ wird dieser akademische Zugangsweg zu einem Erwerbsberuf mittlerweile von der Mehrzahl eines Altersjahrgangs junger Menschen beschritten, auch in Deutschland (Statistisches Bundesamt o. J.), wo nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg traditionell etwa zwei Drittel eines Altersjahrgangs das Berufsbildungssystem unterhalb der akademischen Schwelle besuchten

    A phytolith supported biosphere-hydrosphere predictive model for Southern Ethiopia:Insights into paleoenvironmental changes and human landscape preferences since the last glacial maximum

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    During the past 25 ka, southern Ethiopia has undergone tremendous climatic changes, from dry and relatively cold during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 25–18 ka) to the African Humid Period (AHP, 15–5 ka), and back to present-day dry conditions. As a contribution to better understand the effects of climate change on vegetation and lakes, we here present a new Predictive Vegetation Model that is linked with a Lake Balance Model and available vegetation-proxy records from southern Ethiopia including a new phytolith record from the Chew Bahir basin. We constructed a detailed paleo-landcover map of southern Ethiopia during the LGM, AHP (with and without influence of the Congo Air Boundary) and the modern-day potential natural landcover. Compared to today, we observe a 15–20% reduction in moisture availability during the LGM with widespread open landscapes and only few remaining forest refugia. We identify 25–40% increased moisture availability during the AHP with prevailing forests in the mid-altitudes and indications that modern anthropogenic landcover change has affected the water balance. In comparison with existing archaeological records, we find that human occupations tend to correspond with open landscapes during the late Pleistocene and Holocene in southern Ethiopia

    Expanding the Clinical and Genetic Spectrum of KRT1, KRT2 and KRT10 Mutations in Keratinopathic Ichthyosis

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    Twenty-six families with keratinopathic ichthyoses (epidermolytic ichthyosis, superficial epidermolytic ichthyosis or congenital reticular ichthyosiform erythroderma) were studied. Epidermolytic ichthyosis is caused by mutations in the genes KRT1 or KRT10, mutations in the gene KRT2 lead to superficial epidermolytic ichthyosis, and congenital reticular ichthyosiform erythroderma is caused by frameshift mutations in the genes KRT10 or KRT1, which lead to the phenomenon of revertant mosaicism. In this study mutations were found in KRT1, KRT2 and KRT10, including 7 mutations that are novel pathogenic variants. Novel clinical features found in patients with congenital reticular ichthyosiform erythroderma are described, such as mental retardation, spasticity, facial dysmorphisms, symblepharon and malposition of the 4th toe

    Growth factor-mediated augmentation of long bones: evaluation of a BMP-7 loaded thermoresponsive hydrogel in a murine femoral intramedullary injection model

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    Background Due to our aging population, an increase in proximal femur fractures can be expected, which is associated with impaired activities of daily living and a high risk of mortality. These patients are also at a high risk to suffer a secondary osteoporosis-related fracture on the contralateral hip. In this context, growth factors could open the field for regenerative approaches, as it is known that, i.e., the growth factor BMP-7 (bone morphogenetic protein 7) is a potent stimulator of osteogenesis. Local prophylactic augmentation of the proximal femur with a BMP-7 loaded thermoresponsive hydrogel during index surgery of an osteoporotic fracture could be suitable to reduce the risk of further osteoporosis-associated secondary fractures. The present study therefore aims to test the hypothesis if a BMP-7 augmented hydrogel is an applicable carrier for the augmentation of non-fractured proximal femurs. Furthermore, it needs to be shown that the minimally invasive injection of a hydrogel into the mouse femur is technically feasible. Methods In this study, male C57BL/6 mice (n = 36) received a unilateral femoral intramedullary injection of either 100 Όl saline, 100 Όl 1,4 Butan-Diisocyanat (BDI)-hydrogel, or 100 Όl hydrogel loaded with 1 Όg of bone morphogenetic protein 7. Mice were sacrificed 4 and 12 weeks later. The femora were submitted to high-resolution X-ray tomography and subsequent histological examination. Results Analysis of normalized CtBMD (Cortical bone mineral density) as obtained by X-ray micro-computed tomography analysis revealed significant differences depending on the duration of treatment (4 vs 12 weeks; p < 0.05). Furthermore, within different anatomically defined regions of interest, significant associations between normalized TbN (trabecular number) and BV/TV (percent bone volume) were noted. Histology indicated no signs of inflammation and no signs of necrosis and there were no cartilage damages, no new bone formations, or new cartilage tissues, while BMP-7 was readily detectable in all of the samples. Conclusions In conclusion, the murine femoral intramedullary injection model appears to be feasible and worth to be used in subsequent studies that are directed to examine the therapeutic potential of BMP-7 loaded BDI-hydrogel. Although we were unable to detect any significant osseous effects arising from the mode or duration of treatment in the present trial, the effect of different concentrations and duration of treatment in an osteoporotic model appears of interest for further experiments to reach translation into clinic and open new strategies of growth factor-mediated augmentation
