68 research outputs found

    Politische Partizipation im Medienwandel

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    Die Einführung gibt dem Tagungsband 'Politische Partizipation im Medienwandel' einen Rahmen. Zunächst werden politik- und kommunikationswissenschaftliche Vorstellungen des Begriffs politischer Partizipation zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt, da die Beiträge teilweise ein unterschiedliches Begriffsverständnis zugrundelegen. Anschließend werden relevante Entwicklungen des Medienwandels skizziert, wobei das Internet und seine integrierten Kommunikationsplattformen im Mittelpunkt stehen. Aufbauend auf diesem Rahmen wird abschließend versucht, die einzelnen Beiträge des Tagungsbandes in thematischen Schwerpunkten und in den größeren Gesamtzusammenhang einzuordnen

    Articulações da luta político-pedagógico-comunicativa do MST com o trabalhador urbano e a cidade na construção da hegemonia popular

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    Marcha dialética do MST: formação e comunicação política entre campo e cidade é o título da obra de Pablo Nabarrete Bastos, que discute a articulação política desenvolvida nos últimos anos entre o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) e os/as trabalhadores/as urbanos/as na luta pela hegemonia popular da classe trabalhadora brasileira, com ênfase no período histórico de formação do MST, a partir da sua gênese no início dos anos 1980 até o seu 6º Congresso Nacional, em 2014. A partir da proposta da resenha em estudar as relações entre comunicação e educação, propomos uma leitura da obra com a intenção de perceber alguns aspectos político-pedagógico-comunicativos, que perpassam a articulação do MST no processo de luta política pela hegemonia popular entre os trabalhadores do campo e da cidade na obra.Dialectical march of the MST: formation and political communication between countryside and city is the title of the work of Pablo Nabarrete Bastos, which discusses the political articulation developed in recent years between the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) and the workers urban workers in the struggle for the popular hegemony of the Brazilian working class, with emphasis on the historical period of formation of the MST, from its genesis in the early 1980s until its 6th National Congress, in 2014. To study the relationship between communication and education, we propose a reading of the work with the intention of perceiving some political-pedagogical-communicative aspects, which permeate the articulation of the MST in the process of political struggle for popular hegemony among rural and urban workers in the work

    Effects of news factors on users’ news attention and selective exposure on a news aggregator website

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    Do journalistic relevance criteria still matter in digital news environments where news is selected and aggregated by algorithms? This article investigates how news factors (e.g., conflict, power elite) influence users’ news attention and selective exposure on the news aggregator website Google News. Alongside direct effects, the study also examines indirect effects of news factors on users’ news selection processes via media cues of news items on the news aggregator website (e.g., picture, position, and recency). The study relies on the news value theory and analyzes observations of users’ news attention and selective exposure on Google News via eye tracking (N = 47 participants, N = 751 news items). We conducted a content analysis on all news items on Google News that users paid attention to. The results show that news factors do not have direct effects on news attention and selective exposure, but rather indirect effects mediated via media cues of news items. Consequently, the traditional idea of newsworthiness based on professional journalistic norms continues to play a role on a news aggregator where news is selected by algorithms

    Nachrichtenfaktoren und Themen in Nutzerrankings

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    Noch nie wussten Journalisten so viel über die Nachrichtenauswahl des Publikums wie heute. Unterschiedliche Webmetriken sind die Grundlage für eine neue Transparenz des Mediennutzungsverhaltens. Gleichzeitig sind viele Redaktionen durch die schwierige wirtschaftliche Lage einiger Medien dazu gezwungen, die Auswahlkriterien des Publikums bei den eigenen Selektionsentscheidungen zu berücksichtigen. Dadurch verändert sich das Verhältnis zwischen Journalismus und Publikum. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Entwicklung will der Aufsatz einen Beitrag zur Debatte um eine möglicherweise zunehmende Publikumsorientierung im Journalismus leisten. Es wurde eine Inhaltsanalyse verschiedener journalistischer Medienformate und Nutzerrankings im Internet durchgeführt. Konkret geht es um einen Vergleich von Nachrichtenwerten und Themen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Nachrichtenwerte zwischen der journalistischen Nachrichtenselektion und der des Publikums im Internet ähneln. Journalismus und Internetpublikum unterscheiden sich allerdings bei der Themenauswahl. Die Befunde geben Hinweise auf eine unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägte Publikumsnähe verschiedener Medienformate und unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit weiterer Forschung in diesem Bereich. Dafür werden im Beitrag die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Nutzerrankings für die Analyse der Nachrichtenselektion des Publikums diskutiert

    Politisch integriert?

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    Occurrence, Phenotypic and Molecular Characteristics of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli in Healthy Turkeys in Northern Egypt

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    Poultry is one of the most important reservoirs for zoonotic multidrug-resistant pathogens. The indiscriminate use of antimicrobials in poultry production is a leading factor for development and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance. This study aimed to describe the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of E. coli isolated from healthy turkey flocks of different ages in Nile delta region, Egypt. In the current investigation, 250 cloacal swabs were collected from 12 turkey farms in five governorates in the northern Egypt. Collected samples were cultivated on BrillianceTM ESBL agar media supplemented with cefotaxime (100 mg/L). The E. coli isolates were identified using MALDI-TOF-MS and confirmed by a conventional PCR assay targeting 16S rRNA-DNA. The phenotypic antibiogram against 14 antimicrobial agents was determined using the broth micro-dilution method. DNA-microarray-based assay was applied for genotyping and determination of both, virulence and resistance-associated gene markers. Multiplex real-time PCR was additionally applied for all isolates for detection of the actual most relevant Carbapenemase genes. The phenotypic identification of colistin resistance was carried out using E-test. A total of 26 E. coli isolates were recovered from the cloacal samples. All isolates were defined as multidrug-resistant. Interestingly, two different E. coli strains were isolated from one sample. Both strains had different phenotypic and genotypic profiles. All isolates were phenotypically susceptible to imipenem, while resistant to penicillin, rifampicin, streptomycin, and erythromycin. None of the examined carbapenem resistance genes was detected among isolates. At least one beta-lactamase gene was identified in most of isolates, where blaTEM was the most commonly identified determinant (80.8%), in addition to blaCTX-M9 (23.1%), blaSHV (19.2%) and blaOXA-10 (15.4%). Genes associated with chloramphenicol resistance were floR (65.4%) and cmlA1 (46.2%). Tetracycline- and quinolone-resistance-associated genes tetA and qnrS were detected in (57.7%) and (50.0%) of isolates, respectively. The aminoglycoside resistance associated genes aadA1 (65.4%), aadA2 (53.8%), aphA (50.0%), strA (69.2%), and strB (65.4%), were detected among isolates. Macrolide resistance associated genes mph and mrx were also detected in (53.8%) and (34.6%). Moreover, colistin resistance associated gene mcr-9 was identified in one isolate (3.8%). The class 1 integron integrase intI1 (84.6%), transposase for the transposon tnpISEcp1 (34.6%) and OqxB -integral membrane and component of RND-type multidrug efflux pump oqxB (7.7%) were identified among the isolates. The existing high incidence of ESBL/colistin-producing E. coli identified in healthy turkeys is a major concern that demands prompt control; otherwise, such strains and their resistance determinants could be transmitted to other bacteria and, eventually, to people via the food chain
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