13 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Along with the increasing number of internet users in Indonesia, the trend is also about using social networking sites and websites. This phenomena encourages the marketing division of PT. Sophie Paris Indonesia to create account social networking sites, so that the company could give more than just a Multi Level Marketing value-based company. With the independent variables that consist of Membership (X1), Member’s Perception of MLM (X2), Tools (X3), Publicity and Public Relation (X4) and Sales as the dependent variable (Y). This study aimed to determine the effect of the use of Multi Level Marketing systems and social networking sites and websites to the increasing level of sales. Using descriptive research for its method, and literature study and field study for collecting data.The samples used were 45 people with accidental sampling method. Based on the analysis, this study qualified for validity test, reliability test, passed to univariate and bivariate analysis and also chi-square test. Obtained from the bivariate analysis, these factors has a significant relationship with the level of sales; Member’s gender, Member’s perception of the ability in communicating with consumers, Member’s perception of the product sales with Multi Level Marketing system, Member’s position in MLM ladder, Number of downlines, Membership duration, because those factors have P value below the alpha limit of 0.05. While the factors that do not affect on the increasing sales result are; Member’s age, Occupation besides a member of Sophie Paris, Member’s perception of the upline, Ownership status on social networking site account, The use of social networking site account for searching the products, Product findings on social networking site, Sophie Paris website awareness, The visits to Sophie Paris website, Product findings on website, because those factors have P value above the alpha limit of 0.05. The approaches of PT. Sophie Paris Indonesia which include the MLM system and the use of website and social networking sites to increase its capability in generating money are already good. But it would be better if the company more focus on maximizing the deployment of MLM system and utilize more about its website and social networking sites for the sake of marketing approach to increase the level of sales in the future. Keyword: Multi Level Marketing, Social Networking Site, Website, Social Media, Sales

    Peran Norma Pribadi dan Awarness of Consequnces Terhadap Proenviromental Behaviour Dalam Pengelolaan Bisnis Yang Dimoderasi Oleh Status Sosial Ekonomi

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    In 2018 Jakarta produces 1,900 - 2,400 tons of plastic waste / day, the entire area produced by Jakarta is around 7000 tons of waste / day. In 2016 the big problem faced by all major cities in the world was an increase in the volume of waste. In Jakarta, the data submitted by the Head of the DKI Jakarta Sanitation Service shows that DKI Jakarta is a city with a garbage volume of 6,500 - 7,000 tons per day. In overcoming floods the Government and Penprov of DKI Jakarta have made efforts to build dams, and normalize rivers. Therefore the importance of having personal values and awareness of consequences to reduce environmental problems. The purpose of this study is to see the role of personal norms and awareness of consequences on proenvironment in managing a business that is moderated by social status. The sample used was 100 people in Jakarta who have businesses aged 20-65 years. The researcher used General Ecological Behavior (GEB) to measure pro-environment behavior, the Personal Norms Scale to measure personal norms and awareness of conscience dimensions. To test the hypothesis using multiple regression. Based on the results of the analysis conducted by researchers that personal norms play a significant role in pro-environment behavior. Personal norms are a feeling of moral obligation in acting that causes pro-environmental behavior to arise. That is, the higher the personal norm possessed by the individual, the higher the pro-environment behavior shown by the individual. Personal norms also play a significant role in economic status and Awareness of Consequences have a significant role in socio-economic status


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    The issue of sexual violence against women is an issue that can be found in various countries, both in developed and developing countries. As one of the developed countries, South Korea also has many issues regarding sexual violence against women in its country. This happens as a result of the patriarchal culture and Confucianism inherent in South Korean society itself. This causes the existence of a superior that is owned by men to control and dominate women. This is certainly an impetus for men to commit violence and sexual harassment against women because women are placed as objects of male sexuality. In fact, as fellow human beings, men and women should be able to have the same rights and be at the same level without dominating or making one of them a mere sexual object. Therefore, in response to this, a lot of feminist movements have sprung up in South Korea, one of which is the Me Too movement which seeks to empower women and fight against patriarchal culture to get equal rights with men through campaigns both at home and abroad. social media or directlyIsu mengenai kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan merupakan sebuah isu yang dapat ditemukan diberbagai negara, baik di negara maju maupun berkembang. Sebagai salah satu negara maju, Korea Selatan juga memiliki banyak sekali isu mengenai kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan di negaranya. Hal tersebut terjadi akibat dari adanya budaya patriarki dan konfusianisme yang melekat dalam masyarakat Korea Selatan itu sendiri. Sehingga menyebabkan adanya superrior yang dimiliki laki-laki untuk mengendalikan dan mendominasi perempuan. Hal tersebut tentulah menjadi pendorong bagi kaum laki-laki untuk melakukan kekerasan dan pelecehan seksual terhadap perempuan karena perempuan ditempatkan sebagai objek seksualitas laki-laki. Padahal, sebagai sesama seorang manusia, seharusnya antara kaum laki-laki maupun perempuan dapat memiliki hak yang sama dan berada pada tingkat yang setara tanpa mendominasi atau menjadikan salah satunya sebagai objek seksual semata. Maka dari itu, dalam menanggapi hal tersebut, banyak sekali gerakan-gerakan feminis yang bermunculan di Korea Selatan, salah satunya adalah gerakan Me Too yang berupaya untuk memberdayakan perempuan dan  dan melawan budaya patriarki untuk mendapatkan hak yang sama dengan laki-laki melalui kampanye baik di media sosial maupun secara langsung. &nbsp

    Social Media Use Education of Digital Marketing for Disabled Women Community

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    The research background stems from the extensive opportunities provided by the internet, serving diverse interests within the community. The integration of new media in business has yielded significant results, bolstering the development of businesses within the community. This inclusivity extends to individuals with disabilities, particularly women, who possess the right to harness new media for creative self-development and empowerment. The research aims to: 1) comprehend how creative women with disabilities in Bandung perceive online marketing communication principles, 2) assess the ability of disabled women in Bandung to grasp online marketing communication applications, and 3) enhance the skills of disabled women in crafting creative messages for online marketing. The study employs a descriptive method with total sampling drawn from participants of social media marketing training. Data collection utilizes questionnaires, interviews, and references. The significance of entrepreneurship development training utilizing marketing communication applications for disabled women in Bandung is evident. The conclusion of this study indicate that the majority of learners comprehend the training content, albeit hindered by diverse disabilities such as blindness, deafness, and physical limitations. Consequently, a specialized approach is necessary to address these disparities. Furthermore, participants are equipped with supporting applications for content packaging and dissemination. This empowers them to navigate different digital media platforms adeptly. Communication prowess, attractive content, and design are paramount for conveying persuasive messages effectively. Participants’ reported improved communication skills as a result of the training. However, those facing physical constraints encountered difficulties and required tailored training to accommodate their limitations. In summary, the research underscores the potential of online marketing communication education for women with disabilities. This empowers them to engage in entrepreneurial endeavors, fostering personal growth and community development. Keywords: education, online marketing communication, women with disabilities

    Obesity of Information Covid-19 Children Vaccine and Parents Digital Literacy Ability

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    This study aims to obtain data related to the “tabbayun” attitude of parents in understanding digital literacy in accessing information through social media, especially information on Covid-19 vaccinations for children aged between 06 and 11 years. The purposeless information in our brains can make us lose focus and ultimately make us unable to believe anything. Therefore, it is important to know how tabbayun parents are able to access information, especially the Covid-19 vaccination. Reasoned action theory with quantitative research methods and descriptive approaches chosen for this research, with data collection techniques were carried out through questionnaires, interviews, and supported by documentation, observation, and surveys. This research is expected to be a reference for parents in understanding digital literacy so that they are not trapped in with loads of information, as well as policymakers in conducting socialization and information related to health in the community, especially related to children’s health. To gain an understanding of how parents filter the rapid flow of information so that they are not trapped by inaccurate or even misleading information regarding the Covid-19 vaccination. The results of this study indicate that parents already understand well and are able to filter the information they get. But often, others, including spouses have different understanding patterns, causing debate. And parents also convey vaccination information to children in a language that is easy for children to understand, especially regarding information on Covid-19 vaccination. Impractical information to this literacy ability will be effected to the children vaccination permission and causes parents misunderstanding about the information. Keywords: digital literacy, obesity information, family communication, online media, Covid-19 vaccinatio

    Digital Information Media of the Salman ITB Halal Center in improving Marketing Performance of Halal Lecture Program

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    The community can make wise use of the existing communication media as well as the growing communication media. The era of connectivity brought many changes to the communication media which is currently known as digital media. Digital media provides many opportunities and advantages for finding and sharing information. The purpose of this research is to look at the digital communication media used in the Halal Lecture program and to see the digital marketing communication process carried out by the Halal Salman ITB center regarding the Halal Lecture program. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. As for the results of this research, the digital information media Instagram is used by the Salman Halal Center ITB to inform and market the Halal Lecture program by paying attention to the elements of the message's purpose. Information and persuasion is conveyed through an e-flyer posted on the official Instagram @salmanitb. Not only that, the public also participates in digital marketing through Whatsapp broadcast messages, personal Instagram stories and Whatsapp stories. Ease of access and reach of digital media are benefits that can be obtained by users, therefore digital media can be applied in various fields of activity ranging from education, campaigns, entertainment, to marketing

    Uji Fisik Sediaan Gel Ekstrak Tongkol Jagung (Zay Mays L)

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    Abstract Background : Corn cobs have the potential to protect the skin, so far the research has only been limited to testing the extracts and has not been formed in a cosmetic preparation. Gel is a cosmetic preparation that is ideal for sunscreens because it is less oily, not sticky, soft, elegant, can form a layer of film that adheres well and protects the skin, and evaporation of water content creates a soothing and pleasant effect. Method: The method is used to determine the physical appearance of the gel with organoleptic parameters, homogeneity, dispersion and absorbency. Result: The purpose of this study was to determine the results of the physical test of sunscreen gel preparations from corn cobs extract (Zea mays L). Conclusion: The physical test results from the sunscreen gel extract of corn cobs extract (Zay Mays L.) had the results of organoleptic test, homogeneity test, spreadability test and adherence to the standard

    Strategi Guru dalam membangun komunikasi dengan Orang Tua Siswa di Sekolah

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    Membangun kegiatan belajar mengajar yang efektif di sekolah memerlukan peran guru, anak dan juga orang tua. Komunikasi yang efektif dapat menjamin berlangsungnya interaksi antara guru, siswa, dan orang tua secara optimal. Penelitian ini memilih Sekolah Dasar Tunas Unggul sebagai kasus penelitian. Sekolah ini memiliki konsep yang kreatif dan inovatif dengan memandang pentingnya keterlibatan orangtua dalam pendidikan di sekolah, dengan cara yang unik sekolah mengembangkan metode yang diberi nama My Conference dimana dengan metode tersebut keterlibatan orang tua secara aktif dalam pendidikan disekolah dapat terbangun dengan baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode studi kasus yang pengamatannya terpusat pada komunikasi yang dilakukan guru untuk membangun keterlibatan orang tua dalam proses pendidikan di sekolah. Merumuskan pola komunikasi yang dilakukan guru dalam membangun keterlibatan orang tua menjadi tujuan dari penelitian ini. Dimulai dengan memetakan bagaimana guru menerjemahkan kurikulum untuk anak, kemudian mengembangkan strategi komunikasi dalam membangun keterlibatan orangtua. Guru menerjemahkan kurikulum dengan berbagai cara yang menarik. Kemampuan memahami materi, berdiskusi, menjawab pertanyaan sampai pada mengelola berbagai kegiatan pembelajaran. Kemampuan menciptakan berbagai program yang mensyaratkan keterlibatan orang tua dalam berbagai kegiatan anak di sekolah menjadi wadah komunikasi yang menarik. Pola komunikasi guru dalam membangun keterlibatan orang tua di sekolah terbentuk karena ketertarikan orang tua terhadap berbagai program belajar dan kehadiran disekolah dengan semangat karena memang menarik, merasa nyaman dan adanya kebutuhan untuk mengikuti dan mendorong program belajar anak

    Pengembangam Softskill Social Media Marketing Bagi Komunitas Wanita Disabilitas (HWDI Provinsi Jawa Barat)

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    This community service has a goal, namely to foster motivation from participants to develop entrepreneurial insight and to have expertise and confidence in the use of social media as a marketing process for business products. The methods for implementing this service are lectures, discussions/questions, answers, practice/simulations, and games. The results of this service are that the participants understand the concept of entrepreneurship much better with the motivation given, participants are able to identify the difference between conventional and digital marketing, and participants know and are able to apply the concept of social media marketing in their business products. The conclusion of this service is that the participants have the enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit for women with disabilities, especially in the city of Bandung to continue to work and develop their skills, grow to understand and develop digital marketing communication strategies and grow the ability to pack persuasive messages through ideal communication skills. This is based on the current conditions where there are more and more businesses, so it requires the readiness of entrepreneurs to package messages ideally and quickly. This step can be done by using social media as a marketing tool or what is known as social media marketing.Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan ini memiliki tujuan, yaitu menumbuhkan motivasi dari peserta untuk mengembangkan wawasan wirausaha dan untuk memiliki keahlian serta keyakinan dalam penggunaan media sosial sebagai proses pemasaran produk usaha yang dijalani. Adapun metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini, yaitu ceramah, diskusi/tanya jawab, praktek/simulasi, dan permainan. Adapun hasil dari pengabdian ini, yaitu para peserta jauh lebih memahami konsep wirausaha dengan adanya motivasi yang diberikan, peserta mampu mengindetifikasikan perbedaan antara pemasaran konvensional dan digital, peserta mengetahui dan mampu menerapkan konsep social media marketing dalam produk usahanya. Simpulan dari pengabdian ini para peserta memiliki semangat dan jiwa kewirausahaan bagi para wanita disabilitas khususnya di kota Bandung untuk terus berkarya dan mengembangkan keahliannya, menumbuhkan pemahaman dan mengembangkan strategi komunikasi pemasaran digital, dan menumbuhkan kemampuan dalam mengkemas pesan persuasif melalui kemampuan berkomunikasi yang ideal. Hal tersebut didasarkan pada kondisi saat ini dimana bisnis semakin banyak, sehingga membutuhkan kesiapan para pengusaha dalam mengkemas pesan secara ideal dan cepat. Langkah tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan pemanfaatan media sosial sebagai sarana pemasaran atau yang dikenal dengan pemasaran media sosial

    Pemanfaatan Bubuk Kopi Sebagai Antimikroba pada Pembuatan Sabun

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    Coffee (Coffea spp. L.) is one of the annual plants cultivated in Indonesia and is included in the strategic category. One of the areas for developing coffee plantations in East Java Province is located in Jember Regency with the greatest potential in Pace Village. Robusta coffee cultivation in Pace Village is developed to the post-harvest stage. One of the post-harvest activities for robusta coffee developed by the Women Farmers Group (KWT) is product innovation. The purpose of this research is to create an innovative dish soap product made from robusta coffee powder as an output in the service of Real Work Lectures (KKN) in 2022. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. Based on the results of the study, the presence of dish soap is the result of an agro-industrial product with a brown color and a slightly thick texture. The coffee product agroindustry is expected to improve the economy of the Pace Village community and increase the Pace community's ability to process coffee products so that they do not depend on coffee middlemen. &nbsp