55 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Subacute Toxicity of Flavonoid from Phaleria Macrocarpa Fruit Extract in Mice

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    Background: Traditional medicine and supplements including Phaleria macrocarpa or Mahkota Dewa are extensively utilised. Rape fruit of phaleria macrocarpa contains flavonoid as a secondary metabolite that has a beneficial effect on endometriosis treatment and other illnesses. The purpose of this study was to look into the subacute toxicity of flavonoid from phaleria macrocarpa fruit extract on the brain and heart of BALB/c female mice. Method: The BALB/c female mice aged 6-8 weeks with a body weight of 20-30gr were divided into four groups and treated for 28 days. The control group received simply water, whereas the treatment group received flavonoid at doses of 500mg/kg/day, 1000mg/kg/day, and 2000mg/kg/day. At the end of the experiment, the mice were sacrificed and important organs were extracted and assessed. The organ weight was assessed using macroscopy, and the brain and heart were assessed using microscopy (histopathological abnormalities). Result: The BALB/c female mice treated with oral administration flavonoid from phaleria macrocarpa fruit extract showed no clinical abnormalities and no change in organ weight compared to the control groups (p>0,5) in subacute toxicity experiments. There were no abnormalities in the organs of the treated mice at a dose of 500mg/kg/day, according to histopatological testing. Conclusion: As a result, flavonoid had no harmful impact in brain and heart mice after subacute therapy up to a level of 500 mg/kg/ body weight. High doses of 1000 and 2000 mg/kg/day are not recommended for long-term use


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    Hardboard dapat dibuat dari berbagai macam bahan serat berligno-selulosa. Di Indonesia dewasa ini ketersediaan bahan baku serat konvensional (khususnya kayu hutan alam tropis) untuk hardboard semakin terbatas dan langka, sedangkan produksi domestik hardboard belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan yang ada. Bahan baku serat alternatif  yang potensinya berlimpah dan belum banyak dimanfaatkan perlu diperkenalkan, diantaranya bambu. Penelitian pemanfaatan bambu sebagai bahan baku pembuatan hardboard telah dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan dua jenis bambu yaitu bambu tali (Gigantochloa apus) dan bambu ampel (Bambusa vulgaris). Masing-masing jenis bambu diolah menjadi pulp dengan proses semi-kimia soda panas terbuka.  Hardboard dibuat dengan 5 proporsi campuran pulp bambu tali + bambu ampel yaitu 100%+0%, 75%+25%, 50%+50%, 25%+75%, dan 0%+100%. Tiap proporsi ditambahkan perekat tanin-esorsinol-formaldehida (TRF) sebesar 0%, 6% and 8% dari berat kering pulp. Lembaran hardboard dibentuk dengan cara basah lalu diuji sifat fisis dan mekanisnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan TRF hingga 8% meningkatkan sifat fisis dan mekanis hardboard. Hardboard dari serat pulp bambu ampel 100% memiliki kualitas tertinggi karena sifatnya banyak memenuhi persyaratan JIS dan ISO untuk kerapatan, modulus elastisitas lentur (MOE), modulus patah (MOR) dan keteguhan rekat internal (IB). Sementara itu, hardboard dari serat bambu tali 100% memiliki kualitas terendah. Performa hardboard dari campuran pulp bambu tali + bambu ampel pada proporsi 50%+50% dan 25%+75% memiliki tingkatan kualitas pada urutan kedua dan ketiga. Papan serat bambu tali yang berkualitas rendah diharapkan dapat diperbaiki melalui penambahan perekat TRF

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    Device ecology: a micro digital ecosystem

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    Security Aspects of Software Agents in Pervasive Information Systems

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    This paper discusses vulnerabilities of mobile agent based information systems and calls for an increased level of security awareness, which can be achieved by employing self-reliant security features. The paper describes an IS realised as a multi-agent architecture. For a secure channel to exist within the IS, the use of indicator digests reduces the risk of exposing sensitive information to malicious objects. These solutions add to the underlying layer of security offered by the execution environment and work as plug-ins. This enables them to seamlessly integrate with the system they are protecting and to be transparent to the application user

    Securing m>Business scenarios using the buddy model of security for agent communities

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    The paper describes m-commerce application scenarios implemented using mobile agents. It describes the applicability of agents in these pervasive scenarios and lists the advantages of an agent based business model as compared to other architectures. Further, the paper examines the security vulnerabilities that arise within the dynamic scenarios generated by the business model. To counter these vulnerabilities, the Buddy model of security for agent communities is proposed and its implementation and suitability for the business models discussed.Upprättat; 2004; 20080215 (ysko

    Evaluating security in software agent systems using a security analysis tool

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    This paper exposes different security threats posed to information in software agent systems. It describes various scenarios in which security can be compromised and highlights the requirements of a standard security-testing environment. This environment is generated using a Security Analysis Tool (SAT) proposed and described in this paper. The tool also fills in the requirement of a much-needed benchmarking function for the security implementations of different mobile agent systems.Upprättat; 2003; 20080222 (ysko